The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 308: Gudao Duel·Will tries his sword to help

When Will arrived, Robb Stark, Ed Stark, and Duke Horst Tully all came out to greet him in the army's big tent. The lords under their banners were quite disapproving, but they had to come out after guarding them.

Will was welcomed into the Central Military Tent, except for Heiya and Abel, the rest were blocked by the captain of the guard Jory Kelso, including the giant Tyron Ashes.

In the last battle between the armies, it was precisely because of the emergence of the Ash Tribe led by Tyron Ashes that later, it blocked the morale of the West Army.

The West Territory Army is like a stream of red iron hitting a black ashes tribal army, as if the torrent hits a rock. No matter how dangerous the torrent is, the rock will be exposed again when the water wave goes. Do not move.

With this small unshakable legion blocking the red iron current, the indestructible red iron current was diverted forcibly, forming two currents, passing by the hard rock like a reef, the surging water was suddenly weakened. For the most part.

Ed Stark immediately seized the opportunity to organize a counterattack with troops. After the remnants were cleaned up, the West Territory Army had already triumphed and retreated. Under the protection of layers of heavy armored cavalry, Tyron Ash’s five hundred ashes warriors Nor could it shake the iron armored heavy knight in the West.

Only in this battle, the Ash Legion of the Great Wall of Immortal Great Wall became famous for its combat effectiveness. No legion dared to underestimate the tribal combat effectiveness of the Wolfwood Mountain Range. The Ash Warriors grew up in harsh environments. They were very crude and backward in literacy, singing, and etiquette. They were despised by the noble knights, but when it came to desperately killing people, they were the strongest in combat.

Tyron Ashes' bravery is unmatched, and he has made merits in the battle where the Allied forces were defeated by the West Army. However, he was still blocked by Jory Kelso and was not entitled to attend the meeting.


"Master Ed, I heard that you will fight Tywin Lannister tomorrow?" Once seated, Will was straightforward.

"Before the military meeting in Eagle's Nest, I had already written a duel to Tai Wen." Ed Stark said.

"That's because you didn't dare to fight because Taiwen Lannister was right. You used this to promote Taiwen's cowardly war, and use the morale of our army to destroy Taiwen's prestige."

"I am also ready for him to fight." Ed Stark said.

"But Tywin Lannister has been killed by the shadow of Melisandre, the red priest of Stannis I, in Lake of Tears."

"That's just a rumor."

"That's not a rumor, Lord Ed, Melisandre is from Asia in the Eastern Continent. Her **** is Lakhlo, the **** of shadow and flame."

"How can the shadow kill?" said Duke Horst.

Duke Horst received a bachelor's degree of meticulous treatment and healed in a few months. And it was Will who taught the family bachelor's new medical knowledge. Will taught a bachelor of acupuncture and new treatments.

Although Horst respected Will very much, he couldn't believe the shadow killing.

"Melissandre does have this ability. The shadowbinders of Axiadi know some magic. Ancient spells are passed down from generation to generation in Axiadi, and the mysterious priests have secrets of the sect." Will said.

"Whether it's a priest or a monk, if you cut it down, you will die in a different place," Da Jon Amberlang said.

"Whether he is Tywin or not, I will fight tomorrow." Ed Stark said.

"No, father, if he is not Tai Wen, your challenge will not be established, should not fight, and it will not damage your honor." Robb Stark said.

"I will challenge. This is my own proposal. Tomorrow's duel cannot be cancelled." Ed Stark concluded.

Will sighed in his heart!

Ed Stark is brave, but still lacks the sleekness of the hero. Judging by his expression, no one can dissuade him. ——Unless he is locked in a wooden box again.

He regards it as the honor of life, in the eyes of many others, it is not worthy of respect at all, let alone abide by it.

Duke Horst Tully said: "My lords, Tywin Lannister came back from the dead, or he was not dead. He personally led the army out, based on the height of the Golden Tooth City, condescendingly attacked our coalition forces, three places The coalition forces were unable to stop his heavy cavalry. In the case of low morale, if Master Ed refuses to fight again, the morale of our army will be hit hard."

"Since the other party is not Tai Wen, our side can also send a fake Ed Stark." Robb said. He wants to play for his father. His wind spirit swordsmanship has been practiced, assassin swordsmanship plus the previously learned swordsmanship, Robb Stark's swordsmanship has surpassed Ed Stark.

"I will play tomorrow, there is no need to discuss this issue!" Ed Stark said.

"Master Ed, if you fail tomorrow, what price will we pay?" Will said slowly.

Bronze Jon Royce said: "Return the Cersei family, and Tai Wen will return the 300 people who sneaked into the Golden Tooth City. The three-place coalition is disbanded and will no longer be an enemy of the West within a year. The default is to stand Joffrey in the West. Is king."

"Old Way Solution."

"Yes, Gudao Duel." Bronze Jon Royce said, rather disapproving.

"What if Master Ed wins?"

"The Western Territory surrendered and handed over our three hundred people. We returned Cersei's two children. Cersei was sent to prison and was publicly tried for the crimes of the former king Robert." Ed said.

"Master Ed, if the opponent is really Tai Wen, he can't beat you, so he won't accept your battle book; he suddenly dared to accept the duel, it is because the opponent has a certain victory, your personal honor will be lost Your life and the whole war." Will said.

"I borrowed his emptiness lady sword from Sir Lynn."

Ms. Silence, the famous sword of the seven countries, the Valyrian steel sword. Fighting against the black fire of the family sword of the Targaryen family, did not lose the wind.

Will pulled out the narrow sword at his waist in the dark night, stood in the big tent, and said to Ed, "Master Ed, can your swordsmanship win my dark night?" His left hand was back behind him, and his right hand was slanted. Raised diagonally, the tip of the sword tilted towards the sky.

"There is no Valyrian Steel Sword in the West," Ed said.

"Then I will change to an ordinary sword." Will handed the narrow sword to the guard Heiya Ashes. Heiya brought him an ordinary long sword, an oak shield inlaid with iron.

In the case where the sword can't resist the empty lady, you have to use a shield to defend.

But the assassin's sword in the Black and White House has never had the skill to use a shield. Without a shield, you can maintain absolute agility and extreme speed.

Will replaced his sword and shield, and Ed Stark's guards also handed it to Ms. Ed Hollow.

Ed's own ice is a two-handed giant sword, an execution sword, the sword stands taller than Robb, so it is not suitable for a duel. The blade is too wide, too heavy and too long, such a huge sword, only in the hands of Tyron Ashes can it be invincible.

Ed's first sword cut diagonally, cutting diagonally down from Will's shoulder and neck. Will spins and turns twice, making two circles with his feet, avoiding this sword.

Robb saw that Will could have stabled, and when his father raised Ms. Silent, he took the first step to stab his father's wrist, but he did not do so.

Ed pursued, slashing Will's waist with his backhand.

This backhand was quick and anxious, very sharp, everyone yelled, Will dodge too late, and raised his shield.


The shield was chopped, Will retreating, the iron sheet on the shield had been chopped apart, the sawdust was flying, and there was a deep crack.

The cheers are loud!

Without waiting for Will to stand firm, Ed's sword slashed and chopped off at Will's head.

Will dare not use the sword to block, block both hands with one hand, if the strength is not enough, the sword will be chopped off and chopped on himself. He raised his shield again-bang! The strength of the vertical split is stronger, and the shield sawdust is splashing.

As the crowd shouted, Will shield came up and smashed Ed, Ed dodged the spin and cut, Will blocked again with the shield, but this cut was a false move. The purpose was to distract Will’s shield. .

Ed slid slightly, and he got to Will's left side, avoided the shield, and slashed Will's left side with a sword. Will returned to the shield, and the sword hit the shield, leaving a deep sword mark on the shield again. Cut a few more swords and this shield will be useless. The sharpness of Ms. Silence's sword is staggering.

Robb saw that Will's speed was at least twice as slow as he should have been, and his shield limited his speed and agility.

The two were getting faster and faster. As Ed Stark swung several swords, Will suddenly returned a sword, and this sword almost cut Ed's throat.

Ed was startled in a cold sweat and cried out, and Arya's voice appeared sharp and high-pitched among everyone's voices. ——

As soon as she heard Will and her father try the sword, she quietly entered the camp, and the captain of the guard Jory was also her friend and did not stop her.

Ed backed up, Will’s shield slammed at him, and his empty lady attacked and slashed on the shield. The shield made a cracking sound. Will’s sword pierced from under the shield, from Ed’s leg. Edge passing.

This sword has to move a little bit more, centering on the aorta of Ed's leg.

Ed was shocked again in a cold sweat.

But this time, Arya also noticed that Will's sword was deliberately stabbed.

Ed backed again, Ms. Kongji pointed forward, stabilized the battle, and suddenly stepped forward, Ms. Kongji made a circle of silver light and slammed Will. Will's shield was blocked, and the sawdust was flying in a crash, and the shield was split in half.

Will threw away half of the shield and flashed quickly, and Ms. Ji Ji passed over her head, cutting off a few hairs with sword energy.

Everyone exclaimed!

Only Arya and Robb didn't say anything. They saw that Will had no shield and became more relaxed. That bow and dodge, although dangerous and dangerous, is an appropriate benefit, there is no danger!

Ding ding dong, both of them opened their swords with both hands, moving in and out of the block, the ordinary sword and Ms. Silent slashed a few times, turning them into toothless long swords.

Amidst the sparks and flames, Eddy pressed on step by step, and Ms. Silence spread out, wrapping Will like a storm. After Will’s sword blocked a few more times, he heard a loud bang. Will’s sword was cut off. Amid the cheers of the crowd, Will suddenly stabbed and hit Ed Stark’s wrist with the broken sword. Amid the loud noise, Ed retreats sharply, the wristband blocked Will's broken sword stab, Ms. Silent turned back, and the blade rested on Will's shoulder.

Will froze, and Ed's sword froze.

In this battle, Will's shield was cut to pieces, the long sword was broken, and finally was restrained by Ms. Silent, but he lost. Ed Stark used the sharpness of the sword to make up for his lack of speed. He has great strength, rich experience and superb swordsmanship.

Before the duel, Ed Stark couldn't break his spirit first, so Will lost completely.


Robb brought Jon Amber, Daisy Mormont, Ed Kastark, Torun Kastark, Robert Glover and other northern noble children into Tyronn. In the tent of ashes, Lord Will was in his army camp. He rejected Ed's proposal and did not live in the Chinese army tent with Robb and Duke Horst.

Many powerful ancient nobles were uncomfortable with the people in black on the impeccable Great Wall in Will participating in the civil war in the kingdom. Will staying in the Central Military Tent again made those nobles even more dissatisfied.

The Earl of Brightwood in the river, the Earl of Melist, the Earl of Burton in Terror Castle, the Mandalay family in Whiteport, the Roy Skobry family in the valley, etc., these ancient and Aristocrats who claim to be noble, do not agree with Will's authority.

Although Stannis I promulgated a new law that allowed the Night Watch Legion to resist the wild people outside, remove the treacherous ministers from the inside, and take on the new responsibilities of the Kingdom’s strong shield, the rule that the Night Watch Legion cannot participate in civil wars has been followed for thousands of years. In the hearts of the ancient nobles, it was deeply rooted, and it was difficult to erase it lightly with a piece of order.

Every change and historical progress will have strong resistance, and any historical trajectory in any world is the same!

Robb came in and saw the younger sister Arya and three wolves standing beside Will in the military tent.

When Gray Wind saw Robb coming in, he immediately rushed over to make him affectionate and rubbed Robb's leg.

"Aaliyah, what are you doing here, go back." Robb said.

Arya snorted: "I'm discussing big things with Will..."

"In honorifics, Arya." Robb raised his voice.

Will patted Arya on the shoulder and said, "You go out first, I know what to do!"

Arya opened the camp and strode out, and the two wolves followed her out. Namelia had a heart-to-heart connection with her, grinning, frightened several soldiers.

Tyron Ash’s military tent is as tall as the Chinese military tent. ——Because Tyron himself is a giant, his military account is naturally very tall.

Will and Robb sat down, surrounded by their confidants, and Tyron Ashes sat down, a head taller than the guards on both sides. He is a mountain.

"Master Will, my father will lose the duel tomorrow." Robb said.

"Have you seen Tywin Lannister's swordsmanship?"

"He suddenly led the defenders of the Golden Tooth City out, wearing a crimson armor with brightly colored lions painted on it, and wearing a huge cloak made of gold thread. Wherever he went, no one could beat him."

"I heard that Tai Wen never charged at the front line in battle."

"This is the strange thing," Robb said. His eyes motioned to Will, hoping to dismiss everyone.

Will raised his hand to signal, so Tyron, Heiya, Abel, Ange and Darjeel, who were in the military account together, withdrew. Robb also sent away the noble children around him. ——The children of the nobles in the north take it as the greatest honor to follow the young master to fight. Many nobles hope that the Stark family will be familiar with and appreciate their descendants.

"Master Will, the other party is a person who knows how to change shape, just like us. I have seen such a superb shape changer, only Jakun Hegar from King's Landing City. He is a close friend of the adults, why suddenly became The Lannister people?"

"He is James Lannister. When Robert was a guest in the North, his **** was known by Lord Ed and Mrs. Catelyn. Lord Ed forced him to be a night watchman, and he passed through the night. Hai, I learned shapeshifting and assassin swordsmanship in the Black and White Academy on the island of Braavos.

"Jaime?!" Robb said in surprise, "No wonder he fought so bravely, and all the knights under his command were not afraid of death."

"Jaime is a natural military commander. After he has been trained in the Black and White Academy, he will become innocent. The main thing for an assassin is not the assassination, but the design before the assassination and the escape after the assassination."

"It's no wonder that our soldiers disguised as remnants will be seen through by Lannister. The Faceless is proficient in any disguise and can see through the disguise of my uncle Edmund at a glance. His aristocratic temperament cannot be changed." Robb said.

"I have a plan to break the Golden Tooth City," Will said, "but I need your help."

"Tomorrow, I will fight with the old way. What's the trick of Lord Will?" Robb said urgently.