The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 310: Tywin fights Ed Jones Oxfordtown

????}?P?k?(v?;i?{4[}?1S?mz??/?3?9P???????ZD?7?l-1NB??? Ke keeps his eyes on Tywin Lannister.\\r

Will this person be James Lannister? \\r

If it was really James, Ed was not afraid. \\r

But what if it was James who would change shape? That's tricky. \\r

Eddy's fight against Tai Wen is just a psychological tactic to boost morale, not a real fight. \\r

What if the current Tai Wen is not Tai Wen? \\r

James who can change his appearance at will? \\r

If it is true-Ed forced James to leave Cersei and asked him to go to the Great Wall to be a night watchman, eventually forcing James to leave Westeros, but instead created James’ supernormal ability. It's cruel to be willing to accept! \\r

Ed carefully looked at his opponent, Tai Wen in front of him was tall and slender, with broad shoulders, wearing a crimson helmet, without a mask. \\r

His eyes were cold, his lips were tight, he had a thick golden beard at his temples, and his pale green eyes were also dotted with golden. A dark red armor with two lions carved from gold lying on the left and right shoulders. His horse was also draped in chain mail, and his horse had a mask on its face. \\r

Ed noticed that the opponent's sword was not a narrow sword, but a half-handed sword. \\r

The two-handed long sword is also an epee, but the two-handed sword on the horse is not flexible, so horse wars are almost always one-handed swords. A sword that is longer than a one-handed sword but shorter than a two-handed sword is called a half-handed sword. \\r

One-handed, half-sword, one-handed, requires extraordinary arm strength. \\r

There are very few people like Moshan who wield a two-handed sword at will with one hand. \\r

In the battle of horses, one and a half swords have already taken advantage of weapons. \\r

Ed Stark’s Valyrian Steel Sword is not a half-handed sword. \\r

One-handed and half-sword dominates the battle horse. If it is a foot battle, of course the two-handed sword has the advantage, but the speed will slow down-this is the limitation caused by holding the sword with both hands, and the attack surface is not as wide as the one-handed sword. \\r

Tai Wen can use one hand and a half sword. This is not what Ed knows about Tai Wen. \\r

Although Tywin's swordsmanship was good, he was already over fifty and he was about the same age as Ed Stark, and had the same physical energy. \\r

Tai Wen's eyes were as sharp as a sword, he looked Ed Stark up and down, and said: "Master Ed, you are afraid that I will kill you, so you cut your right wrist first?"\\r

Ed Stark's right wrist was wrapped in a white bandage. \\r

Ed snorted coldly, and drew out Ms. Silent with a choke, pointing his sword at Tai Wen: "If you want to fight, then fight!"\\r

Tai Wen looked at Ed with an idiotic look, showing pity: "Master Ed, it is your duel book, I am a challenge, not I want to fight!"\\r

"Draw the sword!" Ed sternly shouted. \\r

Tai Wen did not draw his sword, but looked at Ed Stark coldly: "When did you become a left-handed sword?"\\r

Ed said: "I can beat you with my left hand."\\r

Tai Wen said coldly: "Okay, I will fulfill you!"\\r

choke! \\r

He drew out the long sword at his waist—a sword in one hand and a half—in fact, this kind of sword looked a little longer immediately, and it was not a master but could not be strong—the long sword was out of its sheath, and Tai Wen gently took a few sword flowers. Go straight to Ed. \\r

The shouts of the soldiers on both sides exploded, tens of thousands of people shouted, and the sound of gongs and drums was also loud and loud. \\r

Ed controls the horse rein with his right hand, and slashes at Tai Wen with his left sword. Tywin didn't stand up, leaned over, and the sword slashed over his head. Tywin's horse and Ed's horse crossed by, and the two sides exchanged positions. \\r

"Your sword is too slow!" Tai Wen said indifferently, expressionless. \\r

Ed Stark's heart is chilled, isn't his aggressive strategy useless? If this person is really James, he would never insist on a duel with his right hand injured. \\r

In front of the four armies, a duel of a man who could not use his right hand with a sword was defeated by the knights. \\r

Although James is a notorious kingslayer, he has the pride of a knight! \\r

However, Tai Wen not only accepted the humiliation of his left hand sword, but also took the initiative to attack. \\r

With the sword in his left hand, anyone could see that Ed Stark's movements were stiff. Without a duel, he had already lost the duel, lost his life, and lost the war. \\r

A cold sweat broke out of Ed's back! \\r

He said lightly: "Master Tai Wen, no matter how horses fight, I am not afraid." He roared and urged the horse to rush towards Tai Wen, and Ms. Kong Ji pierced Tai Wen's chest. \\r

Tywin greeted him with a horse, slightly pierced to the side with the sword. The horse heads of the two horses crossed, and the head of the Taiwen horse slammed the head of the horse of Eddy's horse, and the horse of Eddy's horse retreated half a step, let the impact, and immediately counterattack. \\r

Ms. Ed Kongji cut horizontally. \\r

Tai Wen leaned back, his body was extremely flexible, almost completely attached to the horse's back, Ed's slashed across. When Tai Wen got up, he made a counter-attack stab. His horse was in step with the master, and the horse's head slammed and hit Ed's horse's neck. \\r

Ding! \\r

Tai Wen's thrust was as fast as lightning, and it hit the blade of the empty lady of Ed. Ed's cross-cutting power was added to the new force by this stab, and the momentum could not be stopped, Ms. Kongji cut back, almost hitting her left arm. \\r

Ed's crotch horse was also hit by the head of Tai Wen's heavily armored horse. After several steps back, the horse neighed with pain. \\r

The knights and soldiers of the West Territory shouted together at the top of the city, but the three-place coalition army was silent, and the drum of war did not know when it stopped. \\r

Ed controls the horse to cross the sword, Tai Wen kicks the Spurs hard, the horse is in pain and rushes towards Ed. \\r

Amidst the roar of the western army, Tai Wen stabbed several swords in the blink of an eye. The first sword pierced Ed's face, as fast as a silver light. Ms. Eddy's silence blocked, but this stab was just a false move. It was to draw Ed's sword away. Ed's sword was raised to block. Taiwen's sword sank suddenly, and the sword hit Ed's chest. The tip of the sword pierced the armor, making a loud noise of gold and iron, and the armor was hollowed inward. \\r

Ed was busy sinking his sword to knock, Tai Wen's sword had been taken back, and this knock came to nothing. \\r

"Your sword is too slow, and horses won't work!" Tai Wen sneered, the two horses crossed again, silver light flashed, the long sword pierced Ed's horse head, the horse neighed, and people stood up suddenly with two pops. , Tai Wen's sword slanted upwards and pierced Ed's horse's neck twice in the blink of an eye. The movement was too fast, and it seemed to others that it was just a stab. \\r

Ed turned over and fell off his horse, rolled on the spot, stood up, and with a light ding, Tywin's horse ran past Ed's side, and the tip of a half-handed sword hit his throat armor. \\r

boom! \\r

Ed's horse fell, causing a cloud of dust to fly. \\r

Tai Wen's horse had already ran away, standing ten feet away from Ed, choked, and the sword was sheathed. \\r

Tens of thousands of allied forces in the three places seemed to be suffocated without any sound. \\r

The army from the west, on the city and under the city, cheered. \\r

The distance was so far, everyone thought that Ed's throat had been pierced by Tai Wen's piercing. \\r

Ed was stunned, and said in a quiet voice: "You won!"\\r

"When will your right hand injury get better?" Tai Wen was indifferent. \\r

"Three days!"\\r

"I will give you seven days. Seven days later, you and I will fight here, in the ancient way, to end this battle, and I allow you to use proxy knights."\\r

Ed's heart was overjoyed, but his face was still as cold and severe as the frozen ground in the north. No one could see his inner emotions from his face: "Master Taiwen, there is a giant Tyron Ashes in our army. No one can beat you, think about it!"\\r

"No matter who it is!" Tai Wen said lightly. \\r

Ed no longer had the slightest doubt, this person was James Lannister. He will be able to change shape after surgery, and his swordsmanship will be more outstanding, but the arrogance in his heart has not changed. \\r

"A word is settled!" Ed said coldly. Even if his horse was killed, he was defeated, but his momentum was not at all depressed. Tai Wen couldn't see any mood swings in him either. \\r

"A word is settled!"\\r

Ed Stark turned and left. \\r

There was a boo in the western army, and all kinds of ridicule and humiliation were overwhelming. \\r

"Master Ed! "Tywin shouted.\\r

Ed stopped, turned and looked at Tai Wen. \\r

"Please look at Cersei and her children for the sake of spared your life."\\r

"I will not bully women and children, and they will not be humiliated by others. There is no lack of etiquette and life."\\r

Tai Wen nodded: "Master Ed, I believe you!"\\r

Ed took a deep look at Tai Wen. Tai Wen knew that his left-handed sword could not fight him, but chose to do it. After winning, he let himself go to show his good. All this he did was more afraid of Cersei's hardship. . \\r

Ed strode towards his camp. The captain of the guards, Jolly Kelso, rushed out with the guards slapped their horses, and came to greet them. Some guards led an empty war horse. \\r


Steve Lannister is Tywin's brother-in-law and cousin, and his younger sister Joanna Lannister is Tywin Lannister's wife. \\r

When the war broke out, Tai Wen took 15,000 soldiers in the forest of the Lake of Tears and was burned by the Red Witch Melisandre, and Stevie Lannister summoned the young boys in Lannisport and Kaiyan City. Joining the army, in a short time, gathered a team of 10,000 recruits, training recruits in Oxford town not far from Kaiyan City. \\r

Although the Western Territory Army was defeated, the three-place coalition forces conquered the Hejian Land and lost its terrain like a broken bamboo, but the Golden Tooth City was built on the road in the middle of the mountains. The terrain is steep and easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the Golden Tooth City is not broken, the Western Region will sit back and relax. \\r

Steve Lannister trained the recruits day and night, and later Kavon Lannister returned to the West and transferred a veteran team from Golden Tooth to train the new army. \\r

Adam Malbran, the heir and eldest son of the Marblan family, the number one archery in the West, was ordered to become the chief coach of the new recruits in Oxford. \\r

Adam Malbran’s father’s aunt is the wife of James’ grandfather Tatus. Adam Malbran’s archery skills are first-rate, and he is cautious. Like his cousin James, he is born with a talent for leadership. The knights and soldiers under him did not need to be agitated, they all volunteered to follow them and fight. \\r

Adam is Tywin’s most respected captain of scouts, scouts are the eyes of an army, and military talents such as the black fish Blinden Tully, are appointed by Ed Stark as captain of scouts. \\r

Oxford is a small town, but the terrain is flat and suitable for training recruits. After Adam arrived with his own soldiers, he first arranged for three rounds of scouts to constantly monitor the surrounding situation day and night to prevent unexpected events. \\r

But only a few days later, his scout was ordered to be recalled by Stave Lannister. Adam Malbran was also taken by Stave’s knight to the army’s tent, and Stave’s strictly ordered no more scouts. Sentinel, Golden Tooth City is solid. The three-place coalition cannot conquer Golden Tooth City. It is impossible to come to Oxford. The threat on the sea side comes from the Iron Islands. The king of the Iron Islands, Baron Greyjoy, is an ally in the West. \\r

Adam Malbran only promised and promised that Steve Lannister would no longer send scouts and only train these ten thousand recruits. Stave’s military talents are mediocre, but his status and power are higher than Adam Malbran. He hates that Adam sent scouts to the east without his permission, and laid them on the highway and nearby dense forests. The useless secret whistle. \\r

Adam's actions were ridiculed by the noble knights, and it made his boss Stefan very unhappy. He thought that maybe he was too cautious, so he stopped insisting. \\r

The mountains on the west are steep and there is only one avenue in and out, but it is cut off in the center by Golden Tooth City. There is indeed no soldiers in the Oxford town of Kaiyan City at the rear. \\r


After the infantry battle formation was trained, the sky was completely dark, and all the soldiers collapsed on the ground with a sound. \\r

Happiness! \\r

The captains' whips sounded, and at the same time, the emergency assembly order resounded through the training ground, the new military order was promulgated, and night combat training will be conducted at night. \\r

In order to acquire combat capability as soon as possible, Adam Malbran stepped up the training of new recruits every day. In the morning, the infantry used the formation sword skills and the afternoon was the change training of the battle formation. Archers are training in battle formations and archery, changing teams, marching forward and retreating, and so on. \\r

Ten thousand recruits: three thousand are spearmen, three thousand are sword and shield soldiers, three thousand are archers, and one thousand cavalry. \\r

Four corps, ten thousand recruits, train hard every day. \\r

Tywin and Sir Kevon gave Adam Malbrun three months to train recruits, while Adam only gave himself two months. \\r


Robb Stark and Will and Arya sat high on the top of the low hills, watching the torch shining brightly like day on the training ground. \\r

The cavalry regiments, spear regiments, sword shield soldiers, and archers in the west are all practicing night combat skills in their respective training grounds-the cavalry regiment is divided into two opposing regiments, practicing charge and defense, flanking and anti-outflank...Lances The hands are training the forward, back, turn, and retreat of the formation... the sword and shield soldiers are practicing the battle, outflanking, charging formation, defensive formation... the archers are in the command of "prepare, release" once and again The longbow dangling arrows rained round after round......\\r

"Master Will, Adam Malbran is a military talent." Robb Stark said. He thought of cherishing talents. \\r

"Assault tonight, order everyone to capture Adam Malbran alive." Will said. \\r

"What if he resists? Instead, we have to die more of our brothers." Arya said. \\r

Robb and Will both smiled. Robb said, "Sister, after their training tonight, everyone will sleep like a dead person."\\r

Several pheasant calls sounded in the grass not far from under the tree. \\r

"Angai is telling us to change shifts, let's go down." Will said. \\r

"Good!" Robb Stark said. \\r

In the dense forest behind the hills, there is an elite army of thousands of people from the Northern Territory and the Great Wall that is sleeping.