The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 326: The Virgin of Tas: Brienne

"Your Majesty, the soldiers are near the Heishui River, please leave the woods and camp, in case Stannis's Red Witch is attacked by fire." Landau Tali said.

Landau Tully, a very burly man, with a firm face. Tyrell's most famous general was the only general who defeated Robert in the War of the Usurpers. That war was also Robert's only loss.

Lan Dao's gray beard is short and hard, like a steel brush.

Lan Li was sitting in his tent. Behind him stood two rainbow guards, one of whom was tall, with a mask covering his face.

Lan Li was wearing colorful silk, and Queen Margaret Tyrell was gently shaving his face, white foam covering his chin.

"Stannis will not attack him, he is still waiting for my reply." Lan Li smiled. His face is still so handsome, but there are a few crow's feet in the corners of his eyes.

The twenty-year-old Lan Li has fine crow's feet.

That was the trace of Loras Tyrell's death on his soul.

Lan Li became king, and the first thing he did after taking over King’s Landing was to destroy the Lannister and Gregor families in the West and avenge the flower knight Loras.

"Your Majesty, watch out for Stannis's sorcery. Duke Tywin was killed by a shadow."

"Master Landau, facts have proved that it is a rumor." Margaret laughed.

"Your Majesty, although the shadow killed Tai Wen's substitute, it was indeed the shadow who killed people in full view." Lan Dao said, "I have never heard of this black magic. Your Majesty, there are still It takes half a day to reach the Heishui River, so be careful."

"Shadows can kill people? I have never believed it." Marguerite said, "mostly the witch deliberately spread rumors to intimidate people."

Lan Li's eyes were smiling, and under Marguerite's shaving knife, he closed his mouth tightly, his eyes indicating that Lan Dao could not answer his words for the time being.

Reluctantly, Lan Dao walked out of the Lan Li camp and mounted his horse. Four buckler knights followed closely behind him, and the five horses hooted loudly and ran back to Tyrell's army.

Landau returned to his barracks and issued an order. All the knights and soldiers cut down the trees around him and cut out a fire belt tens of feet wide outside the camp.

When a fire broke out in a forest, Blue Road had to make sure that the flame could not burn through the fire belt.


Marguerite is very beautiful, with soft brown curly hair, brown eyes and a beautiful figure. She is young, smart and smart. She accepted the protection and instruction of her scheming grandmother, Mrs. Olena Redwin, and she was sixteen years old.

She gently cleaned Lan Li's face. Lan Li looked radiant, and the crow's feet in the corners of her eyes seemed to disappear.

"Your Majesty, General Landau's words are very reasonable. We can trust Stannis, but we can't believe the Red Witch." Margaret said softly.

Olena Redwin, known as the Queen of Thorns, is the real figure in power in the Tyrell family. Margaret is the jewel in her palm. The Queen of Thorns has carefully trained Margaret for many years. The most appreciated and loved by Queen of Thorns in the Lier family.

Lan Dao stood up, and immediately a maid ran over, putting on a robe and a crown for him.

"Margaret, I listen to you." Lan Li kissed Margaret lightly on her smooth forehead.

Marguerite giggled: "Your Majesty, I don't know how to fire in the forest. Our camp is surrounded by trees. If the Red Witch uses fire to attack, I don't know how to counter it."

"Cut out the fire belt, Your Majesty." said the tallest blue rainbow guard.

This was a woman's voice, but it was slightly hoarse, she was higher than Lan Li and the other guard beside her.

"Brenny, take off your helmet and relax yourself a little." Lan Li laughed.

His smile is charming, elegant and naturally noble.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Brienne took off the helmet, her left hand was on her chest, and her right hand was on the hilt.

She won the championship among hundreds of knights in the battle of the bitter bridge, and finally got her wish and became the rainbow guard of His Majesty Lan Li.

"Relax, Brienne, there are sixty thousand troops around us."

Brienne's face flushed.

Although she is tall and burly, she is still a young girl. Because of her ugly appearance, she has been laughed at for a long time, and she is shy and not confident.

She was dubbed the beauty Brienne by the knights, and she was the "Twilight Star" of the Twilight Hall, the only daughter of Earl Selwyn Tas, and the legal heir of the Twilight Hall.

Tas Island belongs to the jurisdiction of Stormlands. It is located to the north of Broken Boat Bay, separated from the mainland by a strait. Tas is a very beautiful place, with mountains, lakes and waterfalls, alpine pastures and shadowy valleys. Because of the blue waters nearby, Tas Island is also known as the "Sapphire Island".

The Tas family is loyal to Wind's Breath.

Brienne has extremely broad shoulders and a flat chest. Her face is round and rough with freckles, and her nose has been discounted many times during the fight, and her nose is distorted and has no sense of beauty. A row of her teeth is also abrupt, and she can see it with one mouth. The mouth was terribly wide, the lips were fat as caterpillars, and the hair was yellow, like dirty straw, fragile and dry.

The only fascinating thing about Brienne is her eyes, which are big and blue. Usually, these eyes have little brilliance. Only when a girl draws a sword to fight, will she shine with confidence.

"Your Majesty!" Brienne stammered, "I have heard about the murder of the shadow of the Lake of Tears, and I also know that the Red Witch is capable of fire magic. Regardless of whether the rumor is true or not, I have to do my best for your Majesty’s safety. Never dare to be careless."

"I know your loyalty, Brienne, but don't make yourself too nervous. If you are nervous, we will be nervous too." Lan Li teased.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I know it was wrong." Brienne sweated from the tip of her nose.

She tried her best, lest she didn't protect her Majesty and Queen. She didn't want to make her majesty and queen nervous because of her clumsiness. When she feels embarrassed, the tip of her nose will easily sweat.

Margaret didn't want to see Brienne so embarrassed, she smiled: "Sir Brienne, Sir Eamon, you go to Landau Tully's barracks, and ask Lord Landau how to defend against the fire attack of the Red Witch."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The two rainbow guards said in unison.

Seeing Brienne and Eamon walk out of the camp, Marguerite and Renly both showed knowing smiles.

"Brenney loves you so much, Your Majesty." Marguerite took Lan Li's hand.

Lan Li smiled: "My people love me deeply."

"What I said is true, Your Majesty. Every time Brienne looks at you, her eyes are filled with passionate love. I am a woman and I know this well." Marguerite giggled.

"If it was true, would you be jealous?"

"will not."

"Why? I don't believe it!"

"She will protect you desperately and protect me desperately. Because of love, her loyalty is pure and sincere." Marguerite laughed. Her hand gently rubbed Lanli's hand, "Your Majesty, we have been married for so long, and my brother Loras has rested in peace, please, you should come back to me." Marguerite's right hand climbed into Lanli. Li's neck hung himself on Lan Li's burly body, "I want you, Your Majesty, I want to give birth to an heir for you."

"It's daytime now, Marguerite."

"You are the king and I am the queen. We can love whenever we want." Marguerite's red lips kissed Lan Li.


"Hey, noble lady." A knight appeared in the middle of the avenue on a tall horse, his left hand behind him, with a friendly smile on his face.

"Go away!" Brienne's big hand pressed the hilt of the sword.

"No, no, no, I'm not here to fight you, and I'm not your opponent. Although it's difficult to admit this, it's a fact. Brienne, can you accept my apology? At the wine table last night I hope to take back what I said, and sincerely apologize to you. I really drank too much wine last night. I'm sorry." The knight's tone was sincere.

Brienne lives in the ridicule of others most of the time. The best case is to receive mercy from others. When she tried to dress herself according to the standards of aristocratic ladies, she would receive sharp ridicules for her lack of feminine appearance and lack of coordination.

When she tries to arm herself as a warrior according to her talents, she will receive contempt and discrimination from the perspective of gender, despite her strong combat effectiveness.

Due to these factors, Brienne lacks the self-confidence that other female fighters such as "Daisy Mormon" take for granted.

Brienne desperately desires the respect and acceptance of others.

She can easily give her unreserved love or loyalty to those who can treat her sincerely.

Her father, Count Selwyn Tass, found three men for her who were willing to marry her, and there was no doubt that those men were only interested in her inheritance.

The first two engagements ended without a problem, the third time the target was Humphrey Wagstaff. Sir Humphrey insisted that Brienne behave like a lady after marriage, even though Brienne was only 16 years old at the time.

She resolutely proposed that unless he was defeated by Sir Humphrey in the competition, she would not agree to such a request. In the end, Sir Humphrey broke three bones, and of course the marriage contract was ruined. After that, Earl Selwyn stopped looking for Brienne. But love is a wonderful thing, and Brienne soon fell into love with Lan Li and couldn't help herself.

Lanly went on a parade as an adult, during which he visited Tas Island. He treated Brienne very gently, which made Brienne, a girl who had never been treated with respect by a knight, cherish spring.

She is slightly willful and persistent, but more honest, frank, loyal and determined. Although most knights treated her badly, Brienne still naively insisted on her ideal chivalry spirit.


The knight who came to apologize was named Rogge. At the reception last night, Rogge and the other knights laughed at Brienne. They suspected that Brienne had lost her body and was not a virgin. During the dinner, their words were so vulgar that Brienne drew out the long sword in anger. When the long sword scratched Rogge’s neck, all the knights knew that Brienne was really going to kill Roger. At that moment, everyone was stunned.

Lan Li, who arrived in time, prevented the tragedy from happening and saved Rogge's life.


It was the first time that Brienne met a knight who took the initiative to apologize to her. This puzzled her. She didn't know how to deal with this situation. If Rogge drew his sword to fight with her for what happened last night, she Will gladly accept, there will be no embarrassment now.

"No, no, it's okay," Brienne said.

"Can you accept my gift? Miss Brienne." Roger took out his left hand, hiding behind him, and it was a red rose.

"I... don't like... flowers." Brienne said embarrassedly.

"Are you still unwilling to forgive me? My dear lady, your kindness, sincerity and exquisite martial arts make me fall in love, noble lady of Sapphire Island, are you free tonight? I want to play the harp for you."

"I... don't know... I have something else, I'm sorry, Roger, please get out of the way." Brienne sweated from the tip of her nose. Even facing the enemy, it has not been so difficult.

Knight Roger stepped aside and stepped aside: "Miss Brienne, I am waiting for you tonight. I will play the harp for you in the moonlight. If you don't come, I will wait for you all night until dawn."

Brienne glanced at Knight Rogge in a panic, not knowing how to answer the knight's enthusiasm, she kicked the spurs, the horse ran past Rogge, and rushed forward suddenly.


A red walking hunter with a green bottom-the family crest of the Tali family.

Under the flag embroidered with the family crest of the Tali family, a knight with a long sword hanging from his waist and a red round shield on his back. His name is Constantine. He was one of the knights who laughed at Brienne at the wine table last night. Constantine was Randall Tully's guarding knight.

He clapped his horse to greet him: "Brennie, hello."

Brienne exchanged glances with her partner beside her, Brienne stopped, and her partner crossed the flag and entered the territory of the Tali Barracks. There was the sound of felling trees in the forest, and the laughter of the soldiers rang everywhere.

Brienne stopped and said coldly: "Constantine, I am on your majesty's order to come to Count Landau Tully. Don't trouble you."

"I'm definitely not here to trouble Miss." Constantine smiled, "Miss Brienne, I know where Lord Landau is, can you allow me to take you to find him?"

Brienne stared at Constantine with suspicion, there could be no knight being so polite to her, she understood this.

"Well, if you trick me, you know the consequences." Brienne said unceremoniously. However, her tone was weak. Constantine is very courteous, and she feels wrong if she wants to get angry.

This is too abnormal. Roger and Constantine now look weird.

"Miss, please come with me. It is my honour to lead the way for Miss." Constantine was polite.

Brienne followed Constantine and ran to the left road.

"Miss, are you willing to accept my apology? What happened last night was really that I drank too much. I apologize to you and hope you can forgive me!" Constantine's tone was very sincere, and he took it out of his arms A tapestry, "Miss, if you don't dislike it, please accept my apology."