The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 392: Black Castle Shield Hall Meeting

The Great Wall, Black Castle, Shield Hall.

Behind the commander's long table, sat Jeo Mormon, Will, Bachelor Aimon Targaryen, and Chief Ranger Sauron.

"For the first time, the Night Watch Legion will hear the king's order proclaimed by King Stannis I and go to the Tyrell family in the Bend. Who wants to go with me?" Will said.

"I want to go!" Mu Dun couldn't wait to raise his right hand in the leader's queue.

The young man has a big beard, but he is neatly trimmed, his eyes are firm, and his expression is fierce.

He became very mature and became a well-trained legionary officer.

The army of wooden shields has grown from less than two hundred people to one thousand people, and hundreds of roaring stone people have been incorporated into it. The wooden shield army is dominated by recruits.

Strictly speaking, the Wooden Shield Tribe is also a branch of the Croupites.

"Masters, I want to go!" Jon Snow raised his right hand.

He would like to go back to Winterfell City to see, it is Roderick Kelso who is acting as the acting lord of Winterfell City. However, there are rumors that Caitlin and Sansa returned to Winterfell, but the Great Wall did not receive a letter in this regard.

Jon Snow missed his father very much, and he missed Robb Stark. He was the same year as Robb Stark. Autumn is coming, Aegon’s 299 years, he and Robb are both 16 years old.

It's time for his Bai Ling to meet the Lady of Grey Wind.

He also wanted to visit King's Landing, and then go to the real south to see and see.

The kingdom of the Tyrell family is the true south. The climate is warm, the products are rich, and the population is large. It is a land full of roses and flowers. The Tyrell family is also very wealthy. In addition to money, their strength is still higher than that of the West and Wind's Breath.

Jon has many ideas, and he just wants to go.

Tyronn said, "My lord, I am willing to go. My ashen warriors will get sick if they stay here." Tyronn doesn't need to raise his hand, anyone can see him. He stood at the back of the line. The tall shield hall is ten feet high and can accommodate Tyron's big man.

"My lord, if you can trust us, we would also go with the adults to the South." Ding Dongshan said.

Dingdongshan led a small group of freemen to form a corps on its own. His corps was not many, three hundred people, and it was considered a pioneer of Mans Reid's return to the Great Wall Corps.


Mans Reid wants to lead a large army to the Great Wall. The team can only travel five or hundreds of miles a day. The army needs to travel more than two months to reach the Great Wall. Will didn't have time to wait in Ruhe. After Ange and Waer got married, Will led the bodyguards back to the Great Wall. Ruhe left Colin as the commander-in-chief and managed the rangers.

After the Freemen and the Great Wall Army united, the **** killing ceased. The army of about a thousand soldiers mainly dig pits and trenches to cooperate with the team of the Great Wise Adonis to set up alien defense lines. Most of the leaders also returned to the Great Wall with some of their cavalry.

Dingdongshan soon gathered three hundred freemen soldiers. When Mans Reid came to Ruhe to negotiate with Will, the freemen's 1,000 infantry also set off and hid behind them in case of accidents.

After the peace talks, Mans Reid returned to the freedmen army, and Ding Dongshan took Mans Reid’s wife Dana, and some freemen spearwomen as Dana’s guards. They came to the Great Wall first, and the team was organized. The Great Wall Legion.

After the wedding of Vale and Angay, a very interesting thing happened. Mans asked the unborn child in Dana's belly to recognize Colin as the adoptive father, Jon as the teacher, and Will as the adoptive father.

This is actually a careful thought that Mans did not believe in Will. He was not afraid of death and could die, but his children and wife could not die. Recognizing Colin as his adoptive father, Colin’s character Mance is assured. Colin does not have a good woman with him. He and Mans are friends of life and death. If Will has any bad intentions, Colin will be a big child. Security guarantee.

Jon was to persuade the officer to surrender Mans. He knew the people of the Stark family. In the short negotiation and confrontation with Jon, he saw Jon’s sincerity. After all, Jon is a sixteen-year-old boy. In front of a person like Mans, he was indeed very immature, but his immaturity was also a weapon, and Mans believed that what he said was the truth.

Let Jon be the child's personal education teacher, Jon is also a guarantee for the child.

If Will is a scheming person, he must first look at the weight of Jon and Colin in the future to harm the child.

In the end, Mans simply let the child recognize Will as a foster father. Colin is the foster father and Will is the foster father. This is a wonderful way to protect the child. Lord Will, you yourself are the father of my child.

Dingdongshan was ordered to join the Great Wall Corps with three hundred infantry soldiers of the freedmen. In fact, it also meant to protect Dana.

Dana herself was personally protected by a team of twenty spear women. She held her belly, and brought twenty spearwomen who were able to fight on horseback to live in the Mole Village outside the Great Wall.


In the Shield Hall, all the chiefs expressed their desire to follow Will to the King of King Linqin.

This also includes several leaders of the advance army. Among them, Robert Royce, who has always wanted to earn his own honour and wealth and territory, is the strongest, followed by Jon Amber.

Suddenly, the Great Wall was no longer fighting, and the wild people had been conquered; and suddenly, the wife of the wild man king, Da Na, moved into the Mole Village. In addition to the twenty spearwomen brought by Dana, Will also sent two Ranger teams to protect Dana's safety in order to prevent accidents. After all, before Mans Reid's army came to the Great Wall, Dana must not be lost; after all, there are still many people from the North who hate the free people in their hearts, and the local villagers must be guarded.


The first Mutiny of the Great Wall was a rebellion launched by the elites inside the Night Watch.

It is precisely because of Will's two rangers to protect Dana that Ding Dongshan is willing to lead the soldiers to fight with Will south.

Ding Dongshan is willing to fight in the south where he has never been. Will is not sure if this is the instruction of Mans Reid, but this is the situation that Will most wants to see.

Will said, "Well, Jon Snow, hello Ygritte leads the fifty Great Wall Cavalry, jingle, you are responsible for leading the fifty free militiamen, Blake, you are responsible for leading a three The raven team of the People’s Group is responsible for sending and receiving letters. Tomorrow morning, we will set off and take King’s Avenue to King’s Landing.

Sam Will raised his hand: "My lord, the bachelor from the old town came to the Great Wall by boat and arrived in less than a month."

"Okay, the bachelor is here, listen to the arrangement of Bachelor Yimon." Will said. His eyes motioned to Sam, and after the meeting, he would talk about the underground library alone.

"Yes, my lord." Sam hesitated and stopped. His father, Landau Tully, is a famous general under the Tyrell family, and he is loyal. Sam is very worried that this war will destroy his family. Landau Tully threatened Sam to the Great Wall. Sam didn't blame his father for his ruthlessness. He really blamed himself for being stupid. In addition to his father, there is also a mother and sister who loves him, a great brother.

Blacksmith Donald Noy raised his hand: "My lord, Long Night Castle has been cleaned up, and some blacksmiths have come to the Great Wall."

"Well, we will have a meeting with your blacksmiths alone tonight." Will said.

"Yes, sir." Donald Noy's face could not hide the excitement. He has experienced the baptism of life and death, and his heart has become an iron man.