The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 411: Knock down

"Yegret, no!" Jon shouted.

Ygritte flipped his wrist, slashed into a pat, and slapped with a cruel sound of meat. The spine of the sword struck the soldier's face horizontally, causing the soldier in black armor to be covered with blood and crashing out.

The leading knight rushed towards Ygritte. Ygritte lost the long sword in his hand and dashed forward to dodge. She had already taken the bow and arrow in her hand. She turned around with an arrow while running, hitting the knight’s throat with a burst. The invisible force suddenly overturned the knight and threw it back.

At this moment, the eyes of the other three Layshan Flint family soldiers turned red.

The soldiers who are as close as a family, united into one widow hope all drew their swords. The savage female warriors are not suitable for killing people in the competition!

The arrow shot into the throat, it was interesting to life, this was too cruel.

A savage is a savage, not a noble nation in a green land.

The three fighters rushed, divided into three directions, encircled Ygritte.

At this time, it was no longer a contest, it was life-threatening.

Desperate as an enemy.

If they were replaced by other people, the soldiers would not be so similar to the enemy, they would have a prejudice against the female savages. Those who respect a little, call her a free man, and those who do not respect, call her a savage.

Yegorit was not in chaos, he stood still, taking arrows, shooting arrows, shooting arrows, moving like clouds and flowing water, seamlessly connected, swishing, and firing three arrows in a row. Three soldiers hit an invisible wall one after another. Like toppling to the ground, hand covering his throat.

All the knights and soldiers were in an uproar.

The female savage killed four people in a row.

This is okay.

Widow Wang is located at the far east of the northern border, a place like a finger outstretched into the narrow sea. The location is a hundred miles away from Baigang, where people are sparsely populated and the fertility rate is not high, but the people are unprecedentedly united and loyal.

Several soldiers of the Layshan Flint family rushed out again. This time the soldiers put down their masks, put on neck armor, and took up shields.

The female savage's archery is extraordinary, with a hundred shots.

Several fighters held a shield in one hand and a sword in one hand, outflanking Ygritte.

Jon Snow blew the iron whistle right away. This is a whistle that is only familiar to the people of the night watch. The Night Watch Corps has a complete set of military orders to pass through the iron whistle, which is much better than the past orders by shouting. many. But Jon Snow did not issue an order for help to a hundred night watchmen not far away, but made the whole army notice him.

The sharp and high-pitched whistle pierced the legion's drum noise, choking the speed of several soldiers running towards Ygrit.

Jon Snow drew out the long sword, the sword was bright, and the sword light reflected on his face, making Jon look heroic in the morning light.

"Stop, cut the offender!" Jon Snow roared, his voice spread out from afar, alarming the Hundred Man Legion of Night Watchers.

The drum noise of the elite ‘mixed’ corps handed over by the lords finally stopped.

Cough cough cough!

The knight with the arrow in his throat slowed down. His throat was bloody, and the hand covering his throat was also dripping with blood, but he began to cough and sat up slowly, holding an arrow in his other hand. An arrow without an arrow.

Even without an arrow, he almost killed him.

A flesh and blood body is harder than an arrow without an arrow.

"Knight, what's your name?" Jon Snow rode up to the knight and roared loudly.

"...I'm Solf Flint..."

"Souf Flint, do you take your brothers to leave this army, or you want to stay, you choose."

"Stay!" Sov Filint said with difficulty, honor can't let him leave. He looked at the blood on his palm and touched the wound next to his throat. His neck pain was unbearable.

"Then go and apologize to Ygritte, like a real knight." Jon Snow snapped.


The other three soldiers also sat up on the ground, all with arrows in their necks. The pain was unbearable, and the bruises were slightly wounded.

None of the arrows that hit them have arrows.

Beforehand, Jon Snow had anticipated that the northern fighters would not be convinced that Ygritte was their leader, and the provocation after the provocation was certain. He had already prepared a quiver with a broken arrow for Ygritte.

Jon is only sixteen years old, but he was planning for this before!

Ygritte's arrow was too fast, and his power was concentrated on one point. Although unable to penetrate the throat and take human life, the injury is certain. These warriors and knights are all experienced. There are no arrows. People who fall backward can naturally relieve the impact.

The knights and soldiers of the legion knew that Ygritte's arrow had broken the arrow.

The anger and hatred they aroused because of Ygritte's murder suddenly disappeared.

Ygritte's men were merciful.

The first fighter who was knocked down by her also used a pat instead of a chop.

Yergrit knocked down a knight and four warriors in front of the legion at the same speed. She did not kill anyone. Everyone's anger and hatred against her dissipated. Instead, she admired her fierce and agile skills.

Obviously, she is a real predator!

Ygritte accepted the knight's apology. She turned on her horse, bowed her back, and shouted at the men of the legion: "Did I win them in the match just now? Or am I worse than them?"

The legionaries were silent.

She kicked the horse and the horse ran. Ygritte rode a horse back and forth in front of the army of nearly two thousand people, and shouted: "Who won the competition just now? Are you guys from the North?"

The two thousand legions are silent!

"I am now your deputy leader. Lord Robb and Lord Will jointly appointed me. This is a military order. Who of you refuses to accept?" Ygritte rode and yelled again.

No one answered.

"Then anyone else wants to try my arrows and swords?"

No one came forward.

"If you don't agree, you can go to Lord Robb and Lord Will to sue me. Before the military order to revoke my position, I am your deputy leader. Whoever violates the military order will be dealt with by the military law."

The legionaries straightened up consciously or unconsciously.

Jon Snow raised his sword and said: "Everyone listens to the order. Today I want you all to learn to understand my whistle military order. This is a new military skill that you have not trained before. Attack, retreat, outflank and assault. It used to be the leader shouting, the messenger running back and forth to pass the order, now it is no longer needed, there is an iron whistle. All the captains, get out! Ygritte, give them an iron whistle."


Ruth Bolton's legion pulled out of camp, slowly left the army, and headed to Wind's Breath.

The cavalry was in front, the infantry was in the back, and Luce Bolton was in the Chinese army.

The rest of the northern army did not move.

Big Jon and the other lords did not come out in Robb's barracks tent.

Bolton's army moved slowly down King's Road.

His personnel were not many. After observing the military order and handing over two hundred elite soldiers, his personnel still had 2,300 people. Ruth Bolton’s legion is one of the most powerful lord legions among the northern nobles.

"My lord, what is that kid Jon doing?" said a subordinate jazz beside Bolton. On the grass on the left side of Kings Avenue, Jon and Fire Kiss Ygritte are training an elite assault army.

"I heard, he was blowing the iron whistle." Ruth Bolton said softly, "I also saw him training the mixed corps. When fighting, the leader and herald used the whistle of the iron whistle. To issue military orders without shouting, the night watchman Will's trick is nothing more. However, it is indeed a useful trick." Ruth Bolton said softly, narrowing his eyes slightly.