The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 439: Belle Great Church

(Take a leave tomorrow. Starting from April, the last day of the month will be an official holiday.)


While the port city of Rainis was on fire everywhere, the Belle Cathedral in King's Landing was filled with fire oil by the city garrison.

The wealth piled up in the financial treasury has been emptied, and all the jewels inlaid on the seven sacred statues have been dug up and collected into the treasury.

Wildfire material was poured on the outer stone wall of the first floor of the Baylor Cathedral.

This substance can penetrate into the rock and burn.

With an order from the red priest Melisandre, the commander-in-chief of the garrison, Berry Dondelion, threw out the torch in his hand.

Soon, the Baylor Church burned into a sea of ​​flames.

The crackling noise began to continue.

On the Baylor Plaza, there are neat and solemn black armies.

Outside the square, countless city dwellers and sparrows watched the fire burning.

The fire light illuminates their faces and the hatred in their hearts.

However, facing the Black Armored Army led by Bailey Dondelion, they dared not speak.

The Black Armored Army was originally the most loyal legion that Stannis I brought from Dragonstone, Stannis's true direct lineage. Their combat effectiveness is also unquestionable. Perhaps the combat effectiveness of a single player is limited, but the emergence of a legion, advance and retreat coordination, and combat effectiveness doubled.

The flames also reflected Melisandre's face.

The fire burst into the sky, reflecting half of the sky in Junlin City.

Countless poor people and more sparrows wearing patches started pouring in from outside the city.

In a few days, the news spread, and the goddess in their hearts was killed by the steel giant around the evil Stannis I and died tragically. The giant tore off the archbishop’s arms with his bare hands, and the steel hand cut open the archbishop’s chest, dug out his heart and crushed it...

The sparrows who had left the city on the order of the archbishop began to return.

The archbishop ordered them to leave temporarily, but only to leave the city, not really leaving. The purpose was to give Stannis the illusion of compromise and submission and let Stannis relax his vigilance against the archbishop and them.

The tragedy of God's Prayer shocked thousands of sparrows outside the city. They spread word of mouth, and more sparrows flocked to Junlin City from all over.

The Baylor Cathedral is their holy place, and the archbishop is their god.

The rumors about the iron giant who killed the archbishop also made them even more angry. The murderer did not die and was not punished for it. On the contrary, he became the new guard of the evil Red Witch.

As the flames of Baylor's Great Sanctuary burned higher and higher, more and more sparrows were silently pouring into King's Landing from the five gates.

Melisandre was riding on the war horse, and the tall and terrifying steel giant that followed her was Robert Strong.

He is still wearing the armor from the day before yesterday. There are terrible sword scratches everywhere on the armor. Some of the scratches are deep. It can be seen that he has penetrated the protection of the armor. He, who is so scarred by the sword, has survived, and only After a day's rest, there is another life.

And he was the only king who survived the battle of the temple.

The six great royal guards, all members of the warrior regiment except him, were all killed.

The fire in the Baylor Church is the signal. As the fire rages and sparrows flood in, the atmosphere of the entire Junlin City has become delicate.

Residents in the city have quickened their pace to return home. Places such as the girl's den in hotels have closed their doors and windows, and small shops in the vegetable market and steel street have also closed their stalls, as if an invisible magic is exuding in the air.

The idlers on the street walked back home quickly, everyone closed their mouths and looked grim.

Strangely, the guards of the six gates did not close the gates to prevent the sparrows from entering. Since there is no blocking, the sparrows are pouring in like a tide.

When the top of the Belle Cathedral collapsed, the huge clock on the top of the tower also fell.

Even in the flames in the sky, the giant clock made a loud sound, loud and melodious, penetrating the flames, and resounding in the sky of the Baylor Church.

This huge clock is not an extraordinary product, and it is also a treasure of the temple. Only when the king dies or the king's marriage will ring this huge clock, and its voice can be heard by the whole city.

The sound of this falling giant clock rang in the ears of thousands of people at the scene, and most people in the city heard it.

This is like a command from the seven gods.

Standing outside Baylor Square, among the sparrows on the holy ground in their hearts that were burned by the fire, someone threw a stone in anger, and the stone hit the shield of a black armour with a bang.

The military quality of the black armor is completely different from the golden robes used by Robert in the past. If any civilian believer dared to throw stones at the golden robes, it would be just a death. Death-but the black armies were motionless.

They lined up in a row, all with long contradictory cards, with short swords and short knives hanging from their waists. The difference between Stannis’s visit to Baylor’s Great Sanctuary the day before yesterday is that no one in the Black Armored Army wears a long sword. The long sword is replaced with a spear, and everyone has added an oak shield surrounded by iron leather.

The stone hit the shield and did not cause any harm. The Black Armor remained motionless, and the team leader did not jump out and scolded. If the matter ends here, then nothing may happen.

However, the matter obviously won't end because of this. The throwing of this first stone was only a signal of an explosion. Following that, rotten cabbage, tomatoes, eggs, and stones began to throw towards the black armour in formation. This time the number of people in the team was also quite large. Two thousand black armies protected the national teacher Mei Li Shanzhuo to burn the Baylor Cathedral.

The Black Armies remained motionless, no one counterattacked, no one scolded, and no one spoke badly. They just looked at the black sparrows in front of them with contemptuous eyes.

In the evening, the night came, but the skyrocketing fire of the Baylor Church illuminates all the streets nearby. On the shiny armors of the black armored soldiers, there was a blazing shadow of fire.


In the crowd, someone threw a javelin, and with a snatch, the javelin hit a soldier who raised a shield to block.


In the crowd, a short arrow shot out, mingled with countless eggs, tomatoes, cabbage, and stones, and shot in with the edge of a shield. With a sound, it hit a soldier's armor.

The short iron arrow is sharp and the distance is close. It is obviously a machine shooting, and it is full of power. The soldier was injured in his arm and gave a muffled snort.

"Report to the captain, there was a crossbow attack, Sergeant Somm, request a counterattack." The soldier yelled in pain.

The captain gave an order: ‘’Defensive formation! "


The warriors in the first and second rows immediately shrank and formed a queue of mandarin ducks. The two teams were united. The shields were close together. The spears were mounted on the upper edge of the shield. The spears moved forward and looked from the side. Like a gun forest.

"Report sir, an enemy attacked with crossbows and guns, and requested a counterattack." The captain shouted.