The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 461: Park City surrenders Joffrey is taken

"Vulture?!" Blood spilled from King Baron's mouth, and he stretched out his hand to catch the vulture.

The vulture looked at him coldly: "Master Baron, I learned from you. You have lived enough, and I'm still young and don't want to die." The vulture looked at more than a dozen of his men, "You want to die. Look at them!" He pointed to the Northern Legion under the city wall.

No one answered this question.

Ding Ding Ding!

The maids and male slaves dropped their weapons one after another.

The two maids screamed and ran away.

They rushed down the wall one after another.

No one was going to kill them, and now the people from the North were outside the city gate, as long as they wanted, they could break in at any time.

The walls and gates are described as empty without soldiers.

"It's also a great credit to catch Joffrey's bastard." said the condor. "What are you doing in a daze? Either fight me or listen to my orders, grab Joffrey, and open the city gate. We can all survive."

The guards began to hesitate.

Barron walked up to the vulture, reached out and grabbed his arm, his fearsome eyes fixed on the vulture. The King of Baron Yu Wei is still there, still daunting.

However, the vulture raised his head and turned his eagle-shaped chin at the feared King Baron. He grabbed the hilt with both hands and twisted it fiercely: "Everyone will die, King Baron, you Die in your own Pike City, not in Winterfell in the North, you don't have to thank me!" He kept his hands firmly, and Baron's sturdy face finally showed pain and fragility.

His firm eyes with cold light began to fade.


A long sword pierced the vulture's body from the side.

The vulture's body stiffened.

Puff puff!

Three other long swords pierced the vulture's back one after another.

The vulture's body shook again and again.

A smile appeared on Baron Greyjoy's painful face.

The vulture's hand holding the sword slowly loosened, and the man fell, falling at the feet of King Baron.

King Baron spit out blood on the bald eagle's face.

The vulture's eyes and pupils have been dilated, but his body is still trembling like cramps.

Blood came out of his body.

"You... very good... hold on to me!" Lord Baron gasped hard.

The sword was still in his body, running through his body. And was agitated very hard by the vulture a few times.

Several guards came up, looked at each other, and they supported Baron.

"Help me back... Call Bachelor Keller... Prepare poppy milk."

Poppy milk can relieve pain!

"Yes!" the four guards answered.

These four people are old and weak guards, but their killing power and skills are still there.

The long swords of the four men dripped with blood, which was the blood on the vulture.

The four of them have a very good relationship and have a strong heart. When the vulture assassinated Baron, their eyes exchanged, and they decided to kill the vulture, hand Baron to Stark, in exchange for the thousand golden dragons, and a precious opportunity to survive .

"Master Will, Master Robb, we killed the bald eagle, now Master Baron is in our hands, he was hit by the sword, we caught him, and immediately opened the gate and handed it to you. Does the promise made in name count?" One of the oldest old guards rushed under the wall and shouted.

"Promise never to change, open the gates!" Will shouted.

"Yes, Lord Will. We will also give you that little **** Joffrey." the older guard shouted.

The rest of the guards looked at each other, but soon someone said, "Who wants to go with me to catch Joffrey and hand him to Lord Will."

"Go with it!" A guard immediately agreed.

"Go together!"

"I wanted to kill that kid a long time ago."

As a result, the guards quickly reached an agreement, grabbed Joffrey, opened the gate, and greeted the Northern Legion.

Their combat effectiveness is very poor, old, weak and sick, but the skills and strength to deal with Joffrey are still there.

Joffrey is unpopular here, because with the support of King Baron, the old, weak, sick and disabled guards who are usually not regarded by King Baron are sent to be Joffrey's dogs.

Joffrey didn't like real dogs because he missed the hunting dog Sandor Clegane.

Joffrey missed the swordsmanship and loyalty of the hound.

No one wants to be called a dog, but Sandor the hunting dog doesn't mind, it suits Joffrey's appetite.

Baron Greyjoy was about to faint in pain, his whole body was sweaty, his head was rumbling, and what he could see was swaying near and far.

The four holding him didn't mind touching the long sword stuck in his body.

He was lifted up by four elderly guards, and the other four of the four held long swords in their other four hands, in case there was an iron man who wanted to grab the power.

What they are carrying is a thousand golden dragons and their own chance to survive.

When the four elderly guards carried Baron down the city wall, the gates had been opened by the maids and male slaves. Joffrey had also been seized by the maids and male and female slaves, **** with five big flowers, and forced to kneel on the wall. At the door, several daggers and daggers pressed against Joffrey's neck, back, head and face.

There are several blood stains on his delicate face, which looks like it was caught by a woman's nails.

His blond hair is still so beautiful, and his eyes are still so blue, as beautiful as a shining emerald.

It's just that his eyes can't hide the panic, and his expression is extremely scared, like a lonely and helpless child.

Will and Robb came slowly on their horses, and Will saw that Joffrey was shocked!

It is difficult to stand up again in a short period of time with such things as guts.

"Joffrey!" Will said lightly.

But Joffrey only had Robb Stark in his eyes.

"Rob, save me." Joffrey shouted. His shoulders were still dripping blood, and his calves and arms were injured. The crazy fighting power of the maids and male slaves made him terrified. Those people were heavy and cruel, like beasts, his stomach was still aching, as if a knife had been stuck in it.

Robb looked at Joffrey condescendingly.

"Rob, don’t forget that we were practicing swords and drinking together in Winterfell. My father Robert Baratheon and Ed Stark are the best brothers, and I am also Ed’s adopted son. , Robb, save me!" Joffrey begged.

The swords against him were all chilling, with his blood still on them.

Robb signaled that Harris waited for the warriors of the Northern Guards to jump off the horse. Harris reached out and pulled Joffrey up, only to see that Joffrey had several stab wounds on his leg. One of them is still on the knee.

"Master Robb, he is injured."

"Untie his rope and hand him to the military affairs officer to take care of him." Robb ordered.

"No, Robb, I need a bachelor. I'm bleeding. I have a lot of stab wounds. Ask Bachelor Keller to stop the bleeding. I'll bleed to death." Joffrey shouted, his voice full of panic.

Harris carried him away, and Joffrey scolded Harris while struggling. Will and Robb heard a crackle, and then Joffrey’s yelling sound disappeared.

Baron was carried to the gate by four guards and placed on the ground.

All the iron guards released their weapons, and the maids and male slaves knelt on the ground.

Baron hadn't died yet, and the other person had a very strong personality, with a long sword running through his body. He was on the verge of fainting, but he still insisted on not closing his eyes.

His mind suddenly became surprisingly clear, and he knew that his limit was coming.

Bachelor Keller stood beside him in his bachelor gown, helpless. Such a sword wound already belongs to Mo Ke's category, and his medicine is helpless.

The analgesic effect of poppy flower milk is minimal for such a sword injury.

"...Master Will... Give me... a pleasure..."

Will and Robb dismounted.

Will and Robb squatted down and looked at Barron’s daunting eyes: "I can give you a happy one, and you can give me a happy message. Kevon arranged for someone to assassinate Ed Stark. grown ups?"

"……I do not know……"

"Who is the rebellious nobleman in the valley?" Will drew the short knife from his waist, "You tell me the truth, I'll give you pleasure!"