The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 494: Prophecy on Our Lady of Mount: Dragon an

Drogo Kao rode on his horse majesticly, like a god.

His long hair was braided with countless little braids and hung under the horse's belly. There were countless little bells hanging on the braids. Each small silver bell represented a life, and each of the biggest gem-like bells represented a kao. Each of the smaller golden bells represents the life of a Kou.

The tribal leader one level lower than Kao is called Kou.

Kao: the leader of the tribe; Kalixi: the wife of the leader; Kou: the highest-ranking leader under Kao; Kas: the personal entourage of Kalixi, excluding slaves.

Wherever Zogo Kao's bell rang, the enemy was terrified. His long hair and bells are symbols of invincibility. Each time the warriors on the grassland lost a battle, their hair would be cut. The never-defeated Drogo Kao's hair had grown so long that it had to be wrapped around his waist several times during battle.


"Varys, I heard about dragons," said Drogo Kao.

The Avenue of Mount Notre Dame was built very wide, with lawns trimmed by slaves on both sides. The trees on the mountain are sparse and cannot block people's sight.

Varys respectfully said: "Zogo, I also heard people talking about dragons."


"My friend Pantos Governor Illio Moptis once sent three dragon egg fossils to Daenerys. Those were her wedding gifts. Unfortunately, it’s a pity that you and Daenerys are on the grassland. On the day when people were married again, the dragon egg was stolen."

"I learned about this later, Daenerys told me."

After Zogo Cao and Daenerys got married on the plain outside Pantos according to the customs of the steppe people, they returned to the holy city of Vis Dothraki, and it took a year.

"The three little dragons that hatched are the three dragon eggs that were stolen."

"Are you sure?" Drogo Kao's eyes were as sharp as a blade.

"The news I got is quite certain, Zhuo Ge. Now the three dragons are in the hands of a newly formed mercenary regiment, whose name is Longxing, with the dragon as its banner."

Zogo Kao snorted.

Daenerys and Varys asked Zogo Kao several times to send troops to regain the young dragon. The young dragon has not yet been able to fight. It is the best time to send troops to snatch. The young dragon hatched from the stolen dragon egg should return to the original owner.

Daenerys is the real master of the dragon, and her blood has proven her non-burning.

The dragon is a magical creature that anyone with ambitions wants to get, but Zogo Kao insists on returning to the Holy City first, and after going to the Notre Dame Mountain to ask the priest's will, then decide when to lead his troops to retake it. Daenerys' young dragon.

When the group came to the hillside of the Notre Dame Mountain, Drogo Kaole stayed on the horse, and the entourage dismounted one after another.

Standing here, you can already see the temple buildings on the Mount of Our Lady. Anyone who wants to go up must walk.

Zogo jumped off his horse and handed the reins to his blood ally guard: "Varys, you and I will go up the mountain together."

"Yes, Zhuo Ge!"

Zogo and Varys walked to the gate of the temple. The priest and apprentice waited here, holding two basins of clean water in their hands. The two washed their hands and faces in the clean water. Varys was left at the gate. Zogo Kao respectfully walked into the temple alone under the leadership of the priest and apprentice.

The temple was built magnificently. It was built by slaves captured from all over the continent of Essos. All Kao paid money and slave workers, and Kao had never been short of money. The straw palace of Drogo Cao is larger than the castle of the nobles of Westeros, and it is filled with gold and silver treasures looted from everywhere.

In the city below the mountain, Drogo Kao owns nine huge straw palaces. He is rich and invincible, and the jade jewelry in the eyes of the world is not as attractive as the fur of a lion in his eyes.

After half an hour, Zogo Kao slowly walked out of the temple, his face was heavy, Varys looked at Zogo's face, cautiously, and did not dare to ask casually.

The two began to descend.

Zhuo Ge's brows frowned slightly: "Varys, do you know where Daenerys's three-headed dragon is?"

"Rice City."

Drogo Kao's brow furrowed deeper: "The Dothraki and the horses hate poisoned water, and poisoned water will kill us."

"The ship will be our new horse." Varys's tone was light but determined, "Zogo, if we don't recapture the dragon, we will no longer be invincible. Once the dragon grows up, we will rule the world again. There is no dragon. Daenerys is like a steppe eagle with its wings broken."

Zogo Kao stopped, his eyes looked at Varys, and Vary Stanran met his eyes.

The prophecy of the priest just now made it very clear that Daenerys would have three chances of pregnancy in her life, and she had miscarried the first two pregnancies. The three lost dragon eggs implied that it was the three children Daenerys lost.

Only by retrieving the three-headed dragon, Daenerys can have the last chance to become pregnant, and she will succeed. She will give birth to a son who will conquer the world for Zogo Kao.

After Daenerys and Drogo Kao got married, they were pregnant twice but failed to succeed. This is already Drogo Kao’s heart disease, and it is also Drogo Kao’s blood guard who began to despise Daenerys. s reason.

The woman who can't give birth to Kao is unknown!

This is also the fundamental reason why Zogo Cao must insist on returning to the Holy City first to ask the priests on the Virgin for his divine will.

Now he got the answer: Daenerys' three-headed dragon must be retaken first.

The blood of the Targaryen family is inextricably linked with the dragon, and the prosperity of the family is also closely related to the dragon's fate.

However, the city of Ries is thousands of miles away from Vis Dothraki, and the Dothraki people must abandon their horses and take a boat, which is a taboo of the Dothraki people.

Any water that a horse cannot drink is considered poisonous water by the Dothraki. Toxic water must stay away, the farther away the better.

The dragon is a rare magical creature. Once it hatches, the news spreads quickly.

When Varys went to work as an intelligence minister in Junlin City on the continent of Westeros, he had been doing secret intelligence business in the major free trade city-states of Essos. The city of Ries was also one of his lairs. Illyrio, the governor of Pantos, was his only business partner at the time.

In the free trade city-states of Pantos, Rees, Braavos, Novos, and Kohor, Varys has established his own intelligence network, and Little Mouse and Little Bird are the members of his intelligence network. first name. Varys was forced to flee to the other side of the narrow sea in King's Landing, but it was as if he had returned to his hometown after a long absence.

In the free trade city-state, his little mice and little birds have never stopped their activities. It does not require much money to maintain this operation, but the stability of the school teachers requires a sum of money. And Illio, who has become Governor Pantos, and Varys, who has become the Minister of Intelligence in King's Landing City, are no longer short of money.

Even the cities of the slave owners in the East have their little birds or mice.

In major cities, Varys and Pantos have their own ‘school’ where they train little birds and mice. Every little bird or mouse is an orphan. They are either abandoned on the streets or abused as slave children.

Some children have been taken in by special ‘school’ organizations before they could speak. This kind of school organization is like an orphanage. .

For the orphans admitted in the ‘school’ of Varis, there are teachers who teach them the basic knowledge of literacy and how to read books.

As soon as the dragon appeared, Varys got the news during the hostile time.

Varys lowered his head slightly, his hands trapped in his sleeves, and looked at Drogo Kao respectfully, and then he heard the words he wished to hear.

"Varys, we set off tomorrow to take back Daenerys' dragon!"