The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 530: Poisoned Zogo Kao

"The King of Light is invincible." Benello said proudly.

"Yes, the King of Light is invincible." The three consuls received instructions from the Lord of Light, knowing that they would defeat Zogo Kao, and after defeating Zogo Kao, they would seize a large amount of gold. Silver treasure. This makes them in ecstasy.

Zogo Kao came all the way from the Dothraki Sea, conquering cities and plundering land, and cities of all sizes fell upon the wind. The money and materials they contributed to Zogo Kao will increase Valantis’ wealth. floor.

"The flames of the Lord of Light will burn Zogo Kaor and his Kou, and only Daenerys Targaryen will be fine. As for who of you wants to marry her, the three of you will discuss it. Dothraki No matter how many legions, they are not opponents of the fire." Benello said lightly.

The three consuls took this reassurance pill.


"Hey!" A voice suddenly sounded in the dark corner, shocking Quentin Martel.


Quentin Martell drew his sword while he was short. He turned around, the sword was already in front of his chest.

In the dark, it was not clear who the figure in the corner of the tent was.

"Quentin Martell, put away your sword." The voice was hoarse, with a gloomy meaning.

"Who are you?" Quentin Martell whispered.

The other party broke his hidden identity, making his heart startled.

"I'm the one who can help you." The voice was low, as if he was also taboo to have ears on the wall.

The opponent will not be from the eight-claw spider Varys. Varys wanted to threaten him and wouldn't make such moves. He can choose to tell Quentin's secrets to Drogo Cao or Daenerys, and he won't be so mysterious.

"How can you help me?"

"I can help you kill Zogo Kao."

Quentin Martell's vest was in cold sweat.

This secret, heaven and earth, only he knows. His father, sister and confidant Claytus didn't know the true secret of his heart.

Quentin suddenly started, approaching the corner like a cat, his murderous aura spread.


The other party lit up the tinder, the light of the tinder was very small, but it illuminates the person's face.

"It's you?!" Quentin's sword hit the opponent's throat.

"It's me!" The other party looked into Quentin's eyes with indifference, "If you want to kill me, do it."

The visitor was Daenerys’ ‘Doctor’, Mili Maz Duer, the wizard of the Lazarin people.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"When Zogo's people slaughtered our people and burned our tribe, I was already dead."

Quentin stared at Mi Li, but Mi Li slowly closed her eyes. Quentin's sword cut through her fat neck, and blood flowed out, but Mi Li had no response to this.

Quentin took the sword slightly away from Mi Li's neck: "How do you know that I am Quentin Martel?"

"I have eyes to see, I have a head to think, I still have some little magic that can see the dark souls of certain people."

"Oh, then how can you help me kill Zogo Kao?"

"Use the **** next to him." Mi Li slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were completely dark, without pupils.

Quentin took a half step back in fright, the sword in his hand trembling slightly.

A faint contempt appeared on Mi Li's face, which made Quentin once again put the sword on her throat.

"I do not believe you."

"You are right, and I won't believe you. But we have a common enemy, you want to kill Zogo Kao, and I want to kill him, let's join hands."

"How to join hands?"

"The **** Varys is someone that Zogo Kao trusts very much. He has a miraculous medicine that can cure suppurative infections. Zogo Kao believes in that medicine."

"So what? No one can steal something from the eunuch, he himself is the ancestor of thieves."

"My little magic can make him sleep more. You steal his magical medicine after the **** falls asleep."

"Why steal the magic medicine?"

"I have a colorless and shadowless poison." Mi Li's black eyes returned to normal, and Quentin saw her normal pupils, "We only need to mix the poison into the magic medicine, and then quietly put the magic medicine. Go back."

"and then?"

"Then we will wait!"

"Wait for?"

"Wait for Zogo Kao to get injured again."

"What if he hasn't been injured?"

"Then I will find a way to hurt him."

Quentin's eyes lit up: "When Zogo is injured, Varys will use that magic medicine to treat his wounds?"


"Zogo Kao will die because of this."

"Yes. Afterwards, everyone will find that it was the eunuch's magic drug that killed Zogo Kao. They will kill the **** to avenge Zogo. Zogo's three blood guards will kill the **** by themselves."

"Good idea!" Quentin gently returned the sword into its sheath. He stretched out his hand to Mi Li: "Happy cooperation, as long as it succeeds, I will not treat you badly."

Mi Li did not shake hands with Quentin, she stared into Quentin's eyes coldly: "I am not helping you, I am avenging my people."

"Hey, it's all the same." Quentin whispered.


Mi Li blew out the tinder in her hand, and the tent plunged into darkness.

Quentin felt a gust of wind passing by.

"Quentin, Varys will sleep soundly in the early hours of the morning tonight, even if you lift him up and throw him into the river, he won't wake up."

"Throw him into the water and he won't wake up? I don't believe it."

"Remember, in the early morning, sneak into the eunuch's tent and bring the magic medicine to my tent." Mi Li ignored Quentin's doubts. The curtain of the tent moved slightly, and Mi Li went out silently.

Quentin lay on the straw bed, there was the sound of wind outside, the sound of burning campfires, the sound of patrolling soldiers, and the sound of cavalry drinking and punching in the distance. He could no longer sleep.


In the early morning, Quentin was dressed in tight black clothes, opened a corner of the tent and rolled out. He easily avoided the route of the patrolling soldiers and sneaked into Varys' tent effortlessly.

Varys really slept soundly, snoring evenly. An oil lamp was still lit in his tent, and red candles were burning in the four corner silver plates on the ground.

Quentin carefully unzipped Varys's pajamas, fumbled out the contents of his pocket, and found a round and smooth crystal bottle and some scrolls of parchment that were completely incomprehensible. The letters on the parchment scroll are all garbled, there are no words spelled together, and it is impossible to read any sentence.

Quentin took one of the parchment papers and put back the remaining parchment rolls. He wanted to go through all of Varys's packages, but time was too late, he had to quickly put the medicine bottle into Mi Li's hand, and the witch was only willing to mix the poison into the magic medicine by herself.

The magic medicine is ointment.

After half an hour, Quentin returned to his tent and fell asleep, staring until dawn.

He was vaguely disturbed.

There is a loophole in Mi Li's plan, that is, if someone else is injured, Varys uses this magic medicine to heal someone, and that person will die. This matter will be exposed, poisoning Zogo Kao's plan. It will fail completely.

But Mi Li finally persuaded him that there were not many magical medicines and would only be used on two people, one was Zogo Kao and the other was Daenerys Targaryen. If Daenerys Targaryen is injured, Mili promises to heal Daenerys and will not allow her to enjoy the magical medicine. Even if Varys insisted on treating Daenerys with the magical medicine, the poison would not work on Daenerys. Mili was Daenerys's doctor, and she could detoxify the poison.

Although Quentin still feels wrong, he cannot convince the wizard Mi Li. Because there are always variables in this, for example, what if Varys was injured and used magical medicine?

Quentin thought that the wizard Mili's whole plan was very good, but the details were flawed, but he could not persuade the stupid wizard to change his mind.

The poisonous magical medicine has been put back on Varys. Quentin waited for the day when Zogo Kao accidentally got injured. Mi Li said that within ten days, Zogo would be injured.