The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 560: Enemy Attack·Flame Arrows

Zogo Cao’s army continued to advance, and the Chinese army army kept coming ashore, and the vanguard had to make room and position.

Turning in front of a small col is the plain.

What the Dothraki people like most is to charge and gallop on the ground, and no one takes the enemy's attack at heart, and Zogo Kao is also not alert.

Fighting on the plain is his best way of fighting. The Valantes dare not leave the black wall and come out to fight him on the plain. Even if they have the courage, Drogo Kaor is not afraid.

But although Drogo Kao was full of confidence, he still sent a second team of scouts.

He never fights unprepared wars at any time, nor is he blind enough to understand the true situation of the enemy.

He despised the combat power of the major free trade city-states, but in military operations, Zogo Kao never lost his reason.

There were only eight scouts in the second team.

Dothraki scouts are the best cavalry, the fewer the number, the more mobile, and all the scouts are archers.

The second team of scouts rushed across the front small col, and disappeared under the dust raised by horseshoes.

Drogo Cao led the forward and continued to advance slowly.

The front army all over the river beach moved forward like a tide.

Due to the limited terrain, Drogo Cao couldn't make all the forwards assemble, and the Dothraki didn't pay much attention to marching in line.


The 20,000 soldiers were still waiting to cross the river on the other side of the Lorne River.

The rear of the rear army is the non-combat force of one hundred thousand Slarks, including the horse-drawn carriage and ox cart that stretches for dozens of miles, the slaves and family members of various tribes. There are more than five thousand food carts alone. The food supplies of the Dothraki people do not need to be protected by a special army. The women of Dothraki can protect their food just like the children. Thousands of little girls in the legion are responsible for collecting arrows on the battlefield after each battle.

After any battle between the Dothraki people, the battlefield would be filled with dense arrows. The collection of these arrows is all a fixed matter for girls from a few years old to a teenager.

Daenery ribbons the eight-claw spider Varys, the bear island Sir Jora Mormon, the fake Dorn Prince Quentin, and the doctor-like wizard Mi Li directing and managing the hundreds of thousands of families and supplies in the rear.

Jorah Mormon ran around on her horse, patrolling the team back and forth in place of Daenerys. The Dothraki people can ride horses even with children, so the team is not chaotic, but the Lorne River in front of it blocked the way. There are too many people, and the rafts crossing the river are limited. Most of the time the team walks and stops. It takes more than an hour, but it only moves. Two miles away.

Jora Mormon stopped to take a sip of water. He looked at the long convoy behind him where the tail of the team was not visible at all, and saw smoke rising in the distance.

Jora frowned, who lit the flame behind. The left side of the team is the river beach, and the right side is the woods not far away. He had just sent a scout to ran back to check, and in a blink of an eye, the thick fog was rolling, and people's exclamations were faintly mixed.

"It's on fire." Jora Mormon cursed in a low voice, hitting the horse and ran back. A squad of Daenerys’s Cass team followed Jora Mormon.

Although you can see more and more intense smoke, it is actually far away, twenty miles away.

The speed of the horse is extremely fast, no matter how far Jora Mormon can run, the second place smoke rises, then the third place, the fourth place, the fifth place!

Jorah Mormon slammed her horse back and shouted: "The enemy attack, the enemy attack, the defense, the enemy attack!"

His military experience saved the material carriage and ox cart in the middle section. On both sides of the material cart were Dothraki women riding war horses and children, as well as the old, weak, and sick Dothraki people. As soon as the warning of the enemy attack came out, the patrolling scouts immediately issued warnings, wave after wave The shouts of enemy attack soon reached the front.

Daenerys, Varys and others were in front.

The Dothraki woman and the children bent their bows and set arrows, and the scouts on patrol drew out their scimitars. They instantly entered a state of combat, just like well-trained soldiers.

The only shortcoming is that the team is too long, and the enemy can attack any point at will.


The first war horse suddenly rushed out of the woods.

"Enemy attack, defense!" Jora Mormon shouted.

"Enemy attack, defense!" This shout was transmitted in waves like the wind on both sides.

Got it!

The second horse appeared, the third horse appeared, and then, as if only for an instant, dozens or hundreds of horses rushed out of the woods, with a tiger flag waving in the wind.

Behind the charging cavalry, footsteps roared loudly. Lines of longbowmen who were good for long-range shooting appeared. They rolled out one by one, stepping on neat footsteps, endlessly following. The woods appear like cubes, and the enemy's front line is not visible at a glance. I don't know how many enemy troops are in ambush in the dense forest.

An unrivaled military force came under awe-inspiring oppression.

"Don't panic, hold on!" Jorah Mormon shouted, racing back and forth in front of the team with his sword, "Hold up, hold on, listen to my orders, prepare bow and arrow!"

Behind Mormon, countless arrows hit the bow.

"Listen to my orders, wait for them to approach, wait for them to approach!"

The Dothraki women and children have good archery skills, but their strength is weak and their arrows cannot reach far.

Boom boom boom!

In the woods, teams of cavalry and phalanx of infantry kept rolling out, endlessly.

Jorah Mormon was secretly surprised that the women and children around him, plus the old, weak, and disabled, could not compete with such a neat and solemn regular army.

"Stay steady, hold steady, our cavalry is rounding around and outflanking the enemy!" Jora Mormon rode a high sword and galloped in front of the team. His non-stop shouting and cheering calmed the flustered Dothraki. , Jora Mormon aroused the combat wildness in the blood of Dothraki.

The shouts gathered a torrent in the throats of women and children!


Under the Tigers banner, Maracio Meguya, the governor of the Tiger Party, shouted: "Warriors, bring me the opposing general."

Jorah Mormon wielded a long sword in armor, completely different from the Dothraki. He flew back and forth to command the defense. At first glance, he was an experienced general, but he was definitely not a Dothraki. Generals do not wear armor. They dislike the armor bound to the body, and relying on armor to protect the body is also a cowardly act.

Three cavalry teams formed a triangle and charged towards Jorah Mormont.

Jora Mormon's position in the entire team is too conspicuous, he is like a little sun. He put the Dothraki women and children in a defensive formation.

"Prepare!" Under the banner of the Tiger Army, Maraggio raised his sword and roared!




The order was passed on quickly by the commanders like the wind.

In the Hupao Army's infantry phalanx, there was a sound of pulling apart the longbow, and one rocket was strung on the bowstring.

Longbow for long shots!


With an order from Maraggio, the flames and arrows were sent out, instantly covering the sky, showing off the brilliant light of flames.