The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 561: The dragon has grown to show its fangs

Jora Mormon looked up and saw the flame arrows in the sky.

Faced with the three cavalry teams charging at him, the flame arrows in the sky came first.

"Stay steady, pay attention to the flame arrow." Jora Mormon's shout made everyone calm every time. His existence makes everyone find the backbone.

Whoosh whoosh!

The sky full of flame arrows whizzed down.

Undifferentiated coverage shooting.

Puff puff!

The flame arrows hit women, children, carriages and ox carts.

The screams sounded, and the carriage and ox cart filled with food and supplies burned.

Jora Mormon avoided the first round of the Flame Arrow shooting with the aid of a carriage.

The enemy is a longbow hard arrow, which can hit the Dothraki material vehicles and people, but the Dothraki women and children cannot shoot the enemy because the distance is too far.

This put the Dothraki people in a completely passive situation.

Jora Mormon knew that he had to wait for the Dothraki cavalry at the river crossing to arrive. The only thing he had to do now was to lead everyone to the defense and insist on support.

From the far ground, the shouts of the enemy generals rang again: Prepare!

The second round of flame arrows will soon cover indiscriminately.

Jora Mormon jumped out from behind the carriage and shouted: "Stay steady, the enemy cavalry is coming."

The main goal of the three cavalry squadrons was to capture Jora Mormon alive.

This brat armor sword is too dazzling!

He has also become the absolute core of this team.

Jorah Moore was hooded and fearless, and the enemy cavalry came close to fight and it was to die.

The Dothraki women and children behind him will suffer the cavalry. As long as they reach a suitable distance, they will know how powerful the Dothraki women and children are.

Jora Mormon stood in front of the team and shouted: "Stay steady, listen to my orders, prepare!"

Boom boom boom!

Three teams of cavalry swept like wind.


In front of the families of more than one hundred thousand Slavs, there are Daenerys and Varys, Quentin Martel and the wizard Mili. After receiving the news that Jorah More was attacked by the enemy, Daenerys immediately sent Jogo the Longwhip to the riverside ferry to deploy troops, and she led Varis, Quentin Martel, and Scimitar La Carlo. With the archer Ago, he rushed back with his 400 Cass cavalry to support Jora Mormon.

The wizard Mili stayed, with the Cass tribe rescued by Daenerys. These former captive women, who can't use knives, can't shoot arrows, are ordinary women in the entire Dothraki that are powerless.

In the face of battle, they are not as good as the children of the Dothraki.

Daenerys galloped forward while shouting: "Enemy attack, defense, defense!"

Wherever she went, the Dothraki woman and the children cheered. They were brazen and ready to fight. Dothraki people are born fighters.

However, without waiting for them to support Jorah Mormon, in the woods opposite them, the flag was waving, a team of cavalry appeared, and then the infantry phalanx.

The cavalry lined up and the infantry lined up, but they did not launch a violent attack.

Perhaps the other party knew that the Dothraki people had great archery skills. Whether it was a woman or a child, they would encounter a terrible arrow rain if they dared to rush closer. Moreover, archery is superb, not inferior to a well-trained archer.

"Defense, enemy attack!" Daenerys strangled the horse, and her 400 Cass cavalry also restrained the horse and took a position.

As long as the enemy's cavalry dares to charge, Daenerys's hundreds of cavalry will also charge.

"Stay steady, steady!" Varys shouted, and he rode his horse and stood side by side with Daenerys. His two gladiators followed Fatty and Bald, closely by his side.

The fat man and the bald head did not wear armor. They replaced them with handy weapons: the fat man was a pair of hammers, which were seized spoils found in dozens of ordnance vehicles in the army, and no one used them. The bald head picked a spear, two short daggers, two steel thorns, a long sword and a strong bow with a few bags of arrows from the ordnance cart, and a short stick hung on the saddle.

The handsome and extraordinary Claytus Irenewood drew the long sword. He faked Quentin Martell and stayed with Daenerys, who was an aunt, because he was a relative of Dorn, the prince of Dorn. In order to protect his safety, he has not participated in any battle, but now, the opportunity has come.

This excites Claytus Irenewood, who has studied martial arts for ten years. He has always thought that apart from Quentin, not many people can catch his spear and swordsmanship.

Quentin Martell, who followed him, remained calm. His position seemed casual, but he was surrounded by several knights and entourage at the core.

Quentin Martell's bachelor Cadley hid behind the carriage to prevent the arrow from flowing. Kadri has no martial arts at all. It is already great that he can follow the team tirelessly.

The enemy suddenly appeared, and the front line was very long. Daenerys had set up a defensive formation. All the carriages and carts were stopped, the handlebars were facing the enemy, and the wide terrain surrounded the cars in a circle. People were hiding beside the cars. Later, the old, weak, sick and disabled hid under the car.

Daenerys' four hundred cavalry lined up, scimitars shining. Maybe it was because there were not enough enemies. After only a few square formations separated by a long distance, no more enemies came out of the woods.

"Kalyxi, let me take the cavalry to attack the enemy's flank." Archer Ago asked for his orders.

If the enemy is only a few square formations and hundreds of sparse cavalry, attacking the opponent's flank is the best way.

"Daenerys, the enemy's situation is unknown, hold on and wait for reinforcements!" Varys proposed.

"Quentin, what do you think?" Daenerys asked Quentin.

Claytus Ellenwood has long been eager to try to assault the enemy, but if he wants to charge, Quentin Martell beside him must also charge and kill the enemy. This is too dangerous for the prince. He It was here to protect Quentin Martel, not to fight for his own joy.

Cletus hesitated slightly, but the ordinary guard behind him, the shameless boy, drew out his long sword and said: "My Lord Quentin, it is our honor to kill the enemy for the noble Kalyxi. Please give me a , Let the enemy see the bravery of the Dorne."

Quentin's intention was not to let the enemy see the bravery of the Dorne, but to let Daenerys see his bravery.

At the first sight of Daenerys, Quentin fell in love with the beautiful Daenerys. At the beginning of the action plan, he just wanted to marry Daenerys as his wife after assassinating Drogo Cao, and then make contributions and honor him. After seeing Daenerys himself, his utilitarian heart gave way to him The love for Daenerys.

The real Quentin expressed his intention to fight. The fake Quentin Cletus choked out his saber around his waist and said, "Auntie, please give me a hundred-man cavalry team. Let me impulse the enemy's flanks and try to detect the enemy. Is there still an ambush?"

Claytus was very cautious. He did not lead a few entourages behind him and immediately charged, but first asked for a Dothraki cavalry team, his original intention was naturally to protect the real Quentin Martel.

Daenerys said lightly: "Okay! Quentin Martel, you led a hundred cavalry to attack the enemy's left flank, to test the enemy's true strength; Ago, you led a hundred cavalry to be ready to respond at any time, if the enemy is still in the woods There is an ambush, and immediately respond to Quentin back. La Carlo, you lead a hundred cavalry to suppress the enemy's right flank, the enemy does not move, you do not move. When the enemy attacks, you charge, and you must pierce the enemy's cavalry formation! Varys, you Get back and hide, and give me your two gladiators. If the enemy has only this strength, I will lead my two hundred cass to raid the opponent’s army and penetrate their formation. The enemy’s front is too long, There shouldn’t be many troops here."

Daenerys, who had never fought a war herself, faced the sudden appearance of an enemy, but seemed like a war-fighting general, strategizing and planning freely. There is temptation, defense, surprise attack, and prediction!

The eight-claw spider Varys was dumbfounded, and couldn't believe that Daenerys made this battle plan instantly. Daenerys' calmness, wit, fearlessness, and combat talent were vividly displayed in front of Varys.

Quentin Martell was admired, and his love for Daenerys grew a bit deeper, and he could no longer extricate himself.

The dragon has grown up, his combat talent has appeared, and his fangs have been exposed for the first time!