The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 57: Long night is approaching sudden change

Bachelor Yimon looked blindly at Will under the discussion table.

The long discussion table is on a high strip-shaped platform. Maybe the designer wants to show that the existence of authority is higher than the others.

"Will, don't you want to say something to me?" Amon said.

"Bachelor Yimon, they refused not because of the loyalty of the men in black, but because of fear. They were afraid of my brothers joining, because the Wooden Shield Warrior and the Ash Warrior were more powerful than them." Will said lightly.

"The point I want to know is not Alisha Thorne's fear." Bachelor Yimon said.

"So, you want to know how I convinced them to come to the Great Wall, right, it's very simple, it comes from the will of the old god. Bachelor, something unusual happened in the ghost forest, and then in my Some miracles have also happened to me. I now believe in the old **** and take the **** of time and space as my main god. All this happened, the Wooden Shield Tribe and the Ash Tribe are willing to come to the Great Wall, not because they like it here, but because of God’s will Bachelor, winter is here."

"God’s will? You are talking about the old god’s will, but they don’t believe in the old god, Alisha Thorne and Bowen Marsi don’t believe in the old god, and most of the brothers in black don’t believe in the old God, how do you want us to persuade them? I heard that you are already an alien. You once controlled a shadow lynx and helped you slaughter the soldiers of the vassals of the Earl Glover of Deep Limburg, right? Your friends The armor I wear is all obtained by slaughtering those soldiers, right?"

"There is no slaughter, bachelor, only a short battle. I spared most of the soldiers. Earl Glover lied in his letter to you."

"Oh, it's possible, the noble lords have this hobby. Will, if we let your brothers stay, can they swear to be men in black? The long night is coming, and I will watch from now on until I die. Hugh. I will not marry a wife, no fief, or have children. I will not wear a crown or fight for honor. I will do my duty and live and die. I am a sword in the dark and a guard on the Great Wall. I will resist the cold. The blazing flames, the rays of dawn, the horn that awakens the sleeper, the shield to protect the kingdom. I dedicate my life and glory to the night watchman, so tonight, every night.-Do you think they can do it? Tonight so , Every night will die?"

Commander-in-Chief Mormont, Acting Chief Ranger Jeremy Lake, Bachelor Yimon, all three looked at Will, waiting for him to answer.

Will said, "Bachelor, why are you here as a night watchman? It's because the long night is approaching. You came here to watch, until you die?"

Bachelor Yimen was startled.

He is famous in the Seven Nations for his profound knowledge and selfless dedication, but this is the first time anyone has asked him this question.

The answer for Bachelor Yimon to be the night watchman here is naturally not because the long night is approaching, but because he wants to escape the **** battle between blood relatives in the palace.

Bachelor Yimon raised his head and stared blindly into the air. His hands began to tremble again, counting the metal pieces on his necklace, and the cycle continued.

Will looked at Commander-in-Chief Mormont and said, "Master Commander-in-Chief, why did you come here as a night watchman? Because the night is approaching, you decided to come here to dedicate yourself until you die?"

The commander-in-chief of Mormont looked upset. He came here only to pass his title to his son, Sir Jorah Mormont.

Jorah Mormon, whom he had high hopes for, humiliated the family and became the eternal pain in Jeo Mormon's heart.

Ten years ago, when Greyjoy, the lord of the Iron Islands, rebelled, Chora won the title of knight for fighting bravely. To celebrate this victory, King Robert Baratheon held a competition in Lannisport. There, Jora met Linnis Haytar and was immediately fascinated by her.

They got married soon, and in order to make his wife happy, Jora spent all of her money and finally fell into poverty. In order to make money, Chora sold the poachers to the Telosi as slaves, which was illegal in the North. Ed Stark sentenced him to death for this, and led the guard to go thousands of miles to hunt down Jora Mormon.

Jora Mormont and Linnese fled across the narrow sea to Reese and became a mercenary knight. When he went out to fight for the nobles as a mercenary knight, Linnis eloped with a Reese merchant.

From then on, Jora Mormon wandered alone on the Essos continent on the other side of the narrow sea, cutting off any contact with the family. He also became the eternal pain in the heart of his father Jeo Mormon.

Will knows all this very well, and also knows that Jora will become Long Ma's right-hand man. His words uncovered the scars of the commander-in-chief, making his face very difficult to look.

Will said lightly: "Bachelor Emon, Commander-in-Chief Mormont, the reason why I came here to be a man in black is even simpler, not because the night is approaching, so I came here to watch and die, but because of me. If you don’t come, Earl Jason Melist of Haijiang City will chop off my hands with a huge sword."

"Everyone here, who came here as a night watchman out of absolute honor because the long night is approaching, Bachelor Yimon, can you name even one person?"

Bachelor Yimon said: "I know the names of many people...thousands of years ago..."

"Yes, I know, but it was thousands of years ago, in the era of light and heroes when the ghosts came. Those warriors were really willing to come here to be night watchmen because of the long night, because of the ghosts, and their honor. They do not marry wives, do not fief, do not have children. Do not wear crowns, do not fight for honor and favor. They do their duty and live and die in the country. They are the shield to guard the kingdom. They always give their lives and glory to the night watchman. But now, the time has passed Now, in the Seven Kingdoms, the true best knights and warriors, who out of honor, will leave the family and glory of the territory and come here to be the night watchman? Who? No one."

There was a rare moment of silence in the chamber, and even the croaking crow tilted his head to look at Will, his dark red eyes as if examining some secret in Will.

"Bachelor Yimen, the winter is here, and the ghosts are coming. Our three-person patrol team, Gary and Sir Weimar Royce, have been killed by ghosts outside the Great Wall. I was lucky enough to escape. Blessed by the will of the **** of time and space, I have become the chosen one. I now tell you that in the land of eternal winter in the far north, there will be a steady stream of ghosts and ghouls who will break through the Great Wall and sweep the Seven Kingdoms , Kill all humans and humanoid lives, do you believe it or not?"

"With the help of a god, I just came back from patrolling the Great Wall not long ago. Where else is there any strange ghost except the savages?" Acting Chief Ranger Officer Jeremy Lake reprimanded, "Bachelor Emon is stationed here. Have you heard of strange ghosts for decades?"

Commander-in-Chief Mormont snorted: "Will, maybe you did get some fragments of the oracle, but that doesn't mean you can use it to talk nonsense and deceive people with the belief in gods. You said that ghosts are coming, but the purpose is only I want us to leave behind the untouchables in the wolf forest who don’t know how you bewitched. Although the Great Wall is extremely short of manpower, we will not casually accept the wolf forest tribes who have never been naturalized. Their potential danger is equal to those outside the Great Wall. Savage."

Will glanced at the thoughtful Bachelor Yimon, and smiled slightly: "Well, I understand what the commander-in-chief meant." He turned to leave, but suddenly raised his hand, and the hilt of the night hit Jeremy. Lake's head stunned him to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Commander-in-Chief Mormont stood up abruptly, choked, and drew out the long sword around his waist. Before he could jump down, Will had already swiftly turned on the platform, the two of them confronted and fought each other. With a loud sound, the dark night cutting off the sword in Commander-in-Chief Mormont's hand was like cutting a piece of parchment.

"Commander, only your family inherited Valyrian steel sword with long claws can block my dark night, but you threw the long claws into the utility room of the commanding tower because of Jora, hehe, I'm right." Will smiled. In the blink of an eye, the dark night swiped the broken sword in Commander Mormon's hand to only one hilt, and the dark night shook and hit the shocked Mormon's throat.

"Will, what do you want to do?" Mormont growled angrily.

Ho **** ho!

Hello Hello!

Jingle bells!

Ping pong pong!



Outside the main castle, suddenly, many people's screams and chaotic footsteps sounded everywhere.

Commander-in-chief Mormont's face changed drastically, and Bachelor Yimon looked blindly at the sky, his lips wriggling, as if whispering to a transparent person.


The door of the hall suddenly turned into fragments and flew, and a giant strode in, shaking the wooden floor of the entire hall.

"Master Will, we controlled the guard tower, the barracks, the armory, the storage room, the noose building, and the black door passage to the Great Wall has also been taken down." Tyron Ashes' voice blasted across the hall.

"Well, tie up Commander Mormon."

"Yes, my lord!"