The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 687: Bachelor of Imon: A Quiet Sunset

(This chapter 1 is written first in the world, you must read it. 2 will be updated soon, Tianya, Xianxian mode update is occasional, haha! Thank you for your support.)


The Great Wall of Despair.

Drops of water flowed down the Great Wall, collecting small amounts into more, slowly forming small streams of water.

The water stream shines under the sunlight, just like a stream of flowing light.

Standing under the Great Wall and looking at the Great Wall above you, people feel suffocated and oppressed.

The scene of ice-snow-to-water seldom appears in autumn, usually in the hot summer.

This kind of ice and snow on the surface of the Great Wall is called by the people of the Great Wall: Tears of the Great Wall.

The Great Wall shed tears, perhaps because of sadness, perhaps because of happiness.

But tears on the Great Wall in autumn often hint at a tragic killing or the departure of a great person.

Killing, maybe because of justice, maybe the opposite.

And the departure of a great person only represents sadness.

Sam Weir walked down the avenue under the Great Wall in a wheelchair. Bachelor Yimon sat in a wheelchair. Alongside, there were two bachelors from the Starry Church in the old town. They were invited by Bachelor Yimon to help Sam Weir translate, copy and properly preserve the ancient books in the underground library.

Many ancient books require specialized techniques for preservation.

The ancient texts about alien ghosts are not clear, and the bachelor is repairing it through professional techniques.

Sam pushed Bachelor Yimon's wheelchair and walked very slowly.

Bachelor Yimon's gaze was calm, and the two hands holding the armrest of the wheelchair were covered with bones. His cheeks were sunken and his eye sockets dropped, and he was already too thin.

At the foot of the Great Wall, the newly repaired horse track can accommodate twelve horses running side by side. Every castle was renovated and moved into the regiment. This is the most powerful era in eight thousand years. In history, at the strongest time, there were no soldiers to fill all 19 military castles. But this time, each castle not only stationed a legion, but also built a spiral staircase to the Great Wall, catapults and defenses. The attached towers of the main castle: left and right arrow towers!

In the eight thousand years since the Great Wall was built, this is the strongest Great Wall, and there is no one.

Such a powerful force does not come from the Seven Kingdoms, but from the free people outside the Great Wall, a savage that the nobles completely despise.

A group of four people marched slowly, and cavalry or infantry marched past from time to time. From time to time, scouts or generals and attendants ran by. From time to time, civilians crossed the avenue and ran into the woods along the avenue.

On the avenue, we also saw naughty children throwing stones at each other from time to time, and there were also little girls' giggles echoing in the ears of Bachelor Yimon.

He looked blindly towards the blue sunny day, his ears gathered all the sounds along the way in his heart.

The target of the four is the largest castle among the military fortresses of the Great Wall: Long Night Fort.

From the Black Castle, you have to pass through the Queen’s Gate and the two military castles in Deep Lake to reach the Long Night Castle.

Every day, four people only walk a distance.

They have been walking on the newly built Great Wall Avenue for several days.

There are military outposts along the road, and the entire Great Wall seems to be a heavily military place.

But this is only the surface, in fact civilians and freedmen are free to enter and exit the castles. They exchange or trade ironware, salt, fur, grain and animal meat.

Free trade in the East China Sea has begun. Grain from the other side of the narrow sea is transported, fur from here, live wolf cubs, foxes, and monkeys are transported there, as well as cheap kerosene. Silk and cloth are shipped, and the finished clothes are sold back.

Bachelor Yimeng could not see the development of the Great Wall, but he saw everything with his ears, and sometimes saw more things than those with a discerning eye.

The night watchman administers five hundred miles of land, and town construction is everywhere. Several towns are connected by roads to form a city. On both sides of the connecting road, freemen are free to build their own huts.

There were only three tax officers in the past, but now they have increased to three hundred. The previous one-tenth of the property tax has added a new type of tax: money tax. Those who are unwilling to pay for items can directly pay for the golden dragon or silver deer of the same value. People can freely choose between property tax and money tax.

There are more and more business people. There are merchants from Dorn, merchants from across the narrow sea, cloth merchants, iron merchants, grain merchants, and big bosses who specialize in opening girls' dens.

Tens of thousands of free citizens are allocated to their respective areas according to the order of the registered list on the land under the jurisdiction of five hundred miles, and they are free to build houses in accordance with the town's grand plan. There are also those who are unwilling to build houses. They are willing to live in the woods or under the Wolfwood Mountains, provided that they must first be registered under the official name.

The two bachelors beside Sam Weir took out their books as they walked.

They often start reading when their feet are warm.

This is a rare leisure time, but Samwell Tully is not at all relaxed.

On the contrary, he was still very sad.

It's just that his sadness was hidden by his chubby appearance.

Everyone passing by Sam Will, Sam will nod with a smile. He is a young bachelor with a great reputation other than Bachelor Yimon, although he has not received any bachelor necklace from the Old Town Church.

There is an unknown premonition in Sam's heart.

Some time ago, as he learned more and more, he learned more and more knowledge, and with the help of two bachelors, there was less and less work left for Bachelor Yimon.

This is also Sam’s kindness that wants to relieve the pressure of work for Bachelor Yimon, but he later realized that he was wrong. As the workload decreases, Bachelor Yimon’s health is getting worse.

In the end, when Sam came to understand and added jobs to Bachelor Yimon again, he was stopped by Bachelor Yimon. Bachelor Yimon simply stopped all work and left everything to Sam to handle.

This decision also caused Bachelor Yimon's body to deteriorate day by day.

Sam and the two bachelors knew that the time for Bachelor Yimon was running out.

Once his job was put down, his fighting spirit was also put down.

This is an old man who is almost a hundred and two years old. He could have been the king of the Targaryen dynasty at a certain period, but he did not want to fight with his family. He did not want to see the rebellion caused by the Black Fire clan.

From their own point of view, everyone has the right to be a king. For the Iron Throne, the Targaryen family fought in the same room and killed their relatives. Faced with this situation, Amon Targaryen chose to withdraw, and in order to completely dispel the scruples of the new king, he chose to become the night watchman.

Now, the old man put aside everything in the world, he wanted to leave, he wanted to rest. He dedicated his life to the Great Wall, he stopped and left the silence to himself.

But he still has a wish. He wants to go to the Long Night Fort, the biggest military fortress. He wants to hear the sound of three hundred skilled blacksmiths casting Valyrian steel swords.

The Great Wall of Despair is one of the nine wonders of the world, but the Valyrian steel sword is the only miracle in the history of weapons.