The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 712: Fraud

At night, the light of torches can always be seen from far away.

More than 16,000 torches immediately lit up the night sky under the Blood Gate Mountain Range. Invisibly, flames appeared in the northeast and southwest of the valley plain at the same time. One was the soaring fire of the castle being lit, and the other was the countless dragon of torches like the stars in the sky.

Jaime Lannister and Cersei Lannister, who were watching the fire in the northern city of Aegis on the Eagle’s Nest, suddenly saw a few dots of fire under the Bloodgate Mountain Range. At first there were not many fires, but soon they It is like the dense clusters of stars in the sky, flowing continuously from the Blood Gate Mountain Range downstream into the valley plains, and the starlight formation composed of the stars goes southward.

There is a famous nobleman in the valley to the south: the Wywood family.

The Waywood family is also an ally of the Lannister family.

James' face could no longer calm down: "Cersei, the blood gate is lost."

For thousands of years, the only loss of the blood gate was because of the dragon of the Targaryen family. In just three hundred years, this is the second time the blood door has been broken.

"No!" Cersei's face was already pale and her lips lost their blood. Her eyes subconsciously walked through the promenade to look inside, where there were two of her treasures: the new king Toman Baratheon and Princess Messiah Baratheon, who had secretly received the oath of allegiance from Kaifeng and others. Yep.

"Cersei!" James said bitterly. "This is the terrible consequence of you must insist on killing Ed Stark. If you listen to me, we have captured Ed Stark and his men alive. Imprisoned Shireen Baratheon, captured the fearless Barristan Selmi, locked Bran Stark and Arya Stark, then it would never appear tonight we see The situation. We have people in our hands, and the North, the Great Wall, and Hejian are all left to our control."

Cersei's uncontrollable fear was in her heart. She looked at the countless stars on the scattered valley plains, and Will's softly contoured face appeared before her eyes. The ugly guy with the Eastern face made her feel fear.

But Cersei never showed weakness in front of James!

Cersei sneered: "Jaime, you are a man from the Lannisters, not a woman hiding in the corner of the Eagle's Nest. If I were you, I would complain less and think more about coping."

James fixedly looked at Cersei, who avoided his sharp gaze.

Her voice still gritted her teeth: "Jaime, even if the valley plains are all occupied by Will and Robb, they will not be able to break the Eagle's Nest. Below the Eagle's Nest, there are three defensive castles in dangerous places. In addition to the dragon, No one can break the Eagle's Nest City. Moreover, the food hidden in the mountains of the Eagle's Nest City will be enough for us to eat for ten years."

"We don't have to wait to eat for ten years. After autumn has passed, we will roll down the mountain as soon as winter comes."

"we will not."

"The cold will make us have to go down the mountain to survive the winter." James said slowly, word by word, "In Eagle's Nest, no one can survive the winter in such a high place."

Cersei sneered again: "Jaime, don’t forget that Uncle Kaifeng is marching towards Junlin City. His legion is the strongest legion. His loyal Majesty Toman is here with us. He entered the Red Fort of Junlin City. , The king must sit on the Iron Throne, and he will bring the army to pick us up."

James snorted and decided to give up the argument with Cersei.

James stared at the countless'stars' on the valley plain. He was really surprised. What he never expected was that Robb and Will led so many people into the valley. If two people had a torch, Then the opponent's personnel should be around 25,000 to 30,000.

This is a very powerful force, more than the sum of all the noble forces left in the valley plain.

Moreover, this was just a soldier and horse that invaded the valley, and there was a soldier and horse that burned his heart to the north.

The army of Will and Robb seemed to have fallen from the sky. The number of people is incredible.

But the flames will not deceive people, so many torches on the plain under the Blood Gate Mountains will not deceive people. A star is a torch, and a torch illuminates at least one person, whatever the calculation, the opponent's forces are so powerful that it is desperate.

The dangerous rock fort, snow mountain fort, and Changtian fort under Eagle's Nest, and the Moon Gate at the foot of the mountain where the Royce family branch was stationed were also awakened by the sudden appearance of torches. The sudden appearance of the enemy was so large that everyone was worried. Fearful.

The nobles of the Wywood family in Oak City, both near and far, were all startled by this army of dense torches. These people climbed up overnight, hurriedly packed their soft belongings, and took a family to Oak City to flee for their lives.

Oak City was also awakened from the night’s sleep. The members of the Wywood family were all neatly dressed and crowded into the conference room of the main castle. The shouts of the heralds were constantly ringing everywhere in the castle, whether they were soldiers. Still a commoner, Tong Tong Li got up from his sleep and took a weapon to guard the city wall.

The city gate also opened, accepting the nobles and commoners who came in like flowing water around.

Except for a group of hundreds of soldiers like Mia Stark, Will’s army is a cavalry. The speed of the cavalry should be very fast. Especially on the valley plains, the horses can run very fast, but there is no .

On the contrary, the marching speed of the legion was asked to slow down instead, and Will asked everyone to drive on the road without a hassle holding two torches. Mia Stark was eager to avenge his father, and only wanted to attack Oak City as quickly as possible, but he was opposed by Will. Under the military order, Mia Stark can only obey the military order.

More than 16,000 torches reflected the sky here.

It was late at night, along the way, the awakened little nobles and civilians in the valley were all doing birds and beasts, desperately fleeing in the opposite direction of this team. The opposite direction of this team is Eagle's Nest City. As long as they enter the first pass under Eagle's Nest: Moon Gate Fort, they will have their lives back.

No one can break the precipitous Moon Gate Fort.

Mia Stark urged people to hurry up, and a family soldier said: "General Michel, Lord Will has invited you to discuss the siege."

Mia Stark really hated Will, and he was going to Oak City immediately, and the battle was about to start, but Lord Will asked her to go back, obviously because she didn't want her to take the lead. Maggie Mormont has been staring at her, arguing for the honor of who is the first to enter the city.

But Mia Stark had to obey the military order and came to Will.

Will and Robb rode side by side on their horses, with several empty horses beside them.

"Master Will, are you looking for me?" Mia Stark said unfriendly.

"Yes, Mia." Will said lightly. "I once suggested to Master Ed in private that I hope he will accept you as his daughter. I want to confirm that Lord Ed recognizes you as his daughter?"