The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 743: Meet Old Friends·Dragon and Fire

Outside the blood gate, Mingyue Mountain Range.

There are large and small mountain tribes living here, their size and strength vary.

The formation of these clan tribes originated six thousand years ago, when the Andals invaded the valley. The ancestors who were unwilling to succumb to the Andars escaped into the Mingyue Mountains, multiplied in the mountains and forests, forming a tribe. Therefore, they have maintained many ancestors' traditions, and have similar customs with the wild people outside the Great Wall-raiding and disobedience.

They never recognized the rule of Eagle's Nest City, independent of the seven kingdoms and its economic and political system. They don't have different ideas about men and women, and women are also masters of plunder.

In order to adapt to the narrow mountain roads, these tribes raise ponies.

For thousands of years, the lives of these tribes have become increasingly difficult. They also wanted to integrate into the outside world, but what greeted them was either discrimination or sword.

But history always moves forward, and the opportunity for change has finally arrived.

In the 298th year of Aegon's calendar, they met Will and Tyrion.

When Will brought weapons, food, and a large number of livestock to these tribes of all sizes, these aboriginal tribes showed unprecedented unity and surrender.

The warriors of the tribe came out and became Tyrion's men, garrisoning Will's personal territory-Dragon Stone Island.

Violence is the main method used by these tribes to solve problems, and the outcome of negotiations is often cleansed with blood! Their combat power is amazing, they are not afraid of death, and they have shown rare loyalty to Tyrion.

If food is used instead of discrimination, and if respect is used instead of swords, I believe that Tyrion can be achieved by changing someone else.

When Lord Will descended from the sky on a griffin, the scorching people, moon people, black ears, milk snakes, dog paintings, and stone crow tribes gathered to hold a welcoming ceremony rare in the tribe.

Will's prestige among these aboriginal tribes is as high as the old **** they worshipped.

On the mountain, the thousands of cattle, sheep and horses provided by Will have bred more horses. They have also cultivated wasteland on the mountain and planted food. Every family can go down the mountain to the Riverland and Seagull Town for free exchange of fur, ironware, and salt, which was impossible before.

The Knights of the Valley travel, even the Duke of the Valley, if they don't bring enough guards, they will be looted by the aborigines, but not now. No one will be plundered in the mountain roads under the Mingyue Mountains.

The tacit understanding between the two parties could not be known on what day, but it must have been after Tyrion took away the six thousand warriors of the tribe.

In the Stone Crow Department, Will saw Mrs. Leaf still living on the huge canopy.

With the help of tribal residents, her tree house was built spacious and bright. Her hair is still as long as before, rolled up and tied around her waist. In the noble heart, her long hair has been dragging on the ground.

Will hugged James and placed it on the floor of Mrs. Leaves' tree house.

Will also brought the wine and the singer.

"Madam, is he still saved?"

"He is still saved, but he has to pay a heavy price."

Will heaved a sigh of relief: "Can you save his life and his martial arts?"

Mrs. Ye Ye smiled slightly: "Students in the Black and White Courtyard are not so easy to die. The monks in the Black and White Courtyard also have specialized research on poisons. A person as powerful as him still cannot escape the hands of lust. His life and martial arts are both. I can keep it, but..."

Mrs. Leaf paused and stopped paying attention to James Lannister on the floor. "Will, open the wine, I can't wait."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Marillion brought the harp.

Without waiting for his wife's instructions, he immediately played the music of drinking and sang a beautiful ballad intently.

He wants to survive.

Will noticed that Mrs. Leaf did not ask Marillion to play her favorite song in memory of the short Prince Duncan. Prince Duncan and his wife are old friends of Mrs. Leaf. Mrs. Ye has never forgotten the fire in the Midsummer Hall. She was also present at the fire, and the weird fire burned the king, prince and princess to death, in order to hatch seven dragon eggs.

Many years have passed since the fire in the Midsummer Hall, and Will was very pleased to see that Mrs. Leaf no longer asked Marylian to play that sad song. In the noble heart last time, Madam Ye Zi only wanted to listen to that one song.

Her noble heart of moving away from Hejiandi was right, ending living alone and living with the descendants of the ancestors, her millennium sorrow was well relieved.

Mrs. Leaf's age should be over a thousand years old, and Mei Li Shanzhu's age is 400 years and upwards. In terms of magic and prophecy, Mrs. Leaf is better than Melisandre.

The children of the forest are naturally gifted with magic!

Although Mrs. Leaf said that James had to pay the price for the poison this time, as long as he could save his life and martial arts, with the disposition trained by the disciples of James Black and White Academy, he would naturally accept the price.

The only one who can defeat James is probably Cersei's love.

When the bottles of wine had not been drunk, Mrs. Leaf leaned on Will's arm and fell asleep. She was very short, shorter than Tyrion, and she leaned against Will like a baby. She has long white hair, dressed in coarse cloth and bare feet.

Marilian put down the harp gently. His singing attracted many hill tribe villagers to sit under the tree and listen. Many girls wanted to marry him when they heard Marylian's singing.

"Go to sleep!" Will said to Marillion.

The tree house is very wide and multi-storey, each floor has something special, and each floor has bedrooms.

Marylian sang in the middle of the night and was very sleepy. He went to bed obediently.

But Will did not dare to move, for fear of awakening Mrs. Leaf who was snoring slightly.

She is very thin, as light as a leaf.

She didn't know how she drank so much wine.

Will sat like this all the time. In order to make Mrs. Leaf more comfortable, he tilted his body directly.

It was light, and Madam Ye Zi woke up, she still leaned on Will and refused to move away, like a sleepy child.

"You come this time, there are two other things."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Do you want to go to the Midsummer Hall in the south and find the seven dragon eggs in the fire?"

"Yes, ma'am. In the fire that year, none of the Pyrotechnicians escaped."

"Yes, they are all dead. Yulin Tiewei is taller than Duncan. He wants to rescue the prince, but the wildfire where the Pyromancer hatched the dragon egg exploded violently, and the whole summer hall collapsed. None of them could escape. I was not in the hall where the dragon eggs were hatched."

"You didn't foresee the fire?"

"Maybe the dragon is the highest magic creature. I didn't see any predictions beforehand."

Will was silent.

"If you insist on finding the seven dragon eggs, although you have mastered the hatching spell, you are not Targaryen. Are you afraid of flames?"


"Then go find a real Targaryen to incubate with you. I don't want you to have the same thing as Prince Duncan. Even if you hatch a dragon and have taming skills, it is very dangerous. Dragons are not griffins."

Will was silent for a long time, and then slowly said, "Okay!"

Mrs. Ye Ye showed a relieved expression and stood up: "If you promise me, I am relieved. The second thing you want to do, just do it. You don't need to tell me or ask for my consent. If you want to do it, just do it. Do it."