The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 754: Jane Asks for Help·The Return of Crow's

"Earl Holland Reid can prove Jon's Targaryen identity." Will said to Arya.

"Do you want me to find Holland Reid when I go back?" Arya said.

"Yes, I need you to find Holland Reid, go to the Great Wall with him, and tell Jon his true identity. Jon needs to understand who he is and he has the right to know the story of his father and mother. You should go and help Lord Ed to do things that Lord Ed Stark hasn't had time to do."

"Why don't you tell Jon yourself?"

"It will be a long time before I go back to the Great Wall of Extremis." Will looked to the east, "Whether I find the dragon egg in the Midsummer Hall or not, I will cross the narrow sea to the east."

"East? Essos continent!" Arya called.

"Yes, Dongfang."

Suddenly, Azurite lost control and flew to the west.

The flames also flew westward.

Nearly, there were several ravens flying in the sky.

With the eyesight of Arya and Will, the raven was out of their sight. When they did not see the raven, the griffon saw it.

Each raven represents a message. With Will’s deliberate training, Griffin has developed the habit of catching a raven when he sees it.

None of the three ravens could escape the griffon.

The parchment scroll on the raven's feet was taken off, and the three letters were exactly the same.

The letter comes from the Faman family in the Fairy City of the West.

Coincidentally, it was a letter from the patriarch, Earl Jane, to Will. (Jenny Farman, Cersei’s best friend. In the TV series, Cersei and two female companions went to see Witch Ji to hear prophecies. One of the girls was Jenny. Witch Ji belonged to Jenny Westling. Grandma, Gavin Westling's grandma.)

If Will and Arya did not happen to stop the raven here, then these letters would be sent to Winterfell. After receiving the letter, Winterfell will send a raven to the south to Will.

The Griffin also took on the task of receiving the Raven's Letter.

And no matter where you are, as long as you know the approximate direction, the raven can accurately deliver the letter to Will.

If the figure of a raven is seen by a griffon in the sky, it cannot escape.

Will released three ravens.

With this experience, if the Raven sends a letter to Will in the future, there will be no fear like the first time. Ravens are smart, and they will understand that griffins will not harm them. They are safe to send letters.

All the ravens of Winterfell learned to eat with griffins.

Ravens and griffins have the same food habits, and both like to eat **** raw meat.

Will and Arya decided to spend the night in the mountains on the west.

If it is walking, it will take more than a month to walk from Lindong City to the West Mountain Range.

Robert Baratheon set off from the Red Fort in King's Landing to Winterfell in the north, and the team walked for nearly two months.

Riding a horse will shorten the time by half, but it must be more than ten days.

And Will and Arya rode the Griffon in just one day.

They rode griffins from the sky through the deserted tombs of the ancestors, especially to see the iron people town built by Robb, and then flew west, along the mountains by the sea, over hundreds of miles of necks and rivers Haijiang City, the jurisdiction of the land-Will's hometown.

The scenery of the sky and the sea is beautiful, and the mountains under the sky are also beautiful.

Flying over the mountains, it is convenient for the griffin to see suitable prey and go down to catch it.

The food intake of the Griffon is amazing. Once they leave Winterfell, the food for the two Griffons and two people needs to be solved by themselves.

On the coast of Haijiang City, Griffin caught the raven released by Earl Janine Farman. The same letter is transmitted by three ravens, which shows the importance of the letter.

Jane Farman doesn't want a situation where the letter cannot be delivered.

"Aren't we doing anything tonight?" Arya asked Will.

"Eat first, then go to the Iron Islands."

"Don't notify Jane Farman?"

"No need."

"The two of us, plus two griffins, can't defeat Euron Greyjoy, who has a hundred warships."

"Shoot a man first, shoot a horse, catch a thief first catch the king."

"Shall we kill Euron?"

"I don't know yet. Find a place to rest first. Let Azurite and Blaze find food. You are responsible for making the fire, and I am responsible for finding a hammock with vines."


Jenny Farman, the earl of Fairy Island in the West, a loyal follower of Melisandre, and servant of the Lord of Light. She is the only sea aristocrat among the six nobles in the West. Will gave her responsibility for the sunset in the West. Jurisdiction, and ordered her to eliminate the slippery fish hiding in the Iron Islands: Poseidon Priest Iron Greyjoy.

When the last time King Greyjoy came out to attack the Northland-he was responsible for attacking the city of Torun with the cleft palate-and the whole army was already before the cleft palate. After the destruction, Irun immediately fled. He took his five hundred monks and soldiers and fled back to the Iron Islands, hiding in the westernmost part of the Great Wake Island.

Jane Farman was ordered by Will to wipe out Irun and send people to occupy the Iron Islands, and move the people of Fairy Island to thrive on the Iron Islands.

But in fact, there is also a question. After the original Greyjoy family of the Iron Islands is eliminated, will the new Greyjoy be cultivated after decades?

This is entirely possible!

Regardless of everyone's opposition, Will still gave the jurisdiction of the Iron Islands to Jenny Farman.

Jane Farman was ordered to clear Irun and his monks and soldiers, as well as some of the iron people who had slipped through the net that Iren tangled up, the battleship from Fairy Island landed secretly, and a thousand elite fighters touched the Warhammer Horn where Irun lived.

Warhammer Point is located on the Rocky Mountain of Great Wake Island and is the home of the destroyed Gubler family. Although the castle was burned by Will and Robb, the huge stone castle still exists. Only dragon flames or wildfires can burn the boulder castle and turn the castle into a liquid state.

The fire set by Will and Robb could only burn down other buildings, but failed to burn down the walls of the megalithic castle.

The castle at Warhammer Point still maintains sharp iron battlements, clumsy and strong. Under the city wall, countless caves and ancient pit mines are like toothless black mouths. Once the people were enslaved to dig iron ore in mine caves, many people never saw the vast sea from life to death.

This is a **** land!

Jenny Farman's army underestimated the enemy.

Irun Greyjoy has only five hundred monks and soldiers, and their weapons are wooden sticks-they claim to be the magic sticks of the sea god.

One thousand elites can easily win against five hundred monks wearing yellow robes with wooden sticks in their hands.

But they encountered an ambush.

The castle at Warhammer Point did not have a gate. The knights and soldiers of the Farman family entered the city without encountering any resistance, but the battle did not happen, because they searched all the places in the city and did not see a yellow robe. monk.

There is no one in the city.

But obviously, there is no one in the sea.

The sea area has been controlled by the warships of the Faman family, and the sea area has also been patrolled beforehand, and all the survivors who have slipped through the net have been arrested.

Where did those Yilun and his five hundred monks go?

The knights leading the army focused on the entrances of the mine.

Under the city wall, there are many mine entrances that are now abandoned.


Undoubtedly, the knights judged that Elon Greyjoy and his five hundred monks were hiding in the underground mine.

Some knights suggested that the mountain stream should be poured into the mine. This is undoubtedly a very good idea. A thousand warriors only need to guard the ground hole, just like hitting a mouse and killing one by one.

But the leading knight rejected the offer, and ordered to go into the cave and hang.

Thus, the disaster happened.

The new mine and the ancient mine are entangled in the underground. The terrain is very complicated. The priest Irun and his monks and soldiers occupy the land. In order to prevent the people sent by Will from being driven out and killed, they stored food underground and drew it. After understanding the underground map, every place was drilled and understood, and their special signs were made at the dead holes where there was no way out.

The mine is too complicated underground, and the hole is unfathomable. A thousand soldiers enter the hole like a stone thrown into a river. As they got deeper and deeper, a small group of soldiers walked into the dead hole, and then was attacked from behind by the monk soldiers who suddenly rushed out.

It is not easy to turn around in the hole, and it is dark, the torch will quickly go out in an oxygen-deficient environment.

When the soldiers turned around and organized an attack, the enemy was gone.

With a torch in pursuit, the soldiers strayed into another cave. Some caves fell down and could no longer climb out. Some monks and soldiers brought stones to seal the shallow opening of the cave, and the people inside could not get out.

As time went on, the soldiers of the Farman family were more and more casualties and missing. Some cavalry felt bad and ordered to retreat.

One thousand people entered the cave, but only four hundred escaped.

After winning the victory, Iren was also dazzled by the victory and ordered a hole to pursue.

Irun believed that on the island in the sea, they were protected and blessed by the sea god. Iron people and monks who believe in the sea **** are immortal.

As a result, a team of undead monks emerged from the hole in the ground. They wielded wooden sticks and fought fiercely with the 400 soldiers on the ground.

Facts have proved that the immortal monk soldiers can die.

Their yellow monk robe and the magic rod in their hands could not block the attacks of swords and warhammers. Their yellow robe had no defensive power, and the sea **** did not give them blessing and protection.

In the sorrow of the disappearance or death of their comrades, the Frenchman Army took the tactics of retreating and luring the enemy, suddenly counterattacked, divided into outflanks, and surrounded on all sides, enclosing five hundred monks and Irun at the core.

The monks who usually spend more time in prayer and preaching than training time cannot compare with the combat power of the Franciscans. Although the Franciscans have no advantage in numbers, their bright swords and armor protection have a big advantage. And, well-trained tactics also turn the situation around in an instant, turning defeat into victory.

All that was left was the muffled sound of the pouch sword piercing the body, and the monk soldiers who were not afraid of death still screamed like ordinary people.

A hearty anti-slaughter.

Only a few dozen monks guarded Irun and escaped into the underground mine again.

Faced with intricate mines, not to mention four hundred people, even four thousand people enter, it is not easy. Any tactic is useless in a dark hole.

The leading knight decided to kill him. This time, he learned the lesson from the last time. Instead of sending soldiers into the mine, all four hundred people dig ditches, draw water from the nearby stream, and introduce the stream water into the mine. But the water in the stream looks too small, I don't know when it will fill these holes. He once again ordered everyone to go to a distant place to dig a canal and divert the water.

There are rivers and streams, and waterfalls on Great Wick Island.

In order to wait for the moment when Yilun and others escaped from the cave, after the canal was dug through, the soldiers camped on the spot and waited for the good news.

However, a few days later, some low-lying holes have poured out river water, and no one has crawled out of the mine.

Another day passed, the water in the mines poured out, and every mine entrance was full of water, but no one came out and no floating corpses could be seen.

The knights discussed it and decided to return to Fairy Island.

Although the water killed Irun and avenged five hundred monks and soldiers, they themselves suffered more casualties.

This is a battle that I dare not say is a victory.

With various advantages, this victory is actually very tragic.

The knights and warriors headed down and returned to the voyage. When they arrived, the boat laughed and laughed, but when they returned to the voyage, no one spoke, only the sound of wood pulp moving in the water.

That night the battleship was anchored in the sea, and the knights and soldiers rest assured that no one was on duty. In the middle of the night, the knights and soldiers were awakened by the sudden fire, and when they got up, they all caught fire.

On the sea outside the fire, there was a circle of warships with pirate flags.

These pirate warships are not inferior to their ships. The flagships are also very powerful. A huge flag is flying on the warship: the coat of arms is a black iron crown supported by two crows, and a black pupil and red eyes are underneath. .

"Euron Greyjoy!" A knight recognized the sign.

Euron Greyjoy is the eldest brother of Lord Baron of the Iron Islands and the captain of the Serenity. All the crew of Euron's crew had their tongues removed, and his ship was named "Tranquility".

On the side of the tall ship of Tranquility, stood the crow's eye Euron Greyjoy, who made this area famous. He has pale skin, handsome appearance, black hair and black beard, and his left eye is covered by a blindfold.

His right eye is bright blue, with his famous friendly smile. He wears a blindfold on his left eye. The nickname of "crow's eye" comes from this, but no one knows what kind of eyes are hidden under the blindfold.

According to Theon Greyjoy in Winterfell, the eye under the blindfold of his uncle Euron was a frightening "black eye shining with malice."

Under the shining of the fire on the sea, the lips of "Crow's Eye" Euron are blue. This is the change in the color of the lips caused by his long-term drinking of the "Eyeshadow Water" of Eastern wizards.

"Put down the boat and leave one." The voice of Crow's Eye was full of joy, and a smile appeared on his face.

As a result, small boats were put down on the battleships. The boats were very small, passing between the burning battleship and the battleship, slaughtering the knights and soldiers who jumped into the water and emerged.

Euron’s nature is crazy and cunning and unpredictable. He often takes pleasure in destroying the hearts of those around him. There is a saying among the iron people to describe the cruelty of Crow’s Eye: Baron is a lunatic, so is Elon, and Euron is more than the two It's even crazier.

The elite of the Farman family on Fairy Island, including the ship and all the fighters, oarsmen, bachelors and servants who accompanied the army, were all killed in battle, with no survivors.

In the evening of the next day, Earl Janine Farman of Fairy Island received a letter from Euron Crow's Eye. The letter asked Jane Farman to surrender to Crow's Eye and be a woman with Crow's Eye, or she would destroy the fairy. island. Crow's Eye gave Jane seven days.

On the eighth day, Crow's Eye will land on Fairy Island!

After receiving the letter from Raven's Eye, Jane dispatched the Raven to ask Will for help.