The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 757: Night Fight·Big Victory

Arya's narrow sword pierced Euron's right kneecap without hesitation.

His kneecap was pierced and he was disabled for life, making it impossible to stand on his right leg.

In the screams of Euron's hell, Lan Jing flapped its wings and flew over the fairy city.

Will's flames made a violent sound of metal screaming: Zheng——!

The sound resounded throughout Fairy Island, spreading far away in this sea area.

The ground, whether it is a human or a beast, cannot stand it. The sound of the metal violently hitting the eardrums of the pirates pierced the eardrums and lost their hearing for a short time. The horses under the pirates' crotches were all crawling on the ground.

Some pirates dropped their weapons, and more pirates desperately retreated.

Thousands of people retreated, heads surging like waves in the sea.

Will and the flames swoop down, making the lions, tigers and wolves flee away when they hear the sound, like ancient giant beasts, the ground is like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, and a large area where the heads of the griffin fell is instantly vacant, and the pirates running away If encountering the flowing water divided by stones, it rushes away from both sides of the griffon.

The Griffin was too fast, and after spreading its wings, it plunged into the pirate group again. Its claws, tail, and beak are all sharp weapons, piercing a tiger and leopard like claws piercing through thin paper, piercing the body of a pirate without any effort. The pirate looked like a baby in front of the huge body of the Griffin. With each attack by the Griffin, the bodies of several people were thrown out and smashed into the crowd like stone bullets.


Dozens of people were knocked down with every stone bullet attack.

The pirates are too dense.

"Surrender!" Will yelled while riding on the back of the Griffin. This time he used double swords, a keel sword and a Valyrian steel sword to facilitate left and right attacks. The Griffin is different from a horse. Its size is too majestic. It rides on it and uses swords on both sides, not for the convenience of attack, but for defense.

Griffin attacks, Will defends.

On the city wall, Jane Farman shouted: "Open the city gate and attack."

The city gate opened, and the soldiers and people wielded weapons to cover up.

Arya patted Azurite's neck, and the Griffin landed on the head of the city. Jane Farman led the guards to meet her. They saw Euron pressed under the azurite claws.

Euron's scream made Jane Farman's stomach churned.

She ran over and saw Euron's bloodstained face, her hands hanging on her side, her body pressed by a giant claw of Azurite. The broken bone of his right knee was pressed and rubbed against the rocky ground, and the pain made him almost faint. Had it not been for his willpower far superior to ordinary people, he would have died of pain.

"Mrs. Farman, this is Arya Stark. I will hand Euron to you and call your bachelor to rescue him. You must not let him die. Lord Will has something to ask him!"

"Okay, Miss Arya." Jane Farman looked at Arya in disbelief. This little girl seems to be underage, but she is so brave and ruthless to fight. At a young age, she can fight side by side with the Prime Minister of the Seven Kingdoms, Will, riding a griffon. She is really better than a noble woman like her. too much.

Jane Farman gave the order, and soon Euron was lifted up by the guards, and the bachelor was also called in specially.

"Mrs. Farman, I will help Lord Will kill the pirates."

"Be careful, Miss Arya." Jane Farman watched the aquamarine soar into the air. In an instant, the Griffin flew away with Arya, and the wind blowing from the wings of the Griffin was blowing. Jenny Farman's skirt was still fluttering.

On the ground, the defenders and residents of Fairy City came out to cover up the fleeing pirate army.

The country cannot be without a king for a day, and the army cannot be without a general.

After the pirate legion suddenly lost the powerful leader of Euron, the speed at which the team disintegrated fully proved that Euron's assembled team was a mob.

This counterattack until the pirates who were not lucky enough to run slowly and refused to surrender all drove into the sea. The French army and the people returned to the city in a big victory. The fishermen, fleet soldiers, and fleet knights proficient in water formed a new sea hunting team. They rowed small boats and searched and jumped in the sea not far from the coast. Pirates who escaped into the sea, every time a pirate emerged from the sea, several spears were stabbed.

The situation reversed, and Euron's powerful pirate fleet from dozens of countries on three continents was also defeated.

The continent of Westeros is separated from the continent of Essos by a narrow sea, and to the south of the continent of Essos, two narrow bays are separated by an unknown and larger continent: the continent of Sosros.

The continent of Essos is several times larger than the continent of Westeros, while the continent of Sosros is larger than the continent of Essos. There is also an inland sea in the middle of Essos: the jade sea where dragons are found. Sosros is a continent as large as Westeros that the scholars know nothing about, and there is no inland sea to cut the continent.

Among Euron’s pirate members, quite a few pirates came from the bay between Sosros and Essos.

These pirates from the continent of Sosros joined Euron’s pirate fleet with one purpose: to make a fortune! Therefore, this group of people was the one who rushed to the forefront in the landing battle, and was the first group to surrender in the retreat.

They traveled far and wide to come to Westeros mainland to beg for money, not to die.

When the situation is wrong, surrender immediately is their secret to life.

The battle lasted until dawn. The people on Fairy Island who were strangling pirates in the offshore waters killed off all night. When they climbed ashore tiredly, their faces were filled with joyful smiles and proud eyes.

The invincible Crow's Eye fleet was defeated by them.

In the sky, Will and Arya, who had been in charge of patrolling and protecting marine soldiers and people, lowered their height, and they received cheers and shouts from everyone.

In this battle alone, the noble civilians of Fairy Island all surrendered to Will 100%. The favor of the Lannister family was wiped out by this battle. They were also grateful and affectionate to the Stark family in the north.

Among the six surrendered families in the West, the Faman family and their people's loyalty to Will and the new dynasty has been absolutely purified and blessed. The lives of the people on Fairy Island, whether they were nobles or civilians, were saved by Will and Arya.

If Fairy Island is occupied by Euron, their fate can be imagined. The fate of Mrs. Janney Farman will be even more tragic.


morning. The main castle of Faman, the fairy city.

Will sits at the top, Jane Farman and Arya are sitting next to Will. On both sides of the hall, the nobles and knights from the whole island stood. They looked at Will sitting in the center with gratitude and admiration, like looking at the gods in the temple.

"Bring Euron Greyjoy up!" Janet Farman shouted.

With the sound of footsteps, Euron was carried in by two guards, and the bachelor who was in charge of healing him followed the stretcher.