The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 77: Definitely act, cruel and iron-blooded

"None of you cared about Commander Jeo Mormon." Amon Targaryen said.

"I think the commander-in-chief will definitely not let go in their hands casually." Dennis said, "that's their biggest reliance."

"Commander-in-chief Mormont and Will are gone, why?" Carter said.

"Carter, you are quick-tempered. Don't lose faith in the battle between the two armies. What's more, we still have so many brothers in the hands of the wolf people. You should be quiet and wait until tomorrow night. —— Dennis, I need your soft bed." Targaryen looked at Dennis with blind white eyes.

Carter reached out to grab Bachelor Yimon's shoulder, but Dennis blocked it.

"Carter, let the bachelor rest first." Dennis said in a deep voice.

"The bachelor can't talk about Will and Jeo Mormont first, just one sentence." Carter said with a sullen expression, his eyes sullen. After he became the man in black, the pirate's fierce spirit has not been restrained.

"They are all alive and well." Yimon stood up with the help of Dennis, and walked tremblingly to Dennis' tent, "Carter, tell your brothers to rest well, the wolves in the black castle will not come out to surprise you. ."


"They are going to attack, and they won't wait for you and Commander Dennis's team to join forces."

"They dared to come out to attack me earlier, I killed them so much that they didn't stay."

"There are more of them than you, Carter. Those snarling stonemen's slashing and killing your brothers may not be able to stop them. You were going to the black castle to negotiate before, they could have let you in and grabbed you, or simply One arrow shot you, but their young leader Wooden Shield only shot your horse."

"Will told them to do this? Right, I knew that Will was brotherhood."

"Will is indeed nostalgic, but if you dare to go to the black castle, they will kill you without hesitation." Amon Targaryen began to gasp. He would pant if he said a few more words, he was a hundred years old, blind, his body still looks like it is now, not bad.

He tilted his head, blindly looking over Carter's head.

"What does Will want to do?" Carter continued.

"He may not be malicious, but he thinks that people who will hinder him will not be merciful." Bachelor Yimon tremblingly touched the bachelor necklace on his chest, as if he could get some strength from the bachelor chain. wisdom.

"Who hindered him? What exactly does he want to do?" Carter's tone was bad. He was impatient with Bachelor Imon's speech being unclear. If it's another person, if it's the same level, he has already yelled at him. If the level is lower than him, he has already kicked it. If it's an outsider, his knife has been put on someone's neck.

However, the vulnerable Imon Targaryen ignored him, and tremblingly went to Dennis's tent with the help of Dennis.

Dennis covered the bachelor's quilt and burned the charcoal fire in the tent.

Bachelor Yimon lay on the warm and soft camp bed, if it was Carter's bed, it would be smelly and hard.

"Dennis, if the fate of the Black Man Legion changes in the future, if you still don’t want to die, listen to Will, don’t disobey him. The current Will is no longer the Will we are familiar with. You have seen it, Kit The heads of Kleidas and Kleidas were all due to his orders." Bachelor Yimon said in a hoarse voice. Weak breath.

Cheet and Kleidas have served Imon for many years. Although the two have a good ‘leisure’ life and the Pingen is not good, Bachelor Imon is a kind person.

Dennis said, "Bachelor, what happened to Will?"

"Will got the oracle inheritance. He now believes in the God of Time and Space among the old gods. He calls himself the Son of God. He told me that he saw an attack from outside the Great Wall, and he took Commander Mormon to the outside of the Great Wall. Killed the ghost."

"Ghost? Son of God? Outside the Great Wall?" Dennis was incredulous, his voice becoming sharp and excited.

"Yes, ghost, son of god, outside the Great Wall. The fragments of the oracle he got were not fabricated by the mouth of the gods. I think at least half of them are true. He carried me on his back, in the deepest wormhole of the Great Wall. In the cellar, we found the Dragon Crystal Dagger and Dragon Crystal Arrow that the Son of the Forest gave to our Night Watch Legion thousands of years ago. Ancient books record that the Dragon Crystal Dagger and Dragon Crystal Arrow are magic weapons specially used to deal with ghosts. "

"Oh!" Dennis stood up from the fire, the fire light projected his tall figure onto the tent and shook it gently, "Dragon crystal dagger and dragon crystal arrow?" (Dragon crystal is obsidian, please give it to the pure newcomer. Add impression)

"Maybe the world is really going to change, Dennis. After all, this long summer is almost over. The bachelors in the old town are calculating when the long summer will end. After the long summer, there will be an extremely short autumn and then winter. . But Will said that winter is here."

"Winter is here? A strange ghost is coming?"

"Will thinks so. He wants Commander Mormont to witness the existence of ghosts with him."

"Oh, this is incredible."

"He also wants to leave the people of the Wolfwood Tribe on the land of the Black Man Legion, let their women and the old people plant, herd, fish, trade, and then we collect taxes. The young people become warriors who guard the Great Wall. Fight against ghosts like us."

"How can this be? People in black can't start a family. The wolfwood barbarians can't live in peace with us. The roaring stone people are bloodthirsty by nature. Bachelor Yimen, I won't accept it."

"Most jazz will not accept Will's proposal, but he will deal with anyone who Will thinks he will swear to oppose him." Amon said, the hoarseness in his voice and breathing difficulties. , "Will means absolutely."

"Who did he deal with?"

"Recruit coach Alisha Thorne, Chief Secretary Bowen Marcy, acting Chief Ranger Sir Jeremy Lake."

The three most powerful officials under the commander-in-chief of the Black Castle.

"He killed them?" Dennis snapped.

"Not killing them, but it was the most terrible torture. To be honest, Will has changed now and I can't see him. His method of dealing with influential opponents is simple, straightforward, and cruel." The old man began to Wei Wei. Coughing, "Can you give me a glass of wine? Beer is fine."

"What did he do to them?" Dennis's voice trembled slightly. He stood up and poured sweet red wine for the old man. It's a bit extravagant, but Dennis Melist has the channels and contacts to get good drinks. The Melist family and Dennis Melist in Haijiang City did not cut off contact. Will was arrested for stealing deer in the forest of the Melist family.

"He threw them in the black door passage, without covering his hands, without covering his face, so that their hands and faces were in contact with the ice on the ground. Three days later, Alisha Thorne and the others... Keke, Kekeke..."

"It's been three days, their hands and the ice have been frozen together. My God, there are faces!"

"Yes, this method of letting the cold devour their lives bit by bit is more terrifying than killing them. This is Will now." The bachelor drank a sip of warm red wine and felt much better. "Now I can only pray Come back soon, Alisa and the others may still get back a life."

"Alisa and Bowen, and Jeremy, they are knights. How dare he treat them like this?!" Dennis was filled with anger.

"The Jazz also looked down on Will the Rogue in their hearts. They would swear to the death to oppose all of Will's proposals. I understand this. But I didn't expect Will to see this through. Suddenly, his insight into people's hearts became Very keen."

"What about Commander-in-Chief Mormont? What would he do to him?" Dennis's voice trembled with a trace of fear. He may indeed be old.

"I don't know, we have to wait. If the commander-in-chief Mormont chooses Will in the end, Dennis, don't go against Will, listen to my advice, you can't go wrong." The tongue of Amon stirred in his mouth. , "Dennis, your red wine is really good. Is it from the river or the river?"