The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 779: Trade James' Choice

(Warning, don't be disappointed, this plot will kill Kaifeng.)


Kai Feng Qiang smiled: "It's easy for you to kill me, but the more than 100,000 troops are in chaos, but it is not easy to form an army north to fight against the ghosts."

"You have no sincerity to fight the ghosts."

"If all human beings and human beings, all kinds of animals, are finally turned into their ghouls by strange ghosts, what does our current battle for the Iron Throne look like? It's like children fighting for a toy, That is a big joke. Normal people know how to make a choice."

"So are you a normal person?" Will expressed suspicion.

"I'm normal. Since everyone can't escape, our common enemy is naturally ghosts and ghouls, not our own." Kaifeng regained his composure.

So much nonsense between Will and him can only show that Will doesn't want to kill him. If he really wants to kill, no matter what Kevon said, a steel stab pierced his neck.

As expected, Will withdrew the steel thorn bit by bit, but didn't let go: "Master Kaifeng, how can I trust you?"

"Release Cersei and his three children, and return the Western Territory to our Lannister family. We will regard Her Majesty Shireen Baratheon as the king and you as the Prime Minister of the Seven Kingdoms. The Seven Kingdoms will end their disputes and join forces. In one place, fight against ghosts and ghouls together."

Will smiled slightly: "The West will no longer be returned to Lannister. The Lannister family betrays the dynasty again and must be severely punished. However, now that ghosts are coming from the north, the internal battles within the human race have to be put on hold, but, Lannister still has to pay a certain price. There will be no more Duke Lannister in the West, only Kaiyan City can return it to you."

"Joffrey, Toman and Messiah can also be released. They are the children of Cersei and James and cannot be named Baratheon anymore. Cersei ordered the killing of Ed Stark and dozens of royal courtiers. Carter Pike, the commander of the East China Sea, who went to the Great Wall of Despair, killed hundreds of King's Landing Black Armored Army and all the northern guards around Lord Eddard. More than a thousand people were killed because of her, so Cersei must be executed."

"No, no, no, Prime Minister, in the war, death of anyone is the sin of war, not the sin of someone. If you want peace in the Seven Kingdoms, release Cersei, you can get it immediately. Her Majesty Shireen can also return from now on Red Fort, sit on the Iron Throne. The dignified generation of queens cannot live in the castle of the Stark family in the north, which is too close to the Great Wall. Once a ghost attacks the Great Wall, Your Majesty Xilin will be in danger."

Will said, "Master Kaivon, let’s stop disputing Cersei’s life and death. Cersei has already proposed a trial in the Throne Hall of King’s Landing. The person on our side is Arya Stark. You send A swordsman, we use martial arts to determine Cersei's guilt or not."

Trial by martial arts, ancient rules and regulations.

This ancient method originated from the belief in the seven gods.

The traditional Guwu Judgment means seven people to seven people, and seven means paying tribute to the seven gods. If a person cannot find seven people to fight for him, then this person himself is a failure and is not favored by God. Later, the battle of seven evolved into a battle of one person. God will make a judgment to help the right side win. This kind of contest that puts the force of force on the divine will, and it passes through the seven countries, is called the trial of martial arts. Anyone, no matter what damaging things he did, has the right to demand a trial by force.

Kaifeng's solemn expression relaxed: "Okay, I'll send James Lannister."

James Lannister!

This gave Will a slight pause.

During the peace talks in Eagle’s Nest, Cersei poisoned James and Mrs. Wiltor Leaf saved James’ life. When Will left, James was not out of danger and did not wake up. Later, Wiltor Leaf The wife conveyed to James that James owed Will his life, and if there is a chance in the future, he wants James to return.

The life-saving feeling, this is also Will left behind. James is too good, if something happens in the future, it can be resolved by this.

Will's intention was that James would go north to fight the ghouls with him.

But if James and Arya confront each other and one of the two must die, Will doesn't want Arya to have an accident. But the trial by martial arts was a very fair judgment. Arya was determined to get justice back for Ed Stark. This matter can only be cleaned with Cersei's blood.

Will does not want any accidents in the martial arts trial.

But James was an accident.

"Are you sure James will be Cersei's acting samurai?" Will's voice was slightly jerky.

"Jaime's feelings for Cersei, not you and I can understand." Cavon smiled. He enjoys Will's expression.

Will remembered Cersei poisoning James.

"You knew Joffrey, Toman, and Messiah were Cersei and James' children?"

"I don't know." Kai Feng flatly denied.

"I will persuade James not to be Cersei's acting samurai." Will said lightly.

"I will also persuade James to be Cersei's acting samurai." Kaifeng is also indifferent, "Prime Minister, you have won me many times, this time, I will definitely beat you."

Will smiled slightly: "Sir Kavon, you will still lose this time. You lose miserably."

"Oh, we can give it a try. Don't verify who is right and who is wrong tonight. We can only reach a reconciliation agreement by completing the trial before my King’s Landing army starts. Otherwise, the war is imminent and the dead soldiers will be counted at least Thousands. James Lannister is in King’s Landing, so what about your Arya Stark?

"Cersei is not in King's Landing."

"Then your two griffins can come in handy." Kaifeng smiled slightly.

"Okay! I'm responsible for bringing Cersei and Arya Stark to King's Landing, but it must be after you swore allegiance to Her Majesty Shireen."

"I will hold a meeting tomorrow to swear allegiance to Her Majesty Shireen, Lord Will as the Prime Minister of the Seven Kingdoms, the guardian of the whole world, the Duke of Longshidao, and the commander-in-chief of the Great Wall. In the command team of the Great Wall, Tyrell and I Your lord, you must be the deputy commander in chief. Darren Lannister who has occupied my Kaiyan City must also get out of my Kaiyan City immediately. Joffrey, Toman, Messiah. Also must be released. Lord Tyrell and I , Must be a minister in the Imperial Council."

"What position do you want?"

"The Minister of Justice is in charge of the seven countries' justice."


"Master Tyrell is the Minister of Maritime Affairs and is in charge of the Royal Fleet. The Royal Fleet taken away by Master Ed must be returned."


"If the people of the Western Territory are willing to defect to Kaiyan City, Her Majesty Xilin and the Prime Minister shall not expressly stop them."

"Do you want to take it back to the West?"

"The Western Territory needs a Minister of State. I don't need to be the Duke of the Western Territory, but James Lannister will be the guardian of the Western Territory."

"If James Lannister chooses to be Cersei's acting warrior, I don't know if he will survive."

"If he dies in a duel, or if he refuses to be Cersei's acting samurai, the lord can assign anyone to be the guardian of the West."



0779 Chapter 2 James' Choice


A helmet was dropped on the ground.

James threw his body to the ground, gasping for breath.

Beside them were rows of soldiers lying on the ground, all unkempt, some already asleep.

The fire was under control.

The black dragon has long since disappeared.

After tens of thousands of legions were put into fire fighting, the fire in the city was quickly contained.

At dawn, the fire was completely suppressed, but standing high, except for the Red Fort on Aegon High Hill, the entire city was devastated.

With the 100,000 army and logistics materials and other personnel, more than 200,000 people were divided into three batches for rotation.

A black dragon can cause such a large amount of destructive power, which makes James and all the nobles feel powerless.

What would happen if Targaryen arrived with three dragons?

Three hundred years ago, Aegon Targaryen and his two sisters arrived with three dragons and easily conquered the Seven Kingdoms. Many nobles fought desperately and ended up being unable to survive ten heartbeats in Long Yan.

Regardless of the nobles in the north, the nobles in the valleys of the river, or the nobles in the stormy land and the river bay, they are very disturbed.

They are about to attack the western border, the river land and the valley.

Whether it can be defeated or not, I don’t know how to defend against Targaryen’s legion and his dragon if he is defeated. If it is defeated, how to resist Targaryen's legion and his dragon?

A little dragon burned the entire King’s Landing, and the 100,000 Legion could do nothing but watch it ignite the houses, tall buildings and churches.

Where the army is stationed, the dragon does not attack.

But if the team is alone, it will fall from the sky and burn them all.

When this black dragon grows up, who can be its opponent?

Just a black dragon burned the battle intent of a hundred thousand army.

Their confidence in their future has seriously declined.

The soldiers were even more frightened.

Sleepless all night, just after dawn, James also came to Hongbao Youying to rest.

Youying was already full of people sleeping, and the ground outside was full of people sleeping.

James was very upset in his heart, this disaster was not caused by Targaryen, nor did the dragon come to attack King's Landing, the dragon was caused by them. He and Euron, Kevon, caused the King's Landing fire.

James fell down and emptied himself completely.

But he couldn't sleep anyhow.

The appearance of the black dragon cannot be erased in his heart.

The scene of the black dragon breathing fire and burning the red robe army captain made him unable to forget.

The dragon is here again, who can be the dragon's opponent?

A well-dressed guard found James among the people lying on the floor.

"Sir James, Master Kevon has something very important to ask you to come."

"Not going."

The red cloak hesitated, and whispered: "It's about the Queen Mother Cersei."

James stiffened.

He has never seen Cersei again since the poisoning incident in Eagle's Nest. I didn't want to know where Cersei was transferred. After he left Mrs. Leaf, he came to King's Landing.

Mrs. Leaf hopes that James can bring about peace in the civil war.

James promised Mrs. Leaf to try her best.

James sat up slowly: "Go, I see."

"Yes, my lord!" The red cloak guard cautiously walked out on the ground full of people.



James lightly knocked on Kevon's door.

With the sound of footsteps, the door was opened with a gap, it was Uncle Kaifeng.



Cavon opened the door, and James walked in and closed the door.

"Master Will." James' brow jumped.

Dragon fire burned King's Landing, how did Will appear in Uncle Kaifeng's room.

Did Uncle Kaifeng decide to give up the civil war and seek peace because he saw the power of the dragon?

A fire burned so much that the nobles and soldiers were not reluctant to go to war with Robb Stark, Horst Tully, Lysa Tully, Will and others. When the dragon came, they all Have to surrender.

"I and Will have reached a peace agreement." Kevon said.


"Good!" James said only one word. He doesn't care about details.

No matter who wins or loses, there is not much power to fight Targaryen's dragon and legion.

"Cersei's life is only you can save her." Kaifeng said.

James frowned again.

"Cersei committed a **** murder, and the royal family of Stark and Shireen refused to let her go. Cersei has already proposed a trial in front of the Iron Throne. I want you to be her acting warrior." Kaifeng stared closely at her. James's face was decadent.

"Who is the other samurai?" James asked quietly.

The expression of Cersei poisoning him appeared before his eyes.

"Aaliyah Stark," Will said.

"Aaliyah?" James frowned further. "I don't fight with the girl since I was a little girl. This is detrimental to the Lannister family's honor."

"You have to fight, it's about Cersei's life." Cavon said a little harshly.

"Master Will, is there no one in the North? Tyron Ashes is very good, stronger than Arya."

"It's about Ed Stark's hatred." Will said slowly, "We have made a decision to try Arya Stark in a contest."

"Well, since you insist. I am willing to be Cersei Lannister's acting samurai." James's tone was tired.

"Jaime, don't participate in this duel." Will said.

James raised his brows: "Why, the Prime Minister." His tone was full of irony, "Don't you believe in the justice of the seven gods? God will use our sword to make the most just judgment. If Cersei should not die, Ai Naturally Leah can't beat me. If Cersei is damned, she will die no matter who the opponent is." He pointed to the ceiling, "Prime Minister, the seven gods are watching everything in the sky, justice or evil, justice or evil."

"Jaime, don't participate in the duel, you owe me this." Will had to say. He is not for James, he is for Arya. As long as it wasn't James, Will wouldn't worry about Arya's safety.

James is also proficient in assassin swordsmanship, he is a student of the Black and White Academy. He is better than Arya in many aspects, and Arya’s advantage of Wind Spirit Women’s swordsmanship will be offset by James’ other advantages.

James' experience, strength, mentality, and ability to respond to actual combat are the strongest!

"Master Will, my duel is over, if you insist on paying me the debt, I will pay you back what I owe you." James said blankly.

He refused to quit!

Kaifeng smiled, he was right, and James would play for Cersei.

"You will be killed!" Will said slowly.

"If your prediction is true, then the result is the will of the Seven Gods, I accept it calmly!" James said lightly.