The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 782: Slaughter the Tyrell Legion

The Golden Knights is a mercenary group formed by the power of Damon Blackfire. There are several key characteristics in its bloodline genes. One of the most important characteristics is the daring to take risks.

The soldiers in the team have been tempered by generations of commanders, and in order to survive and grow, they have tempered all the most brave and brave adventurers.

Because there are more than five hundred knights in the team, their banners are all made of the skulls of the dead heads, and in order to ensure that the skulls hung on the banners are dazzling and not damaged, all heads’ skulls are plated with gold .

The Golden Knights also got its name.

The reason why the skulls of the dead heads of the past are hung on the flag is because they are all aristocrats who have escaped from the continent of Westeros, and they are eager to return to their hometown. After Damon Blackfire (the illegitimate son of the legal Targaryen royal family, who also has the right to the throne because of the law), he fought for the Iron Throne and failed, and his nobles fled to the narrow sea and established this mercenary regiment. The real task is to fight back and regain the throne. The wish of the heads of the past generations after their deaths was that they had not seen the return to their hometown before they were alive, and they had to open their eyes to see the return after death, so their skulls were hung on the banners, expressing their wish to return to their hometowns.

Head Harry named himself ‘homeless’, and also expressed the common wish of the wandering aristocrats: to return to the mainland of Westeros and to their hometown.

They came back this time, if it was possible, they didn't plan to leave Westeros continent again, they wanted to return. After Jon Clinton returned to the Golden Knights, he became the leader's right hand Rongwei and became the real leader. His mission was to lead everyone back and win the Iron Throne for the Targaryen Dynasty.

Although Jon Clinton died, his ambitions and goals were still passed down, and they were secretly spread among the knights because of his death.

Under the collision of various timings, the Golden Knights decided to launch a surprise attack during the meeting between Will and Kevon.

All you need to do is to defeat the Tyrell Legion, the most powerful army, and control the Red Fort, and hold all the nobles and generals in the Red Fort. The overall situation depends on the battle.

The Red Fort has only one gate, launch a surprise attack, guard the gate, and then hold Will, Kevon, and Tyrell in the Throne Hall, then you can order the other nobles to control the Red Fort and take the King's Landing City.

This is a very risky plan.

But it is also a very easy plan to succeed.

The adventure is because the strength of the army is too wide, and the enemy has 70,000 people; and the easy success is because the enemy is unprepared. As long as the Red Fort is controlled and all the enemy leaders, 100,000 people are not afraid.

The control of the Red Fort went smoothly. Head Harry personally led the team and controlled the gate of the Red Fort in a very short time.

The Red Fort has only one gate in and out, and the remaining three sides are cliffs. All the nobles of the Iron Throne have become meat on the chopping board, and they can cut them as they want.

With the success of the massacre at the left and right barracks, the suspension bridge of Meige Tower where the nobles met was controlled, and everything seemed to be a success.

By the Heishui River, the 11,000 Golden Knights who raided also defeated Tyrell's 40,000 troops stationed at the Heishui River in an instant.

The unprepared Tyrell Legion also participated in the city's firefighting. Many soldiers were still resting on the bed, and the sword of the Golden Knights broke through the tent and stretched in.

The massacre began.

The Golden Knights are divided into three groups. The two hundred knights of the left army are all war horses, and each knight has at least five cavalry guards. The left and right armies are all knights and their guards as forwards. They all use long spears, and there is no advance. In the prepared Tyrell Legion, like the tip of a sharp knife, it smashed from the left and right to the riverside, killing the entire camp. Behind them, there were four thousand bandit soldiers from the Golden Knights who were attacking in a fan shape, all with knives, guns, axes, chains and hammers, like a tide hitting the Tyrell camp.

In the Chinese Army, an army of more than 30 elephants was the forward. More than 30 elephants launched a charge together. The soldier's tent became a big gray mushroom at the feet of the elephants. The elephants rushed and trampled them all the way and collapsed. On the wooden frame on the elephant's back stood the archers of the Golden Knights. They had no arrows, and they shot anyone who was running freely, whether they were soldiers, servants or general knights.

Behind the elephant army, there are three thousand black and black warriors, three thousand swords raised together, the woods shining like swords. The shouts and poofs merged into an elegy to life.

When the shouting and killing sounded through the Heishui River, the battle of the Red Fort was also coming to an end. The Prime Minister’s Tower, the Bachelor’s Tower, the Sanctuary, the Quarters, the Black Prison Castle, the Maiden’s Residence, and the White Sword Tower (where the Imperial Forest Guards lived ), Meige Tower in the city within the city, all fell one by one, and the people inside were killed.

In the end, there was only one place where Will and Kaifeng and the nobles and the nobles met—the Throne Hall.

The gate of the Throne Hall was already under the control of a centuries, and Chief Harry took the knight generals and several centuries around him at any time.


By the Blackwater River, the Tyrell Legion’s 40,000 people had no backhands. The Golden Knights’ three-way forward army, the Pike Legion forward and the Elephant Army forward, broke through the entire camp one by one, and the entire Tyrell army crashed. It collapsed, the left, middle and right three lanes were all enemies advancing and killing in an orderly formation. The only way left for the Tyrell Legion was the Heishui River behind him.

Therefore, in the face of the choice of life and death, countless river bay soldiers chose to jump the river to swim across.

For a while, the soldiers who jumped into the Heishui River were densely packed like ants, floating down the river.

More than a dozen large and small boats docked by the river were already crowded with knights and soldiers. Countless swords were also inserted into the water. While slashing and killing the robes who wanted to climb into the boat for help, they paddled, just looking forward to it. Leave this shore early.

Countless arrows shot over, and the people on the boat fell into the water.

The surface of the river, which is several miles long, was filled with figures in just a short while. Fortunately, they were not prepared, and they didn't wear armor to float on the surface, know the water, and try to swim across the river. Those who don't know the water struggled to sink to the bottom, and some even swam with wooden boards and sticks. Between heaven and earth, to survive the threat of death, people will be desperate.


There are about 30,000 troops in King's Landing City, and 30,000 troops come from six places: the northern border; the valley; the river basin; the western border; the king's territory and the storm zone. Their leader nobles are not there, and the soldiers in the six places, including those in the valley, the king’s collar and the storm’s land, are around 10,000 people. They have no relationship with each other, and there is no great noble who can serve the people. When they first aroused their vigilance, most of the soldiers lay on the ground or rested on wooden beds. When everyone was fully armed and sounded their horns and lined up, the Red Fort had been controlled by Commander Harry, and the surface of the Heishui River was full of floats. The soldiers of Tyrell.


0782 Chapter 2 Harry takes the Throne Hall

The first action in the city was the soldiers in the valley. They were not going to attack the Red Fort or the Golden Knights by the Blackwater River, they were fleeing to the Dragon Gate to the north.

Bronze Jon’s head was stuck on the tip of the gun. Bronze Jon’s army had been disintegrated, which had already shaken the hearts of the soldiers in the valley very seriously. They were also worried about whose head would be put on the tip of the gun. At that time, the Battle of Red Fort and Heishuihe suddenly occurred.

What is the situation now? Who is behind? Who is the power on the side with them? The soldiers in the valley didn't know whether their lord had been executed like Bronze Jon in the Red Fort.

When the first soldier started to run, there was the second, then the third and the entire centurion team; when a knight took the family guard and left, the whole army panicked. The collapsed valley army immediately collapsed.

It was as if a glass jar was hit by a stone, and the water inside burst out with a crash, irretrievably.

The soldiers fleeing is like an infectious disease. The soldiers in the valley collapsed across the board, causing the Hejian and the northern borders, as well as a few soldiers from the king's army, to flee from the north to the north.

The Red Fort was closed and the dog was beaten. Their jazz couldn't escape because there was only one door to get in and out. With the heads of the regiments in the valley beheaded, when the valley soldiers are not leaving at this time, when will they wait? Many soldiers are not professional soldiers, but farmers, fishermen, hunters, and handicraftsmen. They are usually at work. They are called by the lords during the war, they are warriors with swords and leather armors.

This kind of fighters can only win battles, and if something goes wrong, they are the first to rout.

Following the collapse were the soldiers of Stormlands.

They are the defeated men of the Golden Knights, and the shadow is very serious. Now they have no leader, no leader, only ordinary knights and centurions. Now the situation is unknown. No one knows what happened to the nobles and nobles. The first escaped were scattered soldiers, and then a small part of the legion left. People are not anyone's dead soldiers, they are the worst group of soldiers who will retreat when the situation is wrong.

This time, more and more people flee, and the restrained knight can only restrain his own soldiers, but cannot restrain others' subordinates. The dragons have no leader, and the centurion and the centurion are equal. For the warriors of the Stormlands, they hate Kaivon, and they are even more reluctant to fight for Kaivon; but if you want them to touch the Golden Knights by the Blackwater River, no centurion or knight can command this. Team.

Before fighting with the Golden Knights, the Legion of Stormlands also went halfway.

However, the centurion led the soldiers to the gate of the Red Fort and began to attack the gate of the Red Fort. On the wall of the Red Fort gate, the three hundred-member group archers had been waiting in full battle. The well-trained archers were able to beat the first wave of attacks effortlessly, leaving dozens of them on the square. A corpse.

The archers of the Golden Knights are carefully selected, and all of them are definitely archers.

The second wave of attacks came even more fiercely, mainly dominated by legionaries from the royal territory. They attacked to the gate of the Red Fort. Under the intensive arrow rain, the soldiers fell one after another. When the commanding Centurion was shot to death, the offensive team quickly collapsed, and the second wave of offense was thwarted.

The two thousand soldiers of Luce Bolton in the north who were watching the battle in the distance have already packed everything. As long as the situation is not right, or if they see Luce Bolton’s head being thrown out, they will immediately rush out. Scattered. Attack on the Red Fort? They will never! Standing in the distance watching the battle and optimistic about the escape route is the most correct choice. If it weren't for the fear of Master Luce Bolton coming back to skinning in a catastrophe, they would have run away.

The legions in the riverlands are more cunning. They have sent sentries to watch the battle by the Blackwater River. If the Golden Knights win, they will immediately flee. Can't wait for the Golden Knights to besiege.

The huge army that Kaifeng organized was big, but it was a mess of sand, and the truth was revealed at the critical moment.


Inside the Red Fort.

Commander Harry, with the most elite knights and soldiers, smashed through the gate of the Throne Hall. It was quiet inside, and looked in. At the top of the Throne Hall, the Iron Throne was terrifying, and there was no king on it.

There is no one in the hall of the Throne Hall, no one. Because everyone is in the imperial conference room, there is a very large bronze door to enter the conference room.

Head Harry led two groups of hundreds into the Throne Hall, and the bronze door of the Imperial Conference Room was closed tightly.

Commander Harry was far from the gate. He knew that if the nobles inside were unwilling to surrender, it would be a difficult **** battle after the gate opened. Although they would win, he himself was not willing to take a sword.

The swordsmanship of the nobles and knights is so good that they are not comparable to those of ordinary soldiers.

So Captain Harry stood far away and shouted, "Sir Kavon, Lord Will, open the door and let's sit down and talk."

Except for his own voice echoing in the Throne Hall, no one responded to him.

"Master Will, Master Jon told me when he was alive that he wanted to find your alliance. You just need to open the door. I swear by the honor of the seven gods that we will negotiate and will not kill you. The nobles who follow you, I will let them go. ."

Still no response.

Head Harry became impatient: "Master Will, Sir Kevon, open the door. We are still friends, surrendering to King Targaryen VI. We can still drink and chat together tonight. If you don’t open it, my brothers will open the door. Behind the gate, the sword is ruthless, and death and injury are inevitable."

Still no response.

Commander Harry was a person with a very good personality, and he couldn't help himself: "Master Will, Sir Kevon, we are about to hit the door, I'm sorry." He waved his hand and the two teams of fighters raised. The hammer, which had been prepared a long time ago, began to hit the door.

Boom boom boom!

It looked like a tall bronze door, but when it hit three times, it began to shake, hit the fifth time, it was already shaky; the seventh time, there was a loud noise, and the bronze door collapsed.

The room was still silent.

Apart from the wheezing and gasping of everyone in the Throne Hall, there were no other sounds.

Commander Harry was surprised to see that there was no one in the huge royal conference room.

Although there are still two small doors that haven't been opened, looking at the situation and listening to this voice, there must be no one in the two small doors.