The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 784: Step by step upgrade

Two torches were thrown on the ground, and the brave villain just didn't need to hold the torch.

"Haha." James smiled, "Sir Lynn, you are a little bit at a loss. Heavy weapons, authentic, big man."

"It's me that he wants to kill." Will also smiled.

Sure enough, the fierce man slashed at Will with an axe.

Will was short, and the axe hacked into the wall.

"I will never shoot." James on the right said.

"Thank you!" Sir Lynn was still a little uncomfortable with the conversation between James and Will.

A cold light passed, and it was really easy for Ms. Jing Ji to cut off her arms.

The blood splashed again.

"It's cruel," Will said. "Hey, my clothes are so hard to wash with blood."

"Agree!" James said, "Space is limited, I don't avoid blood splashes."

The fierce man's arms fell with the axe, and the cut was neat.

The horrible howl was earth-shaking, spreading far in the cave.

The aristocratic legion standing far away from the cave and the commander Harry above the cave heard the miserable howl.

"One by one," James said. "I bet they won't come in the corner again."

"Not necessarily!" Will said.

"What should I do?" Lin En was unwilling to say, "Wait for so long, and kill someone?"

"It's three!" James corrected.

"Sir Lynn is talking about one person killing one, it's not worth staying here." Will said.

"What do you do then?" James followed Lynn's tone.

"They dare not come, we will pass." Lynn said.

"You first!" James pressed against the wall and motioned to Lynn to rush out.

"Please!" Will also pressed against the wall, letting Lynn rush.

Lynn took a step back, tightened the hilt, and said, "No, no, no, you are in front, you should be first."

Behind the corner, the brave soldiers of the Golden Knights in a hole looked at each other, but the brothers were not reconciled. The shields were passed down from the ground, one by one, to the hand of the front guard.

When entering the cave, in order to raise the torch, and because of space, no one brought a shield, but a long sword and an axe. They lost two generals and one soldier king, but the voices of the other three chatting still continued. And it seemed that the other party didn't want to leave at all, just guarding the corner.

The two shields were side by side, slowly pushed out, pushing out the corner.

The Golden Knights are known for their fierce battles. If their warriors are outstanding, they will be bestowed on knights before they are eligible to become generals. The opportunity for promotion is reserved for soldiers who are truly capable and courageous.

"Oh, two shields are completely blocked, so I can't draw a sword!" James said.

"I only care about the shield on my side." Will smiled. "If I kill the person on the right for you, you will lose me a hundred golden dragons."

"No, I won't give you the Golden Dragon." James flatly refused.

The two shields continued to advance. Behind the shields were two guards who had experienced many battles and were not inferior to the general.

The generals have all served as guards for others.

The two swords behind the shield are not long, so they are suitable for tunnel combat and short-range combat. This is a selected weapon.

Shield dagger.

Behind the shield dagger, there is a torch behind to illuminate them. In front, the two torches were still burning. It's just that the blood is a bit strong.

"The second round of the game begins, do you follow the rule of killing one person and then killing another person?" Will asked James.

"You can kill one person, or two, or both, or none. That is your freedom and my freedom. Why..." The shield suddenly separated, and a sword pierced Haw with lightning. Crooked James, but the sword was stabbed halfway and suddenly stiffened. James' sword had pierced the enemy's head.

"Headshot again!" Will shook his head, feeling disgusting.

"Why do you always like to pierce other people's heads?" Will vomited a little.

"The head is empty." James said a little helplessly.

Lynn Cobry looked stunned.

James is such a fast sword!

Faster than his own sword is...too much!

The other shield stopped moving, and one shield immediately filled up again.

The opponent is really a well-trained Golden Knights, with amazing fighting power. They are the most expensive and strongest mercenaries on the other side of the narrow sea. They are really well-deserved.

"It's bleeding a little bit." James backed away a little bit.

The opponent's two shields were closed without flaws, but they did not move forward.

"They're not moving anymore, are you waiting for the crossbow behind?" Will said.

"Agree!" James said.

"Then what to do? With a shield in the front and a short crossbow in the back, we will die here." Lynn said.

"We also need shields." James said in a relaxed tone.

"Haha, I already have a shield." Lynn said happily, he finally felt a little more comfortable.

How can Will and James' swords be so fast? Unbelievable, he still doesn't want to believe it.

call out!

With a sudden sword, Will aimed at the left shield that had just started to move and pierced it in, and immediately snorted behind the left shield.


In the blink of an eye, it was Sanjian again.

The shield shattered like tissue under Will's keel sword.

The shields of the two shield soldiers were separated, turned sideways, and both swords pierced out at the same time.

Will's keel sword met with two thorns, hitting the throats of two shield players.

The shield player's sword has not pierced half.

At this moment, James's face became severe.

He remembered what the senior of the Black and White House had said to him in the flea den in Junlin City: He was not Will's opponent.

Will's sword is faster than his.


More accurate.

More importantly, Will's sword is a keel sword, which is lighter and tougher than a sword, but harder and sharper.

Compared to weapons, Will's sword is also far better than James.

The senior told James that if James wants to fight Will, he must have a Valyrian steel sword.

But James didn't.

Lynn Cobre felt her breathing stopped.

Will's two stabs were much faster than James's quick sword.

Who are these two people? !

Lynn is a master of swordsmanship in the valley, otherwise he is not worthy of the inheritance of the family's Valyrian Steel Sword Void Lady. It is very difficult for him to meet his opponents, but unfortunately, there are two superb swordsmanship masters in front of him.

James's heart sank.

If Arya also had Will's sword, he might not have won the duel with Arya.

If you can't win, you just die!

As soon as Will picked up a shield, a crossbowman appeared at the corner, swish, and flew towards James.

James has no shield.

Be careful!

Lynn Cobrey shouted.

James lowered his head shortly, and shook his arrow into the wall.

The second crossbow was stretched out, and Will's shield flew out.


The shield hit two crossbows, swish, two short arrows shot out and nailed to the top of the hole.

The two crossbowmen retracted.

"It's really a crossbow here." James murmured, reaching out and grabbing a shield. The shield was full of blood and felt very uncomfortable.

"I need a shield!" James shouted into the darkness behind him.

"Ma Shan will come." A voice said immediately.

Kaifeng appeared and offered a shield. James caught it, leaned against the wall, and said with a smile: "Will, don't you want a shield?"

"I thought you would order a shield for me." Will smiled. "Sir Lynn, give me the shield."

Lynn cowered: "My lord, my Prime Minister..."

As soon as the Prime Minister said the four words, Lynn knew it was wrong.

Because there are many enemies behind the corner.

This sentence will arouse all the blood and courage of the enemy.

"It's the Prime Minister who wants it, but you dare not give it?" James raised his voice.

Will had to smile wryly. He found that he liked James a little bit. This guy likes pranks, but he is serious.

Lynn Cobry handed the shield to Will. On the opposite corner, the shield was pushed out again, with a crossbow on the shield and two helmeted heads on the crossbow.

The enemy again upgraded its armed forces.

The Golden Knights are really not easy to mess with.

"Shield, give me a shield." Lynn Cobrey's voice was a bit miserable.

Sir Kevon, who gave James the shield, had already hid in the darkness.

Whoosh whoosh!

This time it was a continuous crossbow, and it was at the corner, shielded, and crossbow attack.

Good tactics.

In Lynn’s exclamation, James and Will raised their shields and seized them, and all the short arrows were nailed to the shield. Lynn Cobry lay on the ground to avoid the arrows.

Arrows at close range are too fast to be careless. Moreover, the arrows of the crossbow and crossbow are strong and powerful, breaking the armor with one arrow.

"That won't work," James said.

"Yes!" Will said.

Lynn still didn't understand the meaning of the dialogue between the two, and a shield was delivered.

They are not three people fighting, there are more than one hundred people behind them, and many of them are fierce.

"The crossbow arrow pierced the shield." James complained.

"Yes, my arm has been injured."

The shield requires the arm to pass through the lock, so that the arm and the shield are tightly buckled together, and the crossbow and arrows are strong. Shooting through the shield will cause the arm behind the shield to be injured.

"What to do?" James asked. He started to move forward.

"I don't know either." Will replied, moving forward at the same time.

Duh duh!

Dense crossbows shot on the shield.

Both James and Will were injured on the shield arm, slightly injured, but they couldn't stand it and kept increasing their injuries.

The two people looked unhappy, but they actually rushed up very quickly. The shields slammed, and the enemy’s shield formation collapsed backwards in a loud noise. Will and James moved to the left and the other right, and they pulled out their swords at the same time. The action was exactly the same, the two swords were like dragons, and instantly stabbed four soldiers: two shield players and two bowmen.

Killed with a sword, pierced the throat!

Faced with this kind of tactics, you will be consumed if you don't attack.

James and Will turned the corner and faced an authentic enemy, torches, shields, and crossbowmen.

The two people were short at the same time, their actions were exactly the same. The shields advanced and ran over the enemy tightly. Will's keel sword kept piercing out, and the shields fell one by one. The shield's protection met the keel sword, and it was nothing. Even with the shield behind, Will's sword accurately hit the enemy's vital point behind the shield.

James’s sword is an ordinary sword, unable to pierce the enemy’s shield. His shield is slammed up as a weapon. Every time it hits, the enemy will sway sideways, revealing flaws. His sword is like a little light, and it points to the enemy’s throat. , Eyes, mouth and other positions.

A swift massacre.

Two people, two shields, two swords, and every enemy they face, they are all top fighters.

Soon, Will's position was prominent and James fell behind, but he protected Will's side well.

The enemy's crossbow has lost its advantage, and the one in the back will not dare to shoot and will hit his fellow robe; the one in the front cannot shoot, and the enemy is clinging to him in front of him and is attacking him. In front of Will’s Dragon Bone Sword, the shield’s protection is like a piece of thin paper. Every time Will kills two people, he helps James kill one person. In this way, James can barely keep up and help him defend. Side loopholes.

The two demons moved forward, behind them, there were corpses, blood, torches, shields and crossbows all over the ground.

Lynn Cobray followed them to fill the sword, the only feeling was that the soles of the shoes were full of blood, sticking, and walking was uncomfortable.

"Exit, exit, exit." The soldiers behind the cave yelled.

They finally knew this time that the swordsmen on the Westeros continent were not as bad as they had imagined. The two people in front of them had never seen them so powerful.

There is nothing to stop!

Commander Harry and the knights all listened nervously to the terrible sound coming from the tunnel. Everyone was killed, and every violent impact of James’s shield was a kind of excitement. Terrible sound.

Soldiers continued to crawl out of the hole, their faces pale.

The warriors and knights who attacked King's Landing Red Fort were all the best elites. One hundred men dared to fight the enemy with a thousand men.

So sharp, the constant screams came out, and finally, the soldiers in the hole crawled out one after another, like ants flooded out of the ant hole.

James and Will ran to the entrance of the cave, James was so tired that he was about to fall, and Will breathed smoothly and looked at ease.

Afterwards, the two men retreated amid the screams of Commander Harry when several crossbows were aimed at the hole.

In this battle, the cave was filled with the corpses of the elite soldiers of the Golden Knights.

"Your sword won't work," Will said.

"I know!"

"But your strength is good, I can't match it." Will said enviously.

"I would rather have a good sword like yours." James sighed.

"Don't fight Arya, I will give you a Valyrian steel sword, a narrow sword suitable for your swordsmanship style." Will said again.

"I can not do it."

"You can do it."

"I can't do it. But you can prevent Arya Stark from a duel. You can ask Tyron Ashes to a duel with me."

"Ed Stark is not Tyron Ashes' father."

James was silent.

Lynn Cobrel silently followed the breakup behind the two.

James would fight Arya Stark. Why?

Arya Stark, a little girl, can actually compete with James in swordsmanship?

James and Will walked back to the team, James was exhausted. Every impact of his shield requires a strong force, and his sword pierces through the gap of the impact and requires his full attention.

Will seemed to be fine.

His keel rapier ignores the shield defense and takes too much advantage.