The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 791: The disobedient black dragon

On the other side of the narrow sea, there are nine free trade city states, and the only city openly doing slave business is Valantis. Valantis is a transit point for the slave trade between Westeros and Essos.

The slave trade of the nine free trade city states all passed through the slave trade channel established by Valantis and the slave cities in the east.

Because the free trade city-state Braavos (the city where the Faceless Black and White House is located) opposed the slave trade and resorted to force to defend it, the rest of the cities had to engage in the slave trade with Valantis in secret.

In the southern waters of Valantis.

A big ship took the lead, a dozen small boats followed, and they formed a fleet and headed for Valantis.

The big ship that led the voyage was the Miss Griff (Aegon Targaryen VI), and the boats that followed him were all refugees who escaped from Valantis. These refugees who had nowhere to go met the Mississippi at sea. After talking, they learned that the owner of the ship owns three dragons. Therefore, these people were easily awarded a bachelor degree by the ship (who did not get a bachelor's necklace awarded by the city but was self Believed to be a phony bachelor with knowledge) Hagel persuaded in a few words and became followers of the Mississippi, and they formed a fleet to return to Valantis.

Because of the rumors that the three dragons are coming, Valantis's chaos has converged a lot.

On this day, a huge battleship approached oncoming, and the deck was full of soldiers. On the high masts, watching soldiers also stood in a row.

However, the little Griff and others on the Mississippi are not as afraid of Valantis’s navy as before. After a big encounter and a few small encounters, the power of the three dragons has been given. A strong confidence in Little Griff. In some of the small naval battles, they were victorious only with a green dragon and a red dragon. And the most powerful black dragon, some days after disappearing inexplicably, came back again. It lost several battle opportunities.

Among the three dragons, the black dragon is the largest and the most powerful. It is a female dragon.

Due to several naval battles, the Mississippi is now also famous.

The three dragons are more famous than the young lady.

And the owner of the dragon has become the most mysterious figure in this sea.

The huge battleship stopped far away, and little Griff had no urge to fight in the past. He also ordered the ship to stop.

The three dragons stopped on the tall masts of the Mississippi. They were bigger and had more food intake. Fortunately, the dragon does not need Little Griff to feed them every meal. They will fly into the sea to catch fish, fly to distant mountains to catch animals, and then spray flames to cook the food, and enjoy them beautifully.

This is also different from the griffin, which eats raw meat, while the dragon eats cooked food.

The small boat was put down on the huge battleship opposite, and someone rowed the small boat towards this side.

Little Griff and Sister Lemore (the nun who raised him with the old Griff, equivalent to Little Griff’s mother) stood on the bow of the Miss, next to his guard duck (Raleigh Sir Duck, outstanding swordsmanship, burly stature, fists like a rock) and killer (Sir Cusper Leo, the martial arts instructor of Griff).

"Did they send someone over to beg for mercy?" Little Griff said in a calm tone. He is thin and has all the characteristics of the Targaryen family: blond hair and purple eyes. Now that the black dragon returns and the three dragons gather, a battleship is no longer in the eyes of little Griff.

His confidence is cultivated in battle.

The fighting power of the dragon is indeed invincible. Whether it is sea or land.

"Little Griff, it's Valantis' elephant party fleet. The duck saw the huge flying flag, on which is the picture of the elephant shooting with bow and arrow.

Valantis has two ruling parties: Elephant Party and Tiger Party. The Elephant Party represents the power of the trading aristocracy of Valantis. Their ancestors are the officers and soldiers who remained after the Valyrian Expeditionary Army attacked Valantis; the Tiger Party represents the local conservative power of Valantis , Also represents the nobles who advocated the use of force to solve problems.

"Little Griff, restrain your three-headed dragon." Sister Lemore said.

Little Griff shrugged: "Black Dragon, I can't order it."

"The dragon can't order it. You have to discuss with it, communicate, and then ask them." Sister Lemore said, with a slight reproach in her voice. Little Griff doesn't have enough respect for the dragon, and Sister Lemore has warned him several times.

"Yes, Ms. Lemore." Little Griff was very respectful.

Seeing that the boat got closer and closer, Little Griff uttered a dragon language to the three-headed dragon on the mast. However, the black dragon that hadn't changed before flew down and flew towards the boat.

The people on the boat must have heard the story of the dragon burning the enemy to eat. They raised their hands and said to the flying black dragon that they did not have any weapons in their hands.

These experiences also come from blood and fire after fighting the dragon several times.

However, if the black dragon is in a bad mood and wants to burn them to death, they have nothing to do.

The black dragon flew past the boat, and then flew back. It hovered over the boat. The soldiers on the boat were already scared to death.

"Summon the black dragon back." Sister Lemore suggested softly.

"It won't hurt them." Little Griff said. He also wanted to send a dragon language to summon the black dragon back, but the black dragon didn't like to listen to his call more and more. In the feeling that one use would be one less, little Griff did not send out a dragon call. This is the secret deep in his heart. He is Targaryen. Why is the black dragon more and more difficult to control? Under the black dragon's ‘rebellion’, the red dragon and the green dragon also became disobedient.

This made little Griff's heart faintly disturbed.

"Summon it back, little Griff. We're going to Valantis, so we'd better make friends instead of erect enemies," said the duck.

"Valante’s Elephant Party is more powerful than the Tiger Party. Of the three ruling officers of Valantis, two belong to the Elephant Party, and the situation in which the Elephant Party occupy two has been going on for more than ten years." Said the killer.

"Okay!" Little Griff said.

The black dragon did not fly away, and the boat dared not move.

Little Griff uttered a dragon language, but the black dragon just responded with a dragon chant and continued to do its own way. It hovered over the boat, as if a cat was teasing a little mouse.

On the huge ship opposite, the soldiers and generals looked at each other and did not dare to speak.

If the three dragons are angry, they will not escape the fire.

The dragon's fighting power has been spread to Valantis.

Little Griff stepped up to utter the dragon language, and the dragon language call contained his anger.

The black dragon suddenly gave up the boat, flew over to the giant ship, and issued a provocative dragon roar.


0791 Chapter 2 Aegon VI's identity revealed

Little Griff’s dragon language affected the red dragon and the green dragon, and the two dragons uttered a dragon chant together, and the sound of correction sounded through the sea.


The red dragon and the green dragon fluttered out and went straight to the battleship.

"Alert!" On the Elephant Party battleship, the general issued a military order, roaring with horror.

The three dragons flew up and down, flying around the battleship.

The bows and arrows of the full ship were raised and aimed towards the sky.

The situation is imminent.

"Little Griff, recall the three dragons." Sister Lemore said softly.

"First listen to what the elephants want to say to us." Half-Bachelor Hagel suggested.

Little Griff also wanted to recall Sanlong, but Sanlong's disobedience made him feel powerless.

"Okay, I beg them." Little Griff said with a smile.

He has a good air and a charming smile, which conceals his inner anxiety well.

Everyone smiled.

No one thought Little Griff would really ask for them, but Little Griff was really asking the three dragons.

Heilong responded, whizzing high, and flew away. The green dragon and the red dragon seem to be its little follower, close behind.

The officers and soldiers on the Elephant Party battleship and the messengers on the small boat breathed a sigh of relief.

Little Griff was also greatly relieved. Dragons are really too proud creatures, even asking the owner to make requests to them, which makes Little Griff very uncomfortable.

The nuns, ducks, killers, and half bachelors all smiled. After they saw the dragon's strength step by step, everyone was full of belief in the future. There was a warm cheer from the fleet following the Mississippi.

This is a tribute to the dragon and also a tribute to the dragon owner.

Little Griff enjoyed the cheers of such followers.

The Xiangdang boat came to the front, Missy lowered the rope ladder, and the messenger and two guards without weapons climbed onto the deck.

"Hello, sirs, my name is Thomas, and I was dispatched by Lord Neciso Visama, the governor of the Elephant Party, who is the little Griff."

"I am!" Little Griff said lightly.

Thomas and the two guards immediately knelt on one knee: "Thomas sees His Majesty Aegon Targaryen."

Little Griff's face changed, and the faces of the nun Lemore, the duck Sir Raleigh Dark, and the killer Sir Cusper Leo all changed drastically.

Thomas hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, don't panic. The Valantis Elephant Party is willing to send troops to assist your Majesty and help your Majesty regain the Iron Throne on the continent of Westeros.

"How did you know the identity of my master?" Sister Lemore said coldly.

"Don’t panic, Madam. Archon Sir Neciso Visama is ready to send a villain to welcome your Majesty and all the adults into Valante. Neciso and Illio, Governor of Pantos. A very good close friend."

Hearing Illyrio's name, Little Griff, the nun, the duck, and the killer all breathed a sigh of relief.

Little Griff’s adoptive father, Griff (Jon Clinton), raised the little Griff for more than ten years with financial support from Governor Pantos Illio. Illyrio is the most loyal and close friend of the old Griff team.

Little Griff looked at Mrs. Lemore, and the lady nodded slightly. Little Griff said, "Thomas, get up. I am King Aegon."

Since Governor Pantos is not concealing the identity of Little Griff, he naturally has his plans. The elephant party of Valantis took the initiative to cater to Aegon's team and was willing to send troops. This is a great thing.

They can distrust the Elephant Party, but they fully trust Illyrio and never doubt.

Thomas was born, took out the letter from his arms and handed it respectfully: "Your Majesty, this is the letter passed to your Majesty by Governor Tonesiso, Governor of Illio."

Aegon stretched out his hand, but the letter had been taken by the nun Mrs. Lemore. Mrs. Lemore opened the letter and did not show it to Her Majesty Aegon first, she read it herself. This was the usual practice in the past, but for Aegon, who had already disclosed his identity, he felt that Mrs. Lemore did not respect herself at all.

Aegon looked at the duck and the killer, the two guards who protected him and taught him martial arts did not look wrong. He glanced at the Bachelor, who also took Mrs. Lemore's behavior for granted.

After reading the letter, Lemore looked grim. She handed the letter to Hagel, the half bachelor, and said, "Old Griff is dead, with gray scale."

Both Bachelor Hagel and Duck Killer were shocked and felt a pain in their hearts.

Old Griff is the spiritual support and absolute leader of their team.

But Aegon Targaryen VI felt relieved. Old Griff was a huge boulder on his head. Every time he taught him, the old Griff regarded himself as his father. Little Griff was afraid of the harsh and ruthless old Griff, who was the only person he was afraid of. The old Griff raised the little Griff and taught him various principles and principles of life. If he makes a mistake, he will be punished very severely. This makes the little Griff resent the old Griff for a long time. It's just that he didn't dare to break out and had to suppress his character.

But Griff's expression was very sad, and there was no expression of joy.

His joy is only in his heart.

The old Griff is the adoptive father of the little Griff, and the little Griff swears the old Griff as his father in the sanctuary on the day he is sensible. Now that his father is dead, Griff's grief is just right.

Ducks, killers, nuns, and half bachelors are all the people who raised little Griff with the old Griff. The old Griff is the father of the little Griff, and the nun Lemore is equivalent to the little Griff’s. mother. Duck, Killer, and Half-Bachelor, are teachers who teach little Griff to martial arts and culture, and have been with Griff for more than ten years.

"Old Griff is gone now. Whose hands did the Golden Knights fall into?" The duck thought in his heart. He looked at the half-bachelor, and Hagel was also looking at him. The two had a pair of eyes, and they understood. The other's mind.

Madame Lemore's eyes were red.

The killer turned his head and looked at the sea, feeling very painful, but didn't want to be seen by anyone.

Thomas said: "Your Majesty and the adults, please be relieved, Master Neciso, please go to Valantis to discuss important matters."

"What's the matter?" Little Griff was about to ask, but he didn't say anything. Mrs. Lemore had already asked for him: "What does Master Neciso want to discuss with us? Is it going to fight back to Westeros?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"How many people can Master Neciso provide us?"

"Sorry, ma'am, I can't answer such questions."

Mrs. Lemore said: "Master Thomas, we need to discuss with your Majesty."

"Yes, ma'am. I'll just wait here." He pointed to the huge ship on the opposite side, "Your Majesty, Madam, sirs, the battleship on the opposite side was sent by Master Nesiso to greet and protect your Majesty and the lords. "