The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 792: Kou Chao·Mi Ju

Although Aegon thinks he can judge and make decisions, he respectfully faces the nuns, ducks, killers, and semi-bachelors. After Aegon discovered that his identity was made public, these people around him didn't seem to realize that he should be different from before. They also regarded him as a little Griff. This is where Aegon felt he needed to correct them.

He is the king, and in the sea encounters, the victory is because of him and his dragon. The refugees who are willing to follow their Miss to return to Valantis are also because he and his dragon are invincible.

Aegon realized that the nun and others had not yet understood their location.

Aegon and his minister returned to the ship. He is humble. This is the result of the nun and the old Griff's long-term teaching-he has the education and demeanor that a prince should have.

In Aegon’s eyes, Lemore always regarded herself as Aegon’s mentor. Like the old Griff, she was self-righteous and did not give Aegon any autonomy. This is extremely wrong, because Aegon is the king. .

"Governor Pantos Illyrio is our close friend. He has been supporting our cause for more than ten years. Can we trust Illyrio? He is a cautious man. Why did he suddenly reveal himself in front of Neciso? Griff concealed his identity for more than ten years?" Sister Lemore said.

"Perhaps because he thinks there is no need to hide it anymore," said the duck.

"But we don't have our own army around us." Half-Bachelor Hagel said.

"The first legion will come from Valantis. The Archon Neciso of the Elephant Party is willing to provide us with the legion." said the killer.

"Then what is the purpose of our coming here?" Sister Lemore said, "Don't forget, we are here to find Daenerys Targaryen. And Valenster is at war with the Dothraki. In the days when we encountered several encounters in the sea, it was the defeated Valantes who fled to Reese's fleet."

"Can the Valantis defeat the Dothraki?" Half-Bachelor Hagel said, "Obviously not. But if we join, Valantis suddenly has a three-headed dragon, what will the situation be like?"

"They want to unite us to defeat the Dothraki people? I think they want to negotiate a peace with us. Daenerys is a slave liberator, she is Targaryen, and our Aegon is also Targaryen. Elephant Party Neciso can't let our dragon attack Daenerys."

Little Aegon watched his ministers discuss endlessly, but unfortunately, no one consulted him.

He suddenly felt that such a meeting was so boring.

But he couldn't do without such help now, so he had to blame for sitting obediently and watching these stupid guys discuss the situation.

"They still think of me as an ignorant little Griff." Aegon thought, "Why do they think I haven't grown up yet? Look at who these guys around me are? Stupid. Want to know Nye. Hiso's plan, if you want to know how the two sides fighting at Valantis, you will know when you go to Valantis. Illyrio is an absolutely trustworthy person. Without him, there would be no present Me and the idiots around me. Neciso, whom Illyrio believes, what else can we guard against."

Aegon insisted on being obedient to listen. Finally, the nun, the duck, the killer, and the semi-bachelor reached an agreement, and they decided to go to Valantis to see Neciso.

"It should have been decided a long time ago. These idiots have been discussing such a small matter for a long time." Aegon looked down on the people around him, he thought contemptuously, "Except for the old Griff, these people are all fools. . But the good news is that the old Griff died of grayscale disease, and everything is going for the better. With the dragon, there is no need to fight, and Nesiso of Valantis will come to surrender. Think about it. Four hundred years ago, the entire Essos continent was dominated by the Valyrians, because they had dragons. The ancestors of Neciso of the Elephant Party must also be Valyrians."

So, everyone went out of the cabin to meet Neciso's messenger, and half an hour later, the new fleet set off towards Valantis.


Valantis is divided into two cities, the east and the west, where civilians and slaves live, slave markets, handicraftsmen, and foreign traders; the west is tall and majestic, and the city is protected by a famous black wall. The black wall is very tall and wide. It was built by the Valyrians who conquered Valentis four hundred years ago. The east and west cities are connected by a bridge under which is the famous Lorne River in Valantis. The Lorne River divides the city of Valantis into two.

The Mississippi was getting closer and closer to the city port. They saw the city on the east turned into a sea of ​​fire, while the city where the nobles lived on the west was not in chaos. The walls were lined with flags and soldiers.

"Your Majesty, the port is in our hands, and the port chaos has ended." The messenger Thomas said.

Aegon saw four warships on the water in the port, but near the shore, countless broken ships and floating wooden boards. There was fierce fighting in the port.

"Who burned so many warships?" Aegon asked Thomas.

"Dothraki, Your Majesty."

The respectful Thomas makes Aegon feel very good, if not for the nun Lemore is by his side, he would like to accept Thomas as his servant.

"I heard that Zogo Cao and Valantis reached a peace agreement." Aegon said.

"Yes, Your Majesty, but Drogo Kao is poisoned and his life and death are unknown. He was sent into the Red Temple by Daenerys Targaryen." Thomas said with a humble expression.

"Oh!" Aegon was shocked. He looked at Sister Lemoore: "Mrs. Lemoore, have I never known the news?"

"We don't know, sire," Sister Lemore replied.

But Aegon doubted this.

These people are used to blocking all information from him. Everyone understands many things, but he alone does not know.

"What happened later?" Aegon asked casually. In fact, he is very concerned about this.

"After Zogo Cao was poisoned, the Kou under his banner broke out in civil strife and killed each other. Several Kou stood on their own as Kau and suddenly attacked Valantis. They failed to break through the black wall, and they washed the East City and the port. This caused the death of a large number of civilians and slaves in the East City, and the port fleet suffered heavy losses."

Miss Miss led the fleet into the port, because the hulk warship was blocked, all the ships could not dock.

From a distance, Aegon saw a lot of red robe soldiers on the shore of the port, but there were not many strict formations. The Red Robe Army was mixed with groups of fierce cavalry. Judging from their expressions, they looked like Dothraki.

"What kind of army is on the shore? Tiger Party?"

"No, it's the Flame Hand of the Red Temple and the Kas tribe of Kalixi (Daenerys).

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Neciso’s castle was magnificent, beyond the imagination of King Aegon VI.

Although Aegon is an expensive prince, he has lived a life of misery since he was a child. When he met the old Griff who took hardships for pleasure, his life was even more impoverished. With the help of Governor Pantos Illyrio, they could have lived the lives of ordinary people, but in order to hone Aegon, the old Griff was harsh on him to hone his will and experience ordinary people’s Suffering, I hope he will be an enlightened and compassionate king in the future. Aegon has lived a very poor life for more than ten years.

After entering Nesiso's castle, he was surprised by the elephant army sculpture in the courtyard. The elephant army sculptures standing opposite to each other are several feet tall, which makes one can only look up. The sculptures are not one, but two rows, arranged from the gate to the front of the hall, giving people an extremely majestic sense of oppression. The sculpture is several times taller than the real elephant, and the details are exquisitely carved.

The surface of the sculpture is all plated with gold, which looks golden and extremely luxurious.

Inside the Elephant Sculpture Garden, there are many other exquisite luxury items, rock gardens, fountains and pools, interlocking, surrounded by woods, and quiet paths. Aegon exhausted his eyes and couldn't see how big the courtyard was.

A group of people led the way through this wonderful courtyard and entered the main castle.

The main castle was full of corridors and rooms, and a person hurried out, with a jade belt and a golden robe. He was the owner of this house: Neciso Visama.

After the two sides met and exchanged greetings, Nessi went into the room with apologetic voice. Aegon and the others were suspicious, Neciso came out again, the jade belt and golden robe was gone, and he changed into plain and ordinary clothes. Compared with Aegon and the others, he no longer had the luxury and nobility.

This detail greatly increased Aegon Targaryen's favor with Nexisuo and reduced his alertness. Sure enough, he was a close friend of Governor Illyrio, understanding and knowing to respect the identity of Prince Aegon.

However, Sister Lemoore is alert to Neciso's sophistication, this kind of ability to act according to the situation is too strong, and he will never make a loss when dealing with him.

"My lord, you invite our prince to come here. If you have any motion, we are anxious, please let me know." Mrs. Lemore said.

"Madam, you must have heard a lot of rumors all the way to the east. We Valantisben and Zogo Cao reached a peace agreement, but Zogo Cao was poisoned by the **** Varys next to Daenerys , Causing Zogo Kao’s poisoning and coma. Several Koo under Zogo Kao took the opportunity to make trouble. Some Koo led troops to leave, and some made themselves as new Kao. They launched a rebellion and attacked Wa when we were not prepared. Lantis and Daenerys’s Kass tribe, and later several independent Kauers went to civil war with each other, and finally we united with Daenerys’s Kass army, and the flames of the Grand Priest Ben Luo in the Red Temple. The hand of the hand, defeated them, only then could Valantis' West City be preserved."

This remark contains a lot of information.

The first is that Varys poisoned Zogo Kao, but Zogo Kao did not die, just fainted.

The second is that the Dothraki attacked Valantis, and a civil war broke out after several Kou proclaimed themselves Kao.

The third is Daenerys and Hand of Fire, together with Valantis' army, drove away Cao in the Civil War and saved Valantis' West City.

The crowd was silent after hearing Neciso's words.

What I heard from Neciso's mouth was completely different from what I heard in the past.

What Aegon cares about is the strength of Daenerys Targaryen’s Cass Army. Daenerys is his aunt and his father’s sister. They are a family, and Daenerys’s strength is The personal strength of the Royal Army is the most trustworthy.

However, the focus of Sister Lemore and others is not Daenerys's power, but Varys's poisoning of Zogo Kao.

"Master Neciso, you are the person recommended to us by Governor Illyrio. We shouldn't have doubted you, but you said that Varys poisoned Zogo Kao, but we couldn't believe it." The nun was sure. Said in his tone.

"Madam, this news is absolutely true. Daenerys has found out the truth. Zogo Kao was poisoned after using Varys' anti-inflammatory ointment, and Varys has also escaped in fear of crime."

The nun, the duck, the half bachelor, and the killer looked at each other. After they exchanged their eyes, they were all silent.

They all believed that Varys was innocent.

Aegon Targaryen’s life was rescued by Varys at the risk of his life and death in the Red Fort. Jon Clinton changed his name to Griff, a civic town in Rees, and secretly raised Aegon to an adult and spread rumors. The news that Jon Clinton was drunk and fell into Lissea and died was Varys's idea.

After the Targaryen dynasty has fallen, Robert Baratheon is in power, and Varys is also firmly in the position of chief of intelligence, and is still fully supporting the Targaryen family.

Marry Daenerys to the horse king Drogo Cao to gain the cavalry force of Drogo Cao, so that he can cross the narrow sea to attack the continent of Westeros and regain the Iron Throne. These plans are Varys and Yili. Leo planned it together.

How can such a person poison Drogo Kao?

He has no motives.

"Master Nesiso, tricked Zogo Kao to lead an army to Res Island to take back the dragon plan, which was designed by Varys." said the nun.

"Daenerys Targaryen now knows that the dragon is in the hands of Prince Aegon, and she already knows the identity of the dragon owner." Nesiso said.

The nuns and others were moved in their hearts.

This is another information beyond their expectations.

The situation seemed a bit out of control. Sister Lemore felt that someone was secretly pushing behind this series of events, and they were all in the center of power, but could not see the black hand behind the scenes.

Sister Lemore missed someone very much at this time: Jon Clinton. As long as he is there, he will definitely see where the problems are.

Prince Aegon said, "Master Neciso, my aunt already knows about me and my dragon?"

"Yes, Lord Illyrio has told her the truth. The dragon egg she lost was bought by Jon Clinton at a high price in Rees City, and then the dragon was hatched. He hoped that Daenerys and Aegon The prince converged at Valantis, then joined forces and crossed the narrow sea to capture the Iron Throne."

"How many troops do we have now?" Half-Bachelor Hagel said lightly. He had been watching Neciso coldly.

The situation changed too quickly, and he told himself not to believe in Neciso, nor in Illyrio. These people are all businessmen, and their investment is Prince Aegon. The businessmen only care about their own interests.