The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 802: Alliance Red Temple

(2 in 1)


Outside the black wall of Valantis East City, beside the Lorne River, in the Red Temple.

"People can deceive, but flames won't." Grand Pastor Benello said softly.

His loud voice will only be used in the square, when facing a crowd of people. A slight increase in his metal rubbing voice will make people around him a little uncomfortable.

Daenerys stared at the flame, her eyes for a moment.

She saw strange ghosts and ghouls.

However, she still couldn't believe that these things really existed.

After all, the Land of Eternal Winter is on another continent.

"Why should I go to the Great Wall of Extremis to fight?" Daenerys said, "I can go east now."

"Daenerys, can you escape the winter?"

"No one can escape the season."

"If you can't escape the winter, you can't escape the ghosts. The best place to snipe the ghosts is at the Great Wall in Westeros." Priest Bennero said slowly.

"The Great Wall of Despair was built by the builder'Blinden Stark' specifically to resist the invasion of aliens." Will said, "Eight thousand years ago, aliens invaded Westeros, the sons of humans and forests, and giants. The priests of the Red God, and the magicians of Essos jointly defeated the alien ghosts and drove them into the Land of Eternal Winter. Eight thousand years later, the alien ghosts came again. The Great Wall of Despair is not the Great Wall, but A giant magic circle that prevents aliens from invading. No undead creatures can cross the Great Wall unless the Great Wall is attacked by the Night King and collapses."

"Night King?" Daenerys became more and more surprised.

The more she understands, the more incredible and unpredictable she finds.

"The leader of the strange ghost is the Night King."

Daenerys was silent for a while, and said, "Even if what you say is true, what can I do? My fifty thousand troops are all slaves and they have no military training. And everyone is Ersso The people of Sri Lanka, from a warm climate to the Great Wall to fight against ghosts, they may all die of the severe cold first."

"Daenerys, your army of fifty thousand slaves is naturally not good." Will said lightly, "I came to the narrow sea, hoping to conquer the entire continent of Essos with you, gather the continent's most elite troops, and survive the narrow sea. Hai, land at the port of Donghaiwang. Donghaiwang is the easternmost military fortress on the Great Wall of Despair."

"Conquer the entire continent of Essos?" Daenerys was surprised. "Master Will, just rely on you and me? Are you dreaming? Drogo Cao is invincible for his whole life, and he was defeated only because of Grand Priest Benello. Once, he could not conquer the Dothraki Sea for many years."

"You and me, plus five dragons, we will go east, by sea, first to conquer all the slave cities in the east, and liberate all the slaves. Then we will return by land and conquer all the Kao in the Dothraki Sea. We need more Slark’s cavalry went to attack the ghoul army."

"Where are the five dragons?"

"The three dragons originally belonged to you, plus the dragon egg I gave you, plus one of my own dragon eggs."

Daenerys stared at Will, feeling like a little girl who knew nothing in front of Will.

"You still have a dragon egg?"

"Yes, there is one more."

"Where does your dragon egg come from?"

"The holiday palace of the Targaryen royal family, the summer hall in the Crimson Mountains."

"Summer Hall? The place where my eldest brother was born."

"No, it's where Prince Rega celebrated his first birthday."

"The Midsummer Hall? If there are still dragon eggs there, there should be seven."

"Yes. But the other five were broken in the wildfire explosion that year, and only two remain."

Daenerys pondered for a while and said, "Master Will, you have to give me one of your dragon eggs to hatch. I know the secret of how to hatch dragon eggs."

"The secrets to hatching dragon eggs, the dragon language, the secrets of dragon training, I told the eight-claw spider Varys."

Daenerys felt her throat clogged and her breathing was choked!

She couldn't believe that the lost dragon hatching secret and dragon training secret came from Will who was not from the Targaryen family.

"I believe in the old god, the **** of time and space among the old gods, and let me know the secrets of dragon hatching and dragon training."

Daenerys was too surprised to breathe.

"In that case, why don't you hatch the dragon yourself, but tell Varys the secret of hatching the dragon? If it were me, I would never do this. I would not tell anyone."

Will looked at Daenerys with calm eyes: "Dragons are magical creatures with invincible power, but I know **** dragons. If Aegon’s three dragons cannot be used by us, his dragon flies to Westeros. If the mainland goes to war with us, we will kill all the dragons."

Not only Daenerys, but even the Grand Pastor Benello was shocked.

He pierced his face full of flames, and his eyes suddenly sparkled.

"Can you kill the dragon?"

"Any magical creature has weaknesses. Immortal ghosts and ghouls seem invincible, but they also have fatal weaknesses. I have prepared for the weaknesses of ghosts and ghouls, and prepared a meal for them. A sumptuous meal. But I need more manpower to ensure the final victory. When the dragon soars in the sky, the magic of the whole world will gradually recover, and the ghosts will also get the help of the cold **** after a severe setback. An ice spider the size of a wolf will appear. (There is an ice spider in the original book, from the mouth of the Great Wall scholar Imon Targaryen.

Daenerys gasped. She had never heard of these terrifying mysterious creatures.

"Ice spiders appear, how do we defeat them?"

"We will have more dragons and dragon kings. Although you are Targaryen, only I know where the dragon king is and how to summon it."

Daenerys was speechless again.

The room suddenly became very quiet.

Each of these information is more shocking.

Will stopped there, not telling the secret of the Dragon King.

If you want to control dragons, Will summons the dragon king to control all dragons when he is not immune to fire damage. Although the Dragon King is the head of all dragons, it is similar to a brood. It does not have the power to dominate the world, but it is the mother of all magical creatures and magical spells, and it is the mother of the prosperous dragon race.

The most powerful magic dragon is also controlled and restricted by the Dragon King, but because the Dragon King is a brood, its own combat power is very low.

Grand Pastor Benello said slowly: "Daenerys, the Red God has sent her servant to the continent of Westeros. She is Lord Will’s Legion Priest in Westeros, Melisandre. Holy Fire. The hand of the hand will also develop and strengthen. The hand of the holy fire is also prepared for the final battle with the people of the cold god. Drogo Kao is not awakened now, he will wake up when the red **** needs him. He is chosen by the red **** The great hero of the hand of the Holy Fire. The time has come, and we will all go to Westeros and the Great Wall."

Daenerys found that she was speechless, and the shock in her heart hit her soul. She needs to digest these unheard secrets in a very short time.

After a while, Daenerys said softly: "Priest Benello, why is Drogo Kao not awake now? I pray that the Red God can wake him up now."

"Daenerys, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and thousands of rivers and thousands of streams will eventually return to the sea. Everything and everything have their own rules that cannot be violated. The cold **** is very powerful in the land of eternal winter, with many people and countless ghouls, but Nor can he come out to attack humans in summer and autumn. The arrival of winter and long night is the season he dares to wreak havoc. Drogo Kao will only wake up when he should wake up."

"If you dare not fight with ghosts, we will go all the way east to conquer the slave cities in the east, to conquer the Dothraki people, and then gather the army and cross the narrow sea." Arya's contemptuous eyes appeared again. , "There is not only one Daenerys in the world."

Arya shook her hair, her red hair turned silvery blonde. She turned her face, and then turned her head, Daenerys saw her face.

With silver golden hair and purple eyes, Daenerys was exactly the same.

"The transformation technique of Braavos Black and White House." Daenerys was surprised.

"Daenerys, make an alliance." Will said lightly.

Daenerys knew that Will's peaceful words contained endless murderous and threats.

She can be replaced by someone.

However, going east to liberate the slaves is in line with Daenerys' deep heart desire.

Daenerys looked at Will with awe-inspiring expressions. She slowly looked towards Benello, and the priest was also looking at her with piercing eyes.

Daenerys looked at the pastor, Will and Arya. She looked back and forth several times. She slowly said indifferently: "Is Drogo Kao certain to be resurrected at some time? ?"

"Yes!" Grand Pastor Benello made a single word.

"Well, it's about the justice of the human race. I'm willing to cooperate as hard as I can to fight against strange ghosts."

"Very well, Daenerys, but we all need to swear together in front of the Red God idol." Grand Pastor Benello said sharply.

"I agree!" Daenerys replied cleanly. As soon as she thinks through the joints, she will act vigorously and will not be muddled.

"I agree." Will heaved a sigh of relief. He felt that the threat of design and the display of power had little effect on Daenerys. His methods seemed clumsy in front of Daenerys.

"I agree too!" Arya said. She and Will's plan came to fruition, and went beyond her expectations. Daenerys made the decision without seeing the real ghouls and strange ghosts.

Arya had no confidence to persuade Daenerys beforehand. She thinks that it is probably the reason that Drogo Kao will be resurrected and Daenerys's resolute decision.

In Westeros, no matter how the publicity is, people only believe that the ghouls are coming after seeing the ghouls with their own eyes.

"So, how can we convince Aegon Targaryen? He deceived me by saying that he opposed the slave trade, and he also deceived Neciso by saying that he supported the slave trade. I don't know which one of these two arguments is true. , And the three dragons we need are in his hands."

"He is not obedient, we may only have to kill him." Arya said in Daenerys' face and tone.

"You kill him, I will kill you, and vowed to never cooperate with the Stark family in the war against ghosts." Daenerys threatened Arya lightly. She speaks neither lightly nor seriously, neither fast nor slow, as if saying that the weather today is good.

Arya looked calm under Daenerys's gaze. She turned around, and when she turned her head, the long silver-gold hair became the red hair of the Stark family, and that face became Arya Stark's face.

"He may not be the real Aegon Targaryen VI." Will said, "Anyone with the ancient blood of Valyria is likely to have blond and purple eyes and those with pure Valyrian blood. If a woman is married or has been intimate for a period of time, if the woman is pregnant, it is easy to have blonde and purple eyes."

"Master Will, you can't doubt Aegon Targaryen VI without any evidence." Daenerys raised her voice slightly.

"It's easy, just grab Governor Pantos Illio and ask." Arya said, "There is also the eight-claw spider Varys."

Daenerys stared at Arya, and she naturally knew that Arya's question of catching Illio was not a real question. It must be a very harsh torture and coercion.

After all, it is related to the identity of the heir of the Targaryen Kingdom, this matter is not trivial.

This made Daenerys feel very uncomfortable.

The affection for Aegon that she had just emerged was overshadowed by Will and Arya.

The Grand Pastor Benello didn't say anything about it, which showed that the flame of the Red God could not see everything. The flame can see a lot of future fragments and past things, but it can't see more.

"In order to get the dragon back, I suggest that we first compromise with Aegon Targaryen. Daenerys, you have to pretend that you don't know that Aegon Targaryen cheated on you." Grand Pastor Benello said.

"Okay! I'll see Aegon tomorrow. The information I got said that Aegon will launch troops to attack the city of Rees recently. If we are going east, we need to try to stop him."

"Can't stop him, he will never believe in ghosts and ghouls, let alone fight with us. We can't get the three dragons back through negotiation." Arya said very positively.

"Why do you say that?" Daenerys asked coldly, her face like frost.

"I know it if you look at him." Arya categorically concluded.


Early the next morning.

As soon as Daenery led the guard team with dozens of people on the Valantis Bridge, she saw the black wall on the opposite side open wide, and teams of cavalry filed out of the city, holding various flags high. The team walked along the Lorne River to the seaside port.

After the cavalry, there are teams of infantry.

Valantis was rich because of the slave trade. Whether he was cavalry or infantry, he had bright armor and good swords.

Lines of soldiers kept coming.

"Daenerys, the elephant party is mobilizing the army." Will whispered beside Daenerys.

"The place they went is the port." Jora Mormon said loudly.

Will is on Daenerys's left, replacing Quentin Martel. This made Jora Mormont and Quentin Martel very uncomfortable.

It didn't take a few days for Will and Ali to win Daenerys' trust by offering a dragon egg and rhetoric, which annoyed Jorah Mormon.

He is the captain of Daenerys's guard and must be responsible for Daenerys' safety.

"Aegon is going to go to war by boat," Arya said behind Daenerys.

Before Arya's words fell, a dragon chant came from the sky——




Long Yin resounded across the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw three dragons.

The first was the black dragon, followed by the green dragon and the red dragon. The three dragons were finished in the shape of the dragon and flew towards the warship on the harbor.

Aegon Targaryen VI moved so fast, surpassing Will and Daenerys, who were also very fast.


Push "The Magic Mountain of Ice and Fire" again.