The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 810: Jorah Scheming to Kill Will

(And 1 more)


Valantis West City, a corner of the elephant sculpture garden formerly belonged to Nesiso.

"Sir Jorah, are you looking for me?" said the handsome Quentin Martell.

"I want to kill Will and Ali, what do you think? Would you like to cooperate?" Jora Mormon was straightforward.

Quentin Martel was taken aback: "Why do you say that?"

"His origin is unknown, but Daenerys bewitched Daenerys. Daenerys told me this morning that when Aegon returns from Rees, we will head east."

"What? Go east, why?"

"Free the slaves!"

"He's crazy! The liberation of Valantis’s slaves is just an excuse to gain manpower. Now our army of 70,000, plus the manpower obtained by Aegon Targaryen VI after conquering Rees, a hundred thousand army, with With the three dragons, we should fight back to Westeros immediately."

"That's what I said to Daenerys."

"What did Daenerys say?"

"I can't believe a word of what she said."

"What did she say?"

"She said that the long summer is over, the stars weep blood, the ghosts and ghouls will wake up from the land of eternal winter, and attack us humans in the long night and winter. The Great Wall of Despair is the only best battlefield against ghosts and ghouls. We Go east, liberate slaves, gain military resources and wealth, conquer the entire continent, and then lead the army across the narrow sea to reach the Great Wall, where you will fight to the death with ghosts."

Quentin Martell was too shocked to speak.

"I was as shocked as you are now, but Daenerys didn't listen to persuasion at all. She has been bewitched by Will and cannot turn her head back. I must kill Will."

Quentin Martell glared at Jorah Mormont, unable to believe his words.

"Sir Quentin, what I said is true."

Quentin stammered and said: "Sir Jorah, I heard that the Pastor Benello of the Red Temple can see past, present and future things. Let's go to see Pastor Benello and ask him to expose Will's lies."

"I don't believe in Pastor Benello. I believe in the old gods. I only pray and ask for oracles under the tree of heart." Jora Mormon said flatly, "Sir Quentin, Will is Benello. The pastor recommended to Daenerys, and the Grand Pastor Bennero is not credible. Also, I am from the north and I believe in the old gods. Don’t tarnish my faith."

"I believe in the Seven Gods." Quentin said.

"Sir, join me. To kill Will, I can't do it alone."

Quentin's eyes turned wildly, and he hesitated: "Will's swordsmanship doesn't know how, but the swordsmanship of the kid next to him is too fast, who can be Aliya's opponent?"

"Swordsmanship is fast? But what if we don't give her a chance to draw the sword?"

"What plans does Jazz have?"

"I am the captain of the guard next to Daenerys. I will convey all her orders to the generals, right?"


"I will order Arya to patrol the Lorne River Delta area with troops to see if there are still people from the Dothraki who are active in that generation.

"and then?"

"Everyone has a fatal weakness, it is easy to make him go wrong. Will is no exception!"

"I haven't noticed Will's weakness yet?" Quentin said, "This man is sinister and cunning. He does everything, and there is an invincible swordsman by his side. I have not seen Will's weakness. And his swordsmanship must be. It’s not bad either."

Jora sneered: "Will's weakness is his dragon."


"Yes, Dragon. We just need to send someone to steal the little dragon and report Will, and he will ride with us to chase the dragon thief."

"No no no, Sir Jorah, there is a problem here."

"what is the problem?"

"Will's silver dragon and Daenerys's golden dragon are feeding together. Daenerys is currently feeding, day and night. We cannot steal Will's dragon alone."

"It's easy!" Jora laughed. "I know Yili and Doria who feed Daenerys Dragon. They won't defend themselves when I go in."

"Are you going to kill the maid beside Daenerys?"

"No, I will go in and steal the two dragons together while they are serving Daenerys in the bath. If they run into it, I will pretend to feed the dragon. No one will suspect that I was stealing the dragon."

"Good idea. Feed the dragon if you get hit, steal the dragon if you don't hit it, nothing is wrong."

"After I stole the dragon, I came out and gave the dragon to your little guard Claytus Irenewood. Then he took the dragon and fled to the west. Ten miles south of the city, there is a small river. After crossing the small river, it is a straight line. Mill’s avenue, follow the avenue into the mountains of the virgin forest, and then your guard Claytus Irenewood is waiting there."

"The plan looks great."

"I will report that Daenerys Dragon has been stolen when Clementus Ellenwood has walked far enough, and then I will summon you and Will to chase after him. The matter is too urgent and we will not have time. Bring the guards. According to the patrolling guards, we found that there was only one thief, and found traces of his escape, and then chased them all the way."

"good idea!"

"When we arrived at the destination, we joined forces and killed Will. We came back and gave the dragon to Daenerys. Will was killed by thieves in order to **** the dragon. Daenerys had nothing but grief. accept."

"After killing Will, we will get rid of Aliya. That little guy is not easy to deal with. He has high sword skills, and he is very alert. He doesn't believe in anyone."

"After getting rid of Will, give her a mission, and then ambush her halfway and shoot her with random arrows."

"Okay, the plan is perfect. Sir Jorah, there is no flaw in stealing Will, but I'm going to talk to my little guard, Claytus Ilanwood, to discuss the details. That guy doesn't know what he's up to lately. ."

"Okay, I am waiting for your news."

"Yes, Sir."

The handsome Quentin found the real master Quentin Martell in the forage room of the stable. He told Quentin Martell about Jorah Mormont’s plan, and Quentin Martell was silent. After a while, he said: "Good idea, you have to bring three Sirs, Garris Dinwat, William Wells, and Archibald Ellenwood. After we kill Will, we will kill Jorah. Sir Mormont."

Claytus Ellenwood was surprised: "Prince Quentin, why do we kill Sir Jorah?"

"He has always been nasty towards Daenerys, and Daenerys also respects and loves him. Take this opportunity to kill Jora and eliminate the trouble. When Will and Jora die, we dedicate the dragon to Daenerys. , Is another great achievement, and will become Daenerys’s most trusted person. You recommend me to be Daenerys’s personal guard. At the same time, after we come back, you try to ask Daenerys to take Will’s dragon Grant Don."

"Daenerys will not necessarily give us the dragon."

"Tell her that we found the dragon after a **** battle, a dragon, in exchange for the entire Dorn people, legion, and eternal loyalty."

"What if she disagrees?"

"Then I will use another method."

"Prince, we got two dragons. Can we choose to leave Daenerys and return to Dorne."

"No, Dragon and Daenerys, I will get them."