The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 829: King's Landing Dragon Shadow·Golden Kni


When Chief Harry judged that it was a flying dragon, the soldiers' screams broke out on the east wall: Dragon!

The dragon is here!

Aegon Targaryen VI is here!

The soldiers all over the city cheered loudly, and the voices of Long Live Dragon and Aegon rang one after another.

The pressure of more than a month was also released at this moment.

Five dragons?

The two flying in the front are very huge, one is flame-like golden yellow, and the other is emerald blue. Then there was a small black dragon, so black that it was shiny, and its scales reflected the sun's rays. On the left and right of the black dragon, there are two smaller dragons, one red and one green.

Five dragons appeared!

Head Harry's eyes widened. When did Aegon come out with two more dragons.

Closer, closer, the two dragons flying in front obviously slowed down and flew side by side with the three little dragons.

Thousands of soldiers in Junlin City burst into cheers again.

City residents also stood on the roof.

The dragon came over the city. Chief Harry saw that the two large dragons were different from the three small dragons around him. The tails were not that long, the necks were different, and the claws of the dragons were completely different. Moreover, the dragon had no scales. .

"It's a Griffin!" Captain Harry judged it.

The two big dragons are not dragons, but griffins.

The soldiers and generals also saw that the two large flying behemoths are griffins, and the three small dragons are the real dragons.

The cheers of the soldiers gradually diminished.

They felt something was wrong.

Every soldier and every general knows that the enemy's Prime Minister Will has two griffins.

Will's Griffin appeared with the dragon. What does it mean?

Are the two sides talking about peace on the other side of the narrow sea? !

On the backs of the griffin and the dragon, both are riding the dragon.

As the altitude dropped, the commoner noble merchants and handicraftsmen of King's Landing, as well as the tens of thousands of soldiers, hundreds of knights, hundreds of generals and centurions all saw the griffon and the man on the back of the dragon: on the back of the black dragon Riding a woman with long silver-gold hair fluttering, beautiful as a fairy.

On the backs of the golden giant griffins, two people were riding: a woman and a man were riding on the backs of the griffin.

A man was riding on another griffon.

The dragon and griffin flew around the city, slowly lowering their altitude.

The whole city gradually calmed down.

No one knows what the fate awaits them.

Was it the dragon bursting out of flames, or the griffin suddenly flew down to attack them, or the dragon and the griffin were their master, Aegon, who swore allegiance.

The generals who saw Aegon here were all killed by Will and James during the raid on the Red Fort. The newly promoted generals have not seen Aegon personally, and they are not sure if the man on the blue griffon's back is Aegon himself.

After the three dragons and griffins circled for a few times, they flew to Meige Tower.

Meige Tower is the tallest building in the Red Fort in Junlin, a city within a city. Meige Tower has a separate moat and city gate, but the moat has dried up, and the bottom of the river is covered with iron spikes.

When the enemy is unclear, the soldiers upstairs Meige were in an uproar, and everyone raised their bows and arrows.

But Head Harry stopped everyone's recklessness. Although he has limited military capabilities and limited courage, he still has his own unique vision to judge these things and behave in the world.

Even if there is a war, Lord Will, as the prime minister of the seven countries, will not tear up the agreement and start a war suddenly. Moreover, they want to go now and can't go. They have to clean up and don't fight for this time.

Commander Harry ordered everyone to lay down their weapons and not defend themselves.

He himself does not hide, if the opponent wants to attack him, he can attack him first.

The griffin hovered slowly over the head of Head Harry, followed by the black and hideous dragon.

The green dragon and the red dragon landed on the Prime Minister's Tower and the White Sword Tower, making corrections.

The entire Red Fort is anxious. The dragons and griffins are all over the Red Fort. Is the enemy me?

"Captain Harry, this is Will, this is Arya Stark. The black dragon is named Rego, and the person riding the black dragon is Daneli, the aunt of Aegon Targaryen VI Si Targaryen. She is the princess of Dragonstone Island in the birth of the storm, Kalyxi on the savannah, the liberator of slaves, the unburned, the mother of dragons, the supreme archon of Valantis, and the governor of Pantos. , The commander-in-chief of the coalition of Mill and Taloxi. In Pantos, all the generals and subordinates of the great coalition composed of Valantis, Mill, Taloxi, and Pantos have already served Daenerys Targaryen is the queen of Essos."

"Your Majesty Daenerys!" Harry immediately knelt on one knee.

If you change to another general, you may first question and ask about the situation, but Chief Harry will not. He has a superior ability to judge affairs.

As soon as Will finished speaking, he judged that what Will said was true.

Daenerys Targaryen is more famous among the Golden Knights than Aegon Targaryen. Everyone knows that Daenerys married the horse king Zhuogo Kao. This is an open matter, while Aegon has lived in secret for 16 years, never openly, never admits, and never touches the outside world. He has been living in the shadows, he has never appeared in front of Captain Harry and others, and the news is also locked.

Daenerys tapped the black dragon's neck, and the black dragon landed on the roof of Mei Ge Lou.

This is the second time the Black Dragon has come to King, and everything here is familiar to him.

"Get up, Captain Harry."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Captain Harry, I have read your letter to Aegon Targaryen VI. I want to declare one thing. When Aegon Targaryen VI attacked the city of Rees, he slaughtered the city. All the civilians here, and innocently slaughtered all the fishermen on the islands surrounding the city of Ris, and burned all the fishermen’s villages. We were tried in Pantos and sentenced to hang."

Head Harry's eyes widened, his mouth was speechless, and he was speechless.

"Aegon is dead. I am the heir to the Targaryen Dynasty. You are willing to swear allegiance to me."

Head Harry knelt down again: "Your Majesty, Harry Strikeland swears in the name of family honor and the old and new gods, and will follow your Majesty from now on, and if necessary, willing to give his life for your Majesty."

"Okay, Commander Harry, I want you to summon all the generals for a meeting in Mega Tower."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Because Will wants to use the blood of the fake Aegon Targaryen VI to awaken the Dragon King, he doesn't want the fake Aegon to die. The fake Aegon is also officially the king, even though he is the fake king. In order to replace the fake Aegon, it is impossible to send the fake Aegon back to Valantis and hand it over to the great priest Bennero for trial. So, in the city of Pantos, after the trial of the Governors of Pantos, the fake Aegon Was sentenced to hanging.

But it was another death row prisoner who was actually hanged, not the fake Aegon.

Aegon was dead in name, his head was chopped off, and the tip of a spear was inserted into the city wall. This also has a wonderful advantage. People who are loyal to Aegon Targaryen VI never want to come back.

As for Illyrio, he was temporarily placed under house arrest in the Prince's Palace. The overall situation of Pantos is presided over by Varys, Sir Duck and others, waiting for Daenerys to return to conquer the entire continent of Essos after visiting relatives at the Great Wall.


0829 Chapter 2 Golden Knights curtain call

"If you don't agree, you can withdraw and choose freely." Daenerys stood at the long table and said lightly.

Next to Daenerys stood Will, who made the generals fearful, and Arya Stark.

The battle that Will and James attacked the Red Fort in the night killed all the generals of the Golden Knights in danger and fear. The shadow in my heart is unforgettable for a lifetime.

The generals looked at each other, no matter if they agreed or not, the Golden Knights would cease to exist.

Those who agree will stay and follow Daenerys, those who disagree are free to leave and do whatever they want, or return to Essos to continue as a mercenary.

Head Harry stood up, pushed aside the chair, and knelt to Daenerys on one knee. He pulled out the saber around his waist, raised his head high, and swore allegiance to Daenerys again.

Head Harry set an example.

In this regard, Captain Harry has talent.

Daenerys nodded: "Master Harry Strikeland, you will no longer be homeless. I will ask Master Will to negotiate with the Duke of Tyrell and let Master Landau Tully return your family’s home. And territory."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Head Harry's throat was suddenly blocked with excitement.

The wishes of generations of the Strikeland family have finally come true today. By Harry's generation, he has named himself ‘Homeless’, which shows the importance of his homesickness.

Commander Harry stood up at Daenerys's motion. He was very emotional. Commander Harry rarely was so excited. He was a very reasonable person.

Harry said loudly: "Dear generals, the original intention of the Golden Knights was to return to Westeros and return to their hometown. It has been realized today. What are you still hesitating? On the flagpole of the Golden Knights, the commanders of the previous generations Why did you hang on the flagpole’s head is to see us go home and regain our family territory.”

Qiang Qiang!

With the sound of swords scabbing, the generals stood up, pushed away their chairs, knelt down on one knee facing Daenerys, and swore allegiance to Daenerys Targaryen.

Although the Golden Knights are powerful and free, everyone has long formed a consensus to return to the Targaryen family. The only obstacle is that the enemy Prime Minister Will is here. This is very strange and disturbing. However, this is the end of the matter, and Her Majesty Daenerys will definitely explain to them afterwards. If you fail to be loyal to your Majesty, who has already been called the king, you will lose your honor if you come back to be loyal.

Putting aside the fear and hostility towards Will, everyone decided to pledge allegiance to Daenerys. From then on, the form of the Golden Knights mercenary group will completely disappear.

In the end, all the generals knelt down and all swear allegiance to Daenerys Targaryen.

The number one mercenary group on the Essos continent-the Golden Knights-no longer exists!

When she was seated again, Daenerys also took her seat, Will and Arya Stark sat on her left and right, occupying the most important positions.

This is very nondescript, and there has never been such a scene in history-Will is the prime minister of the enemy.

Daenerys said: "Dear generals, from tomorrow on, you have to pack your bags. In a few days, the Dragon Stone Island battleship will come to pick you up across the narrow sea."

"Your Majesty, shall we fight back again?" General Harry asked.

"After I return from the Great Wall of Despair, I will lead you to conquer the entire continent of Essos. The dragon is back and we are invincible."

No one led and signaled, the generals spontaneously burst into applause! Daenerys' words, with the sharpness of the sword and the domineering blood of the king, made the generals prosperous. Conquer the entire continent of Essos, what will they get? Countless wealth and supreme honor, as well as large areas and territories.

Suddenly, everyone's desire for ancestral territory faded.

If you can rule on the other side and occupy one country to become a prince, it is also very good. His Majesty brought them out of the muddy life, and wanted to give them a great feat.

Daenerys said lightly: "When conquering Essos, Lord Will will be with us. All the generals want to get back the ancestral homes and family castles, Lord Will will contact the local lord for us. ."

"What if the lords do not agree to return the castle?" a general asked.

"I will let them return it." Will said lightly, "No lord will be willing to be locked up with the ghoul. I promise you this."

The audience is quiet.

The generals' fear and fear of Will rose again. The horror of the **** slaughter that he and James attacked the Red Fort night from the tunnel is really hard to cover from the heart.

"Your Majesty, who will sit on the Iron Throne? Sit for your Majesty, or Shireen Baratheon I, who is loyal to Lord Will?" a general asked.

This question is very sharp, and it is also an issue that the generals are concerned about.

Iron Throne, who will sit?

What kind of peace agreement did Daenerys and Will have reached?

"The Iron Throne now belongs to Shireen Baratheon I." Daenerys said flatly. Her courage surprised Will and made Arya look at her with admiration, "Waiting for us to conquer Essos After the mainland, we will face a greater war. In the north, in the Great Wall of Despair."

"Fight against ghosts?" General Harry said.

"Yes, you all already know?" Daenerys was a little surprised.

"Your Majesty, everyone on the continent of Westeros knows that the ghosts are resurrecting, and the ghoul army is gathering in the north." General Harry said.

"Oh, who's promoting?" Will was quite interested.

"Master Petil Berishi pushed the prison car around half a month ago. The generals and I went out to see. There was a ghoul in the prison car," said Chief Harry.

"Petir Belish? Yes, I will reward him heavily when I go back." Will said with a smile.

Petir has no martial arts, but he has brains and courage. With his propaganda, this greatly helped Daenerys and Will's work advancement, and it also enabled these generals to better understand the alliance between Daenerys and Will.

Will promised to give Petir Berishi everything he wanted: duchy status, new rich territory, new family castle, Petir Berishi determined to become the first real nobleman of the Berish family The founder of, completely abandoned the shame of Earl Goat Shit.

Solving the golden knife inserted on the Westeros continent, the real trouble will be transferred to the eastern continent, and the Westeros continent can rely on these short autumn years to recuperate and accumulate strength.