The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 861: Waterway map · Battleship night

"Skaggs robbed our food ship." Asha said.

"Skaggs have never clashed with us before." Yimon said.

"Yes, before, we did not open trade with the other side of the narrow sea. Now we have a lot of trading ships coming and going every day. Every ship passes through Seal Bay. Skaggs Island is on the route of Seal Bay."

Asha said: "Bachelor Emon, it is the second time that the Skagos has robbed our ship. The first time we lost little, we sent messengers to ask for peace. They accepted our gift, but just now Soon we robbed ten ships of our food."

"It's not easy to conquer Skaggs Island. Our ship can't get close to the island unless there are people who are proficient in the coastal waters of that island." Immon said slowly, "Before you are here, I I once accepted a Skaggs as an apprentice. At that time, my eyes could still see."

"Skaggs also came to be a night watchman?" Will said.

"Yes, he was the first apprentice I received here. But he didn't really come to join the Night Watcher. He wanted to learn the art of medicine so that he could go back to Skags Island, but after he swore an oath, he was caught while escaping Someone informed them and was killed by the chief ranger at the time.” Yimon said slowly, “I was very interested in Skagos Island and the people on the island. I once went to the island. After I came back, with I have drawn a waterway map of Skags Island."

Will, Asha and Arya are all overjoyed.

"I gave that map to the commander-in-chief at the time, and the commander-in-chief didn't care. Because the Skargos people have never had conflicts with us, they would not attack the Great Wall if there was a famine on the island. They attacked the northern border. Great nobleman, go to rob the merchant ships at sea."

"We now have a lot of large merchant ships going to and from Seal Bay every day to reserve a lot of supplies for the future army." Asha said.

"After Daenerys returns to Pantos, we will open a trade route with Pantos." Will said, "Whiteport in the north will also participate."

"Sam, help me up, I have to find that map." Bachelor Yimon said.

"We help you!" Will said hastily.

Now that there is a waterway map of Skagos Island, find it anyway.

"You may need to search through all the books in the library." Bachelor Yimon said.

"It's no problem." Will said.

It is worth digging three feet for the only waterway map!

"Master Will, there is a strange beast on Skaggs Island called a unicorn. It can swim, is powerful, and is good at charging. The unicorn on its head is very powerful, just like a black long knife. There are dragons and griffins..." Bachelor Yimon said slowly.

"Daenerys and Long Tianliang will leave the Great Wall. I have promised her." Will said.

"Oh, I forgot. Daenerys also told me that the military meeting involved too much content, she had to go back to Pantos first. The continent of Essos is waiting for her to conquer. This is also very good. ..." The second half of the words of Bachelor Yimon did not come out. Daenerys had conquered Essos and didn't have to fight for the Iron Throne of Westeros. The Essos continent is much larger than the Westeros continent, with a vast land and a large population, and all civilizations are not lost to the Westeros continent. And the land area is several times that of Westeros.

The Targaryen royal family came from the continent of Essos and returned to the continent of Essos. This was the best ending that Bachelor Amon thought. However, he didn't know if the little girl listened to him. Why give up a fertile land to fight for a stone? This is Yimeng's advice to Daenerys. He hoped that after Daenerys came to participate in the war, she could finally return to Essos and no longer be involved in the battle for the Iron Throne on Westeros.

After the Winter War is over, if the Terran tribe wins, then the civil war of the Terran tribe will follow, which is inevitable. Human greed and utilitarianism will quickly rise after the external danger disappears.

Daenerys said that the Great Wall has her best friends and family, as well as great benefactors, and she will not escape the cold of winter. If the Great Wall of Despair is lost, it will cause the continent of Westeros to fall. If the continent of Westeros is lost, then the wise night king will never sit and watch the existence of the human race on the continent of Essos in the winter.

There is no doubt that the human race and the strange ghost can only survive in the winter.


James Lannister swayed on the horse, his mouth full of alcohol. This made Podrick Pine beside him very uncomfortable. Two people followed Melisandre and Darjeel from left to right. Both women put on hoods and covered their faces tightly. Melisandre held the sleeping little Will in her arms.

"No matter how I look at it, Melisandre has become the child's mother." James said with his tongue out.

Poderek ignored it.

"As soon as we came out of the black castle, Melisandre held the baby without letting go." James continued to mutter.

Snow fell in the wind.

"This witch likes children so much, why don't you give birth to one yourself? Does no man dare to ask for her?" James squinted at the honest-looking Podrick beside him, "Boy, have you tasted a woman?"

"You are drunk, Sir." Podrick said.

"I'm not drunk, you are drunk." James chuckled, "I know the child was burned, but why does Lord Will not use his own anti-inflammatory cream? What the **** is this witch doing?"

Melisandre stopped the horse and turned around and said coldly, "Sir James, if you are too long, please come back."

"That won't work." James was drunk, "unless you give me the child. Lord Will ordered me to protect the child, and I am executing the order."

"Then shut up!"

"I won't shut up. I followed the orders of Lord Will, Lord Will did not order me to shut up."

Darjeely turned her head and said coldly: "Sir James, I can protect my child, please come back."

"Tsk Tsk, Darjeely, you are amazing. You gave birth to the first child for Will. You took the initiative to climb into his bed."

Poderek said, "Sir, you really drank too much. You can't be rude to the two ladies."

"I was to protect the children, and I was not rude to the two ladies." James chuckled. "These two ladies didn't tell us the truth."

call out!

A little spark fell on James’ black robe, but he didn’t realize it, and grinned: "Melisandre, maybe Lord Will didn’t see your trick, but I did. You cheated Wei. Sir, Will Jr. was not injured. Although I drank, I am not a fool."

"Sir James, you are very smart, then think about it, Lord Will is stupid than you?" Melisandre said coldly.

James' drunken and hazy eyes lit up suddenly. Then he jumped off the horse and rolled in the snow, crushing the flames that burned suddenly on his body. When he stood up, Podric and Melisandre had already gone far.

"Hey hey hey, wait for me, I know I was wrong!" James jumped on the horse in a hurry, his pure wool black robe had been burned through a big hole, it was ugly and couldn't keep out the cold.

James can see secrets that others can't see!

Melisandre felt very safe, and Lord Will sent such a capable person to protect Will, giving her a strong sense of security. Melisandre didn't know how James saw the disguise she made for Will's injury, it was magical power.


0861 Chapter 2 Complicated Affairs · Battleship Night

Early in the morning, Will sent away Daenerys and her four dragons, three juvenile dragons and one young dragon.

Then, Will sent away Arya and Asha Greyjoy and the generals of Tokaiwang.

After staying up all night last night, Will and others rummaged through Bachelor Amon’s collection and finally found a hand-painted waterway map of Bachelor Amon decades ago.

As expected by Will, after Asha and Arya had a fight, she had no hatred for Arya, and her straightforwardness made Arya her friend soon.

Arya herself is also a woman from other nobles, she is also bold and wild.

Will did not go to look at the East China Sea. He needs to stay and continue the meeting and arrange some specific affairs.

For example, who is responsible for the wildfire ditch, how wide it should be dug, how much wildfire material needs, how much kerosene should be mixed in, how to ensure the smooth progress of the trench in the ice and snow, how far is the distance between the wildfire ditch and the Great Wall, and what is the most appropriate .

Just a wildfire ditch requires a lot of problems to be perfected and practiced, not to mention this is just one of countless things.

There is one big thing Will wants to do, which is to forge a sword.

He has his own little golden dragon.

The little golden dragon can already breathe dragon flames, and there is absolutely no problem with using it for testing.

Long Yan, ice water, and Valyrian steel casting method, mixed together, can further improve the quality of Valyrian steel sword? Can you kill the ghost directly, just like obsidian.

Will doesn't know, because it requires experimentation.

Regarding the production of wildfire materials, wildfire stone bullets, the state of solids and liquids, and the progress of production, we all need to let everyone know. According to the production of wildfire materials, realistic tactics can be developed.

As long as you let go, nothing seems to happen.

But after studying it carefully and considering all aspects, Will found that there are many things.

Many things need to be resolved in batches, and meetings are required. Summon relevant personnel to come to a meeting.

At the conference, only by distributing things as quickly as possible and getting all of them to move can the problem be solved. As the leader of the whole army, you only need to look at the results and follow the progress.

After Daenerys left, Arya and Asha also left with Dong Haiwang's generals, and the meeting continued.

The Shield Hall was also full of people.

After Melisandre and Darjeel, Asha and Arya, Daenerys and Dragon left, the generals in the shield hall were still crowded with people.

Littlefinger Petyr Berish also gets busy, and the meeting of his general secretary of the army also needs to be held. There are nearly one hundred thousand people, thousands of clerks, and layers of control, each performing their duties, whether it is weapons, iron ore, grain, cloaks, beer, or construction, every aspect needs to be calculated, inspected, verified, and allocated.

Robb Stark also had more things. The Seven Kingdoms Legion, the formation of nobles, the manpower arrangement, the recruitment situation, accommodation, logistical support, legion training, and the warmth measures of the southern soldiers were all complicated and complicated. There are many things that can't be done until the Southern Army Corps arrives. We must prepare now, such as the military camp.

Jon, Colin Broken Palm, Savage King Mans Reid, Bachelor Yimon, Sam Will, Littlefinger Petir, formed the think tank of Lord Will, including Jon, Colin, Mans, Sam , Littlefinger five headed, take the overall situation.

Robb Stark has taken over the enlistment and management of the seven-nation noble army, which is enough for him.

A few days later, Will rode on the griffin flames and looked towards the East China Sea.

Griffon Azurite has followed Arya and Asha to the East China Sea. Aquamarine and Arya must first go to scout the situation on Skags Island, this time it is a landing operation.

Skaggs Island is very large, and the surrounding islands are uninhabited. All Skaggs people live on the big island. The land is hundreds of miles wide. If Skaggs has a large population, it will be a protracted war.

There is also a very difficult question, how many unicorns are on the island. Does Skaggs have every household, or is it only owned by a few fighters?

Donghaiwang is ready to attack Skags Island, but it cannot be said that the attack will start tomorrow. This requires various preparations. Weapons, manpower, tactics, logistics, and treatment of the wounded must all be in place one by one.

This time, Will arranged for Tyron Ashes to lead the 500 Ashes soldiers as the front army, and the Wooden Shield to lead the 500 Wooden Shield Army soldiers as the rear army. The two armies had already set off a few days ago. They walked a few days before Will, and along the road at the foot of the Great Wall, the soldiers had to walk more than four hundred miles to reach Donghaiwang.

Will's personal guards consisted of 30 people this time, led by the archer Ange, and set off two days ago. In addition to the Ash Ten Warriors and the two captains, there is also Rosso, the fierce Will collected in the Five Fingers Peninsula. Rosso is Littlefinger's subordinate, loyal and brave. On the night of Five Fingers Peninsula, Littlefinger recommended Rosso to Will. Since following Will, Rosso has not been able to find a chance to make merit.


When the warships in the East China Sea are densely packed at night and the lights are not up to the Skaggs Island, in another sea area, there are also more ships approaching the Pantos Sea area. These ships and Seal Bay Will The leading ships are different, all the ships are lit with torches, and the lights on each ship are bright and you can see it from a long distance.

These ships are large and small, some are battleships, but more are merchant ships, but at night, merchant ships also look like battleships.

The brightly-lit platoons of warships full of seas approached the Pantos seas, which did not awaken the sleeping Pantos City. Until all the ships entered the Pantos waters, on the high walls of Pantos, the soldiers stared at the countless warships that suddenly appeared in the sea.

Oh oh oh!

The soldiers blew the horn of the enemy attack!

When Pantos' navy and city garrison were awakened from their sleep, the familiar dragon roar came from the sky: Pantos's sole governor: Dragon Mother Daenerys is back. She and Lord Will rode away on a dragon and a griffin. When they returned, they brought back a densely packed warship. On the ship, the number and reputation of the knights full of the continent's combat power and financial resources are the first-the Golden Knights.


ps: Tomorrow's end, official holiday!