The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 882: Political Situation·Edge of Civil War

Sebastian smiled: "Master Will, I am the Secretary of the Sea appointed by Her Majesty Shireen. Why, are you not appointed by Her Majesty Shireen? Who among the courtiers here is not appointed by the King?"

Will clapped and clapped: "Master Sebastian, you are very good, I applaud for you. Then you admit that your Majesty Shireen's life cannot be violated?"

"Of course!" Sebastian said proudly, "Among the seven nations, Wang Ling, who dares not follow?"

"In that case, I was ordered by the king to govern the country, the regent, and to take charge of military, political, economic and diplomatic affairs. Now, His Majesty King Shireen is here, and the voice of the king's command is still in my ears when His Majesty the Five Fingers Peninsula is in trouble. Will really dare not ignore With all due diligence and trepidation, I was ordered by the king to form an imperial council to purge the evil spirits around my king. Then, everyone here, who can help me take down the anti-thief Allister Floren?"

Suddenly Will's hand pointed at the Minister of Justice, Allister Floren.

Shoot the man first, shoot the horse, catch the thief first, catch the king!


The sound of drawing a sword!

Arya, Rosso, a skeletal jingle shirt, ten ashes warriors, two captains of Heiya and Abel, the **** of arrow Angai, sword king Tyron Ashes, jingle, and the sound of a sharp sword unsheathed, The dazzling Valyrian steel sword was chilling, but for a moment, the head, face, neck, chest, belly, and belly of Alister Floren, who had a beautiful face, were all full of swords.

Yulin Iron Guard Barristan Selmi's sword froze only half way out! He tried to protect Allister's sword and slowed down for half a step, and he didn't expect Will to suddenly attack Allister Florence.

The other Yulin Tiewei had no time to react. Everyone's eyes were on Sebastian.

Bran Stark was astonished, not understanding why Lord Will suddenly ordered Alister Florence to be taken.

Her Majesty Shireen's face also changed color.

Sebastian Allo’s patron is Alister Florence, and Alister’s patron is His Majesty King Shirin, who is the grandfather of His Majesty Shirin.

The members of the Stormlands who supported Allister remained unchanged.

Will scanned the audience and said lightly: "Who is with the Allister Florent counter-thief, stand up."

Alister Floren looked back and saw that none of the dozens of noble courtiers dared to stand up.

The whole space, because of the coldness of Valyria's steel sword, the temperature dropped and became extremely cold. Except for the Ashes Ten Warriors who are not Valyrian Steel Swords, the rest of the generals and those who use their swords to control Allister are all Valyrian Steel Swords. The sword cooled by the ice and snow of the Great Wall carries a biting sword aura, as cold as frost!

"Alister Floren, can you plead guilty?" Will said lightly.

"I'm not guilty!" Allist had no confidence.

His strategic and political talents are still very good, but his backbone and courage are very poor, he sees the wind, follows Maes Tyrell, then Renly Baratheon, then Stannis Baratheon , Followed by Kaivon Lannister, now Shireen Baratheon. In short, wherever the wind blows, that side has the upper hand, and he is on that side.

In a short period of time, he took advantage of Will not to be with Her Majesty Shireen, and gathered the old and new nobles in Stormlands who came to join Her Majesty Shireen, forming a new party. Now the kingdom has not been unified, and Dorn has not yet recognized Her Majesty Shireen and Will is the prime minister, and Will must first suppress Allister to eliminate his first evil.

Although the group led by Allister did not do anything out of the ordinary, this is already a very bad sign. Her Majesty Shireen is not Stannis, an old politician like Alister, there is more than enough for a teenage girl.

"You are not guilty? You surrendered to Kaivon Lannister, is there such a thing?"

"I have no choice but to."

"Many nobles would rather go to jail than surrender Kaivon Lannister, why didn't they have to be forced?" Will sternly shouted, "Retain Allister and wait for disposal."

Heiya and Abel immediately put away their swords, kicked Alister down, tore Alister's robes to make a rope, and tied Alister back together.

Arya Stark and the others are standing by with their swords, which makes the Stark family's retainers press the hilt of their swords tightly, and stare at Stormlands and the nobles of the Tyrell family.

When these people came to Her Majesty Shireen, they were all promoted by Allister and received official positions.

Sebastian's face was pale, and his lips trembled slightly: "Your Majesty Shireen, sir, Lord Will has no evidence, just take him on his own words? Sir Barristan Selmi, you are upright and bright. People, don’t you just watch Lord Will threaten the prime minister?"

No one of the Royal Forest Guards took action, they only listened to Her Majesty Xilin's orders.


Sebastian drew his sword: "My sires, your Majesty is here. Your Majesty's decision." He stood in front of Alister with the sword, and Heiya and Abel were not allowed to take Alister away.

The nobles of Stormlands all have a very shallow friendship with Will. Most of the new generation of nobles have seen Will for the first time, and they really have no awe of this guy from the night watch. Previously, due to the power of Will and the others, he dared not move, but now that he was in the lead, everyone became bold and drew their swords.

Littlefinger smiled and stepped aside. Najo Dimitis couldn't believe it. He finally understood a little bit why the nobles of Stormlands were beaten up by his old friend, the Golden Knights. The ability of these people to judge the situation was really poor.

Alister shouted: "Your Majesty save me, I am innocent, your Majesty save me."

Her Majesty Xilin stood up and said, "All put away their swords."

Sebastian proudly said: "Put away the sword, Arya, do you dare to disobey your majesty's order?"

The fearless Barristan Selmi shouted: "Your Majesty has an order, put away all your swords!"

Qiang Qiang!

Baalistan, Brienne, Haier, Bran, Cole, Bright, and the six Yulin Iron Guards unsheathed their swords and pointed them at the nobles of Stormlands and Arya.

Will nodded, Arya and the others sheathed their swords.

Sebastian chuckled, his sword in its sheath too. He strode forward to help Alister, suddenly the black shadow in front of his eyes shook, and he snapped a punch in the face. Before he could react, he hit another heavy blow on the chin, and he slammed backward. The other young nobles grabbed his body, and the others had passed out.

Hei Ya smiled and said, "He's so casual. Before the voice was over, Abel kicked Alister in the face, and Alister hit his head back on the ground, making a bang, painful. He almost fainted.

The fearless Balistan's long sword pierced Abel's throat and said, "General, stop!"

"Stop it?" Abel cursed, "Fuck you nobleman, we Ash Warriors only serve Lord Will, what noble ministers, are all his shit! Why are you pointing your sword at my throat? Kill me what!"

Barristan's face turned pale for a while, his sword was stable, motionless, and he shouted, "Get out!"

Tyron Ashes on the side pressed the 200-jin Sword King, staring at Barristan with ill-intentioned eyes, murderous!


0882 Chapter Political Situation·The Danger of Free People

Heiya cursed: "You nobles of dog breeds, where were you when we were fighting **** battles with ghosts and ghouls? A golden knight group beat you to the ground, but dared to face Lord Will. Pull the sword? The Ash Tribe has only warriors in the eyes, and there are not so many colorfully dressed dogs that you don't know at all.

Ding Dong Xian looked at the savage king Mans Reid, Mans Reid shook his head slightly, and Ding Dong Xing's hand holding a hidden bone sword lightly opened.

For His Majesty of the Iron Throne and the aristocrats of the South, the Savage King Mans Reid was always suspicious. He followed Will this time. He had obeyed Will's persuasion and came to submit to Her Majesty Xilin and became a former imperial minister. This scene chilled his heart.

The kings and nobles of the southerners, even people with such great wisdom and courage as Will, who have made extraordinary contributions, have no respect or awe at all, let alone he is a savage king outside the fortress.

In fact, it is not that the nobles disrespect Will, but Will does not have a well-known surname: if Will’s last name is Stark, last name Lannister, last name Ailin, last name Tuli, last name Baratheon, last name Ti Lier, Martell, or other second-class surnames with a century-old history, such as Irenewood, Burton, Haytall, Castleway, Westerling, etc. They will also respect And in awe of Lord Will.

It's a pity that Lord Will doesn't have a real noble surname, he doesn't. He calls himself Cao, but this has no historical heritage in the aristocratic genealogy of the Seven Kingdoms.

Ding Dongshan wanted to kill a southern nobleman, intensify the conflict, and then persuade Lord Will to break with the southerners. They marched south, looted the southerners, and obtained food, horses and property, good soldiers and sufficient food, no worries about food and clothing, and differences. Ghosts and ghouls have a big battle. Although this idea is impulsive, it is the true idea of ​​many freedmen generals.

Having stayed for a long time on the night watchman site on the Great Wall of Extremis, more and more freedmen generals do not want to be trapped in the night watchman site on the northern border. They want to raid the south and initiate war.

It's just that there are two major difficulties above, one is that the savage king Mans Reid resolutely disagrees, and the other is that they will not betray Lord Will who is saving their lives. They have sworn an oath. Although the free people are primitive and wild and disobey the civilization and enlightenment, they have clear grievances and grievances, which is much better than the black-bellied nobles.

The Dingdongshan who has been to Junlin City and has seen the prosperity of the south wants to destroy the relationship between Will and the southerners. It is best to make a big break between the two sides, and then nearly one hundred thousand troops of the Night Watch Corps and the Freedmen Corps go south, sweep the south, and plunder the gold and silver mountains. And the huge living supplies, all transported back to the north, it is really cool. Or simply hold Will as king and make Southerners slaves.

And beside Mans Reid, there is also the leader of the Unicorn Legion who has just been subdued by Will, Elder Shanna on Skaggs Island. She has shown her chastity to Will and also to Will. Oath of allegiance, all Skaggs people moved from the island to Donghaiwang, and the people moved into the small town of Donghaiwang. Because of the similar living habits, they soon integrated into the lives of the locals. The soldiers edited After entering Donghaiwang's navy, the Unicorn Legion became the most powerful force in Donghaiwang's navy. She came this time to follow Lord Will to swear allegiance to Her Majesty Shireen and the Stark family.

The courtiers surrounded by Her Majesty Shireen are all aristocratic bureaucrats in the south, and the superiority of the aristocracy cannot be erased. And Will is an upstart, and Mrs. Caitlin has announced that Sansa will no longer marry Will. The Stark family rejected Will, and the nobles will naturally think that the Stark family looks down on Will.

These people grew up in an environment of aristocratic etiquette and intrigue, chasing power and interests by nature. Moreover, the allegiance of these nobles is only the Baratheon family. And Will, not Baratheon! The nobles have not even heard of his family name.

Upon hearing the news, Mrs. Catelyn shouted: "Your Majesty is young, but behind her are the Stark family and the Baratheon family, Lord Will, Lord Sebastian, Lord Allister, Raise your sword."

Will nodded to Arya Heiya and the others, everyone backed away with their swords in their sheaths.

Alister was helped by the Royal Forest Guard Bright. He drew out a knife and cut the **** Alister with a squeak.

Bright is the nobleman of Wind's Breath. In the past, Lanli's rainbow guard, he and Alister were closer.

Will said lightly: "Captain Barristan, Commander-in-Chief Bran, Alister surrendered to Kefon when Kefon took control of King’s Landing. This is a crime of treason. As the king’s hand, I order you to He was sent to prison. If you keep calling me, I will no longer be the prime minister of the Seven Kingdoms. I will surrender all the power of the kingdom. My generals and I will immediately return to the Great Wall."

"The treason has actually fulfilled the office of Minister of Justice by your Majesty's side, and no one has notified the Prime Ministers of the Seven Kingdoms. The power of the king's hands is in name only. Lord Will, you will either only be a night watchman, or you will clear the side of the monarch today. "The Savage King Mans Reid said slowly.

He has been observing for so long, even if he doesn't speak, he hits the key points as soon as he speaks, which is very powerful.

As soon as this was said, the atmosphere in the hall was immediately tense.

On the side of the Qing monarch, that is to use force to destroy all those who are against Will. Once this is out of control, it will trigger a civil war. But the civil war was what the freedmen generals secretly expected. Together, they and Will's military strength have the absolute upper hand, and if combined with the power of Stark in the north, they will level the southern turf all the way.

Although the free people merged into the life of the night watchman, they did not merge into the life of the southerners, nor did they get the recognition of the southerners and the nobles. It is impossible for the aristocrats of the South to agree with the rules and ideas of the free people. Had it not been for ghosts and ghouls to appear at any time and threaten the safety of the entire human race, a civil war might have broken out.

Her Majesty Shireen has lived in Winterfell for so long. She has established a mother-daughter relationship of trust with Caitlin. Caitlin is as pale as her husband in political talent, but as a woman, her maternal glory is great and sincere. .

Her Majesty Shireen is Bran's fiancée, and she can get married only when the month comes. She is actually a member of the Stark family, the youngest daughter in Caitlin's eyes.

At this critical moment when the savage king Mans Reid was trying to test the bottom line without a trace, Her Majesty Shireen looked at Caitlin, Caitlin nodded insignificantly, and aimed at Allister.

Her Majesty Shireen said: "Sir Barristan Selmi, take Master Alister. After Lord Will has found out the facts, Lord Will and I will hold an administrative meeting to explain everything to everyone."

"No, Your Majesty!" Alister immediately walked to Her Majesty Shireen and cried out: "Your Majesty, I surrendered to Kavon, but it was a false surrender to protect my life. I have no choice! Shireen, I am yours. Grandpa!"

Brienne and Haier stepped forward and dragged Alister away.

Bran gave an order, the black armored garrison soldiers stepped out, forced Allister down and threw him into the dungeon!

Will looked at Sebastian, who had recovered from the faint, and made no secret of looking at him to clean up!