The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 892: Surrender quickly, otherwise all will di

(Thanks to the classmate "This Moment" for the reward, add 1 chapter)


Daenerys rode on the dragon's back and slowly fell in the morning light. The two dragons on the left and right spouted hot breath, one left and the right, slowly landing on the grass.

More than 10,000 cavalrymen fell on their knees, not daring to raise their heads.

They clenched a fist with their right hand, placed it on their left heart, knelt down on one knee, and swore allegiance to Daenerys.

Daenerys walked down the dragon's back. Three dragons were huge, with hideous heads, shining scales, terrifying eyes and sharp claws, and terrifying tails. Everywhere revealed the supreme pressure of the Supreme. .

"Who is your Cao?" Daenerys asked.

A Kou raised his head: "Your Majesty the Queen, Os Kao and his three blood alliance guards have been burned to death by your Majesty's dragon and dragon flame!"

"So who is Kou?"

"Your Majesty, my name is Albert, and I am the newly appointed Kou by Os Kao last night."

"Who else is Kou?" Daenerys asked loudly.

"Your Majesty, my name is Gio, and I am also a Kou."

"Nothing?" Daenerys pressed her hand on the black dragon's head, and the heat from the black dragon's nostrils was like a hot wind blowing, and the cavalry kneeling in front of them trembled, fearing that the dragon suddenly opened its mouth and spewed flames.

No one dared to look up into the black dragon's eyes.

The three dragons were behind Daenerys. The red dragon and the green dragon rang their noses from time to time, and a stream of heat sprayed towards the soldiers, making everyone very nervous.

"Your Majesty, the other Kou were burned to death by the dragon flame." Gio said.

"Geo, Albert, I appoint the two of you as my generals to conquer the east, command the cavalry here, follow me eastward and conquer the entire prairie."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" the two generals said in unison.

"How many fighters there are here, count them immediately. The previous centurion positions remain unchanged. If the number is not enough, they will be merged enough. I will give you the two of you the appointment and dismissal of the centurion."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Gio and Albert respectfully.

"You count the number of people, re-align, then return to the army, head west, and go back to my base camp first."

"Your Majesty, shall we not go back together?"

"No, I'm going to hunt down another Lukao's army first. Who can tell me, what is the name of Kao for the other team?"

"Borg Cao! Your Majesty the Queen."

"It turned out to be Borg, I know him. I met with Zogo Kao in the holy city, and he has also been to our straw palace. In the holy city, we have also been to the holy mountain and we have seen him The gods of the steppe. My people, get up, I want you to return to my base camp now, with the coalition forces from the nine free trade city states, with my knights, and the freedmen’s army that I liberated, Form a stronger army."

More than 10,000 soldiers stood up one after another.

Albert said: "Your Majesty, if we go back like this, I'm afraid Her Majesty's army will regard us as enemies!"

"No, when you arrive at the camp, I will definitely be back!" Daenerys said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Daenerys turned back and rode on the black dragon, her clear voice gave a soft drink, and the black dragon let out a gentle dragon roar, shaking its wings and fanning the wind-like air current, soaring into the air.

The red dragon and the green dragon also took off with an overwhelming momentum.

The warriors awed Daenerys like a god, and they all respected and prepared them all. They all knelt down, their right fists pressed against the heart of the left chest, bowed their heads, and expressed their heartfelt surrender to the queen.


Borg Cao and Zogo Cao have also fought twice, and were defeated. Since then, they have deliberately accepted Zogo Cao, and they have become friends with a little friendship. He will send someone to bring some good things to Zogo Kao. At the annual holy city gathering, Borg and Zhuoge always get drunk together.

Borg did not arrive when Os Kao and Zogo Kao were at war. By the time he arrived, Drogo had already entered the Osman's army, killed three blood ally guards with an arrow, and several bandits with a scimitar. Borg missed Drogo Kao.

A few months ago, Borg heard the news that Drogo Kao was poisoned and stunned. He was very happy. When Zhuo Ge was in high gear, Borg showed his good intentions, but in his heart, he only wanted to have a chance to kill Zhuo Ge. He also coveted Daenerys's beauty, but he never had any chance to start.

When Drogo was sent to the Red Temple in Valantis by Daenerys to request the Red God priest Bennero to treat him, the news spread on the grassland, Borg wanted to bring the army to Valantis and take it away. Daenerys, just considering that the few Kou under Zhuo Ge and the three blood league guards were not easy to provoke, he gave up this crazy idea.

Later, when Daenerys heard that the nine free trade city states came to attack the Dothraki Sea, Borg was overjoyed. He never thought that the armies of the nine free trade city states could fight the Dothraki cavalry on the grassland. He thought I have the opportunity to embrace the beauty.

When it became clear that Daenerys had come with three dragons, Borg even more enthusiastically had the unrealistic idea of ​​getting Daenerys, he decided to join Oss and Dogo to fight Dany. Liz's army makes a surprise attack.

The dragon is not invincible, as long as Daenerys's army is defeated first, and then Daenerys is sent to negotiate a peace with Daenerys, Borg thinks he has a chance to get Daenerys. Daenerys wants to conquer the entire grassland. It is impossible to have a dragon without its own army.

Daenerys has a dragon and he has an army; together, he will become the most powerful Kao on the grassland.

The reason Borg changed his mind was that on the battlefield he saw Zogo Kao’s white lion flag. His army was killed and wounded thousands of people and was attacked by Zogo Kao’s old department; Os Kao’s The Blood Alliance Guard and Kou were all killed by a masked red-robed general who is said to be Zogo Kao. According to everyone’s rumors and what the scouts saw, Borg determined that the brave red-robed general was Zogo Cao himself.

Therefore, Borg resolutely chose to leave.

No matter what major changes happened to Zogo Kao and his army, as long as Zogo Kao did not die, Borg decided to stay away. He knows Zhuoge very well. Since Zhuogo Kao has returned to the grassland and is still so brave and invincible, it will not be long before the news comes out that his old ministry who had a bad life will be affected by others. Kou, who is chasing and fighting as Kao, will return.

Borg decided to go southeast to the eastern cities along the coast to make a fortune. With money, if Zogo and Daenerys become stronger, he will give away part of the money to establish relations with them again. The annual holy city gathering is a The best place to apologize and give gifts without worrying about your safety.

On the grassland, it is the norm for the Kaohs to fight and kill together. Maybe it was still at war yesterday, and it is entirely possible to become a good buddy today.

Borg and Oss are different, Oss has no awe of Zogo, and will not be afraid. Borg was in awe of Zhuo Ge, and after the battle, the more he thought about it, the more he became afraid. After breaking up with Oss, he marched hurriedly all night, toward the seaside south.

However, no matter how fast he ran, he was not faster than the dragon's flying speed.

At noon, Borg's team continued to advance to the south. The Dothraki cavalry on the grassland is at least one man and two horses, and they change their riding, marching day and night. People eat, drink, and sleep right away, which does not prevent the horse from marching all the way. The summer noon on the prairie was very hot. They came to a lake. An army of about 10,000 people drank, washed, bathed, rested by the lake, and then continued to march.

Borg’s army is small, just in his early ten thousand, but there are many horses. There are two horses per person, and there are at least 20,000 horses. Although there are many rivers and lakes on the grassland, as horses that rotate around the clock, they have to drink full when they see good water.

Huge lake, countless people and horses scattered by the lake. Along the way, Borg sent a scout to check the back, but there was no movement behind, which made him feel relieved to let the army take a rest by the lake.

Suddenly, a huge monster appeared in the center of the clear lake, followed by two, and the third one, which shocked everyone and the horses by the lake. People looked up and saw something in the sky that they had never seen before. On the back of the three flying behemoths, a black behemoth seems to be riding a girl.

People were shocked and put on their clothes and boots, some holding bows and some looking for horses, all in a mess. Dothraki cavalry rarely conducted array training. They fought like **** ho ho, screaming and charging all the way across the hills and plains. Teams without training in battle formations would encounter emergencies and chaos.

Daenerys did not want to go to war with Borg's army, she wanted to surrender directly.

"Borg Cao, I'm Daenerys!" Daenerys rode a black dragon hovering over the lake, her voice spreading across the lake with majesty, "I am Kalixi on the prairie, in the storm The born princess of Dragonstone Island, the liberator of slaves, the unburnt, the mother of dragons with four dragons, the governor and prince of the nine free trade city states, and Daenerys, the queen of Essos who initiated the Eastern Expedition, Borg Kao on the prairie, you must either meet the dragon’s anger, or surrender to me, help me dominate the prairie of Dothrak and conquer all Kao."

Borg saw the three ferocious dragons and looked up in a daze.

All the more than 10,000 Dothraki cavalrymen saw dragons for the first time.

Such a huge dragon made them in awe.

"Borg Kaor on the prairie, I am Daenerys, the queen of Essos. You must either meet the dragon’s wrath or surrender to me. Help me dominate the prairie of Dothrak and conquer all Cao." Daenerys shouted from the sky in the middle of the lake.

She is located in the middle of the lake, and is not afraid that the archery players below will hurt her and her dragon.

Borg Kao shouted: "Dear Daenerys, Kalixi on the prairie, unburned, mother of dragons, where is your husband Zogo Kao?"

"He is in my army, Borg Kaor, surrender to me quickly, and I will not hold you accountable for assaulting my legion, otherwise, you and your people will all die!"