The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 894: The death of Jorah Bogkao in love

(Happy New Year, Happy New Year's Day, late update, sorry!)


"General Jorah, we have already surrendered to Queen Daenerys." The emissary said.

"Oh. Then call your Kao over!" Jora Mormon was very simple.

"Os Kao was burned to death by Queen Daenerys' dragon fire last night!" The messenger who came did not have any sadness. He talked about the death of Kao, just like a passerby. .

Jora was not surprised either.

He knows the Dothraki!

This is a nation that cannot be viewed by common sense.

If these peoples give birth to a deformed child, they will leave the child behind. These teams were followed by two terrifying animals, one was a pack of wolves, and the other was a pack of wild dogs.

These wolves and dogs, following Kao's team, can earn food.

The dead slaves, the leftover meals, and the garbage left behind after camping are all food for wolves and wild dogs.

The Dothraki left the deformed children and let these wolves and dogs...get it out! As long as they have strong and healthy children, unhappy children born, they think they should be eliminated.

The Dothraki have no sympathy for any weak person, even if this person is his family.

They only follow the strong!

Although Jora understands the personalities and customs of these people, she is still very cautious.

"Os Kao is dead, so who is the new Kao?"

"There is no new Kao, our two Kou were appointed by the Queen as General Zhengdong." The messenger said.

"I can't believe what you said, Queen Daenerys has not come back, and I have not seen the token that Queen Daenerys gave you. If you want us to believe, please come to our barracks. ."

The messenger said: "General Jorah, Queen Daenerys once said that when we came to the barracks, she had already returned, so she did not give us the general her token."

"But Her Majesty did not come back!" Qiao La said lightly.

"Yes, we didn't see Her Majesty's dragon either. In order to avoid misunderstanding and cause war, our general chose to camp one league away."

"It makes sense, then where did the Queen go after her surrendered to you?"

"Go to surrender another Cao army." The messenger said.

"The other one, Borg Kaor?"

"Yes, General Jorah."

"Borg Kao was not with you last night?"

"We separated in the wee hours of the morning, Borg chose to go to coastal cities for robbery, and we chose to return to the Holy City."

Jora was silent for a while, and said: "Well, let us both keep this distance first, and we can regroup when the Queen returns."

"Yes, General!" The messenger was not wordy. Judging from their appearance, they are not unwilling to live with Qiao La and others. Dothraki people are still very proud. Chora's army is dominated by infantry, not their opponent at all.

Had it not been for Zogo Kao and his old ministry, they would have won the war.

After sending the two messengers away, Jorah couldn't sit still. If what the other party said is true, why hasn't Daenerys come back? If it is fake, beware of the other party coming to steal the camp tonight.

What should we do now?

Jora decided to disguise and mix in Aggo's scout team to find out about Daenerys.

He was very worried about Daenerys's safety, more than considering the safety of his life.

"Ago, let's go to the southeast to find Her Majesty the Queen." Jorah Mormon ordered.

"Yes, General!"

After a short while, the suspension bridge at Daying exit to the southeast was lowered, and the antlers outside the trench moved away, revealing a way out. Ago led the most elite scout team, one man and two horses, out of the camp gate and galloped to the southeast.

Half an hour later, Ago and Jora Mormon saw three huge shadows appearing in the distant horizon. The two and the brothers reined in their horses and stopped. The three shadows grew bigger and bigger and came quickly. , As if in the blink of an eye, three dragons appeared in the sky.

Ago was overjoyed and rushed out and yelled.

Jora Mormon felt relieved, and her heart was filled with relief. This feeling is as if the father saw his daughter, and it was as if the lovesick saw his lover.

Daenerys issued an order, and the three dragons flew low and hovered in the sky. The dragon fanned a huge air current and caused the grass to fall down.

"Argo, Chora, what are you doing here?"

"The general is worried about your safety, so he came to see us specially." Ago shouted.

"I'm back. The two Cao armies have surrendered to me. We need to redeploy the battle plan. Go back!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Both Ago and Jola placed their right fists on the heart, and bowed their heads slightly to Daenerys.

Daenerys screamed, and the three dragons lifted up and flew forward.

Ago led the brothers to catch up, and the sound of **** ho **** resounded through the grassland.

And Jora Mormont rode in place, motionless.

Just now, Daenerys was beautiful on the back of the dragon, like a fairy in the sky, so beautiful that it was heartbreaking; and like a warrior on the back of the dragon, it was so brave that it was kneeling. Jora Mormon is in a complicated mood. He has a deep inferiority complex. Like a beautiful queen like Daenerys, who can match her except the gods?

When thinking of gods, Chora Mormon thought of Drogo Kao. Zogo Kao is now a child of the gods, preaching on the grasslands instead of the red gods, healing illnesses and saving people, and resurrecting some dying soldiers. This kind of influence is surprisingly fast. Once the real dying fighters are resurrected, Zogo's position in the hearts of the fighters will rise straight, approaching Daenerys's status and prestige.

If there is a conflict between theocracy and kingship, what will happen?

Jora suddenly felt that this matter was very tricky. He had to explain to Daenerys clearly the danger of Zogo Kao, and it was best to immediately transfer Zogo and his hand of the Holy Fire.

Qiaora made up his mind and immediately chased after him.

But Argo and Daenerys had already gone far, the vast grassland, between heaven and earth, as if there was only one Jora Mormon left. Jora Mormon suddenly felt sad for a while. He was originally a native of Westeros, a vassal of the Stark family in the north, the earl of Bear Island, and the patriarch. Because of his wife’s love for vanity and prosperity, he had to live in the narrow sea and was dumped by his wife. He fell, alone, and worked as a mercenary until he was found by the little bird of the octopus spider, and asked him to make the eyeliner of the octopus spider, to approach Daenerys and Drogo Kao, collect information and sell it to Var Reese can then get the king's pardon and go home.

Who knows that one comes and two. Varys, who monitors Daenerys and Drogo Cao, is not Daenerys’s enemy, but her patron saint, and she finally fell in love with Daenerys’ beauty because of her obsession with Daenerys’ beauty. She can't extricate herself. Qiao La suddenly felt that Ha was lost, just like a child lost on the prairie, no matter which direction he went, he would not get any clear instructions. All the roads were grass and they were exactly the same.

Without direction, Jora didn't know what she would get in the end. Have Daenerys' love? Hold Daenerys in your arms to comfort her? She has grown up, and the dragon has grown up. As Daenerys's power becomes stronger and stronger, and there are more and more capable people under her, Daenerys will eventually need Jora.

This made Jora Mormon feel sad!


0894 Chapter 2 Borg Cao's Death

In the evening, there was joy in the barracks.

All kinds of barbecue and wine are scattered over the grassland.

Daenerys's two armies were incorporated into the army.

The generals reveled with Her Majesty the Queen.

The people on the grassland are good at singing and dancing. As the first Kao to be surrendered, Borg Cao has the qualifications to accompany Queen Daenerys.

Two generals from another cavalry unit are also on the other side of Daenerys.

With the two cavalry teams together, Daenerys has an elite cavalry force of more than 30,000.

These cavalrymen simply did not pay attention to the other generals and soldiers except for Zhuo Ge with the red silk scarf on his arms and his old Ago, Qiao Ge and La Carlo.

Soon, the contradiction between the generals appeared during the carnival later in the night.

Although Chief Secretary Harry couldn't fight, he still had high prestige in the Queen's Knight Order.

First, he is the oldest nobleman in the Golden Knights; second, he makes the generals, centurions, knights, and soldiers in the Golden Knights no longer have to worry about food and money. His money is well managed and will increase in value. His innocence of money is also deeply admired by the warriors of the Knights.

There is no mercenary who is not greedy for money, but Chief Secretary Harry is an exception. No matter how much money, everyone can safely hand it in his hands.

This is a general secretary who wins the hearts of the people. Although he was arranged by General Chora to be the chief of the army, his brothers in the Knights were still the former commander, and this friendship was difficult to be transformed in a short time.

When Chief Harry was thrown wine on his face by a general of Ogg, all the generals of the Knights were stunned. In the decades when Chief Secretary Harry was in the Golden Knights, no one had dared to humiliate him so much, whether it was the employer or the brave generals or knights in the regiment.

But it only took two hours for the people of Borg to come here, and some of the generals poured wine on Chief Harry's face.

Harry and Borg's people fought a battle yesterday. He was the general who escaped the fastest. In the eyes of the Dothraki, he was a coward and the object of ridicule. Although Chief Secretary Harry was not injured on the battlefield, at the wine table, he tasted for the first time the humiliation of being thrown on.

Daenerys hadn't realized the danger of this behavior, she was still laughing, but a knife had pierced the stomach of the general who was pouring alcohol. The mercenary generals in the Knights have a personality similar to that of murderers. They will be weaker right away, but when it comes to fighting and fighting, they are never afraid of anyone.

When the unfortunate steppe cavalry general fell, there was no exclamation on the wine table, but a shout of applause sounded. It turns out that Dothraki people also fight at the wine table to kill people. As long as they are not in the holy city, they often drew their swords and slashed because they were wrong.

It was the other generals of Kao who yelled out loudly. The two Kou who were appointed by Daenerys as the generals of Zhengdong yelled out loudly. It is good that they are not the ones who died.

Just when Daenerys felt wrong, Borg herself stood up, drew the scimitar, jumped into the field and cut at the general in the Knights.

The general is not a vegetarian. He is a veteran of fighting or singles at the wine table. He has no block at all. Let Borg’s machete slash his arm. The flames are everywhere, the general’s sword. Stabbed Borg’s stomach, stabbed in the front, and out of the back.

Borg's eyes rounded and couldn't believe it, Daenerys also rounded her eyes and couldn't believe it.

Generals such as Jora Mormon, Ago, Varys, Chief Harry, Baldhead and Shorty were all dumbfounded.

There were also dozens of generals from two cavalry teams present.

Everyone watched Borg Kao slowly fall. The general laughed, his footsteps were vain, he seemed to drink a lot of alcohol, but why did he kill so accurately? This is the stunt that the mercenaries have cultivated by fighting in the tavern outside for a long time.

Walking may be a problem, but as soon as I fight my life, I immediately stand firm, and my hands and feet become swift, like a different person.

When Daenerys loudly ordered Qiao Ge and others to take down the general, the general did not rush and cut off Borg's head with a sword.

Everyone present was stunned!

The general raised Borg's head and smiled: "You son of a bitch, you think I can't kill you if the horse is too fast."

Daenerys' face was blue and she shouted: "Take him down, lock him up, and wait until he wakes up from the wine tomorrow, then come to interrogate him."

Ago, Qiao Ge, Mormon and others immediately rushed forward, took his hands, first handed down the long sword, and then pressed the man to the ground, then tied it up and dragged it out.

The general laughed all the way and shouted for two glasses.

Chief General Harry was stunned. He looked at Daenerys. Daenerys' face was pale and shouted: "Take down the banquet and go to sleep. If you dare to make trouble, you will be dealt with by military law."

The generals left the table one after another, and got on their horses and left.

The camps of the two Cao cavalry units were separated, one mile apart.

Watching dozens of cavalry generals finally leave one by one, Daenerys, who has been holding her heart, secretly relieved. She had been worried just now that the generals of Borg Kao would swarm up, that would start a big melee, and only then did she think of Smile Maiin, the Faceless Man who came out with her from Braavos.

Ever since she rode away on a dragon alone, until she returned from surrendering two Cao troops, Jora Mormon said that she had never seen Smiling Maine. He seemed to have left when Daenerys left, but he never came back when she came back.

The Faceless One does not charge like soldiers. Every time they kill a person, they need a reason, and if they kill a person, then they must save one person at the same time, or get a generous reward. They need Give this reward to the God of Thousand Faces.

Daenerys returned to her tent under the protection of Jora and Drogo. She finally took a shower and lay in bed under the service of the three maids. She was thinking about the death of Borg tonight. The general who had passed Borg suddenly came out gently from behind her tent and looked at her with a smile!