The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 933: Retreat to advance, kill all night assau

Arianne’s army of 20,000, including thousands of recruits, was stationed in Yangji City and Shadow City by both land and water. The curved wall was a defense that was difficult to break, and many troops suffered disastrous defeats here.

Prince Daolang was not happy about Arianne's arrival. He was calm, as if nothing had happened. His joy and anger are invisible, which has something to do with his withdrawn character since childhood. His mother is Queen Dorn, and his elder brothers and sisters are much older than him. He is the most inconspicuous of many brothers and sisters, and no one likes to be friends with him. He grew up in solitude, which created his unspoken character.

The younger brother Oberon, the Red Viper, has the opposite character. He is outgoing and hyperactive, which is deeply loved by the children.

"My father, I will send a warship to protect you from the city-state of Mill on the other side of the narrow sea." Arianne said to his father, Prince Daolang.

"No, I'm going to the Flowing Water Garden." Prince Daolang said, "You'd better leave at night and leave Dorn. Dorn can't keep it this time."

Arianne saw his father's eyes with no sadness or joy, and was surprised at how a person could face the collapse of a thousand-year ancestral industry and be so calm.

"Father, do you think the savages can break through the curved wall?"

"They have griffins and giants who are taller than the city gates." Prince Daolang said, "They also gained popular support along the way. This is something we can't do. Divide the nobility's territory, fields, money and food to the servants. , Servants, commoners and slaves, can you do it?"

Arianne did not answer. She can't do it, she doesn't know how to answer this question.

"If you can't, you won't get the people's support like Will. The nobility is very powerful, but the foundation of the nobility is the common people and servants. The nobles who lose the common people and servants have no power." Prince Daolang said lightly.

"But I have 20,000 loyal soldiers."

"It's also 20,000 soldiers who will collapse and turn their backs at any time." Prince Daolang said calmly, "No one can refuse wealth and land properties. Nobles can't, not even civilians and servants. This is a kind of subversion, but it is also Will. I dug my own grave."

"Why do you say that?"

"The changes in Dorne’s political system will not only be in Dorne. News will soon spread throughout the seven countries. This will make the nobles of the seven countries uneasy. They will slowly rise up against Will. There is no doubt about this, but It's a matter of time." Prince Daolang said. He looked at the sea outside the window, and heard the sound of waves hitting the shore.

"We can first go to the other side of the narrow sea and save our strength, just like Namelia led two thousand warships across the narrow sea. Valyria's dragon army swept through the Essos continent, Luo The Ina people had no way to fight, so they had to abandon their homeland and crossed the narrow sea to our Dorn." Arianne said.

"I'm not Namelia," Prince Daolang said, "but you can be."

Arianne was silent for a long time: "I want to fight the Savage Legion first. Jero Dane is still in the west, and fifteen thousand people have gathered."

"Our combined strength is no more than 35,000, and Will's army has exceeded 60,000. Moreover, the people tend to lean more toward Will every day." Prince Daolang said, "One goes down and the other grows. We cannot win this war. In every battle in history, the enemy is unpopular, so in the end we always win."

"Sixty thousand troops? Will's navy and army combined make it less than fifty thousand."

"His army is growing day by day, and our army is decreasing day by day. Eight thousand men from Oberon's Eastern Army surrendered to the savages. Every time we fight, Will grows himself. Wang Tomb After the fall of the city and the city of Irenwood, four thousand soldiers surrendered to Will."

"I can't believe that Namelia, Treney, Edric, Earl Elion have all surrendered to Will." Arianne said bitterly.

"I can't believe it either." Prince Daolang said, "Earl Arion took thirty guards to pick up the three of Namelia. They had contact with Will, and the accident must have happened in Ellenwood City. "

"Will convinced them to turn?" Arianne was full of questions.

Prince Daolang withdrew his gaze from the sea and looked at Arianne: "Dorn has fallen a lot. Who has seen Will?"

Arianne was speechless for a while.

"Until now, Dorn has been forced to make peace, dismissed the loyal nobles, and forced to transfer our forces to the narrow sea. We are forced to lose Dorne, but who has seen Lord Will? Me? You? Jello Dyne, any other generals, who have met? Those who have met are Mrs. Laura, Jonisa, and Pence of the Bremen family. Our family’s Namelia, Tereni, and the Dion family The Earl of Eldric, the Earl of Elion of the Elion family, I have discovered a pattern. All the noble generals who have seen Will and survived, surrendered to Will."

Arianne was silent immediately.

"When you think about it this way, don’t you think Will is mysterious? Who is he? What does he look like? We don’t know anything. The army of savages marching east, the general in power is called Tyron Ashes, and the vanguard is Ling. The feared Savage King Mag, where is Will? In the Eastern Army, in the Western Army, or at sea? We don’t know."

Arianne felt guilty!

"If you want to have a chance to come back in the future, my suggestion is to leave quietly with loyal soldiers and go to the other side of the narrow sea."

"What about you, father?"

"I want to stay and see Will." Prince Daolang said calmly, "Such a great man, without seeing one side, he can't stand his eyes." He lifted the silk cloth covering his knees, his knees were red and swollen and swollen into a small watermelon. The two legs were skinny and bones wrapped in the skin. "I am sick and cannot bear the bumps of crossing the sea. I will stay here and do a little bit for the last dignity of the Martell family."

Arianne looked at his father's red and swollen knees, knowing that the moment his father was speaking, he was suffering astonishingly. On the sea, no matter how big the ship is, it will shake and my father will be hurt alive. Usually, as long as there is a little bump, the pain will be unbearable. Sleep at night without the slightest touch. Crossing the sea is not a day, two days, a straight line of half a month, and my father cannot cross the sea. That way he is better than death.

After a while, Arianne decided to accept his father's suggestion for the first time.

Prince Daolang instinctively ordered Princess Arianne to lead troops across the sea, first to save her strength, and wait for the moment when all the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms rise up against Will, but he did not. He calmly advised Princess Arianne , Without a little bit of coercion. This time Arianne figured it out.

"I told Jello Dane and I to lead troops across the narrow sea. We can live well on the other side of the narrow sea, waiting for the opportunity." Princess Arianne said.

Daolang did not speak any more, but stretched out his hand to Arianne. His hand held Arianne's hand, covered with the other hand, and patted Arianne's palm.

"He Ta, order the guard, let's go to the Flowing Water Garden."

"Yes, my lord!"


0933 Chapter 2

Inside the tent of the freedmen's army, Tyron Ashes was very depressed, but he still had to suppress the irritability of the other generals and did not dare to express the stronger irritability in his heart.

He regretted that he volunteered to lead the army this time.

If General Wooden Shield came to lead the army, he could be the vanguard, and he could go wild and kill. To be honest, the 200-jin Sword King hadn't given blood in Dorn, which made him unbearable. If it hadn't been for Gootou Ha Ma to let him toss to his heart's content every night, he would doubt that he would go crazy.

Everyone of the Ash Warriors took a sigh of relief. Since entering Dorne, they thought they had finally gotten rid of the long-distance march, and finally they could go to the battlefield and fight the enemy with real swords and guns. Who knew it was like a children's game. , There is no tough fight. When you encounter some small groups of local weapons, you don't need to fight, just shout, and the opponent will throw away his helmet and armor, or simply kneel and surrender.

Lord Will and Mans Reid had strict military orders before the war. They were not allowed to indiscriminately kill any soldiers who surrendered, enter Dorne, and may not indiscriminately kill any people and nobles. At that time, Tyron Ashes and Kotou Hayan Just like others, without thinking about it, they replied happily, and now they know the true meaning of'not to kill indiscriminately', that is the source of pain.

When did the Ash Warrior fight without killing anyone?

This is the expedition!

When did the freemen fighters never kill anyone in the war?

This is the expedition!

The enemy’s East Road army had another 15,000 people, enough for the giant King Mag, Kotou Haru, Tyron Ashes, and General Wooden Shield to kill for a while. Who knows that the enemy has collapsed before they meet to start the war. It’s important. The generals were all killed by Will and others, half of the soldiers were scared off by the griffon, and half of the soldiers chose to surrender.

This kind of battle is really meaningless, it's not as comfortable as hunting and killing a few strange ghosts in the ice and snow outside the Great Wall.

Will’s 100 guards and Ash guards are all equally boring. Rosso, Heiya, Abel and others all have great Valyrian steel swords, but they are useless after entering Dorne. .

All the credit was robbed by Will, Arya, James, and Jonissa and young Pence, who were frowning on James. This made Tyron Ashes very dissatisfied, but helpless.

The huge Chinese army tent was filled with murderous generals and giants, but no one was interested in talking. They wanted to fight, kill people, fight hard, kill generals, but they couldn’t. This kind of war, every one of them would Want to... die!

Earl Elion tapped his fingers on the table and looked at the audience. Everyone had to raise their heads and widen their eyes to show that they were listening. This Earl Elion is Lord Will. Behind him stood one hundred and sixty people, of which one hundred of them were elite rangers among the night watchmen. This time they came to guard their leader and commander-in-chief specially. Occurring in the southernmost part of the mainland, Will is the leader of the army and there is no room for loss.

Twelve of the other thirty guards were Ash Warriors, and eighteen were first-class swordsmen selected by Rosso and others; of the other thirty guards, more than twenty were top killers in the Holy Tribunal, including Arya and James Lannister, the rest were guards that Will had collected when he broke King's Tomb City and Elenwood City, and they were used as guides.

Will appeared in the face of Earl Elion in order to attack the military and the people of Dorne.

Elion tapped his fingers on the table, and when everyone who was downcast focused their eyes on him, Earl Elion said: "Tonight, three troops are coming to attack the forward camp, the central army’s account and the rear army’s food truck. , Who wants to play?"


Everyone raised their hands, including Tyron Ashes, who must be in command according to military rules.

Except for the hundred guards behind Will, the generals and guards around him all raised their hands.

They are really suffocated and just want to kill and kill!

Count Elion said: "Well, in that case, the whole army will be deployed and ambush everywhere, waiting for the enemy to rob the camp, and then fight out everywhere, without leaving one. If a soldier is leaked anywhere, he will be severely punished. "

The generals agreed together, all gearing up, just waiting to fight.

The Earl Arion then arranged the formation, where Marg led the giant to ambush where, and where did the dog’s head hung in ambush, but no matter how it was arranged, more than 30,000 people could not arrange this kind of ambush, so 20,000 people were left behind. The army pretends to sleep, and when the enemy comes in, they get up and attack. Everyone has their share. If you run slowly or have bad luck, no one can blame anyone who kills.

Regarding advancement as retreat, Princess Arianne deliberately sent three groups of men to steal the camp, but the true elites of the nobles boarded the ship first and evacuated the first group of people under the cover of night.

There are not enough warships and need to be evacuated in batches, and in the middle of the evacuation, on the sea, merchant ships can be forcibly requisitioned to pick up people. The free trade city-states across the narrow sea do not lack ships.

The connection between Will and Griffin is like the connection between the Green Prophet and the birds and beasts, and Will accepts what Griffin saw with his eyes. This ability is like the Blood Raven Blinden Riverwen possessing the three-eyed crow. Wherever the crow goes, what he sees is what Blinden sees and sees.

There were 3,000 soldiers who came to steal the camp this time, so that these suffocated generals and soldiers would be refreshed. Afterwards, Will decided to march westward and attack with Ding Dong Shan and Thunder Fist Tormund. Fifty thousand troops encircled and ate all the fifteen thousand men and horses of the Dark Star first.

This is a starry night of the month. Two griffins are flying in the clouds, looking up from the ground, as if two little birds are in company with the moon. The sight of the griffin is what Will’s see, the ground The Dornites were divided into three groups, one group of 3,000 people, and they came secretly. One group attacked the vanguard camp, the other attacked the middle army camp, and the other attacked the rear army’s food truck.

The first team came to the vanguard camp and lay in ambush on the ground, with their swords pierced into the mud and sand, without doing anything.

The second team of men and horses came to the middle section and aimed at the central army's account.

The third team detoured to the rear food truck, and with a shout, thousands of torches were lit and thrown out at the food truck.

Fire is a signal of offense.

At the same time, there was a cry of griffins in the sky, two griffins swooped down from the sky, and soldiers ambushed everywhere. The sleeping soldiers in the camp turned over and jumped up. With all the swords and guns, these three thousand people were killed clean, and no one was missed.