The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 944: Night attack on the east gate and the no

The sound of building a siege tower at night still sounded, and soldiers inside and outside the city were used to this sound.

Among the more than 30,000 naval officers of Sea King, many are proficient in water. Under the cover of the night and the sound of the river, a death squad descended from the upper stream on the raft, lightly tapping the bamboo wormwood in their hands, and the raft came under the wall of the East City. The soldiers jumped off the raft and landed one after another.

Under the east wall, there is a foothold several meters wide between the city wall and the big river.

In Chenggen of Dongcheng, there is a sewer connected with Dongcheng River. Waste water and garbage in the city drain into the river from here. This is the point where Jora Mormon got to break the city after watching around the city.

There are several such underground drainage channels in Milin City that communicate with the river outside. There is Slave Bay in the west, the moat in the south, and the river in the east. Jora Mormon chose the entrance to the city wall at the east gate that can flow down the river and has a foothold several meters wide.

Between the east city wall and the river, the length of the city wall is several meters wide on the bank.

No sage would have thought that Jora Mormon's attack would be to the east.

There are many upper-class rafts and boats, all of which were built at night when the siege tower was built and transported to the upper reaches for hiding. Thousands of soldiers were ready. As the death squad sneaked into the city wall, they went down the river and jumped on footholds several meters wide, waiting for the brothers inside to open the city gate.

The tugboat came ashore to build a siege tower, but it was just a way to deceive Lord Sage. The real intention is to build hundreds of rafts and hundreds of boats downstream. Target: East Gate.

The long foothold several meters wide under the east gate wall provided the best platform for transporting soldiers in the past.

The death squad brothers dived into the sewer one by one.

The sewer is very wide, the vaulted top is high, the silt inside is very thick, and all kinds of rotten substances exude a stench.

The soldiers covered their noses and mouths with towels that smelled like the potions of wizards, and quickly entered the sewer.

Upstairs, the rafts and boats began to slowly descend. Groups of soldiers lay on the rafts and boats. The first group of brothers who arrived began to land. They clung to the roots of the wall and carried sharp weapons. Some rafts and boats were washed away by the water and no one cared.

Soon, under the gate of the east gate, soldiers were crowded with soldiers waiting to open the gate.

At the North Gate, the construction of the siege tower is still continuing, and the torch illuminates the'construction site'.

Jora Mormon also set off on the boat with her guard regiment, went down the river, and smoothly landed under the gate of the east gate. Jora Mormon jumped ashore, and the soldiers' morale increased greatly.

A steady stream of rafts and boats flowed down the river, under the walls of the East City, close to the roots of the wall, densely packed with warriors who didn't say a word.


A swordsman from the Sea King of Braavos emerged from the dumping port of the sewer first, then the second, the third, and the fourth. Their tarps are well done. They take off the stinky cloth on their bodies and remove the potion towels that cover their mouth and nose. They carry short knives and daggers, and everyone carries a short crossbow on their backs.

No one in the death squad uses long swords, and long weapons in the sewers are inconvenient in case of collision.

Everything is silent in the city.

The whole city is sleeping, and no one is patrolling the streets. The people of Meerin were relieved: the enemy built a siege tower at the north gate all night, and they had a long time to attack the city, and the number of siege towers was far from enough. This is the east gate, just like the south gate of the west gate, sit back and relax. All the enemy's forces are concentrated on the north gate.

A big river flows along the east gate of the city wall. The river is very deep and is a natural moat.

There were several slave fighters near the city gate talking and laughing, their voices were very low. On the wall, there was a group of soldiers walking up and down, the number of whom was six.

The black shadows snatched out from both sides of the darkness in the street. Two groups of black shadows went up the stairs to the city wall. Several black shadows rushed directly to the soldiers burning under the city gate. The soldiers stood up when they heard the sound of the short crossbow bowstrings. There was a crisp sound, puff puff puff, several bows and crossbows fired in a row, and several soldiers instantly nailed many short arrows on their bodies.

The soldiers fell down.

Without any time to resist, more dark shadows ran out from the streets on both sides and rushed towards a soldier barracks under the city wall.

Another group of shadows went to lift the heavy crossbar and top pillar of the city gate.

On the city wall, the patrolling team of six saw a black figure suddenly rushing out in front of him. Before the leader had time to speak, he shot an arrow in his throat.

More black shadows emerged from the stairs, and short arrows cut through the air, making a murderous noise.

In just the blink of an eye, three soldiers fell. The other three soldiers immediately turned around and fled, and the black shadows flickered in front of them, and a lot of people appeared on the other side of the step, like a black wind swept over.

The elite swordsmen of Braavos Sea King are really handy for this kind of raid.

"Enemy attack!" a soldier yelled shortly.

Then, the short arrow pierced the air and nailed an arrow through his mouth.

More black figures surged onto the city wall and rushed towards the soldier's huts on both sides of the wall. There were very few soldiers inside, all slave women, children and old people.

The impact of swords rang, and the short screams burst like bubbles in the dark night.



Jora Mormon, who was close to the gate, heard the gate rang, and then the gate began to shake, and slowly opened a crack. Jora and the soldiers outside worked hard together, the huge and heavy city gate slowly opened, Jora Mormon stepped in first, then the second and the third. The gates opened more and more, and more people poured in.

"Come with me, North Gate!" Jora Mormon gave the order.

His three hundred guards immediately followed Jorah Mormon, walked down the wall, and walked straight to the north gate. Anyone encountered on the road was killed directly by the short crossbow.

The armor-breaking short crossbow is invincible in close combat! Not to mention three hundred short crossbows.

The Dothraki people are not used to using short crossbows, but in these sixteen days, hundreds of craftsmen worked together to create hundreds of short crossbows without any challenge.

The east gate was opened more and more, and finally half of the gate was opened, and the densely packed soldiers standing under the city wall poured in like a tide.

The horn sounded, and the upper boats and rafts flowed down the river, filling the river, and tens of thousands of soldiers rushed to the east gate.

At the north gate, all the Dothrakis have mounted their horses, with bows and arrows on their backs, and hand-held scimitars, quietly waiting for the attacking horn to sound behind the camp.

The sound of shipbuilding on the construction site and the sound of horns that sounded every night concealed the abnormal noise and horns of the East Gate.

Jorah Mormon rushed straight to the north gate, and Haiwang led his swordsman group with 300 men straight to the pyramid in the city. The pyramids in the city are the homes of slave owners, wealthy people and wealthy common people.

The Braavos people have a deep hatred of the slave owners, and this kind of feud in the blood is not shared.

Behind him, a steady stream of naval officers flooded into the east gate.

The whole city is still asleep.

Several small pyramids were quickly captured by Sea King, and those who stood in the way died!

When the horn of the first enemy attack blew shortly in the pyramid of a great sage, Jorah Mormon and his three hundred guards rushed to the north gate of the city.

The number of soldiers on guard at the North Gate was twice that of the East Gate, and there were more soldiers on patrol. Four teams of patrol soldiers patrolled the streets and city walls. Jora Mormon rushed forward, and the crossbow in his hand shot all the arrows halfway. He dropped the short crossbow and drew the long sword from his waist.

Thirty guards rushed together, chopped melons and vegetables, and killed all the soldiers.

Another group of patrol soldiers spotted them when they turned around and blew the horn of the enemy attack.

Oh oh oh!

Oh oh oh!

Oh oh oh oh!

They are far away on the street.

A centurion led a hundred men to attack the city wall, and started a shopping battle with the two patrol soldiers on the wall. A centurion led the soldiers into the military camp by the city wall, and Jora Mormon led a hundred soldiers to grab the city gate.

The east gate, the gates on both sides were completely opened, and rafts and boats filled the river. Sea King’s soldiers continuously jumped off the rafts and boats and flooded into the east gate.

The flow of people is like water, flowing along the streets, large and small, to the entire city, everywhere.

Sword strikes, armor cold light, fire light, screams, running sounds, beginning to flood...


0944 Chapter 2

Jorah Mormon led the Centurion to push open the top post of the gate and lift the huge and heavy horizontal bar. The enemy came very suddenly, as if emerging from the ground. The defense of the North Gate was the top priority, and almost all the troops in the city were concentrated. The pyramid on Beimen Street is full of soldiers.

The hundred people rushing to the wall killed the two patrols on the wall, and they blew the horn.

The north gate immediately rang out with loud shouts and thunder from the running horses.

More than 10,000 Slark cavalry ran forward, the sound of horses hooves hit the ground, and the whole ground was trembling.

The sound of hoofs like thunder, and the sound of shouts like a storm, overturned the silence of the sky.

The first thousand team rushed to the gate, however, the gate was not opened.

Inside, the clash of swords and swords was endless, the clanking sound of hacking and killing, and the fighting was fierce.

On the wall, the offensive horn is still urging: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

attack! attack! !attack! ! !

However, the gate of the city was not opened, just one last time.

The cavalry team behind shouted, continuously oppressing them.

The cavalry squeezed in front of the city gate began to slam into the city gate, and the gate opened its first crack.

The leader of Jora Mormon has removed all the top posts and crossbars, just about opening the city gate. The huge and heavy city gates need more than a dozen people to open.

The slave warriors and the Unsullied in the North Gate Pyramid were all disturbed, got up one after another, took their weapons, and killed them towards the North Gate.

Jorah Mormon's three hundred guards immediately fell into a bitter battle. The enemies became more and more dense, and they were quickly cut down in half.

Jorah Mormon himself also hung the paint, and they were besieged in front of the city gate.

The Unsullied Legion's shield spear, chanting slogans with a neat pace, and one step at a time, pressing on Jora Mormon, the circle shrinks and shrinks, and guards around him are stabbed by spears. Shield defense, spears stabbing, human wall advancement, perfect unsullied tactics.

At the critical juncture, the city gate was pushed by the Dothraki cavalry, opening a small gap inside.

But this is enough.

The cavalry soldiers knew that the door was concealed, only because the door was too heavy and had not been opened yet. As a result, all the soldiers made a concerted effort, and the city gate was suddenly opened, knocking over a dozen of the same robe in the gate.

Jora Mormon was soaked in blood, yelling, "Fall arrows!"

His people quickly shrunk, people rely on people, people are next to people, sticking to the wall.

As if only for a moment, countless black shadows pulled out the afterimages, densely packed, like a storm, pouring in from the gate of the city.

Arrow rain!

A miserable howl sounded.

After the arrow rain, several gaps appeared in the circle of the Unsullied. As a result, Yarak's scimitar was held high, and the first Thousand Regiment charged forward. The first war horse slammed into the unsullied spear formation, and was pierced by countless guns. The impact and fall of the war horse opened the unsullied circle formation a larger hole.

The general immediately was not from Dothraki. He was covered in armor and got up from the ground. The sword in his hand slashed sharply, cutting off several spears. More spears stabbed at him, however, they turned in the middle. Numerous horses passed by him and leaped into the circle of the Unsullied. The circle collapsed from it and became two parts. The cavalry rushed in continuously from the opening.

Behind him, more war horses roared in, and Yarak's scimitar was raised high. It was a forest of knives, which quickly swamped the Unsullied Circle at the gate of the city.

The horse fell, Yarak's scimitar slashed, and spears stabbed. The screams were submerged by thunderous hoofs, and the cavalry was like a fierce behemoth, and like a yellow torrent, crashing into the front of the blue army that came for reinforcements. The two torrents of colors mixed together. Everyone was squeezed, the horse was close to the horse, the scimitar kept slashing down on the horse, the spear below stabbed desperately upward, and neither side would retreat, just not far from the gate of the city. A hard fight.

After a while, Meereen's slave warrior defense line collapsed, and the Dothraki cavalry pursued and advanced along the street.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The Unsullied Legion came from three streets. The three Unsullied phalanx shouted the chant of unity, stepping in a unified step, one step at a time, one step at a time, although the speed is not fast, but it always moves forward.

The Dothraki cavalry launched a charge, and the cavalry had the advantage of impact on the infantry.

However, facing the charge of the cavalry, in the street, the Unsullied only took the life of the first row of warriors and stabilized their position. Their shields cover, spears pierced from under the shields, spurs and spurs people. in. Every time an unsullied person falls, the unsullied ones behind will immediately fill their seats. No one took a step back and was either hacked to death by the opponent's Yarak's scimitar, or took a step forward. Until the soldiers of the first team all died again.

Jora Mormon climbed onto the city wall, and he found that although the legion was advancing step by step, more and more people died, almost twice as many as the legion of the Unsullied.

Jora Mormon blew the horn himself.

So, from the east gate, from the center of the city, from the south gate, the horn of response came. The East Gate, the city center, and the South Gate have all been occupied by Sea King’s soldiers.

The north gate of Meerin concentrated the most troops and the most unsullied legions in the city. This put the north gate in a very difficult battle. The Dothraki cavalry did not take any advantage in the road battle. With their spear infantry and a neatly arranged battle formation, the Dothraki must pay dozens of lives for every step forward.

This is not worth the gain.

Jora Mormon blew the horn and asked Aquaman's tens of thousands of troops to attack the Unsullied Legion at the North Gate from behind.

The weak points of the Unsullied Spear Infantry phalanx are the back and sides, the most powerful is the front.

The Dothraki cavalry was facing the front of the Unsullied in the street fighting. After losing the previous vigor, it was almost as good as looking for death.