The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 960: Water garden

Dorn. Water garden.

The air is full of sweet orange aroma.

In a place where water is as precious as gold, the most surprising thing in the running water garden is not the oranges all over, but the running water.

An automatic circulating water system, a huge pool, the water is clear to the bottom, divided into deep water zone and shallow water zone.

In the shallow water area, a dozen children play in the pool.

A middle-aged man with a calm face was watching the children playing in the water by the pool, with a very contented smile on his face. The man's chin and face have been meticulously modified, his clothes are also meticulous, and his knees are covered with a silk embroidered with a golden gun pattern.


Not far behind him, there was a soft noise.

It was the sound of sweet oranges falling to the ground when they were ripe.

Around the pool, there are sweet orange fruit trees that cannot be seen at a glance.

The ripe fruit hung over the branches. And on the ground, yellow fruits were also falling. As long as you are happy, you can pluck off the sweet orange and taste.

The ripe oranges that no one picked fell all over the ground. On the paths in the garden and on the grass, there were ripe oranges everywhere. In the clear and transparent deep water, there are two sweet oranges floating and sinking.

The man was sitting in a wheelchair, and behind him stood a giant black man holding a giant axe, and that was his guard captain He Ta. Outside the Flowing Water Garden, there are two teams of guards, all with heavy expressions.

The children had a great time playing in the pool, not knowing that this would be their last chance to play.

He Ta looked at his master, the master's expression was the same as before in the running water garden, and he couldn't see the grief and dissatisfaction in his heart.

The entire Dorn has been taken by Will, and the rebelling nobles are either banished or killed. At present, Will's prestige is developing rapidly in Dorn. The servants have become free people, and all free people have their own land, houses, elections, and the right to be elected. In Dorn, nobility has become history.

It's like a dream.

The governors of Dorn are all elected by the locals; before the official votes at all levels are officially elected, the official positions are appointed by Will. Every year, officials have performance appraisals, and those who meet the standards will continue to stay in office until challengers appear.

Arianne Martell has been captured by Will, and all of her men who escaped a naval battle were banished by Will to the other side of the narrow sea. Prince Daolang and Will reached a peace agreement. He gave up the capital of Dorne, Yangji City, and Will also allowed him to leave Yangji City when he was ready. Only after Prince Daolang leaves, Will and his generals will settle in Yangji City.

This is the last time Prince Daolang stayed in Yangji City. The Flowing Water Garden is his last day. This is where he has lived all his life. But today, after the sun sets, he will leave the Flowing Garden and never Come again.

Some of these children are children of the Martell family, and some are children of adopted children and relatives. The children did not know what happened in the adult world, and Yangji City had not really fought a bad battle. When Arianne was caught crossing the sea, Prince Daolang gave up all illusions, opened the door and surrendered for the first time. Will, who appeared, had a long conversation between the two.

That conversation was three days and three nights.

In the meantime, apart from the chef, only the doctor went in when he massaged the prince’s legs and back.

In those few days, Prince Daolang discovered that Will was still a master of medicine. After Will tried his hand once, he knew the priority of massaging the prince. By the last day, the doctor didn't need to go in.

In the pool, there are dark-skinned servants working as horses. The children ride on the servants' necks and are divided into two teams to fight in the water. They are playing stories of good people and bad people.

Prince Daolang didn't have any emotion. He smiled and admired the children's games until the sun gradually turned west and the sea breeze brought a faint coolness.

The sun is setting.

In the distant sky, five huge black spots appeared. The children in the running water garden were tired, and they all climbed to the shore to rest on their stomachs in the golden sand. The servants salvaged the fallen leaves, sweet oranges, and silt in the water, just as usual. The busy servants are men and women, they are still joking with each other, but their voices are not high.

In the sky, five black dots are getting bigger and bigger, flying straight here.

Near, it was two giant griffins and three dragons.


A dragon chant came from the sky, covering dozens of miles below.

He Ta raised his head, the children raised their heads, the servants raised their heads, the soldiers outside the Flowing Water Garden raised their heads, and Prince Daolang raised his head, looking towards the sky.

Griffons and dragons came to the garden of flowing water.

Prince Daolang's body trembled slightly, although the smile on his face remained, he still looked so calm, so elegant, and so indifferent. But in fact this is an illusion, he just hides his emotions very well.


There was a cry of griffon, which made people jump.

"Look, is that a dragon?" The children all jumped up from the sand and pointed to the sky.

"Yes, that's a dragon." Prince Daolang said. But his voice was very low, drowned in the shouts of the children.

The dragon and the griffin were getting closer, and the pressure fell like a huge mountain. The majesty of the griffin and the terrifying horror of the dragon make people feel chilling.

But that is the perception of power in the adult world, but children are more surprised than fear.

On the back of the black dragon, the figure of a woman was revealed, and Prince Daolang stared at the figure closely. If the prediction is good, this woman should be Daenerys Targaryen. Daolang wrote to him many times for help, but did not receive substantial help from Daenerys.

Daenerys' eldest brother Rega Targaryen is the brother-in-law of Prince Daolang. However, the relationship between relatives did not allow Prince Daolang to get the support he wanted. He has handed over the city of Yangji City to Will in exchange for the freedom of all the nobles in the city. Martel of Don has It became history, Daenerys Targaryen came suddenly, what did she want to do?

Prince Daolang looked at the sky, the relationship between the griffon and the dragon seemed very harmonious, and then he saw the figure of a man on the back of a griffon.

Just now everyone's eyes were on the giant dragon, and they hardly noticed that there was also a person on the back of the huge red griffin.

This person is naturally Will.

When did the griffin and the dragon become so harmonious? !

The dragon is the supreme magical creature, and the griffin is the second-most magical creature. They can coexist peacefully, which also shows the relationship between the two masters.

A thought passed through Prince Daolang's heart, is there love between Daenerys and Will? Otherwise, why can the Griffin and the Dragon become such a perfect battlefield?

The black dragon hovered over the garden of flowing water, and Daenerys' eyebrows could be seen clearly.

After all, the children were forced by the black dragon's hideous and terrifying, hiding behind the adults. The distance becomes too close, the horror of the dragon is as real as it is, and it feels completely different from the surprise for children in the sky.

Outside the garden, guards rushed in, hoping to protect their master.

Will rides on the back of the flaming griffin, circling higher.

The red dragon and green dragon whispered softly, Daenerys made strange syllables, and the red dragon and green dragon flew away and flew to the sea. Fishing in the sea is one of the dragon's skills. The food intake of adult dragons is amazing. Will also made strange syllables, and one of his griffins also fluttered away, but it flew towards the Crimson Mountains.

Griffon is the king of beasts on land, any beast is its food, they just like horses the most.

The black dragon landed slowly, and the wind blowing from its huge wings made the sweet orange fall like rain.

The red-flaming griffin also slowly fell, almost at the same time, Daenerys and Will jumped off the back of the magic beast.

He Ta and the brothers did not step forward. The guards came in, just showing their attitude as a protector. They knew that this was not a fight. If there was a fight, they would not be able to resist the enemy.

"Daenerys." Prince Doulang smiled.

He did not call her Her Majesty the Queen, although Daenerys's fame had spread to Westeros and to Dorne.

"Master Daolang." Daenerys was polite and walked over, facing Prince Daolang who was sitting in a wheelchair curtsey.

Prince Daolang smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I can't get up and salute."

Daenerys smiled gracefully: "Master Daolang, I know you have leg problems, so you don't need to be polite."

"If you still think we are relatives, I want to call you sister."

"Big Brother!" Daenerys saluted again.

"It's a pity that you won't help me keep Dorn." Prince Daolang said modestly. Although he was very polite and restrained, and his tone was calm and calm, he immediately said this sentence, which shows his reluctance in his heart.

The more plain, the more overwhelming the emotions in my heart.

"Dorn still belongs to the Martell family, but you refuse to accept Lord Will's suggestion." Daenerys said tactfully.

"No one can accept Will's suggestion." Prince Daolang frowned. "Daenerys, if someone suggested that you abandon your position as Her Majesty and hand over the position of King to let the freedmen vote, would you be willing?"

"If the whole people are like this, I don't want to do it. Who can sit on the throne without the support of the people?"

Dao Lang was startled.

Will walked over slowly and stood beside Daenerys, smiling and not speaking.

"Master Will told me that you are leaving Dorne tomorrow, where will Big Brother go?"

"I'm going to Novus. Mrs. Melario will be married in Novus soon, and I want to bless her."

Daenerys secretly glanced at Daolang's leg.

Mrs. Melario, the ex-wife of Prince Daolang. After the two divorced, Mrs. Melaleo returned to Novos. Now she has found a new noble in Novos and will remarry. She wrote to tell Prince Daolang. Prince Daolang decided to congratulate her on her wedding, which would be a torture for him, a torture of leg problems.

In fact, when Daolang traveled the world when he was young, he met Madame Melalio when he was traveling around the world-when he and Madame Melalio were in love, they went to the Dothraki steppe. At that time, Daolang liked the endless prairie. He hoped that he could settle down on the prairie in his old age. This is the secret of Prince Daolang's heart, he has not told anyone about it.

Daenerys Targaryen politely blessed Mrs. Melaleo, and admired Prince Daolang's open-mindedness very much.

"Daenerys, since you refuse to take Dorne back for me, can you let Master Will release Arianne Martell? This is my cheeky begging you as a family brother !"

Daenerys looked at Will.

Will said: "As you wish, Master Daolang, if you can guarantee that Arianne will not bring troops to attack Donne within ten years, I would like to see Daenerys release her."

"Don't attack Dorne for ten years?" Prince Daolang said, "I think I can promise you, Lord Will."

"Princess Arianne must agree personally, and I still need her vow." Will said.

"I think you just give me a chance to meet her, and I can make her promise you not to attack Dorne for 20 years."

Daenerys Targaryen remembered the Slave Bay under her management. She was only liberated shortly, but there were already many variables. One of the reasons was that the people's thoughts were not clear, which caused the Slave Bay to shake. Killing each other, personal guarantees and enforcement of the law are marginalized.

Prince Daolang's guarantee, and even Arianne's guarantee, were hard to honor. When the strength is strong, when Donne himself is in chaos, that is the best time to war, and it will not be fettered by any ten or twenty year vows.

Slave Bay is a good example.

Kleon, the Archon of Astabo, did a lot of illegal things and killed the three Archons appointed by Daenerys. It was easy for Daenerys to kill him, but Kleon represented Asta. Po's public opinion, public opinion is not accessible, if one Kleon is destroyed, there will be a second representative.

This is what Daenerys is worried about and entangled!

It is easy to kill a Kleon, but it is difficult to reverse the thinking of hundreds of thousands of free people in Astabo. And Kleon represents the thoughts of those hundreds of thousands of free people, and that kind of thought cannot be killed.

This is why Daenerys came to Westeros to find Will.

She hopes to learn management methods from Will. Zogo told her that when Slave Bay fell into chaos and went to Will, Will's face appeared in the flames of Zogo. So she mounted the dragon and quickly flew over to the continent of Westeros, where she met Griffin and Will in the sky. In fact, it was not a coincidence that the dragon and the griffin were the most advanced and intelligent magical creatures. The mysterious perception between them made Daenerys very convenient to find Will.

Daenerys heard Prince Daolang's recent situation from Will, Prince Daolang chose Mingzhe to protect himself, surrendered Yangji City, and took the initiative to end his rule in Dorn.

Will once said to Daenerys that Prince Daurang would choose to commit suicide when he left Dorne, so Daenerys decided to visit Prince Daurang as soon as possible. She hoped to persuade Prince Daurang. Although the two have never seen each other, Dorn has done a lot to restore the dynasty of the Targaryen family.

Daenerys looked at Will. She decided to do her best to help Prince Daolang: "Master Will, can my eldest brother meet Princess Arianne Martel?"

Will pondered for a moment. Although he felt embarrassed, he still smiled and said, "Okay!"