The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 968: The ultimate luxury capital

The cage cloth was slowly covered, but Abner could still feel the threat of the guy in the cage he had never seen before, and it made a correcting sound, as if provoking Abner.

Abner realized that he didn't dare to fight, and couldn't do it with verbal toughness. He found himself in fear.

This shouldn't be wrong. He was originally a disciple of Master Haia Puli, the Immortal Temple, who was proficient in illusion. Probably the person who has seen the most beasts and birds of prey in the world.

But the golden guy gave him a very strong breath of death, as if as long as it attacked, his life would be hard to save.

"What's the name of this little flying beast?"

"We call it Xiaojin."

"What does it have?"

"I like to eat barbecue."

"Other than that?"

"Hang it in the room and fear nothing at night. Any venomous snake or beast is afraid of it, such as the lion and heliconia."

Abner looked at the other cage.

"It's the same flying beast inside?"

"It's called Xiaoyin."

"Little Silver?"

"It seems to be made of silver. The scales, feet, tail and wings are all silver, bright silver, and very beautiful."

"May I take a look?"

"of course!"


Temple of Immortality.

A huge towering round tower.

Without doors and windows, it is like a closed space.

There is a huge face painted on the wall, a face taller than a human, with the mouth wide open, and the door is that mouth. Approaching, reaching out and pushing, a door will open, and people will walk in through this mouth.

Abner walked into this mouth.

As soon as he entered, the door was closed and the pattern of a human face was restored: eyes, nose, big mouth, and facial features were vivid.

Inside the Immortal Temple, there will always be some whispers, all the time, but it is not clear.

After Abner entered Big Mouth, there were four identical doors in front of him.

He walked through the first door in his right hand.

Pushing the door in, there is a long upward corridor.

At the end of the corridor, there are four identical doors.

Abner opened the first door on the right and walked in. In front of him was a winding corridor.

At the end of the corridor, there are four identical doors again.

Abner still chose to take the first door on the right.

After going up to the third floor, the doors became six, and they were still exactly the same. Inside each door, there was a sound. When Abner moved, the six doors opened together, and the first door on the right was the spiral he wanted to go up. Corridor, but the other five doors, there are many incredible people and things.

Inside the second door is a stunning beauty, a perfect body, a full chest, and a big feather bed. She stretched out her arms to Abner, her arms were white and full of luster, and her eyes were full of desire. , People just want to hug her and fall to hell.

Abner closed his eyes and ran to the first door on the right based on memory. Abner was afraid to take a look at the other four doors on the fourth floor.

He can only go up to the fifth floor now. It would be completely impossible to force it up, he would get lost in the illusion of his various desires.

A pair of arms wrapped around his body, a voice sounded, and the fragrance was tangy: "Ebner, you are only here now, I have been waiting for you for a long time." The familiar voice and familiar smell made Ebner's heart moved.

He opened his eyes. It was the stunning beauty who peddled flying beasts to him in the Beast Market this morning. Her name was Feng Wen. She owns a silver flying beast. The man next to her called himself Xiaode and owned that golden flying beast.

Daenerys' stunning beauty made Abner stunned when she first saw her, so in the Temple of Immortality, he saw what he thought in his heart: He saw Daenerys. Of course, he asked her to edit the text.

Aibnamin knew that this was an illusion, and by resisting this illusion, he could improve his illusion ability. Nevertheless, he still wanted to sink.

After all the joy, the result may be a decadent death.

Abner felt that the direction under his feet had changed. He knew it was wrong. He had to go through the first door on the right so that he could go to the fifth floor and see his teacher, Master Haia Puri. . But he found that he was unable to resist Daenerys’ invitation. If it was the illusion of the stunning woman at the beginning, because Abner had seen it many times, he could still break free from fever, but the woman in front of him was the one he had seen today. The shocked woman, Abner's concentration is collapsing.

He finally walked in and was pushed onto the soft feather bed by Xiuwen. He opened his mouth to greet the nectar of Xiuwen, and then Abner was awakened suddenly, because the sweet scent of nectar suddenly turned into a carrion soup mixed with black ink, which made him very sick.

All desires faded like tides, and fear came. But the rotten thing had been swallowed by him, and it moved in his body. Tendrils spread across the chest, like flames entwining the heart, and the tip of the tongue spontaneously smells of honey, fennel and cream. It resembles a mother’s Confucian juice and a man’s crystal liquid, but also like bright red meat, warm blood and molten gold. It tasted everything he knew, but it was not any of them... Then Abner stood up suddenly. The beauty in front of him was gone. A thin man in a beautiful robe stood in front of him, There was a cup of night shadow water in it-the cup was empty.

"Master!" Abner was frightened and knelt down immediately.

"What unusual thing did you encounter today makes you unable to conquer the desire in your heart on the fourth level." Master Haia Puri said. His lips were black and blue, his eyes sunk deep into the sockets, and his face had only bones and skin, without flesh and blood. The master is very tall and too thin, like a robe sleeve hanging in the wind on a bamboo pole.

"I saw a couple with strange flying beasts at the Beast Market today."

"Dragon?" Haia Puli's eyes widened, shooting a terrifying light.

"I am not sure."

"You can't be sure about flying beasts, what else can it be if it's not a dragon?"

Abner has seen the most beasts and birds of prey in the world, and the flying beasts that he can't determine are rare, or in other words, impossible.

"Maybe it's a griffin."

"The king of beasts." Haia Puli was still shocked, "Why can't it be a dragon?"

"Can't breathe fire."

Haia Boli showed a faint disappointment: "My Lord Zara Zanwang Dasos, and I, the shadowbinder from the shadow land of Yasha, are looking for the dragon. You immediately take those two people. Come see me."

"I have set the best hotel for them, and sent someone to look inside and outside the door of the hotel to prevent the appearance of Zara Zanwang Dasos and Quixi."

"So, you have also seen pictures of dragons, and have read all the documents about dragons. How exactly do those two flying beasts match the description of dragons?"

"All fit together."

"Then it must be a dragon!"

"But they don't breathe fire."

"Take me to see."

"Yes, Master!"


The luxury of the hotel where Will and his party stayed was jaw-dropping. Pantos’s hotel is already very luxurious, but compared to this hotel, it is like a simple thatched cottage where pigs in a pig farm live.

Abner booked the suite for them, walked in and took a look, there are many rooms inside, there are separate baths and yards, all kinds of pearl jade decorations, a dazzling array.

Had it not been for Daenerys's repeated orders, Georgo, Lago, and La Carlo would have started knocking on the gold and silver jewelry on the wall. Even the small basin for gargle is made of pure gold.

The sea king dressed as a doctor has a treasure house for storing precious treasures. Compared with the jewellery decorations used in this hotel, it suddenly looks crude. Both the quantity and the quality are amazing.

"The rich here can buy a country at will." Varys exclaimed.

"It can be seen that if they want to hire the most powerful legion, it's just a matter of effort." James said.

"When you leave, just take away a few bowls and lighting to make a fortune." Lago said without spine.

Will smiled and said, "Everyone, we are here to take charge of this place, not to steal a few jewels and go back."

"Are they not going to be stolen?" Arya said, "our nobles hide and lock up jewels so that they cannot be known to others. And the luxury hotels here take out these beautiful pearls and jade to decorate the rooms. "

"Don't worry, the boss must know what is missing in the room. The people here must have some kind of secret technique." Hai Wang said.

"Then let's try?" La Carlo eagerly tried.

"Don't do anything, we are conquerors, not thieves." Daenerys said seriously.

Both the Green Saint and the two maids stick out their tongues. They have been here and stayed in a hotel here, but this is the first time for such a luxurious hotel.

Will said: "Okay, everyone, let's take a bath, let's go out and stroll around the city."

"There will be maids and male servants in the bath." Green Saint said, "Master James, how many maids do you want to bathe?"

"How many can I have?"

"You can do as much as you want. Everyone has a huge swimming pool in their room, which can accommodate a dozen people at the same time bathing and swimming."

"Is there a virgin?"

"There is everything, as long as you want it, you have it."

Varys looked helpless: "Are there any women who are suitable for eunuchs?" He looked down at his warehouse and shrugged.

Lago, Qiaogo, and La Carlo left quickly and chose the bedroom to take a shower.

James looked at Daenerys: "Dear Her Majesty, I am willing to be your male servant, I will serve you wholeheartedly and keep you satisfied."

"Get out!" Daenerys walked into one of the bedrooms with a cold face, and James laughed.

The housekeeper in the hotel was called up, and soon, rows of young girls, Guoguo, walked in, followed by the male servants.


"How did they do it?" Arya exclaimed. Walking on the streets of Queers, every house is a world of colors. And every world is different.

The ground, the ground of the street, presents dreamlike rose, violet and sepia tones of different shades.

It's not only Arya who looks silly, but everyone in the group has expressions of wonder. It's like the old rural peasants have entered the metropolis for the first time.

This is a street full of beautiful colors, and the air is filled with fragrance. At the end of the street, there is a splendid building, which is the royal palace of Quells.

Quills is a royal bronze in name. In fact, the power has been controlled by the thirteen giants of the chamber of commerce, the tourmaline brotherhood, and the spice guild under the royal family. The most powerful of them is the thirteen giants.

The uncrowned kings of Qirs are the wizards of the Immortal Temple. They worship the Immortal, and the person in charge of the Immortal Temple is Abner’s master Haia Puri.

In the front is a bronze arch in the shape of a double snake carved with joy. The scales of the snake are exquisite emeralds, obsidian and lapis lazuli. Behind the arch, there are countless slender minarets standing tall. The minaret surrounds a huge square with exquisite fountains carved in the shape of griffins, dragons, and lion scorpions.

Will and his party went through the arch and entered the square. There are not many people in the square, but not many. Seven guards dressed in gold patrolled the square. The soldiers' faces were made of square crystals of the same size as stringed masks, revealing only two eyes and one nostril.

The royal palace is a group of spires, the spires of the spires are very high, which reminds Will and Arya of the towering towers of the old town of the nine wonders of the world. These spikes were densely packed and pierced the blue sky.

Will and Daenerys and the group walked along the gates of the minaret group. Each gate was open, and there were soldiers wearing jade masks inside and outside the gates. The soldiers had spears in their hands and their eyes were piercing. No one can see the faces of these soldiers through the jade mask.

In front of several royal spires stood the statues of several kings. The Green Saint introduced that these statues are ancient kings. They are the heroes of the city of Quers. They stand on white and green marble pillars, the size of which is three real people. Times.

Suddenly, a very luxurious carriage stopped in front of Will and Daenerys and the others. The carriage was so large that it was a moving castle.

Among the Seven Westeros, there has never been such a huge carriage. The curtains of the carriage are all pure gold thread, and the roof is decorated with endless emeralds and pearl agate.

The curtain opened, and a black man with an extremely strong body and shoulders as thick as a wall got out of the car. There was a cordial smile on his face, his clothes were covered with beautiful jade, and he only wore a ring on his finger. The beautiful jade on the ring was worn by Will never seen before, and it was faintly light, as big as Pigeon eggs.

"Dear guests from afar, I am Zara Zanwang Dasos, and I am the thirteenth giant of Quells." The black man introduced himself. He reached out to Daenerys and kissed the back of her hand; he reached out to Arya, and kissed Arya's fingertips, and then the Green Saint.

Although he is full of flesh and blood, he is elegant, noble and decent. A pure lingua franca of Westeros.

Will and Daenerys and the group responded one by one, everyone using pseudonyms, hypocritical politeness, and polite greetings. Afterwards, Zara Zanwang Daxos asked Will and Daenerys to take a look at the cage carried by the two maids.

The cage is still tightly shielded with yellow cloth.

The maid was more swift this time than last time. At the same time, she uncovered the yellow cloths of the two cages. Zaro Zanwang Dassos was stunned: "Dragon, this is a dragon, this must be a dragon. Oh my god, even Putting all the flowers of Querce together, I cannot express the joy in my heart. Even if I pile up all the jewels of Querce under my feet, I cannot express my shock."

It is indeed a dragon, exactly the same as the dragon statue in the square.

"But they don't breathe fire." Will told Zaro Zanwan Dasos with regret.

"We also hope that these two guys are dragons," Daenerys said, "so we can sell them for a good price in Quells."