The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 972: Hundreds of Poisons, Swords, Thirteen Gi

The curtain blocked the street dust and heat, but the temperature was still high.

For Quills, this is the hotter month of the year.

Fortunately, Will installed a tin cabinet in the car. The tin cabinet is full of ice.

The inside of the car is very cool when the cold air comes out.

"Make way!" Joe Ge yelled at the crowd on horseback, whipping his whip and making a popping sound, "Make way! Give way to Lord Zaro!"

Will and Daenerys, Arya, James, and Main are all in the car.

Aquaman, Varys, the Green Saint and two maids stayed in Zaro's mansion.

As a doctor, Sea King took over all management rights of Zarro’s mansion. Varys became his deputy. The Green Saint and two maids served as their management staff. To Zarro’s five hundred warriors and 1,000 servants Manage with the huge estate.

Zaro's wife is also being managed: Will has asked for a divorce from Zaro, and Zaro's second wife will be appointed by Daenerys and Will. Will plans to marry the two maids of the Green Saint to Zaro, who will be Zaro's right-hand man in charge of Quels.

Georgo and La Carlo served as guards for Aquaman and Varys.

Zaro and Will, Daenerys, Arya, Maine, and James went to meet the Thirteen Giants.

This is the first cooperation plan between Zarrow and Will.

Zara Zanwang Dasos leaned on the cool satin cushion and poured ruby-like wine into a pair of matching emerald gold goblets. Although the car was shaking, he was used to running. Drinking on the carriage, without spilling.

Everyone's hands are steady.

"Master Will, Mother of Dragon, I toast you a glass!" Zaro said, holding up the wine.

"Oh, then everyone, come together." Will clinked the glasses with everyone, and finally Daenerys.

Zara complimented: "Mother of Dragons, my queen, can I offer you a little of my care? You are so beautiful."

"Thank you!" Daenerys and Zara clinked glasses gently.

"Drink this glass of wine, I hope to please the queen." Zaro said.

He respects it first.

James drank the wine with a smile; Maine and Will also drank it in one gulp, Arya only sniffed, and did not drink. Daenerys took a sip, feeling good, so she took another sip.

In Zaro's polite and humble eyes, Daenerys took two more sips, and then she felt something in the glass, shaking the glass, the thing made a tinkling sound in the glass.

Daenerys drank the wine, a purple crystal in the glass, very beautiful.

"My king, put on this purple crystal." Zaro took out a purple crystal necklace from his pocket, Daenerys passed the purple crystal to Zaro's hand, and Zaro put the crystal on the necklace , The heart-shaped crystal is even more beautiful under the matching of the chain.

"My queen, are you afraid of snakes?"

"Yes, Lord Zara. But I have a dragon, and the snake dare not approach me."

"Put your dragon aside first," Zaro said.


So the two dragons were placed in a corner of the carriage. The carriage is huge, like a huge living room.

Zara ordered his servant to move out a rattan box. Something in the rattan box was moving, making a hissing noise, which was frightening. Zara opened the lid of the rattan box, and a king cobra stood upright in the rattan box, with its terrifying triangular head facing everyone. It spit out a snake letter, made a hissing sound, and continued to rise little by little.

Zaro made a sound, and the king cobra slowly turned to face Daenerys.

Zara drove the viper to crawl towards Daenerys, the viper slowly got out of the vine box and swam quickly towards Daenerys.

Daenerys held her breath. It was terrible. A poisonous king snake with thick arms, several meters long, attacked her.

Will, Maine, Arya, and James all looked at the poisonous snake, they just shot the poisonous snake to death on the floor, only Daenerys kept her face in control of her panic.

In addition to the dragon's brilliance bonus, Daenerys herself is not a master of swordsmanship, and her martial arts are very limited. Not burning the fire is one of her biggest skills.

The viper stopped abruptly when it entered the distance to attack, and began to circle Daenerys, but did not dare to attack. It was afraid of something, and finally, the poisonous snake slipped away and returned to the vine box.

Zara closed the lid of the vine box and said, "Your Majesty, this is the poisonous snake I raised. I have ordered it to attack your Majesty, but it dare not."

"Because of this purple crystal?"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen." Zara said respectfully, "This is a magical amethyst that can protect Your Majesty from poison."

"If someone is poisoned, I won't be poisoned even if I eat it?" Daenerys asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Zaro said, "As long as you wear it next to your body, the magic purple crystal has the magical power to cure hundreds of poisons."

Daenerys looked at Mai Yin. Mai Yin was a faceless person, a master of poison and proficient in the use of various poisons.

Mai Yin was expressionless.

Daenerys couldn't see any response from Mai Yin's expression, but the poison had already been eaten. How could the purple crystal detoxify? How is magic used? Daenerys didn't understand.

But it cannot be denied that Zarro said.

"Thank you, Lord Zara!"

No amount of magic power can surpass the dragon, this is Will's view. To verify the magic of purple crystals, you can only experiment with life: the lives of animals or other people. For example: Zaro himself.

Regarding magic, no one can completely control the secrets.

"Master Will, I also have something to give you." Zaro said.


Zaro took out a simple dagger, without any decoration.

For Zaro, any weapons on his walls are studded with jewels.

Will took the dagger and started heavy, more than twice as heavy as he felt. Astonished in Will, he started with the hilt of the sword, with faint lines on it to enhance his grip.

Will drew out the short sword, the sword body was dark and dull. Looking at the cutting edge, there is no sharpness. Try it by hand, the blade is quite dull.

"What kind of sword is this?" Will asked.

"I don't know too much, but I know that this sword has a peculiarity, which is difficult to explain. Lord Will is a character like a dragon outside the sky. I want to give it to you. Maybe the master is the master of this sword and can unlock it. The mystery of this sword."

"What's so peculiar?"

"My lord, please see!" Zaro said. He drew out the knife from his waist, the knife was sharp and shiny, and the blade was forcing. Zaro stretched out his hand to hold the blade of the knife, and with a light draw, blood flowed in his hand.

Zaro took Will's dagger, blood dripped on it, and disappeared immediately. Everyone was surprised.

"A sword that can **** blood," Zaro said.

The blood dripped on the sword body drop by drop, just like a few drops of rain dripped into a dry desert, and it was swallowed as soon as it stuck.

"Blooddrinking sword!" Will said in surprise.

"It has another feature." Zaro said.

"What feature?"

"I used the Valyrian steel sword to chop this short sword. The Valyrian steel sword broke the gap, and the sword remained the same, as if there had been no confrontation."

Zaro drew the knife from his waist and slashed at the blade of the dagger. With a ding, the knife broke in two, and the dagger sank without any response.

"Where does this sword come from?" Will was surprised and delighted.

"From a certain expedition on the Valyria peninsula. The Fireworks Bay in Valyria is a place that the world's navigators want to explore. There are always some adventurers who risk their lives to enter the Fireworks Bay again and again and enter the Varley. The ruins of the ancient country of Leah, as long as they don’t die in them, there are always some good things brought out by these people. At that time, I bought some antique bottles of beautiful jade from the ancient ruins of Valyria. The captain expressed his gratitude. This dagger was given to me for free. I was playing with it and gradually felt that this sword was extraordinary. I gave it to Lord Will today. I hope that adults will slowly discover the true secret of this sword in the future."

"Thank you Lord Zarrow!" Will said.


0972 Chapter 2

This is a very open grass, and a tower rises out of thin air on the grass. The spire is like a sword.

The yellow samurai patrolled around the grass. Far away, at the gate of the guild tower, stood two rows of yellow warriors. From far and near, there are several groups of cavalry on camels holding lances on patrol.

On the marble floor outside the gate of the guild tower, there were twelve carriages that were the same size as Zaro's. The other twelve giants have already arrived.

Will noticed the yellow uniforms of the soldiers and officers.

Because of the hot weather, the armor cannot be worn, and soldiers and officers only use leather protection at the vital points.

The carriage drove slowly into the grass. It seems that the guild tower is very close, but there is still quite a distance.

"Why is the Thirteen Giants' Guild on a bare grass?" Arya asked.

Zaro smiled and said: "The field of vision is wide on the grass, and people can see clearly when they come and go.

"Have you been attacked before?" James laughed.

Zara looked surprised: "Master James is really amazing. I guessed it at a glance. The guild tower of our thirteen giants was indeed in the woods, with good air and beautiful scenery, and it was also close to the sea. It was indeed attacked once during the day. The tower was destroyed, all the samurai died in battle, and all the staff of the guild were killed."

"How did you get away with it?"

"Because of something, the chairman and I temporarily notified the other eleven people to reschedule for the next day, so all of our thirteen giants escaped." Zaro smiled.

"Who dares to move you in Quells?"

"The Royal House of Melaleucas, the Immortal Temple of Wizards, and the Brotherhood of Tourmaline may all launch raids on us."

The carriage slowly came to the guild tower. When the group got out of the car, an officer immediately came up to ask Daenerys, Will and the others as to their identities. Another soldier asked to open the cage to see what was in the cage.

Zaro took out a jade plaque with the heads of the thirteen giants on one side, and communicated with the officer in the local language of the Queers. The officer looked up and down Daenerys and the others, and finally agreed to Daenerys and Will to enter. The others All block driving.

James said: "Master Zara, the rules of the guild are very strict!"

"After we were raided once by the enemy, we changed the rules of the guild. No one can bring outsiders to the internal senior meeting of the Thirteen Giants."

"But you took me and Lord Will this time."

"I used the special power once a year." Zara raised the jade plaque with the head of the thirteen giants.

"Then we will wait in the carriage." James said.

"If you are sitting on the carriage, you will be asked to raise the curtain to ensure that everything is in the sight of the soldiers." Zaro said, "I would like to ask Master James, Master Maine, Miss Arya, and Warrior Rago for your understanding. "

Zara was courteous and thorough.


Will and Daenerys carried the cage and followed Zaro into the guild tower.

The guild tower looks very simple, but in fact it is a return to basics after the extreme luxury. Every thing that looks inconspicuous is a rare boutique of its kind.

The twelve giants were sitting behind a half-moon-shaped marble table, all with fat heads, big ears, and fair skin, completely different from the dark skin of Zara. Most of these people are blond and blue-eyed, tall, with fat faces, and many of them have eyes like small eggs. There are also a few people whose ears are particularly grown, the earrings are like flesh-colored earrings, almost dragging to the shoulders.

Being rich like those Bodhisattvas in Will's previous life is Will's first impression of this group of people.

The temperament of these people does not have the kind eyebrows and kind eyes of the Bodhisattva, they are full of caution and guard. Zara is not a native of Quells, but an outsider. This can be distinguished from the skin tone.

The twelve giants are all locals, with creamy white skin and false smiles. Even if the marble semicircular table blocked their bodies, Will could imagine their pot bellies.

Thirteen giants, thirteen fat pigs, twelve white and one black.

Daenerys, Will and Zaro stood in the middle of the half-moon tabletop space.

The half-moon-shaped table is very narrow, about the width of an arm’s surface, but the half-moon is made long and smooth. The half-moon shape encloses a space, with a platform in the middle and a small table top of the same height as the half-moon table. At first glance, it is the place where someone is giving a speech.

"Everyone, I have brought two distinguished guests who have dragons, Ms. Xiuwen, and Lord Will." Zaro said.

"Please let us watch the dragon, please." The giant merchants on the far left with no crops on their foreheads laughed. He was very polite, nodded and smiled at Daenerys and Will, so false that he didn't need to hide it.

Hypocrisy is the traditional quality of the Quairs natives.

As a result, Daenerys and Will uncovered the yellow cage cloth, and the two little dragons made soft noises of correction, looking curiously at this new environment.

The eyes of the twelve giants all lit up.

"But I heard that there are two dragons that can't breathe fire?" The man on the left still said. He speaks a pure Westeros lingua franca, which makes it suspect that he is from Westeros.

"Long Yan!" Will said lightly.

Since the other party has no greetings and is straight to the subject, come on.

The little golden dragon opened his mouth and spewed out a golden flame, and the flame shot out from the cage, condensed into a fire sword.

The twelve pairs of eyes immediately widened, and several giant merchants stood up, their expressions surprised and happy, and greedy.

"Master Zara, kill this man and take two dragons. I want to marry this woman." The giant businessman on the left has already stood up and spoke again, with a greedy expression and a hypocritical smile.

He spoke the language of a native of Quells, and Daenerys and Will would not understand it at all.