The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 974: Night Strike Tourmaline Brotherhood

"Well, I promise you, but you need to do it yourself." said the king.

The king's answer was straightforward, which surprised Will.

Is there a mistake in his judgment, this king is the real king? If it was false, he would not answer so simply. Unless, he can see the hint of the true king.

But Will has been observing, and he hasn't seen anyone in the king's side or in the seat of the royal family.

This is a mystery.

Will could not observe for a while, nor could he judge whether the king was true or false.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Zaro said, quickly thanking the King for his answer.

"About the dragon, Lord Zara, how should we raise it?" the king said.

"Your Majesty, Mrs. Xiuwen and Lord Will will stay in the palace until the dragon breeder of the Church."

"Oh, that's the best. So, Mrs. Xiuwen, can you let the dragon breathe out flames to see."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Daenerys said. She stretched out her hand, and the little silver dragon flew to her arm, "Dragon Flame!" Daenerys's finger was a warrior holding a spear.

The little silver dragon flew out, and opened his mouth to spray out a silver flame. The flame burned the tip of the gun. Soon, the tip of the gun began to melt and finally turned into a silvery fluid and dripped.

The members of the royal family were surprised and delighted, and all the sleepy people were awakened, all eyes widened.

"Mrs. Xiuwen, the pronunciation of'Long Yan' just now is the language that commands the dragon to breathe fire?" His Majesty the King was overjoyed.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Can I give it a try?"

"His Majesty the King must pronounce it correctly. This is the lost high Valyrian language."

"I have a gift for learning languages ​​from all over the world," said the king.

"Well, please, your Majesty, please say with me: Long Yan!"

"Long Yan!" His Majesty the King repeated.

Sure enough, it was vivid, even Daenerys' voice was imitated vividly.

There was a movement in Will's heart. The king's ability was very useful. He could pretend to be anyone wearing a mask. If you just listen to the sound, no one can tell if it is not.

If Will hadn't looked at the king, he would have thought that Daenerys had made the two dragon flames just now.

The king's talent for imitating languages ​​was not mentioned by Lord Zara.

Daenerys exclaimed: "Your Majesty's language talent is really amazing. With your Majesty's talent, you can learn to control the dragon's language within three days, but if you want the little silver dragon to recognize your Majesty, you have to feed it yourself. , And respect it. Dragons are high-level intelligent creatures, and they also bear grudges. His Majesty the King needs to be clear about this."

"Thank you for your reminder, Madam Xiuwen. But I have a question to ask Madam, please answer it truthfully."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Some time ago, Mrs. Xiuwen and Lord Will—if I remember correctly, at that time, Lord Will called himself Little German—when they first appeared in the port trade market, in the beast market, Mrs. Xiuwen and Wei Lord Er said that he was not sure if these two flying beasts were dragons, because dragons had never breathed fire. "

Daenerys and Will glanced at each other. The royal family are not all bastards. His Majesty has already mastered a lot of their information. From the first day they disembarked and entered the market, His Majesty knew their details.

It's just that those details are not real details, those are the details that Daenerys and Will themselves have revealed, so you are not afraid of being known. As long as His Majesty doesn't know about Zara and their plan.

Daenerys did not panic: "Your Majesty, we are outsiders. We don’t dare to be known about our true situation without knowing what we are here. In this way, when negotiating prices with people, Based on this, we can observe whether the other party is credible."

Will said: "Your Majesty, dragons are rare magical creatures. We tell people we don't understand that they are dragons, and let them breathe fire to confirm that this is not a good way to protect ourselves. The mercenary regiment protects, there are only twelve people in total, so it’s better to be more cautious when you first come to Quells.

His Majesty the King nodded: "The Madam and the Lord make sense. Then, as far as I know, the Madam and the Lord used to visit the square of the Temple of a Thousand Seats. Lord Zara and Master Haia Boli of the Immortal Temple both hope Buying dragons from the hands of the two, Mrs. Xiuwen and Lord Will also publicly promised to give Master Haia a chance to bid. But now, the two have not given Master Haia a chance to bid, so they use two dragons. After replacing the 130 merchant ships of the Thirteen Giants, he immediately became the owner of the Quells caravan, but Master Haiya is not such a foolish person."

Will said, "Your Majesty, if Master Haia really wants to trouble us, it's Master Zara's trouble."

Daenerys said: "Your Majesty, Lord Zara promised him to communicate with Master Haiya and let us stay out of the matter. This is also one of our agreements to sell the dragon to him."

"The Thirteen Giants decided to explain to Master Haia himself?" the king asked Zara.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Then, Master Zara will explain to Master Haia. He didn't even get the opportunity to bid, and Master Haia didn't go so well in this tone."

"Your Majesty, I will tell Master Haiya that I did not buy the dragon for myself, nor for the thirteen giants, but for the King. If he wants to get the dragon, he should come to the King to discuss it." Zara Said calmly.

The king was startled, and then he laughed: "Okay, Zara, you deserve to be the smartest businessman. Okay, I'll send someone to the Immortal Temple. Ask Master Haiya to come to the palace. I'll explain to him."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for helping me out." Zaro quickly thanked him.


The Tourmaline Brotherhood is a martial artist, and most of the oriental spices come from the merchant ships of the Tourmaline Brotherhood. They controlled the spice trade on the three continents of Westeros, Essos, and Sosros, which was lucrative. The palace of the Brotherhood is not in the city of Quells. They built a small town on the outskirts of the city, which is full of families and slaves of the Brotherhood of Tourmalines.

The town of Tourmaline Brotherhood is also a large scenic spot in Quells. There are many well-decorated waterfalls, streams, hills, woods, terraces, hotels, training grounds, military camps and wizard towers, as well as seven palaces where the Brotherhood lives. .

As soon as night fell, a fire broke out in a tavern of the Tourmaline Brotherhood. The fire quickly ignited, and the residents of the town came to fight the fire. There was no movement at the barracks not far away. On the other side, there are seven palaces of the Tourmaline Brotherhood. The seven palaces are surrounded by small rivers, and there are small bridges and boats. The seven palaces are still brightly lit, and people come and go, unaffected by the fire outside.

Then, the second place caught fire, the third place caught fire, and the fourth place caught fire.

The fire spread, and finally burned into a fire.

There was movement in the barracks, four infantrymen came out, four hundred teams, and four hundred axes together to cut down the trees near the barracks to cut a fire ring.

When the flame burns to this side, the fire ring has been completed.

The soldiers of the infantry battalion defended the inner perimeter of the fire ring, and the soldiers of the cavalry battalion did not move at all.


On the hills outside the town, Zara led an army of thousands of thirteen giants, cavalry in front, all camels; infantry in the back, all spears.

James rode on a camel and said, "The other side's barracks are not messy at all. I'm afraid we knew we were going to attack."

Arya said: "What about knowing? Kill them all without leaving."

Ago, Qiaogo, and Rakarlo followed Arya. The four had their own tactics, and they waited lazily for Zaro's orders.

Zaro said, "Master Will is right again. There are members of the Tourmaline Brotherhood in the royal family. He informed the Tourmaline Brotherhood that they are ready." He looked at Varys beside him, "Master Varys, the Tourmaline Brothers do Well prepared, shall we attack or leave?"


0974 Chapter 2 Attack!

"Offensive!" Varys said, and he looked at the Sea King beside him, "Doctor, what do you think?"

"We have more people than the Tourmaline Brotherhood, and now we are afraid that there will be an army hidden in the royal family. When we finish fighting here, the royal army will come out and wipe us out." Haiwang said.

Aquaman's analysis made Zara hesitate.

"Master Zaro, the royal family wants to reap the benefits and let us both join each other. This is also a good opportunity for us to destroy the tourmaline. Since Lord Will has not sent a letter to stop the sneak attack, let's attack." Varys suggested. He chose to believe Will and Daenerys, they were in the palace, and no letter came out asking for the raid to be cancelled.

The Green Saint and her two maids are also here, all of whom are highly skilled in martial arts, and are good at poison. The three women used long spears this time with barbs on them. Because of her language ability, the Green Saint is still the commander of a thousand-man cavalry. She and James each command a cavalry team.

Quills's army likes to wear brightly colored clothing, and metal armor is not worn. Soldiers rarely wear armor in hot weather. Quills is a port city. Soldiers are mostly naval battles. Soldiers in naval battles rarely wear armor. As long as a soldier in armor falls into the water, it sinks in a straight line like a hammer.

Zara was still hesitating, Arya suddenly whipped the camel under the hip, and the camel rushed forward.

Lago, Qiaogo, and Lacaro immediately followed, Lago's keel bow in his hand, and his quiver hung over the camel's body.

Four camels rushed down the hill in the night, and with a loud crash, they leaped into the small river surrounding the seven palaces.

The seven palaces are the residences of the Tourmaline Brotherhoods. Kill the head first.

The small river surrounding the seven palaces is not deep, one of which is very shallow, which is convenient for the tourmaline brothers to have a third way out when an accident occurs.

Arya is the way to go.

"Brothers, Lord Zaro has orders, attack!" James drew his sword and shouted.

Thus, the cavalry behind him followed James and launched a charge.

Their target is the opposing barracks.

There are three thousand soldiers in the barracks, two thousand infantry and one thousand cavalry.

However, the carefully prepared Zara brought five thousand people, of which two thousand were mercenaries.

Three thousand infantry, two thousand cavalry.

Zaro is not afraid of head-to-head with the Tourmaline Brotherhood. He listened to the doctor's analysis and worried that the royal family had another army ambushing.

The spies got into the tourmaline town and set fires everywhere. The tourmaline barracks and palaces didn't make sense and didn't respond. Since there is no response, there is only one result: someone from the royal family secretly informed the tourmaline, and the tourmaline is also ready to fight.

The cavalry rushed past Zaro.

Zaro remained motionless.

Two thousand cavalry rushed down the hill, one of which was led by James and the other by the Green Saint.

"You go to support Arya." James said to the Green Saint, "Just leave it to me here."

"it is good!"

With a spear in her hand, the green saint screamed, the cavalry was divided into two, one attacked the barracks, and the other jumped into the river.

The two maids closely followed the Green Saint.

The deep water of the creek does not reach the shoulders of adults, and the shallow places are only the calves of camels.

Arya has rushed to the front of the seven palaces, and is about to jump out of the water. Suddenly, with a clatter, a water net was erected on the surface of the water, and it suddenly shrouded Arya, George, and Rakarlo.

The other party is really prepared.

Arya, Qiaoge, and La Carlo could not contain the rushing camel, so they ran into the net directly. Arya's long sword slashed, and the wire was tough, only a small cut was made.

George and Rakalo’s Yarak cut sharply cut the water net, and with only one swing, the man and the camel were caught in the net, and the three and the camel fell into the water at the same time.

On the shore, several pikemen suddenly rushed out and slammed at the three in the water.


The arrows hit the throat of three pikemen. The three pikemen rammed backwards, taking down a large group of people.

Qiao Ge, who had deliberately stayed behind, stopped the mount, his keel bows and arrows were shot, and the three pikemen fell one by one.

Lago's Arrow, keeping a distance from the enemy is his tactic in a charge battle.

Arya and the other three whipped the camel and jumped ashore to seek battle. It was a close fight, and Lago kept his distance. When the camel reached the river, he slowed down and was ready to shoot at any sudden enemy.

Three to attack and one to support, this is a mature tactic.

Three people in close combat, one person long-distance bow and arrow support, this is also the tactics discussed by the four beforehand.

In the small river of the seven brightly lit palaces, Lago kept himself at a safe distance, shot seven pikemen without any arrows.

Arya, Qiao Ge, and La Carlo got up, cut through the water net with their swords, got out of the water net, and walked ashore. No one of the pikemen dared to come up and stop them. They are not afraid of Arya and the three, but the archer in the river.

The arrows of the **** archer, whose arrows are all in the vital part of the pikemen, are either the throat, the eyes, and the chest.

Arya, Georg, and La Carlo rushed into the camp of the pikemen on the shore in a finished shape, and the three of them flicked an arrow in their ears from time to time, shooting down the enemies around them.

Three infantrymen and one archer quickly penetrated the enemy's pikemen's defense line, and more pikemen poured in from both sides.

Suddenly, shouts erupted in the small river, and the Green Saint led a cavalry into the river and rushed along the shallow water.

"Be careful, there is a water net!" Largo reminded the Green Saint.

The green saint's knife was inserted into the back of the camel, and the camel rushed forward frantically, pulling out a sharp cone water pattern in the water. Seeing to get to the shore, the Green Saint jumped off the camel and fell into the water.

With a loud crash, the water surface really flew up the water net again, netting the forward camel. The camel fell into the water and pressed a piece of water net, and the green saint jumped ashore on foot. Behind him, the cavalry charged like a tide, unstoppable.