The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 99: Hunting Savage·Silver Moon Adjudicator

"Stark? He said he was a Stark!" said a short woman.

A thin, scumbag jumped on the rock, looked around, and said, "There is no one nearby, and there is no horse. I guess this Stark and his guards are separated, and he also lost his horse."

The tall man with a bald face, sunken cheeks, and a long handle of the battle axe, he walked to Robb: "Boy, I don't care who you are, I want your sword, and your cloak, gloves, and battle. Boots, everything."

"Put down your weapons, I will spare you not to die." Robb shouted sharply.

"Hey!" Bald Steve laughed, "It looks like you are a Stark, and you dare to order me at this time."

"I'll cut off his lifeblood and put it in his little mouth, and he will be obedient." The short woman giggled. Her Fengshuang face was full of freckles, her nose was collapsed, her hair was brown, her eyes were gloomy, and she ran towards Robb from a height with the knife in her hand, with a crazy smile on her face. She was really a wild man.

Robb sank in concentration and roared: "Long live Winterfell!" He ran to Steve.

Steve swung the battle axe in his hand and yelled, spinning the battle axe in his wrist, and the long-handled battle axe flew two times above his head, carrying a huge inertial force, and slashing towards Robb's neck.

Robb lowered his head and flashed forward, and the two staggered and changed positions.

The two turned around at the same time, staring at each other.

Steve slashed again.


Sparks are flying!

Robb's long sword blocked, taking two steps back.

Behind him, the short woman leaped forward with a disheveled head, gritted her teeth, and pierced Robb's back with a short knife.

Robb's long sword circled, separated the short sword, and kicked the short woman down. Swinging the sword step forward, he flew the short knife in the woman's hand.

"Put down your weapon and spare you not to die." Robb's long sword pointed at the woman's throat. The woman had an unpleasant smell, like the smell of rotten food in the gutter.

With the sound of footsteps behind, Robb turned and calmly faced Steve. He is well-trained, able to block offense and defense, and has no killer.

Steve's long axe smashed down. Robb dodged swiftly. Suddenly his feet tightened. The short woman who was kicked to the ground by Robb jumped over and hugged his legs, making him unable to move. She opened her mouth and bit Robb's leg violently, but bit on the elastic leather.

Steve's long axe was cut down!

Robb's long sword swung fiercely, a cold light flashed, and a loud bang, Steve's long-handled axe broke, the axe flew out obliquely, and slashed into the snow with a puff.

Robb cut off Steve's long axe with a sword.

Steve backed away in horror, Robb swung down his long sword, and the horrible howling pierced the snowy field. The female savages on the ground were chopped off by the sword and blood was splashed. Robb lifted his leg and kicked the screaming female savage in the face, kicked her over, and the sword was cut down, the sword light flashed, and the woman's head was cut off.

The screams stopped abruptly, and the previous echoes echoed in the cold wind.

Robb turned around, his murderous aura spread, and the **** sword pointed at Steve. Steve was holding a half-cut axe with a wooden handle in his hand and his face was earthy.

"I warned you." Robb said sharply, "I also gave you a chance to survive by putting down your weapons."

Steve quickly threw away the broken wooden handle in his hand and knelt down: "Master Stark, please spare your life."

Robb was indifferent: "I have given you two chances." With a long sword, he pounced on Steve. Steve yelled, got up and fled. Robb pounced forward, thrusting a long sword into Steve's back, protruding his chest.

Steve stopped abruptly, his whole body stiff.

Robb drew his long sword calmly and drew aside, Steve was splashed with blood on his body, shaking, trying to continue to escape. He kicked and walked a few steps like a drunkard, unable to hold on anymore, his knees softened and he fell to his knees.

Robb stepped forward, tried a virtual sword on Steve's neck and swung it violently. Steve's head flew up and blood splashed in his neck.

"I gave you two opportunities." Robb said coldly.

Steve's half body fell on the snow.

Robb turned and looked at the heights. The remaining four savages were still there, but behind them, on the left and right, one person appeared.

Will was behind the savage, cutting off the savage's back path. On the left of the savage is Sever Palm Colin, and on the right is Bunyan Stark.

When Robb fought Steve and the female savage, these three companions left him, quietly controlled the other four savages, and let them continue to watch the show.

Robb returned his sword to its sheath, he didn't even understand when the other three guys sneaked past. These three guys are magical.

Robb walked up, his eyes swept across the savage, and finally looked at Will.

In this operation, Will is the commander, he is the main attacker, and Colin and Longsword Bunyan are the support. This is the deployment agreed in advance.

"Master Will, you really can calm down!" He stared at Colin dissatisfiedly again at Colin, who pretended to plant an arrow on the ground beforehand, and at Bunyan Star, who was hiding in a crack in the rock farther away to take shelter from the cold. Grams.

Wil haha ​​laughed: "Master Robb, congratulations, you won the first battle and the second."

Robb was indifferent, not allowing people to see the embarrassment in his heart. These guys must laugh at themselves in their hearts, the two people they killed were ordinary savages, not savages. He didn't move to murder at first, and his swordsmanship was reserved, until the short woman hugged his legs and bit him.

Colin smiled and said, "Master Robb, I thought there were savages, and arrows were for savages."

Robb looked at Colin's right hand. Colin wears gloves on his right hand, and he has three severed fingers on his right hand. Could Colin with his broken finger be the archer? Robb was very suspicious.

Uncle Bunyan glanced at Robb with a smile, and his approving eyes made Robb dispel the conjecture of these guys who despised him in their hearts.

Will said, "Hey, strange friends, what do you say? Go back if you want to go back, follow us if you want to go, choose freely."

The four wild men looked at Will in surprise.

Will said, "Master Robb Stark, the young master of the North, has made it very clear that the five hundred li of the Great Wall Night Watchmen will give you a place, and the Night Watchmen will no longer be your enemy. We are no longer your enemy. The news has been received that winter is here, the ghosts are resurrected, and the ghoul army will come on a large scale. You are going south to avoid the ghosts, right?"

The four wild men looked at each other.

"Those who are willing to cross the border must accept our unified management. Those who do not want to cross the border can go back now. Please go back and tell your king, Mans Reid, that the Night Watch Legion is willing to sit down with him. Between you and you, we choose you to be your combat partners." Colin said. He took off his right glove and raised his severed hand, "I am Colin with severed palm."

There was a commotion among the four savages.

The famous savages who broke the palm of Colin are like thunder.

"I'm Bunyan Stark, the chief ranger of the Night's Watch Legion. Go back and tell your king that you and we are both human races, but not ghosts." Bunyan Stark said.

The four savages hesitated and believed.

"What's your name." Will asked the tallest female savage with a sharp spear. The wild woman has been bowing slightly, nervous as a bow, ready to fight.


"Osha, what will you do?"

"I will pierce your neck with a spear."

"Except for fighting? If you sneak across the Great Wall this time, what can you do to survive? Will it be planted? Will cattle and sheep be raised in captivity, fishing? Or sewing." Will said.

"I can hunt and keep livestock in captivity."

"Very good. We will give you land. You only need to hand in one-fifth of the things you produce to us. For example, if you raise five sheep, you must give it to us. This is called property tax. On the land of the Legion’s five hundred li, we are all taxing goods. If you can accept it, put down your spear, and go with us."

"Osha, what the crow said is absolutely unbelievable," said the thin savage.