The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 994: The beginning of a glorious dynasty

"I don't understand what the roundtable is?" Shireen said.

Will pondered: "If we finish fighting the ghosts, who do you think should sit on the Iron Throne?"

Shireen looked at Will and at Arya, a cold sweat broke out on her back: "May I invite Bran in for a while? I want to ask his opinion."

"Bran can't know the existence of the round table, at least not now." Arya said.

Will looked at Shireen and said slowly: "Your Majesty Shireen, do you think, after fighting the ghost, if we win, who should sit on the Iron Throne?"

Xi Lin was stunned!

She is now a king, shouldn't she be a king? So who will do it? Lord Will himself wants to be king? He does have this strength, and the army is in his hands. He is the regent, under one person and above seven countries.

Today, she also gave Will the power of dictatorship. This is because, if you don't do this, Shireen knows that at least the officials in Stormlands will not follow Will so smoothly. The clear will not resist, and secretly, many are not in place, no one can help. Shireen knew this, and Lord Will had been away for a long time, and she probably wouldn't understand the thoughts of Baratheon's old ministers.

However, Shireen never expected that Will and Arya came to her bedroom and suddenly asked such a question: After the war, who should sit on the throne? Is this clear from Chiguoguo?

"In other words, after fighting the aliens, Daenerys Targaryen is the strongest. The entire Essos continent is her territory. She wants to declare war and seize the Iron Throne. First, she has this Strength, second, she has this qualification. This iron throne was built by Daenerys’ ancestor, Aegon Targaryen I. Her father was the last king of the Targaryen family on this iron throne. She justifiably took back his father's Iron Throne." Will said slowly.

Shireen was silent.

She thinks Lord Will makes a lot of sense. Daenerys has a dragon and an army, and the Iron Throne belongs to her father. Robert Baratheon overthrew Daenerys's father's throne, and now she is here to overthrow Shireen Baratheon, and it makes sense. Moreover, there are many nobles in Westeros who are still loyal to the Targaryen royal family, such as the nobles in the town of Nvquan in Hejian and the town of Harlowe.

"Jon Snow, the son of Rega Targaryen, Rega is the crown prince of King Elis and the heir in line. After his death, his only son, Jon Targaryen, is the heir in line. If Jon wants to raise troops to fight for the throne, what should we do? He also has this qualification and this capital. There are many nobles loyal to the Targaryen family, and there are some deadly loyalties of the Targaryen family in the Seven Kingdoms, Shirin There are at least three great nobles supporting Targaryen on the storm ground of your majesty's family."

Shireen said, "I know a little bit about this, Lord Will."

"Your Majesty Shireen, you are now the queen on the Iron Throne, and the Seven Kingdoms are surrendered to you. After the Battle of the Ghosts, you should sit on the Iron Throne. You are the king of this country, and you are right. You think, right? Siebold, Dorn and Hewan land, valley, river land, and the north are now your vassals. Wouldn't it be right after fighting the ghost? Of course it should be, right?"

Shireen was speechless.

"Everyone has a legitimate reason to sit on the Iron Throne, but only one person can sit on the Iron Throne." Will said lightly, "Either the war continues, or everyone sits down, sits together, and resolves disputes peacefully, without having to be on the battlefield. When the swordsmen meet, they are on a round table to resolve disputes. This is the meaning of the existence of the round table. Only by joining the round table can you be qualified to participate in the resolution of disputes."

Shireen is silent!

"The roundtable meeting is not only to resolve the ownership of the Iron Throne, but also to resolve trade disputes, political conflicts, military wars, and religious struggles. The Red Gods, Reapers, Thousand Faces, Pyromancers, and their top members are all Have already joined or will join the round table conference. You are the king of Westeros. If you don’t join the round table conference, you will not be able to resolve any country-to-state disputes. Military, trade, government affairs, finance, you only have to go anywhere. The problem can't be solved very well." Will try to speak slowly.

"If a decision is made in the round table meeting, is one of the following kings unwilling to comply or implement it?" Xilin stammered.

"Then he will be executed by the round table." Will said lightly.

Execution? Executing a king? !

Shireen's eyes flashed with panic, and she looked at Arya, who was calm.

"My husband is Bran Stark, since Stark is already a member of the round table, then I will join." Shireen Baratheon said. She mentioned Bran Stark twice and looked at Arya. The little girl's mind was obvious. She was insecure. She hoped that Stark could give him a sense of security.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Will said lightly.

"The members of the Westeros round table, do I know any of them?"

"Of course, we will also tell you the top members of the world round table, and then the position of the branch of the round table and the list of members, and if your majesty thinks there are reliable people, you can also recommend it to the round table. Tello, there is a round table branch currently in Dorn."

"Why set up in Dorne instead of King's Landing?"

"The city of Pantos opposite King’s Landing, the two big cities are very close, and Pantos is the world round table conference center. Once a year, the highest members of the round tables of Westeros and Essos will be in Pantos met to discuss the politics, military, trade, and finance of the two continents, and mediate the conflicts between the city states, island nations, giants, grand princes, and kings on the two continents."

"Master Will, I joined the round table through you and became one of them. Am I a member of the round table of the Westeros branch or a member of the world round table?"

"Your Majesty, you are a member of the World Round Table. I, Your Majesty, Arya, James, we are members of the four World Round Tables representing the interests of the Westeros continent. I hope that in the future we can gradually increase our membership. The highest proportion of people at the round table. Arya and James are the cleaners of the world round table and are responsible for removing anyone who does not comply with the resolutions of the meeting. You and I are responsible for fighting for the political, military, and trade issues for the Westeros continent. We have the same interests and belong to Wen; James and Arya belong to Wu."

Shireen's mood was relaxed: Westero's representative! ——It turns out that Lord Will, Arya, and James Lannister are all members with her. They have the same goals and interests, and they are all members of Westeros. The members of the same region make Shireen feel very kind.

She is not alone, she has companions, and is a very powerful companion.

Arya’s younger brother Bran Stark is her husband. Stark and the Baratheon family are married, and their goals and interests are even more the same. From this point of view, Lord Will will not do any harm to her. Think about it. The old courtiers of Stormlands worry that Lord Will will replace her as the king, and that worry is actually just as she thought, it is unnecessary!

Shireen Baratheon is indeed afraid of Will, and Willong is highly vigorous, and the officials of Stormlands often speak ill of Will in front of Shireen, asking Shireen to be wary of Will's ambition. Shireen is a pure girl, but after listening a lot, she has many complicated thoughts in her heart. But she buried her thoughts deeply, and at the same time, her simplicity made her support Will's decision as always.

Arya seemed to see through Shireen's mind, she held Will's hand: "Your Majesty Shireen, when we return to Winterfell, the wedding will be held."

Arya shook Will's hand, and Will's hand was reversed. This is a very clear signal, Xi Lin's eyes widened!

After Will and Sansa’s engagement was cancelled, there were rumors that Sansa rejected Will’s proposal, and Stark and Will’s marriage failed. This was a threat to the stability of the North and the loyalty of the Night Watch. Why is the stability of the North and the threat of the Night Watchmen so much related to Will and Sansa's marriage? ——The nobles of Feng's Breeze Fort gave her an explanation and analysis. Many courtiers were old ministers of the Baratheon family, relatives. Her Majesty Shireen heard a considerable part of the words.

"Your Majesty Shireen, we are a family." Will stretched out his hand and patted Shireen's hand gently.

Shireen smiled slowly, with a sweet and brilliant smile.

She and Bran Stark are unmarried couples, and Lord Will and Arya Stark are unmarried couples. She and Lord Will, whom Feng's Castle officials feared, are actually a family and a family with a blood relationship. people.

Shireen felt that she was doing the right thing to join the round table.

Will, Shireen, Arya-they join the World Roundtable together, they are a family, this is the real strength of unity.

The long-standing pressure and shadows in Xilin's heart dissipated, and those pressures and shadows were all the negative effects brought to Xilin by the old ministers in the storm, and they accumulated little by little day by day.

Those old officials were afraid of Will, afraid that after he concentrated his military power, he would oust Shireen from the Iron Throne at any time, and let him be the king himself. Now it seems that it is impossible.

Because Arya Stark is Bran Stark’s sister, and she is Bran Stark’s unmarried wife.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to listen to those rumors from now on." Will said.

"For those who tell your Majesty that Will is bad, your Majesty must be careful. Believe in a loyal minister and stay away from a traitorous minister." Arya said.

"I remember, Arya." Shireen said calmly, "Master Will, although I have heard a lot of bad words about you, I always believe in your integrity and character. After the **** murder happened. , The first person to find us and rescue us from the Five Fingers Peninsula is you."

"If you are as bad as they said, why didn't you kill me after the **** murder, but made me king? We went from the valley to Winterfell, from Winterfell to King's Landing, although I heard A lot of bad things about you, but I also have eyes. I prefer to believe my eyes. I saw what you did instead of what you said. Without you, there would be no me on the Iron Throne today."

Will and Alia glanced at each other, maybe everyone underestimated this weak-looking girl.

Although she is timid, young, and will listen to some negative things, and there are traces of gray scale on her face, she actually has her own independent judgment. In her heart, she has her own thoughts and conclusions.

Will gave a relieved smile.

The achievement of a new glorious dynasty must be accomplished by the right people in all aspects.


0994 Chapter 2

The next day, the Throne Hall.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for feeling the wind and cold. I am tired from the road and have pain in my legs. It is difficult to bend down and kneel." Madam Olena said.

There were two maids supporting her, one from left to right.

"Mrs. Olena, you don't need to kneel." Her Majesty Shireen said, "Prime Minister, I want Mrs. Olena to sit at the round table of the imperial minister, okay?"

"Of course, Your Majesty." Will said.

"Your Majesty, you are really too polite, thank you!" With the help of the maid, Mrs. Olena Redwin slowly sat on a seat of the imperial minister. Only the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Maritime Affairs, the Minister of Finance, the Captain of the Royal Forest Iron Guard, the Prime Minister, the commander of the garrison, and the intelligence director are eligible to sit in the round table seats of the imperial ministers. The rest of the civil servants can only stand in the queues on both sides of the hall. Meeting.

Randall Tully and Mace Tyrell were both standing in the queue of courtiers, and Mace was in a panic. When his mother looked at him, his confidence and spirit disappeared.

He knew that his mother would come to King's Landing. He thought that his mother would arrive a few days later, after all, the marching speed was very fast. Mother was old and could not withstand bumps, so she should have come slowly in a carriage. But this time, Mrs. Olena moved with the army and arrived in King's Landing with the first army.

"Madam, thank you for your food, weapons, and coins." Will whispered.

On the Iron Throne, Her Majesty Shireen said: "Mrs. Olena, on behalf of this country, thank you for your food, weapons and coins."

"The minister is guilty. He tried to force the prime ministers of the seven countries to step down with a little food, weapons and coins. For this arrogant behavior, I came to King's Landing to apologize to the king and the prime minister." Mrs. Olena said.

"Forcing the Prime Minister to step down is tantamount to treason," shouted a nobleman.

The big defeat of the Tyrell family and the big victory of the prime minister is a golden opportunity to win the favor of the prime minister.

"Yes, trying to use food to blackmail the Prime Minister. This behavior is actually blackmailing the country, the king, and all of us. The Tyrell family committed the crime of treason." A noble agreed.

"Mrs. Olena and Duke of Metz should be taken to the black jail, and they should be sentenced to hang by the imperial parliament." There was a radical noble.

Many nobles have agreed!

Metz Tyrell's face was earthy, and the palms of Landau Tully's hands were cold and sweaty. He is a famous military general, politically, not well-rounded.

Only Mrs. Olena remained unchanged.

Will said: "Be quiet, everyone. The Duke of Metz and Lady Olena were not rebellious against the king or the country. They were only against me. I have reached a settlement with Lady Olena at the Bend. The matter is over. From now on, no one will mention it again. Next, we should discuss the issue of food and the army’s northward movement. Most of us here have to go northward. Whether it is for combat or logistics support, the Red Fort can The number of courtiers will be greatly reduced. I recommend Mrs. Olena Redwin as the court supervisor to assist the king in handling the affairs of the palace and manage all the chores in the palace. Courtiers who have different opinions, raise their hands and see! If not If there is an objection, then we shall pass; if there is an objection, we shall vote."

Will stood up and glanced over his courtiers, and no one raised their hands to object! All the nobles who had been clamoring for Tyrell to be brought to justice were all silent!