The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 347: youthful glory

Kojima Ye Ye was thrown into the underground prison by the people of the 37th Legion. This is a temporary dungeon with matching cover. The facilities are extremely simple and the stench is unbearable.

She waited patiently for hours until everything fell apart. She heard gunshots and some troops moved into action.

A robot stepped down, and an image of Kana Kurokawa appeared on the video screen on its chest.

"Do you want to leave?" Kurokawa Kana said.

She didn't say what the price of leaving was, but Ye Ye knew.

Join the rebellion.

It wasn't a rambunctious movement outside, but a well-targeted mutiny. The leaves are dark.

If Noriko Honma dies as usual, people will also be willing to accept the facts, divide the inheritance, and fight for benefits.

After all, people take tea to cool.

But if Noriko Honma renews the cup indefinitely, the matter is extremely complicated. Who wants to be a prince and princess for a hundred years, waiting for the turn of the years, but not to get involved in the highest authority.

Noriko Honma's blood is the blood of ambition, flowing in the hearts of every family member.

So Ye Ye realized the fact that no matter what the outcome of the ceremony, there would be people who would rebel, it was just a matter of how many people attended.

"Is mom still alive?" Ye Zi asked.

"Yagawa Fumiko said she was dead."

"Stop lying, okay! You don't need news from 'Yagawa Fumiko'! You know it yourself!"

Ye Ye knew that not only the video provided by her mother, but they must also secretly control the reconnaissance satellite to monitor the images on the beach. No need for Yanagawa Fumiko, they themselves know all the details.

"Of course," Kurokawa Kana said. "We know that Mommy is alive all the time."

"But you rebel... oh," Ye Zi sighed, "you think this is the only chance. If you miss this moment, you will be doomed."

"We're not as cowardly as you are."

"What did you say, if you had the courage, why wait until today."

"Today she left Xisheng Shrine."


"This is the last chance, she has already prepared the digital system, and when she returns to Xisheng Shrine, she will be immortalized in the information space and become a nightmare for all of us. No one wants to see this, so We have to do it."

"Mom will destroy you."

"And you are willing to tolerate it?"

The leaves are silent.

"You chose the wrong side." Kurokawa Kana said, "You will always be a coward, just like when you escaped from home, you really don't have the courage to face challenges, you dare not look directly at the authority of your mother, you I can only wait for others to help you, Kojima Leaf."

"Where are you now?" Ye Zi thought of the Kurokawa Kana she saw in the village, which is definitely not Kana's real body, because the real Kurokawa Kana couldn't be so polite to her.


"Heh, let's go, let's die..." Ye Zi said, "You have never considered 'the ceremony is successful', you are a group of traitors."

Video chat ends.

The robot tries to shoot at Leaf, but is killed by two reservist ninjas hiding in the shadows.

"You are finally willing to show up." Ye Ye sarcastically.

"..." The female ninjas were nervous, their training level was not as good as that of a formal ninja like Qianfuyin, so they didn't dare to show up rashly before.

Mom will not die. In order to maximize her interests, Farosa cannot kill her mother, which is destined to be the case. The leaves are dark.

The death signal from Yanagawa Fumhiko? Definitely a loyalty test.

Most people will give a blank, but this is intentional.

If Ye Ye is in that position, it will also be fake and real, which is due to interests.

Powerful desires, wealth tempting. The sons and daughters of Xisheng are frantically digging into their mother's inheritance. Now that her mother has regained her strength and dignity, the first to be killed are those arrogant children. They have done so many unfortunate things in the past few decades, how dare they face a vitality now. The prosperous Noriko Honma.

As long as the mother becomes a witch, then everything is over.

The reckoning is bound to come, do they want to pin their lives and deaths on the kindness of Noriko Honma?

So, no matter how dead or alive the mother is, they will immediately start to do something to dismember the giant Xisheng. This ritual is effectively a signal, forcing everyone to make a final choice. No matter how shaken the family members are today, they have to start standing in line.

Ye Ye has to admit that most people are as timid as she is, and only then will they choose a position.

The ninjas saw a shadow in the corner of the wall.

"What is that..." The female ninja raised the night vision efficiency of the prosthetic eye, "...Dead cat? When did it die?"

"As soon as I came in, I died," Ye Ye said.

"How many hours did you stay with the dead cat?" She was a little surprised. "My lord, why didn't you tell me? Someone must be able to clean it up for you."

"It's over." Ye Zi was not in the mood to chat now, "I'll wait for it to be resolved over there."

Ye Ye turned his head to look at the dead cat, it was a poisoned cat, its eyes turned blue and purple, its muzzle was crooked, and there was a slight wound on its belly, as if it was scratched with a fingernail. is the source of its bloodshed.

"Maybe I'm a lunatic." Ye Zi hugged his knees and buried his head between his arms, "but will I be crazier than the people out there? They can't beat my mother. Even the ancient witches are just pawns used by my mother. Do me a favor, get rid of the cat, and retrieve Qian Fuyin's bones, please."

The ninjas destroyed the dead cat, and then went to the ground to find Qianfuyin.

Leaves leaned against the wall, listening to the rumbling outside, they were shooting, but only to cause confusion and delay. Ye Ye is well aware of the fact that if the mother remained in the heavily guarded Xisheng Shrine, then the children would have no chance to hurt her, and once the mother left her room and came to such a wilderness, this gave them a chance to harm her. Excellent attack opportunity.

Everything is falling apart.

But Ye Ye couldn't interfere, she stayed in the ground, away from bullets, whether it was a blessing or a curse. Time can't go back, she can't regret her decision.

She only knows that most people will die, and the only thing she regrets is that she once again handed her fate into the hands of others.

When to get out of the cage and embrace freedom.

On the beach, the blue waves still sounded.

Farosa propped herself on the ground with her right hand, and released the law of recovery on herself, ending the pain of slashing in half. She had never missed her long legs so much.

... She remembered what Xu Yang had told her.

"What is Noriko Honma's biggest weakness?" Farosa asked at the beginning, "I'm going to do a ceremony for her. It's too sophisticated and complicated, and it will become very troublesome if you're not careful."

Xu Yang showed Farosa his right hand, which had traces of cutting, skin grafting, and backfilling with artificial flesh, in order to cover up the micro-machines below.

"Remodeling?" Farosa asked.

"The transformation makes us stronger, and Noriko Honma has not been transformed." Xu Yang said.

He explained this common phenomenon to Farosa. It is difficult for people to accept new things that appear in their middle-aged years. For Noroma Honma, human modification is something she cannot accept.

When she finally changed her mind, she was too old again, who would dare to disembowel such a decaying person.

"If you ask me her biggest weakness - she is mortal." Xu Yang concluded.

Back in front of her eyes, Farosa looked at the silent Honma Noriko and Yanagawa Fumiko, hiding their nails stained with cat blood.

It's always good for a woman to keep her nails long, after all she's not allowed to bring even a sharp weapon, it's hard to get that poisoned cat to bleed a little bit, and it's too obvious to use a ritual knife.

Farosa has been tested many times.

The poison of the poison master is unparalleled in the world, cannot be eliminated, and will eventually kill people.

But if it is injected into a kitten in a very tiny dose, using cat blood as a medium, to survive the detoxification effect of witch transformation, and at the same time be neutralized by regeneration magic, it will not kill.

Instead, it becomes a deteriorating toxin.

It will never cause death, and people themselves will not be aware of the impact. They will be eroded by a very small amount of toxins all the time, and they will fall into a certain degree of weakness and confusion.

The potion she offered for Noriko Honma was a glass of opportunity, a glass of ecstasy, and a glass of poisonous water. After that, every word Farosa said could easily enter Noriko Honma's subconscious, and Farosa took advantage of her The strong psychological fluctuations of returning to youth, as well as her mysterious characteristics, affected her judgment and implanted some psychological hints into the new witch.

At this moment, Farosa suddenly had a flash of light in her heart, and she knew that she had to withdraw.

The mood has arrived.

She came all the way here to seize this opportunity of becoming a god.

This is her great achievement in promoting history. You don’t need to think about it. As Farosa triggers conflicts in advance, “Xizong”, the capital monster that spans the history of corporatism, will be torn apart. No matter what Noriko Honma wants to do, she and The rift between the sons and daughters has been completely broken, much earlier than Noriko Honma expected.

It was Farosa's turn with ecstasy flashing in her heart.

Farosa glanced at Noriko Honma and found that her expression became more and more calm.

That's all for now. The few minutes just now were the most emotional period in Noriko Honma's life. She experienced ecstasy, ecstasy, and calmness in a short period of time. Now she is looking at everything around her with a cautious eye. Continue his work, gather allies, confirm keys, and dispel rumors.

Farosa nodded secretly. Sure enough, once human beings grow to such a level, they will also be contaminated with a bit of divinity, right? Noriko Honma, who was as ruthless and ruthless as the posters, is back.

The bullets of the sneak attack kept coming, but Yanagawa Fumihiko used the slashing technique to block them. He couldn't see his movements, and only heard the loud sound of metal being torn apart. How could the most powerful Juggernaut in the northern archipelago be defeated by mere bullets. When he encounters an energy weapon, he deploys his personal shield to apply wide-area protection.

Soon, these sneak attacks gradually stopped, and the manpower that Noriko Honma had arranged in advance worked quickly, starting to eliminate traitors, clean up the dangerous environment around the beach, and replace them with loyal people.

Hmm... can't wait any longer. Farosa secretly said. The place will soon be crowded with the other guards of Noriko Honma.

She misses Xu Yang so much, Farosa knows that she is the safest with Xu Yang, and this man will do his best to protect her. And the world outside is too malicious. If you play too much, you will be swallowed by humans.

Therefore, Farosa did not want to continue talking with Noriko Honma, for fear of being surrounded by Noriko Honma. Noriko Honma has endless means at her disposal, and her anger at the wicked children will be transformed into a sophisticated butcher's knife, arranging all their fates.

Farosa walked to the beach, she was not safe. Be careful to eat forbidden magic bullets. As early as in the bronze titan excavation site, she was shot like this. For a long time, she was in a state where she could not use magic power, and would be chased by little mice. It was the most troublesome period of her life, so she could not take risks.

Now it's the side with more bullets and more firepower that counts. In contrast, run home and hug the man, and then become a god.

Run, kitten.


"Meet me outside." Farosa waved to them, "The samurai takes the witch to a safe place, don't play stupid, you must have arrangements."

"Yeah." Yanagawa Fumiko nodded.

"We're friends, keep that in mind," Farosa said.

"Thank you for helping me dig out all the rotten roots," Honma Noriko said. "Let me know that they have no value at all. Now I finally don't have to play dumb with them, and I don't have to guess which one is still loyal. It's a shame that technology can't penetrate people's hearts."

Noriko Honma realizes that she has been thrown by Farosa.

Betrayal by the children was inevitable, and they were all as ambitious as Noriko Honma herself. But Farosa induced her to detonate the bomb early, giving her less chance to react.

There are also benefits.

That is, its original function, to screen out the true loyalists.

Noriko Honma can't turn against Farosa yet. Legend has it that Farosa has two powers of recovery and killing, and the current Noriko Honma can't bear either. Change back to the old woman, or really get killed?

She and Farosa were afraid of each other.

"It can't penetrate the human heart, but it can destroy the human body," Farosa said.

"You really have good taste."

"Yes, just invest your money in me," Farosa said. "I'm the beacon of progress."

Farosa opened the water bottle around her waist, and poured out Sanye Sanye from the inside. Sanae flowed on the sea surface, immediately emitting a dazzling deep-sea fluorescence, covering Farosa's body, which was the essence of the sea's divine power.

Clouds, storms and thunderbolts are Farosa's new armor.

Sanae Yamano took the shape of a giant whale and used fog and big waves to cover Farosa's departure to prevent her from being pursued by warships.

When entering the ocean area, the sea descendant Claras II will appear to support. Sanae is actually a backup. If Farosa is hit by the forbidden magic bullet, Sanae will sacrifice herself, create a tsunami that drowns everything, and can help Farosa barely escape.

Now, Farosa wants to escape from the sea, go back to perform the Seven Witch ritual, and stay away from the super slaughterhouse of Zhonggui Town.

If you stay here for a while, you may be involved in the furious storm of Noriko Honma. In fact, when she turned her head, she saw some snipers were repositioning, forcing her to leave faster to avoid being forcibly left behind.

When she came to the sea, Farosa pondered, she achieved the purpose of using poison, weakened Noriko Honma's sanity, took the opportunity to implant Farosa's influence, and also detonated the huge contradiction between mother and children in advance.

Looking at the whole thing from Farosa's point of view, she can understand the cause and effect.

Sooner or later, Xisheng's sons and daughters will rebel, and everyone understands this. And the more successful the ceremony, the more fearful the children were.

Who is willing to accept the eternal rule of the mother. They look forward to Noriko Honma's death and separation. Day after day, they can't bear to lose hope, and at this time they will definitely fight to the death.

The problem is that if Farosa does not interfere and allows Noriko Honma to return intact, she will be able to exert her prestige, suppress and even completely wipe out the children's disapproval. Changes are changing, so Farosa came up with this trick to speed up the progress and trigger the children's actions in advance.

The result is good.

Look at this river of blood.

After Farosa left, Noriko Honma also got up.

"Let's go." She said, while leaving the beach under the **** of Yanagawa Fumihiko, "This Farosa has a very unique temperament, which makes me feel very at a loss, and I can't concentrate around her. Fortunately, now that kind of The feeling is gone again."

"Let's go back and talk, ma'am." Yanagawa Fumiko pressed the button on his face.

They contact Nilu, the reality manipulator.

"Control the field." Yanagawa Fumihiko said.

"Yes." The reality manipulator walking in the outer suburbs received the order, turned to the entire Zhonggui Town, and stretched out his right hand.

Fossils are sand.

The rocky foundation on which the entire house rested quickly collapsed, and large swathes of the house collapsed. People who were shouting and shouting found that the ground under their feet was not safe. If they did not leave quickly, they would quickly be buried.

Turn soil into mud.

The land in every corner of the village was The robots and mercenaries who were walking and maneuvering suddenly found that the ground under their feet had become deep and muddy, making them unable to walk freely, and the strongest tracks would be bound by the mud. .

This is for "Landscape Operations".

Some of the rebel shuttles ascended high into the sky, and Nilu released the air-shattering blade, slicing them in half in the air. The other battle witches beside her drove the thrusters on their backs into the air, blocking the scene.

"...It's under control." Nilu replied, "The key was also used for you, locking most of the transactions. Your treasury, robot army and secret warehouse are all safe. Kurokawa Kana and the others are not here, the key people are They all left early."

"Well, we know that we will teach them elsewhere in the future." Yanagawa Fumiko replied, then turned to look at Noriko Honma, "Madam, the Xiaoxiao in the village have been silenced, your century has come. But the Shenlin family, Branches such as the Kurokawa family are still in the sequence of rebellion."

"We have prestige, friends, seven seals," Honma Noriko calculated, "and my children have real factories, fleets, and chariots. We're not guaranteed victory."

"But you are Xisheng." Yanagawa Fumiko said coldly, "Xishin is your property."

Noriko Honma looked at Yanagawa Fumiko.

"You have done so much for me, what do you want in return?" She walked towards Yanagawa Fumiko, "Come on, how did you peek at me when you were young, why did you watch over there, why did you refuse to come over? ."

Yanagawa Fumiko was stunned. What a quick knife, cut through his heart.

He stretched out his highly modified robotic arm tremblingly, metal glittering on his segmented fingers.

This is Mr. Noriko Honma, who he has been thinking about.

Youth is back.


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