The Wizard who Came to Marvel World

Chapter 226: Carol Returning

S.H.I.E.L.D., the sky and sky mothership.

  Since the incident at the Sanqu Wing Building, Furui’s office and affairs have been basically only carried out here.

   At this time, Ferry, who was sitting in the office, saw Agent Hill coming in a little panic, and immediately said to him: "Agent Hill, what's going on."

   Fury’s office has an alert system that directly contacts the Avengers. You can notify the Avengers and come here with just one click.

   So for many things, Fury is not so nervous.

   Agent Hill came to Fury's side and directly stretched out his hand to press a remote-control-like thing, and immediately a light curtain appeared in front of Fury.

   The light curtain is the night sky outside the Sky Mothership, and in this night sky, a human female wearing red, blue and gold tight-fitting uniforms is floating in the air, looking at the Sky Mothership.

   Seeing the familiar figure, Fury took a deep breath, then nodded slightly, and said cautiously: "Agent Hill, invite her in."

   "Director, are you serious?"

   nodded, and Fury said, "No problem, I know her, she is an old friend."

   Looking at Fury, Agent Hill nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, then I will invite her in immediately."

Ferry looked at Agent Hill, who turned to leave, sat in his seat, took out the pager in his arms, and recalled those things back then. At that time, Coleson was still a newcomer who had just joined SHIELD. By the way, S.H.I.E.L.D. at that time was not called S.H.I.

   Well, a very long and difficult name to remember.

   When people are old, they often start to recall the past habitually. Obviously, Fury is not too far from that age.

It wasn't until Agent Hill brought Carol, who looked rather embarrassed, to his desk, that Fury raised his head to end his memories, got up and came to Carol's side, and the two deeply hugged him. a bit.

   "Carol, you look the same as before. You are not old at all, but you look a little... embarrassed. Was the distance a bit farther when you came back?"

   "I received your signal when I was solving a group of cosmic star thief, so I came back before I had time to wash or anything, but it seems that you don't have much to do here. Why do you want me to come back?"

   "You first wash and rest, and then have something to eat. We'll talk about it then, don't worry."

  Looking at Fury, Carol nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll take a break."

   Carol and Agent Hill came to a dormitory, then under the leadership of Agent Hill, they washed up and ate a bit. Finally, she returned to Fury's office with a can of Pepsi.

   When Carol didn’t leave the earth, Pepsi was his favorite, and he was also a member of "As long as you drink Pepsi, we are friends".

Carol, who changed into a female soldier's summer outfit, dressed in white tight-fitting short sleeves and long trousers, sat in front of Fury's desk. She opened the can of Pepsi and said to Fury while drinking. Fury, you can tell me now, why are you looking for me back?"

   "Of course, but before explaining, you can take a look at these things."

Fury made a point on the table, swiped, and then made a throwing motion towards Carol, and immediately a light curtain appeared in front of Carol, showing the past battles of the Avengers. Scene videos, as well as images of enemies such as the Shadow Society, Ultron, and Cheritas.

   After watching these images, Carol said to Fury with a serious face: "Fri, are these all enemies of you and the earth?"

   "No, those with a letter A in the upper left corner are the current companions. They are members of the Avengers, the Earth superhero organization, and the others are enemies they have dealt with."

   "In this way, there are already so many powerful heroes guarding the earth, so why are you looking for me back?"

   "The reason is these people!"

   Fury waved his hand again and popped up some light curtains, on which were photos of Abel, Banner, Wanda, Pietro, and Thor.

   Looking at Carol, Fury no longer concealed it, and said directly to Carol: "These five people are now members of the Avengers, but they are also unstable factors among the Avengers.

   Banner’s ability will turn into a big green man. The power is amazing. The more angry, the stronger the power, and it is extremely easy to lose his mind and become a monster that only knows about destruction.

Wanda and Pietro, neither of them are people in this world. They are both people brought back by Abel from another parallel universe. They used to be under an enemy called Ultron. They have recently recovered their memories and joined them. The Avengers, their power is completely natural, extremely amazing, I am not sure if they really end up on this earth.

  Tor, from Asgard, it is a..."

   "Fry, I know Asgard, the people in that place are not easy."

"Yes, Thor is the crown prince of If Asgard and the earth conflict one day, I am not sure how he will choose, although it does hurt Thor a bit. It's possible, but I still don't plan to give up my guard against Thor.

   Finally, I personally think that the most dangerous person, Abel Shaw! "

   "He is also an alien?"

   "No, he is a pure human, but he is also an extremely powerful magician!"


   This time, Carol finally showed interest on his face.

  "His strength is very powerful, and the power of all kinds of magic is extremely mysterious, completely unable to defend, especially the power he showed before, which makes me even more worried.

   Of course, I wouldn’t be so worried if it were just powerful. The point is that Abel Shaw is not a person who can abandon everything for other people. His starting point is for his friends and mother.

   If there is something that makes him stand on the opposite side of us in the future, he will never waver or hesitate at all, and this is where he is most dangerous. "

  Speaking of this, Fury released a video of Abel's previous battle to Carol, especially the recent battle with Ultron, which was almost completely broadcast to Carol.

   Looking at the video in front of him, Carol took a deep breath, the relaxed expression on his face disappeared completely, replaced by solemn and vigilant.

   Even by just watching the video, Carol can tell that Abel has the ability to threaten her!