The Wizard who Came to Marvel World

Chapter 343: Forbidden forest

Forbidden forest.

A forbidden area in the woods behind Hogwarts, where Abel has been enchanted, is easily inaccessible, and the creatures inside cannot leave.

Now Abel has stocked about a dozen kinds of male-male paired magic creatures in the Forbidden Forest, all of which were transformed and cloned by Abel before.

Today, these magic creatures have been stocking for a full month, and Abel is here to check the condition of those magic creatures, and then make adjustments to their situation.

Walking into the forbidden forest, there was a crow on Abel's head flying into the forbidden forest. That was Fox. In a month's time, Fox has changed from the original shaggy meatball image to what it is now. Black feathers with golden red flames and golden red eyes all prove its extraordinary.

The forest designated as the Forbidden Forest has trees and rivers. In theory, there is no big problem for the magical creatures to survive here, but when Abel just walked into the Forbidden Forest, he discovered some other problems.

A young griffin is confronting a young centaur. It looks like they are fighting for territory. Behind the griffin, there is a seriously injured griffin. Look closely, the injured That should be poisoned, but it doesn't seem to be something that a young centaur can do.

Looking at the baby griffin and the baby centaur who were about to fight, Abel said directly to Fox: "Fox, go and separate them and let them all quiet down for me."

Fox is different from other magical creatures made by Abel. It contains the power of the phoenix, which is fundamentally higher than these magical creatures by more than one level, so when Fox releases the pressure, it is only the young griffon and the young half. The centaur was immediately suppressed on the ground, unable to move.

He raised his head proudly, flying between the Fox woods, asking Abel for credit.

Seeing Fox's appearance, Abel immediately said with a smile: "Okay, I will give you a hint of Phoenix power when I go back. It is a reward for you."

In the past month, Abel and Wanda discovered that Fox does not like to eat what people or animals eat. The things it eats are all high-energy substances. If necessary, Fox can also directly absorb energy. To survive, Abel asked Fox to absorb the power of a space gem before, and after only a small bite, Fox couldn't stand it for three days.

On the contrary, it is the power of the Phoenix. As long as Fox does not eat too much, it can be integrated into Fox almost immediately, not only to accelerate Fox’s growth, but also to increase Fox’s power qualitatively. It stands to reason that Abel should give Fox more. Absorb the power of the Phoenix.

But Abel discovered that when Fox absorbs the power of the Phoenix, if it absorbs too much power of the Phoenix, and the number of absorptions is too frequent in a short time, then Fox's body and soul will show signs of collapse, as if it were necessary. Reverting to the power of the phoenix, plus the power of the phoenix itself is not endless, so Abel only gives Fox a little bit of the power of the phoenix each time, and the interval is long.

Kneeling down to check the condition of the injured and poisoned griffon, Abel frowned slightly and waved his wand to remove all the injuries and toxins from the griffon's body. Watching the injured griffon's breathing gradually stabilized, Abel spoke directly to Fox : "Fox, go and bring me the brittle ape!"

After receiving Abel's order, Fox immediately uttered a high-pitched call, and dived into the forest at a very fast speed, and began to look for the brittle ape under Abel's order.

Fox left, and the Griffin, who was not as smart as Fox, immediately approached the injured Griffin. Abel smiled and moved away, letting the Griffin take the other one away, and saw the Griffin. After leaving, the Centaur did not stay longer, and left here quickly. Abel gave the Centaur a very bad feeling, and felt more dangerous and terrifying than Fox who had just left.

The injured Griffin just now became weak and seriously injured and dying is actually the toxin, and the injury from the body is not a big problem for the Griffin. Their strong physique is enough to make a lot of The injury became irrelevant to them.

Fox's body the size of an ordinary crow, grabbed a baby brittle ape the size of an adult monkey and fell in front of Abel, threw the half-large brittle ape directly above the ground, and fell to the ground with a snap on.

Without any hesitation, the magic wand appeared in Abel’s hand and pointed at the brittle ape slightly, and immediately read the somewhat confused memory of the brittle ape, confirming that it was indeed the griffon that had hurt the griffon, but the brittle ape was not intentional. Abel’s modified and genetically programmed magical creatures do not have some instincts of their own species as true natural creatures.

Seventy to eighty percent of the genes of the apes belong to the apes, and there are only a small part of the genes of the snakes. This makes the brittle apes have no relevant instincts when their tails grow venomous fangs and venom sacs. So he almost killed the griffon by accident.

Of course, even if it was killed, there would be no regrets for the brittle ape, after all, it was just an animal.

In fact, this is also reflected in other magical creatures, just more or less. For example, griffins retain most of the habits of lions, although they can indeed grow wings and indeed have the ability to fly. But Griffin prefers to run on land.

He sighed. Abel was neither satisfied nor disappointed with the result, but he felt like that. If magical creatures are really so easy to create, then they are really ghosts.

Fox is a special case. In the process of making Fox, Abel gave at least ten people's soul ball, a ray of phoenix power, and then combined time gems, space gems, reality gems and his own magic to create The only seedling of Fox.

For this level of effort, making Fox is considered an experiment, and making other magical creatures the same way, it would be a total prodigal and idiot.

After investigating the other magical creatures, and confirming that the lives of these magical creatures were normal, Abel didn't stay here any longer, turned around and took Fox towards Hogwarts.

But at this moment, dark clouds surged in the sky, and a colorful beam of light shot out of the dark clouds and landed directly in the forest outside Hogwarts.