The Wizard who Came to Marvel World

Chapter 351: Conversation (one/two)

With a snap of his fingers, the space around Abel and Kamora was immediately sealed, and their voices would not be heard even if someone stood beside them.

"Kamora, I think you should have noticed that I have deliberately collected infinite gems."

Looking at Abel, Kamora nodded with an inexplicable expression, and said: "Yes, I did see it, but why are you telling me this?"

As if he hadn’t heard Kamora’s words, Abel said to himself: "I have space gems and reality gems in my hand. The soul gem is in the hands of a friend who is like a brother. Although the time gem belongs to another person, But now it is in my hands.

In other words, if I want to, I only need the power gems in the hands of the New Star Legion and the soul gems that I don’t know where, I can gather six infinite gems and eliminate all the Dark Orders under Thanos Jiqi in one fell swoop. a member of.

As for the power gems, with all due respect, if I want to get the power gems by all means, then Xandar and the Nova Legion cannot stop me at all.

So for me, the key is the location of the soul gem. "

Having said that, Kamora couldn't help showing a somewhat stiff smile, and said to Abel: "Why do you want to say these things to me? If you are looking for something, you can go to Yongdu to contact the scavengers, or you can go faster Found it, their news is the best in the universe."

Abel looked at Camora with a smile, and said, "Kamora, many things don’t exist if you are not acting stupid. Since you want me to be clearer, then what I can say prevents you from acting. stupid.

Please tell me the specific coordinates of the soul gem, I know you know it. "

Finally, Kamora's face became extremely difficult to look at. She looked at Abel and took a deep breath. As Abel said, he did not pretend to be stupid anymore.

Looking at Abel, Camora said in a deep voice, "How did you know? I'm pretty sure I didn't tell anyone the news."

"You also know that I am a magician, and sometimes I can see a lot of things, such as the fate of certain people, such as certain uncertain futures, so when I see you, I know a lot Regarding your affairs, as long as I think about it, your past and future are not a secret in my eyes."

"Then you can go and see by yourself where I found the soul gem, there is no need to ask me, is it?"

"As I said, the future is uncertain, and I can only see an outline, so I cannot see the details of the soul gem, but I can see that you have indeed found the soul gem."

Camora looked at Abel, slowly leaned against the wall behind him, and was silent for a while, before speaking to Abel again: "You give up, I will never tell you the specific location of the soul gem, but if you get it Those who have acquired the soul gem will eventually give up their kindness as a person. At that time, you will be the same as Thanos, and it is the safest way to let the soul gem sleep in that place."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure this approach is the safest."

Shaking his head, Abel said to Camora: "No, no, no, I don't mean this, I mean, can you really guarantee that no matter what you encounter, you can hold back this news? "

"Of course!" Kamora answered without hesitation.

"Heh..." With a chuckle, not knowing whether it was irony or what, Abel looked at Camora and said, "Even if Thanos has caught Nebula or Peter, threatening you with their survival, while torturing them, While threatening you, are you really sure that you can watch the person you love be treated this way by Thanos, and you can harden your heart to hide the secret forever?"

As for Abel’s words, Camora felt that it was a threat as soon as she heard it, so she didn’t care, but then she reacted, looking at the smile on Abel’s face, slightly ironic. , And reminiscing about Abel's previous words, Camora immediately thought of something.

"You...what did you see? Nebula and Peter's future, after all..."

"Now I ask you again, are you still not going to tell me where the soul gem is? In fact, you should also know that I have a magic that can read memory, but the relationship with you is still harmonious, and it is a friend, so I will not use these methods on you, but if things really come to a critical point, then I will no longer show mercy to your men."

Looking at Kamora, whose expression was difficult to understand, and obviously hesitant, Abel did not continue to persecute, but immediately ended the conversation.

"Kamora, if you change your mind, crush this spar. At that time, no matter where you are, I will go to you and take you to find soul gems. Similarly, if you crush this spar , Then it means you will tell me the location of the soul gem.

In addition, if you are worried about the sacrifice of soul gems, you can rest assured that I have solved this problem. The act of offering sacrifices to your beloved is too ridiculous in my opinion. Probably, except for Thanos Someone will take this matter seriously. "

After that, Abel turned and left.

And hearing the last words of Abel's expression became more gloomy, she was almost certain that the future Thanos would learn the location of the soul gem from her own mouth, and like As Bo said, Thanos indeed chose to sacrifice his true love.

Although it is very ridiculous that Thanos will have someone he truly loves, Kamora doesn't think Abel will deceive himself on this matter, after all, he has no need to do so.

Taking a deep breath, Camora placed the spar that Abel had put in his hand next to him, and then walked towards Peter and the others. It was just as easy as it was before, but Camora now It is a solemn look and serious thoughts.

Everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy was very curious about what Abel and Kamora had said, but they did not ask anything. Even Peter, who was worried about Kamora, did not ask, but his eyes kept constant. Wandering between Abel and Kamora, wondering what he was thinking.

There was a solemn look on Camora's face, but Abel said something to Bill indifferently.

At this time, the long-awaited vanguard army of the Dark Order finally came to the outer defensive area of ​​Xander Star and began to attack Xander Star!