The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1010: Tranquility before the storm

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System Tip: Tianchao player 'Luo Ji' will launch a full-scale war against you!

The system prompts that there was no mood swings in the ear of John Sal, and at that moment, the whole person was shocked and jumped directly from his throne.


This sudden sudden, almost scared the other subordinates.

But at this moment, John Saar, there is no such thing to manage.

Since playing with Luo, he has been stunned by the present.

Although it is not unusual for players who are hostile to the alliance between the two sides to fight together during the alliance between the two sides, even the gold-level declarations are used. As for? ! Is the brain of the Tianchao player named Luo Ji sick? !

Things have reached this point, and it is obviously useless to let John Saar go crazy.

In the sky, the red-red two-tailed comet smashed the sky. At that moment, the heavens and the earth changed. Luo Ji and John Saar’s territory were invisibly connected together, and the battlefield of the all-out war has begun!

At this moment, sitting in the Luo of the main city, quickly open the system map.

At this moment, the territory of his Wanxiang civilization is undoubtedly brought to a brand new battlefield by the whole system. Outside the territory, the four sides of the southeast and northwest are dark.

This first step is undoubtedly a need to open up a wave of vision.

Without any hesitation, the four warrants were sent directly to the four sides of the border, and they were sent to scouts for investigation.

In the meantime, according to the order of Luo Ji, the strength of each city has also entered a state of preparation for war.

At the same time, John Sal on the other side made the same arrangement almost at the same time.

Obviously, he is also experienced in the whole war.

After a month, let them know each other's position. This battle, the position of the dwarf civilization is located in the west of his Wannian civilization.

However, no one on both sides was in a hurry. The period of the battlefield that had just started was under the tense atmosphere, but it was unexpectedly quiet.

That feeling is like the last silence before the storm.

Luo Ji is not in a hurry this week and two weeks, he has only one thing to do now, that is to continue to mobilize troops to the border!

On the other side, John Saar, obviously, is even less likely to be anxious.

He did not intend to take the initiative to attack. Since this all-out war was initiated by Luo Ji, it shows that the opponent’s offensive intention is stronger than him.

In the case of confirming this, he only needs to arrange the fortifications while waiting for the opposite attack.

In this way, he can occupy the advantage of defending the city and the terrain, and it is more cost-effective than the active attack.

Obviously, this hand, John Saar is indeed accurate.

Although Luo time is abundant, as the initiator of the all-out war, he cannot always stalemate with the other side.

After receiving the latest information from the Western Reconnaissance Team and confirming the news, the original vision shrouded in the west was also opened.

According to the report of the reconnaissance team, the western border of the Wannian civilization and the border city of the dwarf civilization are separated by a buffer zone of 100 kilometers.

At the same time, they also found that a large number of dwarves were digging a suspected river course outside the city of the enemy border city.


Seeing the Luoji look here, immediately, the brain turned slightly, as if he had thought of something, suddenly realized.

"It turns out that this is the opposite of the trenches?"

The most direct use of this thing is to cover the Musketeers’ units for shooting.

However, it is useless in the most widespread invasion war.

The main reason lies in the war. If it is permanent, it will affect your own expansion. On weekdays, when your army and people enter and exit the city, it will also affect efficiency. It will increase the blockage, and it may interfere with the situation and have a negative effect.

If it is temporary, then according to the rhythm of the invasion, the invaders will soon attack, and there is simply not enough time for you to dig a trench.

At the same time, there is another reason that this defensive facility can only be used to cover the Musketeers. For melee infantry, there is basically no meaning.

However, in the black iron segment, there are very few players who use the Musketeers as the main output.

Therefore, this facility in the trenches is basically invisible in the invasion of the Black Iron Division.

It will only be carried to the countertop by the defending city in some long-term wars.

Now that John Saar, the troops who ordered the border city pool to dig up the trenches outside the city, this situation is clearly determined to rely on the dwarf gunners in his hand to fight with him.

But there is nothing to say, the soldiers will block, the water will cover the land, and the big move will see the move.

Moreover, this defensive facility in the trenches is said to be good to play, but it is actually very good. At least Luo Ji’s heart has already counted.

John Sal wants to deal with him with this hand, that is purely more thought.

The first month of the time passed quietly, and both sides were quite resistant.

During this period, Luo Ji, who was in charge of the rear force transfer, did not go straight to the front line.

Instead, he issued a warrant, Feng Gejing Wang Gaowen as the leader of the pioneer army Zhenxi General Guo Zhenwei general, Du Yuanzhi as the army staff, directly led the West Front Army to the dwarf civilization border City pool advancement.

At this moment, the assembled West Army Corps has reached a level of 20,000.

This wave, Luo Ji can be said to be true in the true sense of the real!

The mighty army, coming out of the west gate of Gaoling City, passed through the yellow sand hills outside the western border and slowly pushed toward the border town of the dwarf civilization.

After a few days of marching, the huge military is clearly exposed to the eyes of the scouts on the dwarf side.

Realizing that the enemy's army is about to press the dwarf scouts, they quickly rushed back to the rear city pool and reported it...

"Reporting the general, the enemy army appeared in the hilly area about fifty kilometers away!"

"How many troops?"

"The visual force is at least 20,000."

When he said this, the voice of the dwarf scout was marked with difficulty.

As the defending general of the city behind him, Carradine Bronzebeard, after hearing this, his face changed.

This is really a pressure-doubling number.

"The order is passed, and the whole army enters the first-level alert state!!"

I don’t have time to think about it. In the face of this force, there is a slight gap, and the border may be framed.

A large number of dwarf gunners quickly entered the trench and the melee units were on the side! It’s a rigorous posture!

Update is sent, thank you for the book friend 'Ya Yunjia's 嘿嘿嘿' reward and book friends 'residue|tears 丶', 'kai cenzei', 'white fat child', 'one two three four five, up the mountain to fight the tiger', The monthly ticket of 'Night Dreams and Half Cool', 'Jingdeshan People', 'Non-night Stars', 'The People of the Fires'!

(End of this chapter)