The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1034: Full collapse

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Faced with the bombing of a large number of explosives, the eastern front of the dwarf civilization can be said to have collapsed in various senses.

If you are defensive, you will only have one dead end.

After all, even if it is a semi-permanent trench that has been reinforced, it cannot withstand such serial bombing.

Lutel Bronzebeard clearly knew this and decisively issued an order to retreat.

With the remaining strength of his majesty, he directly abandoned the eastern front and fled toward the rear of the city.

Looking at the dwarf army that began to flee, put down the telescope of the telescope in his hand, and put the rifle in his hand forward.

"All the troops charge!!!"

At this moment, the tens of thousands of civilizations that are ready to go, like a tsunami, swept past the dwarf army.

The suspense of this battle has been killed.

The east front line was broken, and the opposite estimate was only dying.

With this momentum, Luo Ji took the army of his majesty, took advantage of the opportunity of the morale of the other side, took a city behind him in one breath, and then pushed all the way to the main city of John Saar.

Lutel Bronze had to flee with his remaining troops.

Later, when the battle report on this side was sent to the hands of John Sal, most of the east has completely fallen into the hands of Luo Ji!

"Air Force? Is it an air force?!"

At this moment, John Saar’s mentality is undoubtedly a complete explosion. Opposing an air force in the cold weapon era, is he still playing a fart? !

Of course, the mentality exploded to the state of mind, but he is still not impatient, so it is impossible to give up resistance.

"If you think of a way, you have to think of a way to do it!"

A few round-trips, John Saar directly grabbed his linen hair into a bird's nest.

At this moment, he was not very happy when he was close to the end of the road, but he finally chose to send a message to Yodel Senco.

On the battlefield of this all-out war, this is probably the only ally he can pull.

If Yodel Senko can send troops, with the human tactics of the Goblin army, as long as the main force of the Wanxiang civilization can be forced back, the threat of the air force can be greatly reduced, and this battle will have a turn.

After all, isn’t this air force dare to fall down and occupy his city?

To put it bluntly, the air force can only be used on offensive and air strikes, attacking the city slightly, or relying on the main force on the ground.

However, this wave, John Saar is also anxious to go to hospital.

After talking with Jodel Senko, I didn’t talk a few words, and I had a big fight, and I was very angry with John.

I saw that at this moment, on the grassland, the situation of the Jodel Senkona Goblin civilization is quite bad.

Luo Ji and Huo Qiguang’s army opened fire at both ends, and his situation suddenly became critical.

During this period, Huo Qiguang’s hands were also very embarrassing. In conjunction with the wave of fraternal reinforcements that he had pulled in, nearly 50,000 troops were attacked all the way. From the early spring to the present, the city of Goblin civilization has been He has taken up six seats.

As for the support soldier of Owen Walker opposite, he has already died in the continuous battle.

On the other hand, the army of Wanjie, who is dominated by Liu Meng, has only just occupied two cities because of the limited strength of the infantry.

Obviously, unlike Huo Qiguang, who is quite enthusiastic about this matter, Luo Ji, who has basically paid attention to the dwarf civilization, is not very concerned about the battle here.

Their instructions to Liu Meng and Bai Ze are basically ‘helping to contain and supporting the friendly forces on the premise of ensuring the survival of their own forces.’

In this regard, Liu Meng is undoubtedly obeying the instructions of Luo Ji, basically only when Huo Qiguang is difficult to fight, he will take the troops and suddenly make a force, distracting the attention of Jodel Senco.

However, this Gothic civilization of Jodel Senko is not a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch.

In addition, Huo Qiguang did not have as many large war units as Luo Ji. In the light of the cavalry and the war elephants, even if Liu Meng supported them, he could capture six cities all the way, and it was almost the limit.

Huo Qiguang himself clearly knows this, so in the past two months, he began to gradually gather troops.

A smart person knows when to be greedy and when not to be greedy.

According to the current record, he wondered that it should be enough for him to fight for a gold treasure chest. If he continues to attack, if he loses, it will lower his record evaluation.

The situation of Jodel Senko is evident.

During this time, his high blood pressure did not come down, and he was almost fainted several times.

Originally, this wave, he wanted to kill the cheapness of the Jurassic series, and he reported it to the enemy. The result is now good, the price is not cheap, the hatred is not reported, he is directly blocked by the players of the two brotherhoods. I can’t get out at the door, and I’ve lost my blood...

In this state, Jodel Senco's mood is good enough to have a ghost support? Nyima support! Laozi can't even get out of the border now, but also special support? !

In this way, it can only be said that John Sal is completely hit by his gun.

Now turn the perspective back to John Saar.

The news of the collapse of the eastern front, the news that most of the east has fallen into the enemy has just returned less than a month, and there is a bad news in the south.

The tens of thousands of reserve soldiers who have been temporarily recruited seem to have a huge momentum, but as long as they have said before, this force is ‘virtual’.

If Luo Ji wants to think about it, he will go up with a transfer order and pull up 100,000 reserve troops in a minute. But a group of civilians who usually farm vegetables as waiters have a lot of fighting power on the battlefield. Do you have any points in your heart?

It can't be used as a regular military at all. It can only be regarded as the ultimate means under the last resort.

This is undoubtedly the case of the dwarf civilization. How can an army that has been put together in a temporary way can withstand the army of the South in the Zhouyi and Zhang Williams?

After several attempts, I have not been able to fight for a few games.

The pressure from both sides is almost to crush John Saar on the spot.

He took a deep breath and then pulled the assistant next to him...

"Remove to the west border, and at the same time send a command to the North Front garrison, let them come to rescue!"

On this day, the dwarf king John Salce abandoned his king city and began to flee to the western border.

Then a week later, the North Army Corps that received the order was officially opened.

Immediately after one month, the main force of Luo Ji’s main army officially broke through the dwarven civilization of Wangcheng, Karaz City!

The update was sent, and at the same time, thank you to the book ‘planting youth’, ‘叾亐’, ‘Stupidtat’, ‘black pepper-flavored pork chops’, ‘Brother is a rookie’ monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)