The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1036: I counted to 3

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"Submitted to me, I will give you a chance to live. m."


This sentence of Luo Ji is obviously beyond the expectations of Johansal.

As a result, for a moment, his mind could not turn around.

"What do you mean to surrender to you?"

At this moment, John Thrall can't help but wonder if his own celestial scholasticism is still not at home, so there is some error in understanding, or in front of this day, the celestial person is a poorly mixed ball and wants to play him.

Otherwise, they all hit this point, and the normal players are definitely not giving the enemy a chance to live.

In other words, you are asking for mercy, not asking for mercy or death.

That is not as good as a decent death.

How was the dwarf king of the last hundred years down and lived for so many years, and he realized that he had already done well.

Even if you are afraid, you will not be completely exposed on your face.

Looking at John Saar's indescribable face, Luo Ji knows how rich the inner activity of the other party is.

However, he obviously does not intend to manage this.

"It is literal."

During the speech, the shadowless knife has been completely attached to the neck of John Saar.

The too sharp blade cut through his neck, and a trace of blood slid down the blade. The slight tingling sensation and the chill of the sensation made John Saar's whole heart hang in the eyes of the blind.

"I will ask if you want to die or want to live?"

"Of course I want to live."

For this question, John Thrall whispered a ‘nonsense’ in his heart. He lived for so many years, and he really never saw which one really wanted to die.

"That's good, sire, surrender to me, loyal to me, you can live, otherwise, a dead end!"

Luo Ji’s words can be said to be very straightforward, but at the same time, John Sal is still inevitably skeptical, let him kneel, look at his begging for mercy, and then kill him, the other party wants to treat him in this way. Make a shame.

After all, he can hardly imagine that Luo Ji will really let him go.

"I counted three, if you don't surrender, I will cut you directly."

Speaking of this, in the next second, Luo Ji spit out a word.


With the spit out of this word, he did not have a vagueness at all. The shadowless knife in his hand was cut directly toward Jossar's neck, and even the action of the knife was not slow.

At that moment, it was completely tempered by his own survival instinct. He only heard the sound of ‘噗通’, and the feet that kept calling him let him fall to the ground on the spot, and scared him to directly explode his native language...

"Submission! I am willing to surrender!!"

At that moment, the neck was cut from the shadowless knife, leaving only one finger wide.

Fortunately, Luo Ji's current knife method is also said to be freely retractable.

In the blink of an eye, John Sals was directly scared of a cold sweat.

A pair of eyes stared at the shadowless knife that almost made his life, the rapid and heavy breathing, so that his chest exaggerated and violently ups and downs.

At the same time, at that moment, the system prompts quickly in the mind of Luo Ji...

System prompt: Europa player ‘John ​​Sal’ has indicated to you, is it acceptable?

Not to worry about still lying on the ground, the unsettled John Thrall, Luo series directly chose to accept, and then, the system prompts to ring again...

System Tip: Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Ji’ successfully reached a difficult conquest condition and obtained double conquest points. At the same time, the ‘Civil Conqueror’ or ‘Tennic Conquest’ skill was launched, and the conquest point consumption was halved!

Successfully started the 50% discount of the Luo series, the mood is all pleasant, how can this save him a big conquest point.

At the same time, it is undoubtedly also receiving a system prompt, indicating that Luo Ji has accepted his surrender of John Sal, after a little return to God, the whole person is also in the same place.

"What exactly is going on?"

Although John Sal is quite lucky for himself to be alive, he still can't understand what it is.

In this regard, Luo Ji casually reminded him.

"You can try to open your own property panel to see."

After that, Luo Ji will no longer care for him. At this moment, the system's prompt sound still keeps ringing in his mind...

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Ross' to win the all-round war victory with Europa player ‘Johnsal’.

System Tip: Congratulations to the player ‘Rod’ to get the item ‘Golden Treasure Box x1’

System Tip: Is the ‘Civil Conqueror’ skill effect launched?

This is the purpose of annexing the dwarven civilization. At this time, the Luo series will certainly not refuse, and once again choose OK, the system prompts to ring again...

System Tip: Confirm the launch of the 'Civil Conqueror' skill effect!

System prompt: Found abnormal conditions, being detected, please wait...

Hearing the sound of this system prompts the look of Luo, and then, as if he thought of something, his eyes flashed a trace of thoughtful look The whole process of the system is very fast, basic That is, the blink of an eye, the system prompts again.

System prompt: After the test is completed, special circumstances are found, and the skill of 'civilized conqueror' cannot be activated temporarily...

In this regard, there has been a psychological preparation for the Luo series, his face reveals a trace of color.

Also, in this comprehensive battlefield, Huo Qiguang and Jodelsonenko are still playing.

In other words, the battlefield has not been closed, and he is still in this battlefield.

At this time, if he is allowed to launch the skill effect of the 'civilized conqueror', it will definitely cause dramatic changes in the world and even affect the other two players.

The system obviously won't allow him to do this.

The official annexation of the dwarven civilization is undoubtedly a little delayed, but there is nothing to say, anyway, his side has already been decided.

At the same time, John Sal, who heard the words of Luo Ji, was decisive and planned to look at his own property panel. However, he reached out and made a stroke, but nothing happened...

At this moment, John Thrall, who had already raised an ominous premonition in his heart, quickly tried the second, third, and fourth times. Just as he was preparing for the fifth attempt, Luo Ji’s apparently became leisurely. The sound of the sound rang in his ear.

"John Saar, **** male, dwarf, hey? You have 361 years old? Is the dwarf race a longevity race?"

When it comes to this, Luo's tone brings a few accidents.

If it is a renewal, the age should be stopped at the age of the time, not to continue to grow, as is the case with elixir, so this is obviously the natural life of the dwarf.

"Brave, endurance, command three stars, intelligence, spirit three stars, your property grows quite well..."