The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1059: Didn't heart beat?

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There are dozens of cities in the entire dwarf province in the West. If you want to repair the water conservancy project, you have to run a glimpse of the route, terrain and other issues before you can draw a blueprint.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a matter of light, I am afraid I have to spend a lot of time.

As for the completion of this project, Luo Ji has at least a ten-year project, so it is very necessary to start work as soon as possible.

During this period, the development of other aspects of the Wanfang civilization naturally did not fall.

The gunpowder formula obtained from the dwarf civilization, as well as the design drawings and finished products of the rifles and cannons, Luo Ji all sent a group to the military research department.

By the way, all the top talents in the province of the dwarf who are responsible for ordnance research were transferred to the city of Der Spiegel.

As for the problem of language barriers, it is not particularly difficult for these people.

It should be known that the people in the Ordnance Research Department have the minimum intelligence of three stars, which is the ‘excellent’ level.

It may not be easy for ordinary people to learn a foreign language well, but for those high-skilled businessmen whose intelligence is far above average, they are not particularly difficult if they really want to learn and want to achieve simple communication.

In this way, Luo Zhi’s Ordnance Research Department has added a group of dwarf talents.

The formula of gunpowder and the research design of the cannon, these two, they have the place to explore each other.

Not to mention the firearms, the firearms of the Wanxiang civilization have just started, but the dwarves are already working hard to study the mounted rifles.

Once the rear-mounted rifle is successfully researched, the attack efficiency of the entire rifle unit must be greatly improved, which is a major breakthrough in the field of firearms.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that after the Luo series officially annexed the dwarf civilization, his hot weapon points suddenly accumulated to 678 points, and more than half of the time, watching Luo Ji heart stunned, then I am afraid It’s a little bit more.

In the meantime, Luo Ji, who has all told about such matters, has become a little more leisurely with the arrival of winter, until a message is sent...

Luo received the news directly ran a neutral area, Ye Qingyi took a step ahead of him, people have been waiting for him in the box on the top floor of the tea house.

Looking at her with one hand holding her chin, looking out the window and looking out of the window, Luo can not help but lose sight of God.

By the time he came back, Ye Qingyi had already turned his head, and a pair of autumn-like scorpions squinted at him, watching Luo Ji standing there, her eyes were already a touch of faint Smile.

Immediately, the next second, I saw her pretending to be angry...

"Say! How long have we not met?"

Faced with this problem, the face showed a touch of helplessness.

"Sorry, I have known this time, the comprehensive war is more than I expected. I thought it would be done in a year or two. The result..."

Looking at the face of the serious explanation of the Luo series, the face of the leaf Ye Qing can not help but 噗嗤 一下 一下 一下 一下 一下 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

"Well, I am not angry, but you are really super serious."

"I just don't want you to misunderstand."

Feel the extraordinarily serious eyes of Luo Ji, on the cheeks of Ye Qingying's white, there are two faint blushes, but the smile on his face is more obvious.

The slightly smashed head caused a few black hairs to fall, and the Luoji standing there felt a sigh of relief.

"How? Heartbeat?"

Ye Qingying’s joke-like voice rang in Luo’s ear.

In this regard, Luo Ji opened up after pondering...

“Is it better to buy a suite in a neutral area now?”

"Okay, but before that, show you something."

During the speech, Ye Qing’s fingertips were lightly stroked, and a development project suddenly appeared in front of Luo Ji’s eyes.

In general, the player's development panel, and even the entire system interface, can only be seen by the player himself. However, as long as another player is willing to open the permission, there is no problem.

"Allied countries..."

"Well, I just unlocked the previous two days."

I saw that at this moment, the project presented in front of Luo Ji is one of the special development projects of Ye Qingyi's commercial civilization.

As for the specific effect, it is simply that Ye Qingyi can conclude a 'union state' relationship with a selected player. The effect of this project is completely different from the effect of the alliance treaty in the system treaty.

The biggest difference is that once the ‘Union State’ relationship is successfully concluded, the territory of the two players can be merged into the same world.

Of course, unlike the annexation of Luo's civilization conquerors, this approach is more like an interdependent relationship.

In that state, both Luo and Ye Qingyi can maintain their own player status.

Only after that, whether it is a player who invades Ye Qingzhen or a player who invades Luo, will invade the same world.

But the reward judgment of victory and the failure penalty of defeat are only one who falls on it, depending on who is being invaded.

In addition, the most important point is that the effect of this project can only be triggered once, once used, there is no way to repent.

Looking at the effect of this project, Luo Ji's whole heart beats up without competing.

Sitting in the opposite side of Ye Qingying, at this moment, the heart is also slightly a little nervous.

This whole process lasted for about ten seconds. After ten seconds, Luo Ji took a deep breath and let himself calm down quickly.

The lips opened slightly, and after the sound again, his voice had already brought a bit of difficulty.

"Clear, you know, I still have a lot of troubles."

The voice has not yet fallen, Luo Ji only feels the light and shadow in front of the eyes flashing, the black hair is like a waterfall in front of his eyes, the next second, Ye Qingyi's forehead gently attached to him.

The tip of the nose is constantly colliding, and the distance is too close to make her cheeks red at this moment.

"Luo Ji, do you know? You have a bad habit, you always think about doing everything yourself, and everything is going to be foolproof. I know that you are worried about getting me into those things, but When the trouble comes, it will always come. These things can't be done. The next thing, let's face it together?"

At that moment, Luo Ji’s brain became blank. Ye Qing’s words made him unable to refute. When he returned to God, the four petals were already attached together. The answer is also at this moment. it goes without saying……

The update was sent, and at the same time, thank you for the book friends 'The Mud Giants', 'Yinyue 1998', 'Dark Dream Clear Snow', '1362427', 'The Martian Water is Deep', 'The Grassland Pastoral', 'Qingfeng Fuzhu' Monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)