The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1124: When the commandment is made (2)

The raging Hydra made the Carters elders clearly feel the urgency of time. TEL Spin V, v small TEL said

Lifting the staff in his hand directly, he started the singer cast of the fifth-order spell.

That simple movement, so that every gray elf standing around, clearly aware that the elders really have put their lives and deaths out of the way.

As he said just now, he has lived more than 1,500 years old, and he has not had much time. It is better to play a little bit of heat and die to save the Grey Elf, in Carters’ view. It’s much better than a slow death after waiting for your life to come to an end.

Feel the determination of the elders of Carters.

After a deep breath, Terrell quickly became firm in his face.

Then, I saw him waving his hand, and the silver armor around him immediately protected Carters, who was singing and casting.

Then, with the progress of the singer, the powerful elements of the heavens and the earth were mobilized, and the whole sky was obviously changed.

The cloudless sunset mountain range has become clouded in a flash, and in the thick clouds, there is a glimpse of a purple current flashing, bringing the thunder of the bang.

This is definitely not a natural thundercloud. Feeling the powerful mana fluctuations, Redis can't help but change his face.

"The fifth-order Thunder upper-level spell, thunderbolt?!"

As I said before, even if it is a gray elf family with outstanding spell talents, then the high-level elf wizards that have been born for many years are also very few. After Radis thought, he suddenly screamed...

"Is the old thing about Carters still not dead?!"

That year was this old thing, and I strongly supported Okas as the new Grey Elf King and sent it to the throne!

At this moment, the first time in the gray-black pupil of Redis, the panic was flashed.

Thunder spells can be said to be the most destructive spells in all spells!

Calculating the age, if the old things of Carters are still alive, it is definitely more than 1,500 years old. It has already passed the peak period, an old bone. After the strength is reversed, the power of the thunderbolt should also decline. .

But even so, it is a real fifth-order upper-level spell. Once it is hit positively, whether his Hydra can resist it is really not accurate.

Between the thoughts flying, the thunderclouds in the sky have gathered closer and closer, he can feel it, the horrible destruction power is condensing!

At the same time, in the forest behind, the singer of the thunderbolt has come to an end. At this moment, the entire face of the elders of Carters has not seen half of the blood, holding a staff. The hand was shaking slightly.

The enormous burden of the fifth-order upper-level spell is madly draining the mana in his body, crushing his last bit of spiritual power.

Gritted his teeth, there was **** spillage in the mouth of the elders of Carters, but he was still gnashing his teeth.

"It's worse, it's almost a little..."

Looking at this scene, no one has doubted that when the thunderbolt was lowered, the great elders of the Grey Elf family, Carters, will also be killed.

The Grey Elf Prince Teller, who could not bear the torment, could not help but turn around.

The attention of the surrounding silver armor guards has been attracted to the past by the tenacious appearance of the old man.

As a result, no one noticed that a phantom sneaked through them...

In the next second, I heard only the sound of a sharp blade running through the body.

A blood-stained blade emerges directly from the heart of Carters elders!

All this happened too suddenly, and in the screams, Teller subconsciously turned back and reflected the scene in his eyes, which instantly made his whole brain blank!

"Cartes Grandpa!!!!"

The successful dark elf assassin slammed away, directly exploding speed, fleeing in the distance, fleeing, and quickly signaled.

The fifth-order thunderbolt was interrupted, and Redis was able to clearly feel that the destructive forces that had gathered in one place exploded in an instant after losing control, and a large number of flowing purple lightnings exploded in the air. That thick cloud.

Let the clouded sky change back to the original cloudless appearance.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

At this moment, Radis, who already knew what had happened, couldn’t help but laugh.

The assassin who he arranged for him finally succeeded in touching the rear and succeeded! !

At the same time, he did not expect that this wave could have such a huge gain!

The subsequent signal sent Leidis to lock the specific position of the troops behind the Grey Elves.

"Where is there?"

Redis, who saw the signal, directed the Hydra to kill in that direction.

At this moment, because of the death of Carters elders, the whole person is almost mad, and Terrell is roaring loudly...

"Kill him! Kill me for him!!"

The stealth stealth means that it can't be used all the time. The assassin who escaped was being madly chased by the silver armor.

However, the assassin's skill is also good, and the explosive power is combined with the flexible skill, so that the silver armor guards behind him are difficult to capture in a short time.

At the same time, on the other side, the change of the sky and the sky, as the gray elf king of Okas naturally can not be noticed.

Looking at the clouds that were blown away by the purple lightning that roamed, I also realized that what happened was there was a slight anger in the eyes.

Sighting sweeping down, it is difficult to get rid of the entanglement of a large number of eagle owls, Okas riding a gryphon, directly smashing the past standing on the head of the snake!


In the roar of the roar, the body of Radis was directly smashed out by the gryphon. After flying dozens of meters in the way, he fell heavily on the ground.

After a few tumblings, Redis glared at the flame-shaped sword in his hand and stood up from the ground with a bit of awkwardness.

The magic core above the breastplate is exuding mana fluctuations. Fortunately, he launched a defensive spell in time, otherwise he would have to die if he died.

Of course, he is not very good at it now.

Sight quickly swept through the air in the arc, Otis did not say anything, directly launched a strange humming.

Accompanied by this humming, full of ominous dark forces spilled from him.

At the same time, in a round of collision, Okas, who failed to get the life of Redis, did not hesitate to ride the Griffin and launched a new round of assault.

However, just as the distance between them was quickly approaching, the face of Redis standing there suddenly showed a sneer.

Then, seeing him reach for a stroke, the entire face of Ocas, who was riding on the back of the lion's crotch, suddenly burst into a pale white, and a sudden violent colic from the heart caused his body to lose balance immediately, directly from the lion. I fell on my back...

The update was sent, and at the same time, I thanked the book Friend '墨墨邪' for the reward and the book ‘Blue March’, ‘Always quiet J’, ‘GOD’ monthly ticket!