The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1152: Human tragedy

In the sound of the roaring gunfire, the shells fired directly destroyed the rock wall opposite. With this firepower, the city wall is almost impossible to withstand the offensive of the Wanxiang civilization!

The same as the defending city generals, while feeling a horrible battle, they can only slap the scalp and send the garrison troops out of the city to meet. = ∥ ∥ ∥ = = = say

John Saar is not in a hurry to push forward. He has an infantry unit of 2,000 troops and a phalanx of three thousand infantry. It is divided into four squares. It is fanned out and pressed out. It is completely a pair. Waiting for the opposite side to send the door to the posture.

What if the other party does not come out?

Did you see the cannons lined up in the back 20? He did not come out, he continued to fire until the wall was ruined.

Abdul, this player, is undoubtedly very keen on the war elephants. From the acquisition of the first batch of war elephants, he has spared no effort to cultivate and constantly expand the number of war elephants.

On the four sides of the border, any one of the border towns can easily pull out the 50 battles.

This time, it’s still quite powerful. It’s no wonder that Abdul’s goods are invaded by other players and will carry a mysterious self-confidence.

Was beckoned, and John Sal, who stood in the back, ordered it again.

"All artillery turned to enemy war elephants! Elf sacrifices began to sing spells!"

With the release of the order, the dwarf artillery turned to the fire, and the elf rituals at the rear raised the staff in their hands and began the release of the gain spell.

The huge difference in military development is doomed to the fact that there is basically no suspense in this battle.

For the war-fighting unit, Luo has obviously no interest in catching it. Even if it is taken back, it can only be lost in the zoo. Besides, what kind of use can it be used?

Speaking of it, he has no zoo in Wanwan civilization...

In this way, in the face of the battle elephants that rushed up, the dwarf artillery is naturally a painless killer.

For a time, the sorrow of the war elephant almost resounded through the entire battlefield.

At the same time, as the distance is getting closer, the infantry units lined up in a fan-shaped battlefield are firing, and the intensive gunshot sounds, the sound of a piece of fire and the curtain of the overwhelming cover are enough for each. The adrenaline of military fans is mad.

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} But for the enemy standing on the opposite side, this is a nightmare.

The mourning of the enemy with fear and despair is constantly echoing on this battlefield. When the infantry troops are put on the enhanced BUFF by the elf rituals, when they enter the stage of the bayonet, the defenders of the big eater are all Already collapsed almost.

The cannon directly opened the city gate, accompanied by the army of the Wanjie civilization, a battle without any suspense, which ended in a short time.

On the side of the big eater, a guy suspected of being a defender of the city was pressed into the eyes of John Saar by the big flower, and from the beginning, Barbara’s name has been kept.

John Saar, who was too annoyed with the goods, raised his hand directly and gave the other party a free gun. Anyway, the mouthful of the bird language, he did not even understand a word.

After entering the city, John Saar is telling the soldiers to confirm the resources in the city, but also to let the elves Druids search for the location of the oasis.

Like this desert city, water is scarce and must be built around an oasis.

In other words, there is definitely an oasis around, and as long as the location can be found, the resources are estimated to be indispensable.

As for the internal resources of this border city, after searching, there is basically no good thing, water and food resources. For the city people in this city, it is estimated to be quite rare, but in John. Saar’s eyes are like that, but it’s not too much. If you march in the desert, who would mind if you have more water?

During this period, the Elf Druids also officially locked in the position of an oasis city pool.

In this way, all the resources that can be brought are brought, and time is tight. After a night of rest, John Saar left the city directly with his majesty army.

Yes, it was left directly. He didn’t even have a soldier.

The city is worthless to him, or to Luo, and it doesn't matter how it happened. John Sal, who locked the target, went straight to the oasis city!

The hot yellow sand covers the upper, and the fireball hanging above the sky continually exudes amazing heat and burns humans on the ground.

It must be said that the water resources plundered from the previous city pool are still useful, which allows the soldiers of the 10,000-world civilization to replenish water more unscrupulously, thus maintaining a relative in the harsh desert terrain. Efficient emergency march.

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} At the same time, it is worth mentioning that, and like to take the territory to the extreme, occupy more land area, but also lead to the distance between cities The long ordinary civilization is different.

As mentioned earlier, in order to get valuable water resources in time, the cities in the desert area must be built around an oasis of sufficient scale.

In other words, the distance between them is definitely not too far, because once pulled too far, the supply of water resources tends to become unstable.

This kind of environment is an advantage but it is also a disadvantage.

When encountering an enemy like the Wanjie civilization, which completely overpowers them in military power, it takes only seven days to easily invade at least two cities! .

And John Saar did exactly that.

On the fifth day of the invasion, on the fifth day of the invasion, John Sals did not rush to attack. It is necessary to take a rest for one night.

After one night, on the afternoon of the sixth day of the siege war, the attacking horn blew, and the force responsible for the oasis city pool was not as good as that of the border city, so there was basically no suspense in this battle.

After the city was broken, a pass was confirmed, and John Sal, who had successfully discovered the oil well, was greatly relieved. The achievements of this wave of bidding finally made him succeed.

By the time Abdul received the frontline battle report and learned that his two border towns had fallen and the defensive forces were almost completely destroyed, it was already late.

What is even more terrible is that, a few days before he learned of this ‘human tragedy,’ he also received a system prompt for his fiasco in the invasion.

Due to the huge difference in time flow rates between the two sides, in Abdul's opinion, he had just sent Adi Lai before, and turned around, the people did not come back, and died!

With his sixty war elephants and the siege army all-mother's death outside!

The update was sent, and at the same time, I would like to thank the book friends for the ‘ leisurely small l farmer’, ‘Huashan’’s reward and the book friends’ ‘fu~’, ‘mad’ and ‘divine’