The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1155: Have you seen this circle?

The troops stationed in the Western Region are also investigating the terrain while clearing the orcs and training new recruits.

There is nothing good to tell the truth on this whole savanna, and the more you go west, the more absurd...

Grabbing a sand on the ground, Guo Zhen pinched in his hand, very dry, able to feel the obvious graininess.

The hand was loose, and an unpleasant hot wind blew through it, directly blowing the sand and stone from Guo Zhen’s hand.

He originally came to clear the waves of the werewolves before they came here.

However, after the end of the Qing dynasty mission, Guo Zhen took a look at the map and found that the area was further westward, but it has not been explored yet...

With a kind of mentality of 'coming here, and simply exploring the terrain', he took the soldiers under his arm and stayed in this area for a few more days.

The foxes who sent out to carry out the investigation task quickly returned. After listening to the report, Guo Zhen browed directly, and then a report was quickly sent to the city of Der Spiegel...

Looking at the latest report sent by Xijing, there are obviously several folds between Luo Mei's eyebrows.

"I didn't expect that the edge of the West was connected to a desert..."

In a short period of time, Luo Ji has no interest in expanding the territory into the desert. Unless there is no choice, or if the city is built in the desert, the price/performance ratio is too low.

The fast man of life took a map of the 10,000-world civilization, and now he has almost figured out the terrain on the four sides of the southeast and northwest.

To the east is the grassland, the swamp rainforest and the sea to the south, the desert to the west, and the frozen soil to the north.

Holding a pen, Luo Ji marked these confirmed terrains one by one, and then waved a circle directly, and circled the whole richest Central Plains area.

Then, while pondering, I asked Lu Yang on the side...

“Lv Yang, the latest progress report of the railway project has been sent up, and at what stage?”

“Responding to the latest progress, coupled with the report from the engineering department, the railway marked as an important route within the Wanxiang civilization can be completed within three years.”

As a project that Luo Ji has been paying close attention to, Lu Yang, who is an assistant, naturally follows up all the time, always paying attention to the progress of the project. Now Luo asked, and Lu Yang is also answering questions.

Naturally, this railway project has a priority. Even if it is a modern society, it is not a train in every city. Of course, Luo Ji is not naive enough to think that this thing can be done in one breath.

At present, the important route with high priority is almost 20%. After the 20% route is completed, Luo Ji will directly transfer 90% of the workers in the project. The rest of the railway is slowly built.

"Wei Chen Sun Liang, see your majesty!"

The new minister of the Ministry of Construction and Engineering came very quickly. Speaking of it, Sun Liang was already the third minister of the Ministry of Construction and Engineering. The first two were retired.

However, the ability is unquestionable. The construction projects in these years are basically the responsibility of Sun Liang.

In order not to disturb Lu Yang and Ye Hua, who are dealing with government affairs in the hall of the government, Luo Ji directly took Sun Liang to the side of the temple.

Then, I saw him put the map on the table, and then said to Sun Liang...

"Do you see this circle?"

"See it."

"The area inside this circle, I call it the Central Plains, is the most prosperous area of ​​my 10,000-city civilization."

Listening to the instructions of their emperor, Sun Liang nodded and looked at it very seriously, until Luo Ji said that sentence...

"I want to build a circle of walls and surround the entire Central Plains."


"But to be precise, it is not a city wall. It should be called the Great Wall."

During the speech, Luo Ji directly took the prepared maps on the table.

Then I looked up and saw that at this moment, Sun Liang had a smile on his face, and a pair of dark eyes with a few distractions, and the whole person stood there motionless.

"What is wrong with this?"

Luo Ji couldn't help but raise his hand and shook in front of Sun Liang, but the other party did not respond at all.

Wang Kai, standing on one side, whispered after controlling the twitching of his facial muscles...

"Your Majesty, Minister Sun seems to be losing consciousness."


In a mammoth, a few minutes later, Sun Liang, who finally recovered consciousness, asked after a look back...

"Are you serious?"

“I don’t look like a joke?”

Luo Ji looks innocent.

"Take a whole Central Plains, use, use what..."

"Great Wall."


After Sun Liang responded, the tone was arbitrarily elevated by at least three decibels.

"Where a whole Central Plains is surrounded by the Great Wall?!"

When I said this, Sun Liang’s entire voice had already brought about a clear collapse.

The Luo series is still the face of the face.



Nothing to say, Sun Liang silently caught his liver, no, the liver is so painful. At this moment, his mind suddenly emerged when the minister was handed over to the minister before he retired.

At that time, the old minister patted him on the shoulder, with a touch of meaningful smile, only said two words.

"Come on."

At that time, Sun Liang didn't think much about it. Only when the old minister was encouraging himself, now looking back and cooperating with the old minister's meaningful smile, he suddenly understood that the original ‘refueling’ means this? !

Where is this fueling? It is terrible!

Will the Great Wall of the whole Central Plains be surrounded? That length is definitely more than a million miles, he is not even willing to think about it!

"Hey, your Majesty, Wei Chen asked, why, why build this Great Wall?"

Not to mention Sun Liang, even in the eyes of others, this practice is incomprehensible.

The appearance of the cannon has already greatly reduced the value of the city wall. At this time, it took such a terrible project to create a circle of low-value walls. What is the point?

In this regard, Luo Ji is slightly distressed, and the Great Wall as a super-large gold-level five-star artificial wonder, naturally has its powerful effect.

The first effect is that the army as a defensive party has a 50% increase in overall combat power. The default morale is +5.

The second effect is within the range of effects, and the efficiency of recruiting in one's own civilization is increased by 50%!

In addition, the Great Wall has one of the most important characteristics, that is, how big is your circle and how big the effect range is.

In other words, Luo Ji will be in the Central Plains, and the entire Central Plains will be within the range of the Great Wall!

Just for the effect of hanging the sky, Luo Ji also made this Great Wall.

Even he thought about it. He took the Central Plains circle once and then waited until the territory continued to expand. Whenever he had the chance, he would circle all the continents and be invincible!

However, he could not explain this to Sun Liang.

In the end, Luo Ji can only take a shot of Sun Liang’s shoulder, and then express his heartfelt expression...

"Sun Liang, this thing, I naturally have my consideration."

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(End of this chapter)