The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1169: Unexpected 3 piece set

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This wave of support is undoubtedly very tempting for Luo.

The gap in time and flow rate allowed him to have a relatively lenient time to slowly tangled.

In this way, I saw that Luo Ji, while at this time, was licking his chin and opened his own system mailbox.

Undoubtedly, what is the reward is also a matter of concern.

Wang Shuhan said that the reward is good. Under this premise, it should be the difference.

Luo Ji opened the letter of assistance and glanced at it. It was three silver-grade props, plus reimbursement of military expenses...

To be honest, just like this, the reward is simply low to some point, and no one is willing to support it.

But the point is what the three silver-level props are.

I saw that these three silver-level props are the design drawings of the 'Silver-class ‘modern port’ design, the 'Silver-class ‘sea war specialization’ skill book’ and the ‘Silver-class Samsung’s artificial wonder ‘the sea’s big lighthouse’’

It is suspected that the Navy has developed three sets of props, and the Luo series has been stunned.

I don’t have to think about it at all. This should be the one that the silver segment of the silver band deliberately picked up. Otherwise, how can there be such a clever thing in this world?

At the same time, the value of these three silver-level props is quite large for the Luo series that is preparing to toss the navy.

But his heart is also a bit strange, the props that are finally picked up, the big silver scorpion, how come out as a reward?

Not to mention the design of the Samsung Man-made Wonderful Sea Lighthouse. The design drawings of the modern port and the skill book of the naval warfare are placed in the auction house and are definitely hot.

Is it the other party to get a better gold level props?

However, Luo Zhi knows that he is only half guessing...

On the low hills of sunset and sunset, Song Hui, with his own armor, took a rest in a relatively hidden mountain, and wondered when his support would come in.

There is also a bit of embarrassment in the heart, after all, in the silver class, his salary is slightly more subtle.

The three props were indeed taken up by him for a long time, but like a song, 'I’ve been wandering, I’ve never seen the ocean’, these three items are already in his system warehouse. It has been in the for a long time, but he has not found the sea! In other words, there is no place to use, which is very embarrassing.

This time, he was also a suffocating one. He had already won the game. As a result, when he reached the 21st day, the opposing reinforcements came in. The strength of the troops was improved, and the position was reversed.

If he could escape like this, he would have planted it. If he couldn’t make a big deal, even if he was tossed, but he couldn’t escape, the opposing players’ troops and the support troops came in, and they stopped chasing him. Put it, so that he can only escape into this low mountain, playing with the other side 'hide and hide.'

At the same time, the hiding place of the Dwarf Mountain is limited. The other side carries out a carpet-style search. It is a matter of time and time. At that time, the loss of the force is estimated to be further expanded. How can this be done? Definitely not doing it!

In this way, the reinforcements came in to support themselves and became a must.

And this reward problem, gold-level props? A bit reluctant, and the silver-level props, it seems a bit shabby, and the league players who are the same as the silver-level segment, it is estimated that they can't look up.

With this tangled mood, he finally put his attention on the 'Naval Series' at the bottom of his own pressure box...

Complementary sets of props are undoubtedly able to enhance the value, and the Navy is also a very demanding force for many players in the silver segment, which is considered to be a hot commodity.

Even so, he did not all come out, at least the silver-class battleship design, he kept himself.

In his opinion, the Navy, the skill book does not, can always think of other ways, the port design map does not, he can also make do with the creation, the most important thing is the battleship, this can not make do!

In addition, the design of the big lighthouse at sea, he did not want to come out, but considering the lack of this design, the reason why the gold content is a little too low, he eventually bite his teeth and returned blood.

I have to say that his blood is out of the right. If there is only one naval warfare skill book and the modern port design map, this matter will not be able to nod. The spectacle, the design of the big lighthouse at sea does play a key role.

Between the thoughts and the flight, Luo Zhi, who made up his mind, directly sent Wang Shuhan an expression of ‘OK’.

However, he is not busy with support, and the difference in time and flow rate gives him plenty of time to prepare.

According to the current situation of his Wannian civilization, this wave, he himself is determined to be unable to open, so he can only send his generals.

William, he hasn't come back yet, he can't send it.

John Saar’s words are not appropriate. He used to be a player in the GOD League. In case the silver section of the big man recognized the person, it felt like a trouble.

Although such a pass is ruled out, although Gao Wen is not suitable, he seems to have no other choice...


"What is your command?"

Ike, who listened to his name, quickly took a step forward.

"In recent days, Goblin Wang Gaowen is staying at the Goblin Technology Company in Dongcheng District. You are going to call him."


After taking the order, Ike stepped on a pair of military boots and quickly left.

Gao Wen, who was summoned by Luo Ji, quickly rushed to the palace. At this moment, he was completely a business person’s posture. He stepped on a pair of polished shoes, wearing a suit, and recently The new product has made a lot of money, and he has earned a lot of pottery. This goblin king is also very moist.

The two met, and after a simple trip, Luo Ji was not vague, and he directly told him the whole thing.

After listening to Gao Wen ~ ~ look a little dignified.

Although the military power of their Wanxiang civilization is currently at the initial level of the silver rank, it is not a small risk to support the battle of the silver rank.

However, Gao Wen is a smart person with a sense of proportion. In today's situation, Luo Ji can't walk away. Zhang William is not there. John Saar is inconvenient and can only be taken by him.

"Reassure, this support battle basically only needs to repel the offensive of the defending city, and then safely retreat, and basically does not need to attack the city."

Yes, according to the description of the situation in the letter of assistance, the main purpose of this wave of support is not to attack the city, so it is not appropriate to say that Gao Wen.

"I am giving you seven thousand kobold infantry, three thousand werewolves, five elf Druids with eagle spirits, five hundred support units, one hundred elf sacrifices, and one hundred individual infantry as a escort. Responsible for your safety, no problem?"

This wave of military expenses is reimbursed anyway, so Luo Ji is equipped with troops, and he does not consider money at all.

This configuration is put out, and in the case of the same equipment, it can almost hit the 30,000-strong force, which can be said to be stable.

With such a squad, it is certainly impossible for Luo to just support a big man.

I saw his neat hand on the shoulders of Gao Wen, and then said with a look that only the players can understand...

"Looking for opportunities to see if you can bring a city or fortress to the opposite side, you know."

(PS: Please support the creation of the Chinese language network, QQ reading, QQ book city and the starting point of the Chinese network!)

The update was sent, and at the same time, I would like to thank the book Friend 'Zi Ou ah', ‘Drunken Dreams often’, ‘136*2427’, ‘Whatever you want, Wo’s Day,’, ‘Li Wei’’s monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)